Ever met the perfect girl? Did she have the perfect boyfriend? Feel like you can't compete? Why not build your own? When an amateur mad scientist attempts to build a robotic duplicate of this dream girl, Marie is the result. Of course, there are the usual unexpected complications. He built her so well that Marie has a mind of her own and a whole host of questions to go with it. The same questions that each of us ask of life. Where did I come from? Why am I here? Why do I look just like that girl over there?! Well, perhaps we don’t all have to worry about that, but Marie does!
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My Dear Marie is a fairly old anime series with little in the way of story or artistic value. It's very average. BUT the english dub is pretty frickin funny. If you like old anime and you're in for some laughs, check this out.
(I originally wrote this as a youtube comment so I hope it's cool if I plagiarize myself) I really liked this show. It's about this guy named Hiroshi who really likes this chick Marie but he doesn't have the confidence to ask her out (we've all been there). However, instead of wallowing in self pity like a normal guy, he decides to take matters into his own hands, and sets up a camera to take sneaky pics of Marie while she's playing tennis one day. He uses the image data to make a robot version of Marie, which he rather stupidly names Marie (thus making therest of this review pretty damn confusing). They look identical except she has pink hair while non robot Marie has purple hair. Hiroshi's cover is that robot Marie is his sister. The first episode introduces the plot (all the shit I just wrote) but is mainly about robot Marie discovering her new powers. She challenges real Marie to a game of tennis (if she wins, real Marie has to go on a date with Hiroshi, while if real Marie wins, fake Marie has to go on a date with this pervy dude). Robot Marie wins the game easily, and they have a nice (although kinda awkward) date. Robot Marie is kind of overprotective and keeps trying to follow them, but she keeps seeing people who are in danger and rescuing them (she's an android so she apparently has super strength). The date ends without Robot Marie's situation, and Hiroshi kind of comes to her rescue since she's all burnt up and stuff from her "superhero" escapades. The second episode is about this chick Hibiki (who holds the record for most tsundere character I've seen so far in an anime). At first, we're introduced to a flashback of her approaching Hiroshi in the street pretending to be a hooker. However, she beats him up and steals his wallet once they get to a hotel room. After she sees him when Marie beats her up for being in the mob and beating the shit out of some gangster, she falls in love with Hiroshi and decides to return the wallet to him. She almost does it but beats the shit out of him instead (again, pretty damn tsundere), but I think she left the wallet on the ground by accident or something, idk. During this, she sees Marie getting charged with tons of cables and shit sticking out of her (I think you can tell which one I'm talking about here) so she threatens to reveal Marie's secret unless Hiroshi goes on a date with her. The date goes pretty poorly and ends with Hibiki trying to have sex with the obviously terrified Hiroshi but then Marie comes in and rescues him. There's a couple other fights and stuff before Hiroshi reveals to Hibiki that he remembers her from his childhood. She gets all pissed at him since she thinks he hit her in the face for no reason when she was a kid and runs away, but it turns out he was protecting her from a dog/wolf. The whole "Hibiki being less of a bitch to Hiroshi because he saved her from a wild animal" thing doesn't really get explored though. The final episode is about robot Marie getting jealous of real Marie's dream stories, so she gets Hiroshi to write her a software update so she can dream. The rest of the episode is kind of crazy (as you'd expect because it's a ton of dreams that aren't for exposition or something like in most other media) so it feels like actual dreams. They get a bit crazy near the end with all this "dream within a dream within a dream" stuff so it must have been a pain to write. All the dreams are about robot Marie's internalized issues with pretty much being a clone of real Marie and how Hiroshi probably likes real Marie more than robot Marie. The episode ends with Marie thinking that she likes reality more than dreaming. In conclusion, it's a good use of 90 minutes but it's annoying that none of the story arcs got explored further. It's a shame that the manga this OVA was based on never got released here (or translated at all to the best of my knowledge) but at least what we got was pretty good.