Mitsuki Ikuta works for the Houchiku Corporation, making movies. To all who know her, she is perceived as being a very infantile woman, still wearing childish fashions. A fan of the detective movie genre, she suddenly finds herself chosen to be the main producer of a new film—but it's a "hero movie" (a genre generally considered childish). Determined to succeed, regardless, she takes on the job. (Source: ANN)
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Smash Hit definitely isn't one of the better animes I've seen. If you enjoy endless panty shots and a background plot to go with them, then this show is for you. However, if you're looking for the next great comedy to send you rolling off your chair with laughter or for an epic drama that keeps you on the edge, it'd be best for you to look elsewhere. The storyline, although it had a good idea behind it, didn't come across as intriguing. Things just seemed to trod along at a slow pace. Even when something did happen, Ikuta would simply beg her way out ofthe problem. The story had potential, but it wasn't implemented in an interesting, or even important way. It often seemed as if the print on the underwear each female character was wearing was more important than the production. There were parts where they tried to focus on following the dream, and doing their very best, but even then they had a skirt just waiting to be up-turned afterwards either by a stray breeze, bending over, or the neighbor kid. The artwork was decent/average. It wasn't beautiful, but it wasn't bad. A lot of the characters were a bit generic-looking, though, with nothing really memorable about them. The sound was okay. The music was bland, and sometimes seemed out of place. One or two sound effects didn't quite match up with the animation, but they were close enough that it didn't disrupt the show. Most of the characters lacked any real depth. Of course, Smash Hit is also a pretty short-running anime, so that's not too surprising. They did have quite a bit of character development behind the main character, Ikuta, though (even if all of it revolved around one thing). Personally, I didn't gain very much from watching this, and Smash Hit was pretty boring to me. Even though it's labeled as a comedy, there weren't that many jokes or humorous scenes, other than the ones involving ladies' underwear (which were repeated in every episode, usually more than once -- even running gags need to be spaced farther apart to retain the funny). While watching it, I often felt like the makers of this anime hadn't put their full efforts in to making it worth watching for anyone other than the ecchi crowd. (Seriously, this show had more ecchi shots than Otoboku.) If you like looking up girls' skirts, go ahead and watch this, but Smash Hit is certainly not a smash hit. Should you still be interested in watching it for reasons other than ecchi, then I guess you should go for it, since the series isn't long enough to make you feel like you've wasted any of your life if you don't enjoy it. Thanks for taking the time to read my first review. ^^~ (That is, assuming that you did indeed read it now that you're near the end.) ...Please don't send me too many hateful comments for a bad review. ._.; Thanks again, and happy... um... anime watching~! XD
SHIROBAKO: SMALLER, SHORTER & CUT to 10 minutes anime version. Cosprayers was a shitshow...but the inner workings and the production side of things IS more interesting than the show itself. Hit wo Nerae! is actually the last of the "Cosprayers" anime with Love Love? being the second and while that one looked at the casting, screenwriting and directing side of the shitshow of Cosprayers, then Hit wo Nerae! looks at the production side of things with Mitsuki Ikita voiced by Mamiko Noto (who was LA's favourite character from Love Love?), so it was in LA's favour that the anime was gonna be good right? Well much like LoveLove? and Cosprayers itself, Hit wo Nerae! also fell into ALMOST the same problems as those two did but did it in a more focused effort. What's the problems Hit wo Nerae! fell into that the predecessors and successors did? Ohhh how about the same fanservicey camera up ass shots CONSISTENTLY even the point it's lampshaded onto the cameramen and the most annoying fanservice running gag of Ikita's younger brother trying to flip her skirt any chance he gets and he ALWAYS succeeds. Hit wo Nerae!'s character cast are all pretty bog standard cliche characters with like no personality, the ONLY exception being Ikita as she's both the narrative focus and has some semblance of development. So yeah typical m.o.e traits shown even in Hit wo Nerae!. Hit wo Nerae! main strength is on Ikita as Ikita is the unexpected producer of a sentai-like version of Cosprayers with all the problems that comes in with what kind of a shitshow Cosprayers was. Hell it makes sense if Hit wo Nerae! is anything to go by with the confusing plot, plot twists, tangential story changes all being likely referenced through Ikita trying to manage all the diverging plot points all while Kurume her boss is looming over her and belittling her, cameramen's *ahem* angles, her supervisor's weird requests and the biggest thing to actually impact Ikita, that of her favourite actor coming in and crashing her ideals of her dream making her change the plot to be great in everyone's eyes, only pushing everyone's ideas away in the process...yeah all that combined you can see how Cosprayers itself translated was an utter shitshow. As Ikita wanted to produce a detective film first before being forced into Cosprayers as she was a fan of a detective show in her youth but to show her worth as a newbie producer she reluctantly agrees to produce Cosprayers. But with her placed in this position she's belittled and not taken seriously by her co-workers because of her stature. Nonetheless Ikita was and IS the only character within the Cosprayers anime franchise to have some actually positive character development unlike Ooizumi from Love Love? who went in the exact opposite direction. Hit wo Nerae!'s production value is pretty much the same as Cosprayers and Love Love?, expected since m.o.e are the producers of this anime as well. But with Imagin and Studio Live helming the animation, well yeah, same typical character designs from Love Love? and Cosprayers is back as well as the pointless fanservice and yes...much like Cosprayers and Love Love?, it's uncensored but not even the titillating fanservice, with the disjointedly weird character designs, the fanservice just looks off. Though LA will say that Hit wo Nerae! seemed to dial down on the fanservice in comparison to Love Love? but that isn't saying much. Hit wo Nerae! is definitely the best of the three Cosprayers anime, with a really sympathetic character of Ikita and all the woes and constant troubles she had in being the producer of the sentai vers. of Cosprayers, toned down but still there fanservice, character development from Ikita herself and the only other draw to Hit wo Nerae! being the inside look into the troubled and outright shitshow of Cosprayers and LA can't really say it was exaggerated as what with everything Ikita went through, it just makes sense and a way for the real life Imagin and Studio Live through Ikita to actually take jabs and "airing grievances" at m.o.e. And if that's the case, did m.o.e just not notice this, THEY PRODUCED freakin' meta is this? Were m.o.e that desperate to release anime that they released an anime showing how bad their own company is?
It's not terrible. But, it's not good, either. It's "Meh.". That pretty much sums up Hit Wo Nerae. An anime that is clearly dated at this point, with its copious amounts of needless panty shots and juvenile attempts at humor. This is the kind of anime that came out when it was still funny to flip up girls skirts and smack them on their butt. I'm no puritan feminist, but even I see how old and played out that kind of fanservice humor is and this old anime plants its flag right in the center of that kind of comedy. But, Hit Wo Nerae, I don't thinkis really trying to be a comedy. I think it's more a slice of life anime, trying to give a shallow glimpse of the inner workings of making a TV show. I think this is more industry guys making a show for industry guys to enjoy, than for fans. And I guess that makes sense, since this is apparently an attachment to an actual anime called Cosplayers, which I have never seen or heard of before, which is showing how that show got made through an anime. There really wasn't much about this anime that stood out. It's really just about a simple and naive woman who dreams about making a detective film, having to come to grips with the reality that life doesn't allow you to achieve your dreams easily. And that satisfaction can come from the detours in life if you learn the lessons they teach and learn to embrace those around you. It's really trying to be a coming-of-age anime as well, with way too much talk about growing up and being an adult by realizing these things. Which was kind of odd, because the MC is 25 years old. She's not a teenager. Again, this anime isn't much. You won't fall out your chair laughing, you won't cry or find any kind of deep emotional connection with any of the characters. It's just something you watch to watch. Something you don't even really know why you watched other than you just did because it was short. It's meh.