Japan's latest competitive sport, keijo, is dictated by a simple set of rules: female-only participants must stand on circular platforms floating in a pool—referred to as "lands"—with the goal being to knocking off opponents using only their breasts and butts. Despite this outlandish premise, the sport attracts millions of viewers across the country and boasts a lavish prize pool. Many aspiring athletes take up the challenge in hopes of becoming the next national champion. After graduating from high school, the lively 17-year-old Nozomi Kaminashi enters the world of keijo, hoping to bring home a fortune to her poor family. As a gifted gymnast, Nozomi quickly proves herself a tough competitor after stealing the spotlight in her debut tournament. Meeting new friends and rivals as she climbs the ranks, Nozomi discovers that the path to stardom as a keijo player is filled with intense competition that will challenge not only her body, but also her soul. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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If you ever have worshipped an ass You would know it's a feminine mass But did you ever know That it's not just for show There is more to it than just its class See, the butt can be used as a tool As a weapon to wield in a school Where they learn the skill tree Known as asstronomyAnd are taught how to use it to duel But let us not forget 'bout the breasts You know, those lovely mounds on girls' chests As I'm sure you can tell They can use those as well To surpass all different kinds of tests So these ultimate weapons of war They will clash like never seen before And the last girl to stand Remaining on the Land Will make the audience beg for more Yes indeed, Keijo is truly an asstounding anime in its own right. Japan just never ceases to amaze me. The concept of having an anime about a highly oversexualized fictional wrestling sport for girls where they can only use their breasts and ass to push each other out of the ring may have sounded somewhat distasteful on paper. But Keijo actually pulls it off a lot better than I initially expected, and turned out to be a surprisingly good ecchi/comedy/sports anime as a whole, albeit a rather a ridiculous one. However, its so-called ridiculousness is also exactly what makes it successful. Keijo is a prime example of an anime which does not take itself seriously *at all*. You will legitimately have a hard time finding many anime that are less serious than this. It is fully self-aware that its concept is incredibly stupid, but it just decides to roll with it as far as it can and tries to make everything as exaggerated as humanly possible, and the sheer absurdity of it all is what makes it entertaining to watch. The special fighting moves these girls quite literally pull out of their asses do not only have the silliest names imaginable, but they are generally not-so-subtle parodies of other series such as One Piece, Shingeki no Kyojin, Fate/Stay Night and more, and what they actually do is just as wacky. Supersonic hip swings, machine-gun-like butt missiles, titty hypnosis, nipple judo tosses, and many other shounen-like abilities, all neatly remade into something originating from a pair of breasts or an ass. It makes no sense at all and is silly in every meaning of the word, but that is also why it is funny. Not like rolling-on-the-floor Prison School-tier of funny, but more something that will make you constantly smile and giggle at the sheer wtf factor that the show brings. Now that said, I still have to mention that it does not *always* come across as funny. The silly nature of the show skirts a fine line between being humorous and just being weird or awkward, and sometimes I found myself facepalming rather than laughing. Statistically speaking though, I would still say that it manages to stay funny most of the time, so it is not a huge problem. However, I also realize that it is going to be very individual regarding which scenes you will find amusing and which ones you will only find cringey depending on your sense of humour, so it is worth taking into account at least, as it could be a pretty big make-or-break factor depending on who you ask. Comedy asides though, what else does Keijo have? Well for one, there is obviously the ecchi aspect of it. Now this is very closely tied to the comedy however so it is more or less the same thing, but basically the sexual elements of this show are not designed to be hot or romantic or anything along those lines, they are simply there to be as over-the-top and exaggerated as possible, which is what generates the comedy of the anime. In that sense, because of its absurd general feel I would honestly put Keijo closer to the likes of Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, Grand Blue, Kore wa Zombie Desu ka, Seitokai no Ichizon, Sakamoto desu ga or even Gintama rather than notorious lewd series like To LOVE-Ru or Kiss x Sis. I have even seen some people refer to it as a female version of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Finally, there is also the sports side of Keijo. I should probably mention that I am not really a fan of sports anime in general as I find them to usually be rather predictable, and also the fact that the outcome of all the matches are scripted tends to kill most of the excitement for me. In order for me to enjoy a sports anime, it needs to do something a bit out of the ordinary. And well, Keijo sure as hell is about as out of the ordinary as it gets, so at least that part was not really a problem for me this time. I will say though that if it was not for the fact that the sport in question was so utterly ridiculous as a whole, then honestly Keijo would be a pretty typical sports anime. It still has the same general plot points like the optimistic and hardworking protagonist with a dream to be the best of the best within a particular sport, the close bonds that she forges with other hopefuls of similar interests, the constant training to improve themselves and the hurdles they have to overcome along the way, the new abilities they learn over time, the "rival" characters they have to compete with and one day surpass, the teams from other schools that they play against... etcetera, all of it can be found in Keijo as well. However, you do not tend to think of it as much because the silly and comedic elements of the show steal the spotlight far too much. As for whether that should be considered a good thing or a bad thing depends on personal preference, but at least for me personally I vastly prefer Keijo's absurd approach over the one of your average sports anime, no contest on that front. So, what can we make of all this in the end? Well, Keijo is an anime which on paper could and arguably perhaps should have been a complete trainwreck... but it is not. It is actually a quite decent comedy anime with plenty of creativity in it to boot. Admittedly it can get a bit repetitive over time since hysterical ass attacks can only remain funny for so long, but I think you should at least be able to make it to the end of the show whilst still having an awkward grin remaining on your face, and although the animation quality does have a bit of a hard time keeping up with the fast-paced nature of the action at times, it still does not feel like a huge problem. After all, those scenes are all about being as ridiculous and exaggerated as possible rather than ever trying to be anything photorealistic. And if nothing else, Keijo's mere existence was a massive middle finger to a large portion of the SJWs all over the internet, so at the very least it definitely deserves some bonus points for that.
There are some people who thinks anime can be good in only one way. If it's deep and thought provoking, whatever that means to them. These people tend to underrate everything light hearted and despise fan-service shows. Well this is hell for these snobs and elitists. Because what Keijo!!!!!!!! actually is? It is a fan-service show, but that's just a cover. It's a satire of the shounen sports genre. Those sport series, where the games are dominated by some legendary players with super powers. For that, we get an insanely stupid sport, a butt and breast wrestling. And this was the first catch. A fan-service heavyshow can easily go awkward from where the comedy doesn't work. There are a lot of shows like that. Keijo is not one of them, it manages to be consistently hilarious. The fan-service is incorporated into the plot so well that it's always feels natural. As for the story goes, it's basically a regular underdog tale. A bunch of freshmen starts attending this butt wrestling school, because everything has a dedicated high school in Japan. Our heroines start to sharpening their skills through a lot of mock matches and ridiculous training sessions, while every one of them discovers a special move. As for characters, we get the heroes of these kinds of stories, but even further exaggerated, with the same goal, they want to be professionals. And in context of the series, they are working splendidly. For the production quality, I have no complaints. There are some moments where they didn't get the CG right and the characters go off model, but over all, as far as design and technical quality goes, it's definitely strong in this season, and considering how flashy the matches are, it's amazing how they kept up the quality without inserting too much cheap budget saving scenes, like another sports series of this season did. In conclusion, this anime is not for everyone. This show is dumb, but it meant to be dumb, it wants to be dumb and it's proud of it. The ones who will appreciate it the most are the ones who're somewhat deep into the medium and seen some series this makes fun of and seen the biggest hits of the past few years, because Keijo is really heavy in references. It's an easy on the mind show with high entertainment value. I recommend it to everyone who has an open mind.
"I like big butts and I cannot lie. My other brothers can't deny." -Sir Mix-a-Lot, 1992 SJW's beware! The booty has called! Alright men (and ladies, if you're into that sort of thing), let's jump in to this pool of ass-ridden glory! *...I need a thesaurus* Well, the season is coming to an end soon, and so is this crazy ass year. We had our first orange president, the internet collectively got more PC than ever before, and best of all, we got Rogue One, the best movie of the year. So, what better way to end it than with the Jojo's Bizzzare Adventure of sports anime...butwith loads of crazy ass fan service. I may have a little but of bias towards this show. I AM just a filthy male! So, did this booty-licious romp pay off? Well, let's find out, shall we? STORY: 5/10 Basically, this is an underdog sports story about 4 girls training to be accepted as elites and eventually, being true pride to their school: a school that teaches KEIJO!!!!!!!! You need a lot to truly make this kind of story stand out, and unfortunately, this is Keijo's (not very) fatal flaw. Despite all of the amounts of tits and ass in full, glorious display here, the story beats present don't necessarily come off as new, and since some things (like ass pull power-ups, how after almost a year in which part of the training regimen is sit-ups, very few of them have ass, the way our final opponent changes hair due to personality change despite that that's now how that works, how in the finale, Nozomi spams a dangerous attack multiple times but feels no pain, how they often forget that they can use their boobs to attack since the only two things you're allowed to use are the tits and dah bootay, etc) make no sense, even for the show's logic, I gotta put aside my manly urges and knock this story down a peg. That being said, some of the things that happen here are...unique. No only does this show have some puny ass arcs, but the powers can definitely be creative. I mean, Gate of Bootylan? Butt-tack on Titan ? This show makes more bouts of bad puns than Yang from RWBY, and that is saying a lot. Also, sometimes, just to mix things up, they make one of our protagonists lose in a way that feels downright unfair (Aoba in episode 10). Plus, the major tone-shift in the first half of episode 12 can give such a whiplash, that if it was directed at my ass, that booty would be red as hell. I also wish that there would've been some buildup to the Ease and West War tournament that takes up the last 1/3 of the series. However, let it not be said that I like the sheer escalation of events. With each arc, the protagonists make it by the skin of their teeth, but each arc's obstacles are much more kickass and brutal than that of the previous one. Plus, as the series goes on, the absurdity of these crazy ass moves increases exponentially, and to glorious results in each of the battles in the last 4 episodes. It's ridiculous. It's absurd. It's...not enough to save the story all things considered, despite how tragic some of the characters' pasts (like Maya) can be, and how nice the ending is. Now, off with that boring ass thing we call: reasonable criticism. This is KEIJO!!!!!!!! CHARACTERS: 8/10 Nozomi is a hot-blooded protagonist that ends up having to work her butt off just to keep up with each new groundbreaking opponent, ad she is a total romp! I especially love the fact that instead of the classic protagonist motivations (I wanna be stronger, I wanna be the best), she just wants to be rich. Sayaka is a rival of hers who wants approval of her father while keeping up with her peers, no matter how much stress and offense she takes in the process. Aoba starts off really shy, but though her effed up powers and acceptance by her peers, she becomes much more confident. Plus, the lucky sod gets all the ass! Non is your cutely and clumsy big tittied gal, but instead of just hurting herself with her clumsiness, she puts everyone through hell, both through near-death accidents, or knocking coffee on a white bed. Then, she has the nerve to make all sorts of excuses justifications in an attempt at bravado. My favorite thing about these girls is the fact that they actually have dialects! How many times have you seen an anime that does that with its MCs. It does this with Maya as well, but we'll get to that lovely lady in a bit. Mio is probably my favorite character. She is a total lech (have you SEEN how she gets around cute girls?!), more so than most men of this archethype, but she is also one of the ultimate badasses this this show. She is the crux of some pf the funniest moments of the show (like her few second of punishment in episode 5). Not to mention, that she is the most beautiful, and fight me IRL if you disagree! I would definitely want a piece of her ass in bed! Well, not really, but she is my favorite here. Then we have a few quirky characters like Kawai (sinister in battle, but a total romantic dork), Kotone (lover of gay hentai), Saya (swordsman-like beauty who shows up in episode 11 for a badass moment of awesome) Usagi (fangirl of Mio, and possibly lesbo for her), Yuko ( who, along with Aoba, has the curse of just never being able to win) Nagisa (our coach who was once a pro at this sport, as well as Nozomi's predator of the Butt Vacuum Wave technique), Kyoko (badass teacher and Kyoto's butt missile lady), and Rin (overconfident, but, umm, she doesn't have any real quirks). Some are more interesting than others, but (and they all have big butts) they are generally a very endearing cast with plenty of life in them. Maya is an interesting one. Undoubtedly the second most beautiful mistress here, she is originally mysterious (not without accidentally revealing her crazy dialect that pops up on occasion), and with a rushed yet harsh past. She fights for her mama (who coaches a rival school) due to said mama being the first to accept her, and she even has a harsher alternate personality hell-bent on protecting her and her ass, while being a bit more violent, shall we say. Unfortunately, none of her peers are nearly as interesting aside from their powers. Well, let it not be said that they made for some epic fights. ART: 8/10 Xebec is famous for their work on the tit and ass filled romp known as To Love-RU. Well, they definitely brought their expertise to this show. It is loaded with that stuff! Plus, the action is pretty cool to look at, and the rough outlines make this show's look stick out, like a competitor's ass while wearing one of these swimsuits. It makes sure that the hits that connect are all hard-hitting, and full of impact. Unfortunately, the CGI in some moments (like the KEIJO lands in the first few episodes) is utter ass! That being said, this show truly embraces its insanity, with the art being no exception. SOUND: 7/10 The OP, "DREAM x SCRAMBLE" by AIRI is energetic as hell, and with the proper amount of T&A to really set the tone for this series. We can't forget the song that takes up the rump of each episode, the ED. Today, we have "Fantas/HIP Girlfriends!" by the VA's of our main 4 ladies, and it is a delightfully cheery song to cool us off after the as(s)inine experience we just went through. Too bad literally none of the background OST was remotely memorable! Such a shame, too. The dub is pretty good here. The kept the dialect of these kooky characters, and with some mostly well-casted fresh new talent to take up the mains while standout veterans like Monica Rial (who plays Hitomi) pepper some of the supporting roles to help out with the quality just in case. It's a pretty solid dub, which is an absolute necessity for us foreigners who wanna hear our lovely ladies in a less foreign language. ENJOYMENT: 8/10 Some of the jokes got a bit old, and I did have a few big questions, but, as I said, this show busted its rump to bring us a fun ol' time here. It was a blast to see just how crazy each new event would get, reminding me of my time with Gurren Lagann, which is a good thing to be reminded of. The fights could get really freakin' fun, and I found myself laughing my ass off at some of the jokes and weird sh*t that went on here (not always for the right reasons, but hey, it worked). Sure, it wasn't truly epic for me, and I could've covered its ground a bit better so assholes like me would stop asking questions, but it was still a good time. Plus, the second half of the ending really put an endeared smile on my face. Then again, I am just a filthy male :P T&A: 10/10 Nozomi, Mio ,and Maya alone brought this up to a 10. Their legendary selves are just, well, legendary. Kawai and Kyoko being up high up as well. Plus, each girl uses their tits and asses in creative ways and to crazy effects. It's captivating how well this anime mastered this art. Then again, this anime IS the pinnacle of class. OVERALL: 7/10 RAW SCORE: 72/100 This anime is truly a romp of 2016 that will be remember for a long time. With its crazy moves, its absurd fan service, and its sheer tenASSity, all our gripes with the Fall 2016 season have been rendered superfluous. Besides, as Suave from AnimeAbandon puts it: "The 13 year-old in me thinks this is hilarious and dumb, and at the end of the day, that's all we really asked for." Well, with all that said, with this final word count, I bid you adieu. Word Count: I don't know. Somebody please be a diligent guy and deliver the number to my lazy ass, please? ASS Count (all synonyms included, not including the word in this count): 50 Booty booty booty booty rockin' everywhere, booty booty booty booty rockin' everywhere, booty booty booty booty rockin' everywhere, body booty-" -Barney Stinson's booty call phone, 2012.
Imagine for a moment that you're a recent graduate of a prestigious art school in Japan. You land your big boy job at a studio known for their terrible ecchi adaptations. Months of slavishly working late nights pass, drawing frames for trashy harem comedies after garbage light novel adaptations, and all the magic and wonder of animation has been replaced with a visceral hatred and complacency; because, face it, you can always quit and get a lower paying job drawing hentai. You get a promotion, all of a sudden you're key animating, and life gets a little better. The next day, the first thing thatdrops on your brand new mahogany desk is a manilla folder. Your line director tells you that you need to draw frames for a dynamic action sequence where a swimsuit clad girl slams her cooch down into another scantily clad girl's face before performing a movie that would make Mortal Kombat cringe: an "Ass Guillotine". You're told that the show is called "Keijo!!!!!!!!", with 8 exclamation points. And people wonder why karoushi is particularly high among animators. "Keijo begins with the butt and ends with the butt And so did any possibility of this anime being anything other than pathetic, titillating fanservice with the utterance of that line. It seems like every year, right around Christmas time, we're given gifts. Some gifts are good, useful, and necessary in our lives- like when I got my bicycle. I was elated, it was useful, and I still cherish it, because it keeps my ass from having to walk! And then at the other end of the spectrum, that weirdo at work or school gets your name for secret santa and gives you some useless piece of crap like a duct taped ball of change, someone's Pottery 1001 class final project, an electric can opener, and some used deodorant. I mean, imagine waking up on Christmas morning to find you got a new computer, a new phone, a new car, and oh... a Keijo dvd... who gave me that? Unfortunately, much like herpes, Keijo was a gift that kept on giving this season, too. Boy, did it ever give- but mostly just what it stole from other anime. My biggest criticism of Keijo is certainly that it has not one original thought in its disgustingly voluptuous body. I just reviewed Akame and bashed it for misappropriating setpieces and scenes from other anime, and Keijo takes this to 11, with the least amount of tact and taste possible. Half the characters are just reincarnations of Jojo characters- down to the sound effects and power abilities (stop time, ORAORAORA, take your pick, it's in there), rips from Fist of the North Star, Fate Stay Night (replace GIlgamesh's noble fantasm with butts, how original), Attack on Titan, and a myriad other hamfisted "references" that you could file under fanservice as well. See, the problem with Keijo isn't that it's just a stupid tournament panty fighter like Ikkitousen, the problem is that it shows all of its cards way too early, dissolves tension, and gives all of its characters the Code Geass treatment of way too many fanservicey butt and boob shots to the detriment of the fight. Panty fighters can be funny and still have a semblance of a story, like Butt Attack Punisher Girl. Panty fighters can be narrow, shameless and tasteless displays of female sex objects too- which is what Keijo falls under. To the tension dissolving point- we see every character's "SUPER ULTRA MEGA MONSTER" move within the first few episodes. You know that they have the ability within them, and that they're only going to use it right at the climax of the battle when all looks lost- swoop in and save the day, ride off into the sunset, the end, everyone wins, power of friendship! Take for instance, Jotaro from Jojo part 3. In the beginning, his Star Platinum ability is barely controllable, and while still strong, beatable by many early opponents. The nefarious DIO shows that he has the power to stop time with ZA WARUDO right at the beginning- but his ability to do so also grows. When the final battle comes, not only has Jotaro learned new abilities, but he also pulls one out of the hat that we didn't expect, though it fits in perfectly with the show, enabling him to do what I said before- swoop in and claim victory from the jaws of defeat. Keijo? You learn the super move day 1, use it to win in every battle afterwards. That's neither interesting nor fun to watch, it's just a matter of taking bets on when it's coming. You know, if you rearrange the letters in Keijo, you can get another world that describes it better... Kojei: which means shit in Okinawan. Keijo is like a bad gag gift. Some gag gifts can be funny, because they put the recipient in a situationally funny or embarrassing position in front of a bunch of people, like getting some sexy underwear and a dildo. Except you're a guy. And the lingerie won't fit. So what do you do? You just throw that shit in the trash, and move on with your life, just like Keijo.
Originally with 500+ upvotes, my review is back. What does it mean to "save anime?" For years, humans and otaku alike have presented the concept that an upcoming or airing series can rescue the medium of Japanese animation from its own self-wrought destruction. I've viewed this line of thinking with a grain of salt, for the obvious reason that, well, anime can't be saved, it's irredeemable at this point. But what if it could be saved? What if we could end this cycle of bad karma? But what could do it? What could save anime? A new Trigger romp with experimental animation and another iteration on Gunbuster's coming of agestory? Noble effort, Imaishi, but you can only go so far. Panty&Stocking was but a deflated life vest lost in the sea of moe-colored urine. Luluco, despite being anime of the year, also failed to resonate and return these Chinese cartoons to their original purity. A fresh romp from acclaimed director Cowboy "Watanabe" Bebop? Sadly no, Terror in Resonance offered less hope than Obama, while Space Dandy offered as much substance as our future emperor Donald J. Trump. (Editor's note: nailed it. ) Maybe one of the murderers who killed anime could do it. Could Geass' Taniguchi come back and deliver us something as good as his magnum opus, Scryed? No, we got Active Raid instead. Sunrise's Cross Ange was definitely saving anime for a while, but petered out in the end. All hope appeared to be lost. But. What if... What if a series went the opposite route? What if it took everything that killed anime, and went so far into it that it looped around on itself and became the cure? What if derivative, pandering trash like Angel Beats pandered so hard that it smashed right through its target audience of lowlifes and became High Art? Well, we're going to find out. You're 1000 words into this review (for the second fucking time thanks MAL) and now you're going to learn about ~ * ~ KEIJO!!!!!!!! ~ * ~ KEIJO!!!!!!!! is an action series about dedication and fighting spirit, but it's more than that: it's a story about one girl's dream to get fuckin' paid. Yeah, the series is about this Blue Hair girl who graduated high school and wants to get paid by beating other girls' faces in with her ass. She has a friend, White Hair, who is a judo master that can attack with her ass at supersonic speed. Another friend, Udders, has an ass so soft that it deflects oncoming trains, and the last friend, Hairtail, can judge an opponent's power level by feeling their ass. Also, the series is about some kind of sport where young martial artists and gymnasts fight with their hips or something. It's more or less just a device to push the narrative of "hard works gets you mad dollars", much like all those other sports anime out there. The show delivers this soft-hitting (editor's note: LOL) premise with great production values. Character animation and fight choreography are right out of goddamn Hajime no Ippo or Gurren Lagann. The animation uses varying line thicknesses for foreground and background during fights, giving the series a very hand-animated look at points, and the cinematography is phresh. The shots are dynamic and interesting to look at, along with great use of ON-SCREEN WORDS popularized by Panty&Stocking/Kill la Kill, JoJo, etc. KEIJO!!!!!!!! carries great energy and timing into almost every scene, making it both not-boring, and funny. HOWEVER after the first 7-8 episodes the art and animation kind of falls off a cliff, which is a damn shame, since that's right around when the climactic final tournament starts. It's most evident in the final episode, which is easily the worst-looking in the series. Luckily, the usual absurdity of what's happening still saves the show and keeps it very compelling. The characters' abilities and fighting styles are about as fleshed out (editor's note: LOL) as any fighting shounen series, but it's all presented with an amazing sense of facetiousness. You can tell the team behind this show was having a lot of fun putting a nearly uncalled for level of thought into the reasoning and presentation of the action sequences. Special techniques all have fabulous names with accompanying ~extreme on-screen text~ - it's very cool and creative. The source material was ridiculous, but more grounded, whereas is the anime goes full ham. The pacing is great. The anime skips the first half of the manga or so and settles right in on the meaty competition portion of the story, and moves along at great speed. Characters and concepts are introduced quickly, and even though you technically miss 40 chapter of content, you don't actually notice because the writers for the show were competent enough to know how to adapt the material to best fit the medium. I've grown to really like the OST for this show. Opening is catchy, and the accompanying animation is very much amusing enough. There are some very hammy emotional/background tracks that stand out during climactic scenes. The sound design though: That's where this show shines. KEIJO!!!!!!!! uses sound in some pretty unique ways that are genuinely hilarious. You'll hear mechanical sounds, explosions, energy pulses and everything in between when various ass-centric attacks are used, and during combat every fight in this series is full of other varied and exaggerated impact sounds. So, is this how one saves anime? Does this series do what none before it could? Yes.
Keijo (insert 8 exclamation points) is an over-the-top ecchi show featuring women with large tits and assess attempting to used said assets to beat the everlasting hell out of each other. At first, this show sounds like it could be pretty fun and indeed it was for the first couple of episodes. The sheer insanity and silliness of it all certainly made for an entertaining watch especially since the show never took itself seriously in the slightest and each of these girls had their own super powered attack using their butts which kind of reminded me of JoJo of all things. However, just like theanime Ben-to, it starts off pretty promising for a rule-of-cool anime with a lot of over-the-top action sequences but fails at this since it becomes repetitive and the characters are not interesting enough to hold it all together. For starters, the narrative is something that has been done a million times before to much better effect. It's a basic story of a girl who wants to become the best in her field, and in this context, the best ass and tit champion. She joins a school, makes new friends, proves herself in competitions, moves up the ranks, learns new moves and then fights stronger and stronger enemies. It's a very basic linear story that doesn't try to do anything new nor is all too memorable after you've finished watching the series. It's hard to find investment in the narrative and characters surrounding said story since the characters are hard to latch onto and remain one dimensional throughout the show. None of them really do all too much or do anything interesting nor go through any arcs as people. At the most, the only thing that does develop in terms of characters is the size of their assess (there's a sentence I never thought I would say). The fights, which can be entertaining in their own rights, lack any sort of investment or engagement since I never cared for a single character in the entire show. Everyone is a cardboard cut-out of an existing archetype and everyone is defined by the size of their breasts or the size of their butt. While some of the characterisations is okay and can lead into some genuinely fun moments these were still few and far between. There isn't all too much time invested in any character and whenever a new character is introduced they're normally pushed to the side after their initial introduction and left to remain stagnant. Now, I'm not expecting deep, groundbreaking themes in a show that is trying to be full of tits and ass with nothing else but I feel as if there were some things in the narrative which could have been expanded on and made into interesting ideas. One such example was in the case of Sayaka's father, a man who was new to this bizarre new sport. This could have provided us with a new perspective on this world and could have led into themes of sexualisation of women and the such but it is glossed over so quickly leading to no development in the slightest. Since the fan-service is such a big part of this show I think I will address this now. I have nothing against fan-service in shows, in fact, some of my favourite anime have fan-service elements but when that's all your show has it comes across as a desperate plea to be noticed and the show feels trashy since it can't stand on its own two feet without the inclusion of a boob shot every five minutes. Now, it's obvious that the show is only meant to be enjoyed as a guilty pleasure; a show in which you're supposed to switch your mind off and just laugh at the idea of seeing women in tight swimsuits beating the crap out of each other with their tits and this is fine of its own since I believe this show does achieve its aim of being a cheesy light-hearted fan-service show. In fact, there were many times in which I was generally having fun with the show with the insane logic and attacks these girls were able to throw out. However, while there were plenty of moments in which I was entertained, this is also met with many moments in which I was bored and uninterested in what was going on, in particular during the training segments and during some of the forced character backstories which felt more like a lazy way for the writer to create emotion rather than building it up slowly which would be more impactful. The show does start off pretty fun but slowly degenerates into a dull and uninteresting mess since the novelty of the show begins to wear off for me since there were no interesting characters to root for nor anything worthwhile in the narrative. Now, I'm sure there are people who were entertained from start to finish with this show, which is fine, but I was not. I found the entire experience to be more tiresome than fun by the end since it felt like a chore to watch each and every episode. The animation was pretty consistent and I liked some of the character designs too. As I've said, some of the killer attacks could be funny in their absurdity and the animation and art design do a good job at conveying this. It's clear that the staff put their sole attention into making every ass and pair of tits look as great as possible and for an ecchi oriented show, it does look pretty well done. The music was okay, and I did like the opening and ending tracks for this anime, albeit nothing amazing or too spectacular. Keijo (insert 8 exclamation points) is clearly a series that serves to the lowest common denominator and thinks that slapping a bunch of tits on the screen will be enough to warrant the show to be 'fun'. While there were a couple of times I was having fun, it wasn't a substantial amount of time to raise the bar and I can't even argue in favour the notion that I should see this show as nothing more than a guilty pleasure. In order for Keijo (insert 8 exclamation points) to work, it needed to have stronger and more interesting characters and to have done more with its premise; which it didn't. I can only recommend this to you if you're a hardcore ecchi fan since there are so many better shows out there for you to enjoy that actually take the time to develop characters while still having a lot of ass and tits. I would imagine watching this show incredibly drunk with friends could be fun, however... (Part of LIQfilms 12 Days of Christmas - Day 9)
Keijo saves anime 10/10 (for real) Most people think fanservice is the key to the success of this anime your are wrong , it is amazing as it is more than a fan service anime hence it is life itself I recommend you to try it out , I was wrong about this anime until I give it a try . (I don't watch much ecchi anime) Story 10/10 I love the pacing of this anime , slow and steady which allow you to learn more about the environment which is mostly focusing on the MC that her dream is to bethe best keijo player to become the prize quuen so that her family will be in a better state , (she will use the money to help them because she came from a poor family).It was that moment you cheer for nozomi and hope for the opponnent to lose is like yeah go nozomi! In the beginning and when the anime reaches its climax after all the fighting you realize the meaning of respect and frienship with your opponents as you bow and shred tears after a fight.That is true sportsmanship is in this anime although it present itself as a sport of boobs and butts which I call B&B it is more to that since everyone has their own talent/skill pretty much like Kuroko no basket without the ecchi. With or without the eechi/fan service this piece of anime works for me so I'd give it a 10/10 Art 8.8/10 Pretty much the same like most of the anime out there with hand drawn style which I like . Sound 10/10 Don't you love the sound of sonic booom when jets goes supersonic you can hear it here and its pretty epic and fits well with the fights as well as all the other skills that the girls use such as the vacuum butt canon Character 10/10 Easily enjoyable and lovable characters that is easy to understand and each has their own traits which makes them cute or badass in away that makes the character progression smooth Enjoyment 10/10 Rewatched for the 3rd time with my cousins and she rewatched twice Rewatch/10 Overall 10/10 Was a winner in making people laugh in 2k16 and the best in the season let's hope for it to have another season. Like and old man saying "If its stupid and it works it ain't stupid" to the author who came out with this hilarious idea that none can think off you got yourself a customer :)
Are you a 5'2 soy boy virgin reddit/discord mod with absolutely no female interaction since your own mother left you at the age of 7? Well then, Keijo!!!!!!!! is the anime for you, as watching this show all the way through will slowly transform you from a disgusting weeaboo goblin that is allergic to the sun to the 6'5 brolic black man with a 12' meat sword that your non-existent girlfriend would have left you for (if she was real). This anime will put hair on your chest, bitches on your tiny wang and fuckin' hundreds in your bank as you learn about all thedifferent attacks these lovely ladies will execute with their posterior's and humongous hungolomghnonoloughongous' (my personal favorite is "Quickdraw Gazongas"). However, a side effect of the FUCKING massive load of testosterone this show will forcefully inject into your veins is that you will become so straight that merely looking at another male will force your body into a form of cryostasis that can only be counteracted by playing episode 4 from twelve minutes twenty-five seconds to twelve minutes fifty-five seconds (thank me later). Unfortunately in order to understand all of the tiny details and lore of the series, you will need to have at least a two-hundred and fifty IQ and three degrees including a Master of Fine Arts, Master of Philosophy, and a Master of Sacred Theology. That being said, having an average IQ will allow you to enjoy the surface level of ascension that Keijo!!!!!!!! has to offer. All in all, this show was very entertaining, I enjoyed the animation and and the premise was creative enough to keep me captivated throughout the entire series. And now, a poem to round off my review of Keijo!!!!!!!! which interestingly enough acts as my final verdict for the show: Roses are Red Keijo!!!!!!!! is great The girls in the show will make you ejaculate
I didn't really want to watch Keijo at the beginning of the Fall 2016 season. It looked dumb. And that's really what Keijo has going for it. It is dumb. It is the stupidest idea I have ever heard. Girls have to compete only using their breasts and butts to attack other competitors. Nobody can tell me that that isn't the dumbest thing. Keijo is everything that is wrong with anime. And it is parody gold at its finest. I'm not going to claim that this was the author's intent or that he's a genius for making this show. I couldn't care less what he thinks. Theshow is played so painfully straight that it parodies itself. And that is why Keijo is such comedy gold. The competitors take this sport seriously. The audience takes it seriously. There are sports announcers covering it play-by-play and there is an instance where an instant replay is used to judge the outcome of the match. Girls shout out shounen based attacks that are based off video games and anime. Since they use nothing but their breasts and butts in the attacks, it just crescendos into the most lulzworthy moments where characters utilize attacks like the *shoryucans*. I really would have hated Keijo in any other context. I don't think the studio that picked it up really put that much thought into it either. The artwork suffers from what appears to be some anti-aliasing effect, which for a hand drawn show is just a "da fuq" moment. I'm sure with their vast catalog of ecchi shows they simply saw something with tits and ass and figured, "looks legit and right up our alley." What they produced, however, was one of the best anime comedies of 2016.
TL;DR: Boobs, Butts, Bliss. Do I need to say more? Keijo, an anime marketed as an ecchi sports shounen anime, didn’t need to rely on the usual “plot” to stay afloat as one of the top animes of 2016. The anime is outrageous. The best part is that the director knows it as well and doesn’t shy away from abusing that factor. Keijo is a sport about pushing people off floating platforms using your boobs or butts. How can a show like this keep the audience captivated for an entire season? If you think it was the typical “anime plot” that kept the audience hooked,well you are partially right, but it was more so the originality and making mockery of previous shounen animes that kept everyone entertained. The story is simple and as straight forward as any other sport animes. You have a girl, Nozomi, who wants to be the very best that no one ever was. She will train harder than anyone and believe it she shall. Each adversaries she comes across, she faces with full determination and moves on. Through the power of friendship from her amigos, she will learn the OP Boob/Butt moves and have fun. The characters surprisingly stand out from each other. They have unique characteristics and each of the characters bring their own set of skills and OP moves (parody of anime attacks, most notable include Booty of Babylons and Buttocks on Titan) that just makes you laugh and appreciate a good mockery of the sports shounen genre. From one ridiculous OP villains to the next (much like Naruto) the battle never ends. The animation is a blend of CGI and hand-drawn characters that gives it vibrant feeling to the anime as a whole. The music score accompanying it does its job phenomenally. Both the OP & ED songs are energetic enough to reflect the mood of this anime. They knew how to reveal just the right amount but not too much, almost as if teasing the audience to keep coming back for more. And for more (fan service) you shall return, I guarantee. Jokes aside, when jumping into the world of Keijo, keep an open mind if you wish to really have fun with this anime. Do not take it seriously and just know that it’s an outrageous anime whose main purpose is to make the audience react to its absurdity. If you look at it critically it has several flaws like plot armour, lack of logic and jokes getting overused. However, it will still wow you with sheer amounts of bizarre unpredictability. So if you want to watch an “ecchi” show but can still tell your friends that you watched a sports shounen with comedy vibes like OPM & MP100, definitely give it a shot. P.S. I’m always open to criticism and suggestions and I hope you found this short but supaishi review helpful.
Keijo is a genuinely fun, unique and most importantly "asstounding" title. Bad English puns everybody, LeaderTGW (the greatest warriors) always provides them! Boobs & asses fighting it out on a small floating platform in water in a ridiculous game… well, sport that only the Japanese could possibly conceive. Keijo was definitely the transition anime needed this year. A break from those magical school battle harem titles, and the “original” (Sarcasm*) trapped in a fantasy world or video game titles. Keijo's story is simple, consistent, and most importantly it works. The plot is straight-forward and for the most part follows the original sources story. There are smallbreaks in the story however, these are necessary sub plots filled with training, backstories, and fan service. All necessary in order to keep the story refreshing and engaging. What makes this story so unique? So appealing? That isn't related to boobs and asses. I'd say that it's the pacing as well as the characters determination to be great at the tournaments. As many before me have already mentioned, the anime skips a few chapters of the manga, and this choice in direction improves the pacing. In addition to this change, I’ve also noticed that some dialogue is cut too. Perhaps a change needed to focus more on action. The intensity and determination of the characters keeps the show interesting. The girls have a goal, and they're willing to subject themselves to weird "ass" training methods in order to improve their skill. Moving on to the fan-service. Personally I didn't feel that the fan service was rewarding enough. I'm not saying that it's bad; it's just that there was a lack of nudity, and sex appeal. I felt that the direction the fan-service leaned on was comedic rather than erotic. They had to force sexy moments rather than having them happen naturally, and honestly that took some of the pleasure away from the show. Lastly, what was it about Keijo’s story that made me happy? It was perhaps the most "fun" title that I've seen in a long time. Over the top explosions and blast from asses that aren't fart related, the action was intense. Overall the story wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. It provided enough entertainment and pleasure for an ecchi title. The art in Keijo… Oh boy. Character designs are awful! The character outlines to be more specific. They remind me of a bad vectoring job or rendering done in either Illustrator or Inkscape. The outlines look pixelated and the strokes are disgusting to see with their movements. This took away quality from the action scenes (Special moves) on platforms. A majority of the time, the outlines looked way too big! Hair on a majority of the girls was for the most part poorly done. Hair in anime is always unique and often times define a characters personality and appeal. While the personality part sticks with the character designs in Keijo, the appeal is appalling. I felt like they went overboard with hair designs. Nozomi's hair in particular reminds me of a cockroach with those hideous antennae. There are way too many character design flaws in keijo and that really hurt the 7/10 score I wanted to give it. As an artist who loves to do vectors and renders it was a complete eyesore looking at the designs. Background settings and the environment were surprisingly nice to look at. Water and waves would obviously be the eye catcher. Other things featured in the show like plantations and farms looked pretty nice too. Special effects were amazing. Over the top as I had mentioned earlier. What I enjoy most was that the effects were able to captivate me as well as the manga’s effects did. Special move were great despite the hideous character animation that often followed. Now the subtitles were bad in terms of localizing. I watched Keijo via CrunchyRoll and boy was that a mistake. I’d say about 85% of the changes that were made, were incredibly cringe-worthy and hurt the quality. In all honesty though, it’s better than nothing. Overall I felt that the animation was vibrant and intense. In the sound department, I felt that the voice actors were able to do an excellent job making battles intense and exciting with all their yelling. To be honest, it seemed like with the way the new voice actors dropped their lines, it is as if they were told by the voice director to watch 90’s shounen anime to get an idea on how their character should yell out special moves! Needless to say, I am impressed. Sound effects were about a silver. For the most part I noticed that they were recycled like most are. Lastly, the opening and ending songs. I cannot say that I was impressed with them. They fit the theme of the show and unfortunately that’s about all I can add. Enjoyment and overall feelings for the show were low were I first started it. I expected nothing special to come of this series. It was only when I finally decided to read the reactions of others that I finally sat down and gave the show a watch. To my amazement the show is pretty solid and well-polished. As I said earlier there are various changes that could’ve been done to make the visuals look better however, despite how unhappy I was with the designs, the action and comedy is what eventually allowed me to accept Keijo as an 8/10 anime. Overall I was very impressed with Keijo.
Keijo is an ecchi sports anime revolving around a girls-only fighting sport wherein the participants can only use their boobs and butts to knock each other into a pool. Did that premise catch your attention? If so, good. You're in for more than you bargained for. I actually didn't even watch this when it released. Around the time of the third episode, my girlfriend introduced me to the show. Since then, it became one of very few seasonal anime I watched as it released. As of writing this review, I have just viewed the final episode and can safely say this is one of my favoriteanime. If you want an in-depth look at why I feel this way, stick around. This show has been making considerable waves since its debut in late fall 2016, and has become one of the most polarizing shows in recent years. The fans rave about the show "saving anime", while others see it as nothing more than mindless fanservice trying too hard to take itself seriously. Let's take a look. Going along with the premise, Keijo follows 18-year-old Nozomi Kaminashi, a recent high school graduate who begins competing in the sport to support her poor family. Much like another Xebec-produced show, Zoids, Keijo is one big competition, with battles happening each episode for the sake of a competitive sport. It is a very faithful adaptation of the 2013 manga, which is something any anime fan can appreciate. Although the first episode skips a large portion of the story and does infact cut out some of the world building and character development (I own some of the physical manga, and the first four volumes are condensed in to episode one) the show very closely follows the manga after this. I could describe nearly every aspect of Keijo as "a breath of fresh air", but that would get redundant, so let's cover the individual categories instead. Story: The actual story is incredibly simple. Nozomi and her friend Miyata enroll in Setouchi Keijo Training School, compete in the sport, meet new friends and rivals along the way, and grow. Think of it like college football, if you will. This is arguably the weakest part of the show. The enjoyment comes from character development, the dynamics between said characters, and their interactions rather than storytelling. Still, we do get to explore the history of the sport a bit, and each individual character's story to an extent. I can understand why some of the early story was skipped in the manga, however. The way storytelling is executed in manga is considerably different than it is in anime, as you may realize if you do pick the Keijo manga up. The action scene you see in the first episode doesn't happen for a few volumes in the manga, and that was what drew most viewers in, so overall it was a smart move. Art: Earlier this year, I rediscovered my love of Zoids and had to rewatch the anime. To see one of my favorite studios, Xebec, handling this show put a smile on my face. Although they don't use as much CG as they do in other works (it was mostly the land platforms you see the girls fighting on), the character designs themselves are the best I've seen since Gurren Lagann. Fans of To Love Ru will notice the distinct style here. Let me start by saying the body designs are absolute perfection. One issue I've taken with all-girl shows in the past is their body types. More often than not, they all look like they could snap like twigs at the slightest breeze. Keijo offers something different. In line with the fact that a competitor's best asset is their rear end, no expense was spared here; these girls have it going on in the back. As someone who likes big butts (and he cannot lie), these designs definitely stood out. It doesn't stop there, either. Just about every girl has a different body type. You've got the classic slender ladies (Miyata, Rin), to the more well-rounded curvy gals (Nozomi, Aoba), to downright thick (Hanabi, Non) and beyond. Muscular girls, statuesque, amazionian, BBWs, there's someone for everyone in Keijo. They're drawn in a sharp, thickly outlined style that unsurprisingly brought back memories of the Zoids cast. However, the art especially shines during the battle scenes. The show demonstrates an incredibly good understanding of anatomy and doesn't exaggerate itself too much. That is to say, the characters themselves. Cuz if we're talking about the moves they perform, Keijo doesn't know the meaning of "exaggerated"! If I had to complain about one thing, the last episode seems to have spent its budget mostly on the big fight between Nozomi and Maya, as some of the characters look rough and low-detail compared to previous episodes. It's an absolute blast to watch the races. The backgrounds and environments are quite lovely as well, from the crystal clear waters of the pools and rivers, to the lovely view of nature seen from their bus. Overall it's everything I like about animation and character design; you can really feel the weight of every movement! Sound: No complaints here. The opening theme, DREAMxSCRAMBLE, became an instant favorite, which I even listened to in public a few times. It embodies the positive, passionate tone the show exudes. Then you have the end theme, Fantas/Hip Girlfriends, another light positive tune that sings about growing stronger together, set to a scene of the girls retrieving swimsuits. It's even performed by the Japanese cast of the show itself! The rest of the background music fits the mood to a T, especially the more action-oriented themes, which never fail to get me pumped for the next race. Each attack has tons of hard-hitting feedback, standard fare for the ecchi genre with smacking and rubbery stretch noises. The biggest compliment goes to the voice cast of BOTH the original Japanese and dub cast. Another issue I often take is that many female characters sound simply too young. Adult women that sound like lolis make a show hard to watch, but like many other all-girl shows (Madoka Magica, Love Live) the cast brings it home with unique voices fitting of a grown-ass woman. Japanese singer Lynn lends her voice as main character Nozomi, and puts a ton of energy and vibrant passion into the voice, especially during battles. Rena Maeda manages to strike a balance between cute and serious in her performance as Hanabi Kawai. Early into the show's airing, a dub was also produced. Amber Lee Connors, a former fan dubber working with TeamFourStar, was cast as Nozomi here and manages to capture her rough-around-the-edges attitude very well. Seasoned dub actress Alexis Tipton brings out Aoba's reserved personality, while newer voices keep things fresh, like Kristen McGuire adding some girlish charm to Hanabi. I strongly recommend both formats, although I think the sub wins here, if only for Hibiku Yamamura's performance as Mio Kukasai, although Michelle Rojas does a great job sounding almost orgasmic in the dub. Character: Like Zoids before it, this is (other than the over-the-top fight scenes) where Keijo shows its stuff. This is where I have to mention that the show utilizes its 12 episodes better than many other shows of a similar length, showcasing some amazing time management. There's a "main" cast of eight characters, and believe me when I say every last one of them gets their chance to shine, and even then some girls outside of that bunch get some great moments. I'll use my favorite character, Hanabi Kawai as an example. She's introduced as one of the strongest competitors and comes off as extremely competitive and borderline sadistic. Imagine my surprise when she developed into the most lighthearted and optimistic character in the show! After the first episode, she isn't shown fighting (one fight happens offscreen, granted) and takes the role of providing commentary and exposition in each race. Many fans consider Keijo the girl version of the ever-popular Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and I can definitely see the parallels peppered throughout the show, such as Hanabi essentially filling Speedwagon's role (there are infact direct references to Part 3 of the manga/anime, for the record). She becomes something of a friendly rival, believing in the others and later expressing her strong desire to use the fame she accrues from the sport to find a boyfriend. However, when she does return to the battlefield, she proves not only to be just as strong as ever, but instrumental in the victory of the final battle. Jobbing (a term used in pro wrestling to refer to a previously-established powerful character being defeated by a new character for the purpose of showing just how powerful they are) does not exist in Keijo as it does in most action-centric anime, and that's one of the show's strongest points. Outside of battle, character interactions are fun to watch and can range from heartwarming to oftentimes downright hilarious. Just about every character comes off as three-dimensional and fleshed out, as much as they could be in twelve episodes. This is more than a lot of longer shows can say for their cast. Enjoyment: There was very little about Keijo I didn't have fun with. After picking the show up three episodes in, it was quite the fun occasion to get to watch each episode Thursday night. In addition to watching the show both subbed and dubbed, I have watched this with three of my good friends, all of who enjoyed it. Being one of the few shows I watched as it released, Keijo instilled a childlike wonder in me that I have not felt since the days of old-school Toonami. I now know what it feels like when people anticipate a new episode of their favorite show, weird as that sounds. As of writing this, the dub has yet to finish, and you can bet I'm going to follow it to the end just like the original. It's the very definition of a "fun" show. Overall: Even if you truly dislike Keijo, it's a show which is harmless at best. It's cute, fun, girly, positive, and lighthearted. It's more than just a sexy fanservice show. It promotes friendship, teamwork, personal growth, and especially good sportsmanship. I bet you didn't expect a show like this to have a good message, did you? Nagisa (one of the teachers) reminds the girls of the Keijo motto, "Only Land". This refers to the idea that players should treat each other with utmost respect, as equals when in normal social situations, and to save competition and rivalry for the races taking place on the Land itself. This is not my favorite anime of all time, but it earned its spot in my top five and managed to surprise me in more ways than one. I hope more people give this a chance despite the occasional detractor, because that joke about Keijo saving anime might hold more merit than you think!
I have recently dived into the world of anime and I must say that this was a fantastic introduction. The anime focuses on the sport of Keijo (obviously) where two or more competitors stand on a platform and try to make the opponent fall or fall into water that surrounds the platform only using the butts or boobs. This mixes the sport and ecchi genres together and I feel like the producers pulled this off perfectly. Keijo is an anime with great artwork and sound and I enjoyed every episode thoroughly. The development of the girls from room 309 was rather fast paced but helped setup a perfect final ending to the series. The music seemed to fit every moment very well especially during battle scenes towards the end of the season. Speaking of the battle scenes, I feel the artwork of some of the abilities was astonishing especially when two opponents collide (this is very evident during the season finale.) I really hope that they announce season 2 and it looks like they plan to as the finale set a second season up perfectly. 10/10 can't wait to purchase the box set.
At first, I didn't like Keijo!!!!!!!! all that much, but the minute they mentioned an attack called "Vacuum Butt Canon" I knew this anime was for me. Nozomi's drive and determination to learn the aforementioned "Vacuum Butt Canon" despite the risks, was so touching, so inspiring, my will to live came back. Now I can look forward to 2017, with newfound determination to live my life to the fullest. Just like Nozomi's full butt. In addition to the characters being phenomenal, the animation was also gorgeous. The fight choreography was stellar, and it felt just like I was watching a high-quality shounen. My friend and Iwere also very impressed with the character design, since there's a lot of variety within the characters, and none of them seemed needlessly 'moe'. The music was also spectacular, much to my surprise, and I will definitely be hunting down the OST so I can continue listening to it. The writing was also very fun, at times, Keijo!!!!!!! actually felt more like a shounen in disguise, instead of an ecchi. Keijo!!!!!!! was so over-the-top, it was nothing but enjoyable to watch. Overall, Keijo!!!!!!! was one of the biggest surprises for me in Fall 2016. If you are like me, and like big butts and you cannot lie, then Keijo!!!!!!! is the anime for you. 11/10
Like Highschool of the Dead, it is easy for a lot of people to gloss over it thinking blatant fan-service discredits an anime from being well made. (When they often enjoy seasonal harem shows like Gate or Sword Art). And truthfully the fan-service is few and far between after the first set of episodes. Keijo is one of the few animes in recent years that I've notice properly build up tension unlike some aspiring shonens, can attach distinct personalities to each character and develop them respectfully, but most importantly take the ironic tension of a sports anime, let along ea beach sport, and dial itup to an 11. Animation and perspective is mostly on point, sound track is nothing special but useful, and it's great to watch if you're looking for something fast and fun.
This anime will change your life. I'm blasting multiple fat ropes at my computer screen. To get to the point of my review, I would say that this anime is the antithesis to all anime and that it will make you rethink the entirety of any sort of anime trope that you will see on modern television. In short, this is something I believe that everyone can watch this show and get something out of it, whether its education, fan service, or togetherness, there is something here for everyone! My favorite character, Kawai Hanabi, truly lives up to her name! She is incredibly kawaii and makesmy heart go doki doki, heh. But in all seriousness, the way the world is built around these strong independent young ladies makes my head spin with anticipation for what will come next. Who will win? Who will lose? Well, in any case, there are neither winners or losers in Keijo!!!!!!!!!! there are only the friends we've made along the way.
Dear Anime Connoisseurs, Keijo!!!!!!!! is without a doubt the greatest collection of thoughts ever thought all combined into one perfect bundle of excellent action and drama. The physics were very realistic, and it really helped build the world and make me feel invested in the characters. The show features some of the greatest character designs, even giving birth to original architypes and creative moves like "Titty Hypnosis" and "Buttack on Titan." We got to see all the characters grow throughout the show and develop stronger butt muscles and thicker butts. The thicker butts really drew me in as I dove further into the alluring and mysteriousdepths of the Keijo!!!!!!!! world. I'm still a virgin, but even I know that this show is better than sex! Peace out, Ya boi, Skinny Penis
With the sure-fire moneymaking genre of in-your-face ecchi anime that attempts to make guys wet their pants, combined with the trend of many sports anime that make girls wet their pants, the anime universe decided to fuse these 2 recipes of success into one. And thus, ‘’Keijoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’’ was born. In this show, Tits and Ass (From now on will be known as T/A as I will be mentioning this a lot) go into a battle royale, pounding against each other in more than a hundred ways with the objective of knocking the bikini-clad girls off a platform to ultimately decide which female has the ultimate‘assets’ that could win them a huge tonne of money. Since this show has a plot regarding ‘plots’, it naturally divides fans into two camps: The former who think that this show is just a generic borderline hentai that shoves T/A every 5 seconds and thus having a non-existent storyline and cardboard characters, and the latter who are unafraid to claim that they love the T/A so much that this show is a Godsend. Though I share the sentiments of both camps, as the show goes on I came to realize that I am surprisingly, sitting on the fence here. Without a doubt, the show’s concept of using T/A as a sport already springs up the many red flags resembling a money grabbing hentai show, but the way they execute the series is something that I would not dare label as ‘half hearted’ or ‘purely for the sake of money’. As each episode went by, I began to feel intrigued and look forward to each airing episode, not PURELY for the T/A (I can’t deny that I am not a pervert here), but for the likeable characters and acceptable story, and most importantly, the ‘WTF did I just watch’ expression and the laughter that comes along with it. Note: Surprise surprise, though this show has a shit tonne of fanservice, there is no nudity. In short : no explicit tits or butts, they are always conveniently covered) That is of course, the upcoming Blu-Ray comes and prove me otherwise. Without further ado, let us try to analyse this beast. Sound: Nothing much to be commented on here. It does not grind your ears like fingers against a blackboard nor is it something that you would call a masterpiece, Openings and Endings generic pop designed for the modern teen, and since I am a modern teen, I liked it. Music taste is pretty much subjective, so all I can say is that it’s not anything unique and could be easily forgotten once you stopped watching the show, but do give it a listen. Soundtracks are up to standards of a modern anime series, doing its job to create mood and nothing more, with cheerful music for comedic scenes, upbeat soundtracks for the action scenes etc. I could be nit-picky here and say that the variety of the soundtracks is a bit lacking, but hey, a show with T/A as the main highlight, even if Beethoven was playing the Moonlight Sonata in all its glory, I would still be absorbed by the flashy ‘action scenes’. Voice of the characters are adequate, with the clumsy girls having the annoying high pitched voices (as usual) and the Shounen-Powerup-MC having a loud and confident tone, they just get the job done. (If you are wondering about yelps and the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ whenever one’s T/A is getting smacked, yes, they are there for you as well). (6/10). Character: In this type of show which shows the almost bare figure of many females which the male populace would like to claim as waifu, the creators made a good move to make characters of different looks, personalities and T/A techniques (more on to this later). I could draw a simile to how this diverse pool of girls can ‘almost’ satisfy each and every fetish of the anime community to how customers of a buffet would always find that one dish to fulfil their stomach. You have the big boobed one that always falls down and shows her undergarments, the never give up MC who always fight till the death and wins, the Tsundere friend who always manages to embarrass herself when no one’s looking, the flat chest who is envy of other people’s chest size, the one with the cat ears, the senpai who loves to fondles the boobs of others, the quiet but smart one…. I could go on forever. Because of this variety, one could play the game ‘find the anime trope’ and could potentially be able to fill a whole Wikipedia page with them. This is not necessarily a thing needed to be criticised though, this show KNOWS that they are doing this trashy stuff, it is AWARE that it is predictable, and they are not shy to admit that, because this show doesn’t require complicated characters to run, it’s all about who uses their T/As the most effectively to achieve victory. You don’t need a brain for this, just your eyes. You wanna talk about character development? HA—HA—HA, that hardly exists here, many of them remain the same at episode 1 until episode 12. However, if one insists that there needs to be at least some, the anime creators comply by giving one or two flash backs here and there that lasts for 2 minutes at most for the sake of explaining why X character behaved differently from its cardboard personality and that’s about it. Aside from the MC, only 2-3 can be claimed to have their characters marginally fleshed out, in more ways than one. **coughs at bad pun**. (7/10 for character variety, 3.5/10 for character development). Art: This show is amazingly fluid in terms of animation, there are no glaring flaws that would become a highlight on Tumblr, and though one or two stand still frames are of poor quality ones, the action scenes are well done. In a show where T/A are swirling, vibrating, glowing, charging in super speed, and even shapeshifting, the animators really went all out to complete this show to the extent that although the T/A are already really attractive eye-candy by themselves, I can’t help but be in awe of the many flashy movements and flashy effects that were put together, and, for a moment or two, take my attention from the T/A, and instead focus on the effects of them. A notable highlight to show how the artists really put effort into the show is that during its action scenes when the girls pull out their T/A moves, the outlines of the characters are noticeably thickened which actually shares a similar drawing style to AOT. Not only that, when there is a notable move that makes a huge impact, the drawing style changes to one in which there are multiple drawn lines to show displacement, speed, or even power, as if the panels of the original manga were coming to life and colour. In terms of how the characters are drawn, as previously mentioned, they come in all shape and sizes, A to F cups, red heads to blonds to white hair to the usual black. The pony tail, the twin tail, the short cut, the ribbon, there’s no lacking of options, and most of them are attractive. This show isn’t one to have any noticeable backgrounds whatsoever, they aren’t ugly, but they are not really eye-catching unless you make it a point to notice them. But its fine, the show doesn’t need them, (the bodies of the characters cover half the screen half the time anyway). With T/A being main stars of the show, some might ask: are the ‘physics’ done well? Absolutely, as farfetched as this show is, things move the way that they are supposed to, unless of course, their special power permits them to defy it. (8/10) Story: The flow of the show is of the typical sports-shounen genre. The MC meets friends to partner up with, meet with overpowered mentors, work hard on training, finds new enemies, defeats them, become friends with said enemies, rinse and repeat. It is so generic that you could already tell the outcome of battles, thus rendering all cliffhangers and nervous moments irrelevant. For example: In a Keijo match, one could already predict that the side characters will lose no matter how powerful/strong they are all for the sake of making the MC crash in at the last moment to look good. Vice versa, one could also expect how the most powerful characters in the shows to do a 1v3 to make the whole development of certain characters unneeded since they would win without that development anyway. And lo and behold, the glorious MC making a huge comeback against presumably superior Keijoo players, leaving the characters who witnessed the match astonished, while leaving us stifling a yawn. It’s like the ‘power-levels’ of the characters are always altered to the liking of the writers, lacking a consistency. Comebacks are nice to see, but with ‘plot armour’ ever-present, the natural outcome, if following power levels, would be far more refreshing. So, the blueprint of the story sucks, but what about the details, that is, the world building of the show? They are magnificent! Never have I seen a fanservice show leave my jaw drop so hard, the nitbits of what makes the whole world of Keijo are absolutely insane, farfetched, that one could think that a prepubescent 12-year-old came up with it. From exercise /training regimes that include using your T/A to pull heavy objects to lectures regarding the anatomy of butts and boobs are all brushed upon. Almost every simple aspect of life from Ice cream, warm ups, ball sports are twisted into a wild Keijoo fashion, and my favourite: the special techniques of the T/A: (I would only name a few to avoid spoiling too much), but here are the cream of the crop, their names are pretty much self-explanatory to what they do.) : Vacuum Butt Canon Butt Gatling Titty Hypnosis Wedgie Acceleration Anal Probe Missle Drill Nipples Other techniques involve having butts that can singe clothing, butts enchanted by fairy magic, boobs acting as a samurai sword, etc. Some technique names are even parodies of famous animes, and when you hear them shout out their techniques, all the more laughter ensues. (Plot: 3/10, World Building : 9/10). The genius mind of the anime creators thought that by combining two trendy genres of the anime medium into one, the show could become a huge cash-cow to be milked for years to come. However, this hugely backfired in more ways than one. The beauty of sports anime is that it is so shounen-esque that it could pump people up, and sometimes even building desire to actually try-out said sport, that happened in Haikyuu, and KnB, could one even dare to imagine whether Keijoo could replicate such an effect? No way in Hell. (If Keijoo becomes a sport in real life I would be moving to Japan immediately though) Besides that, the intense/ drama moments from the shounen anime are not just mundane and predictable, but they could never be taken seriously, EVER. Combining ecchi with sports-shounen negates the appeal of the genres, and thus the show became a jack-of-all trades, a mediocrity. A slight positive to note is that though this is ecchi, the girls hit HARD, it ain’t about the T/A bouncing in slow motion, once they come in contact with a person, they are definitely sent flying, each swing of the butt is like a strong sucker punch, and boy do you see them writhe in pain when they get hit. This show , in spite of all its mediocrity, is one of the most enjoyable shows that I have ever watched. Imagine this: ‘A Keijoo player is at the brink of being knocked out, but at the final moment, is protected by a partner, the partner then reveals that she enjoys playing with her friends and thus would always protect them’. One problem about this dialogue: As the character emotionally reveals her passion for her friends, we are given a shot where her ass and the ass of the enemies are pounding against each other at rapid rates, not to mention the sound of their springing/bouncing ass dwelling in the background. Sounds like a horrible attempt at trying to be serious doesn’t it? Don’t worry, it is exactly that, its the type of comedy that can be imagined as how one could depict Martin Luther King giving his epic speech ‘I dreamed a dream’ in nothing but his underwear, it is THAT kind of funny. It reminds me of the times I laughed with my school friends over sex jokes when we just started learning the reproduction system in science class. This show never fails to deliver what it wants to. So even though it disappoints to be a serious sports-shounen due to poor execution and its never-to-be-taken-seriously concept, it shows the very limits of what anime can do in terms of imagination and creativity, never to be replicated in any other medium. (Enjoyment :10/10). You’re probably thinking, ‘what the fuck is this’, and that is exactly the appeal of this show, it doesn’t just escape the confinements of the box that is labelled in, it crushes it through its sheer capacity for craziness. Just as you think that this show couldn’t get any crazier, up comes another aspect of the show to blow your brains once again. I went in thinking that it’s just another To Love Ru/High School DXD that I can just stare at with lust, but out comes the laughter and table pounding that makes my parents think I’m insane. It’s not well thought out, and that is totally okay, the fact that it goes beyond the expectations of many, bringing up things that one could never consider putting onto a storyboard. The phrase ‘It’s so bad it’s good’ summarizes it perfectly. Therefore my dear readers who have made it this far, even if you zealously hate fanservice, or perhaps you’re the one that faps to hentai every day of the week, try this show out. It’s a polarizing one indeed, where one could either give it a 1/10 at a drop of the hat, or a 10/10 comparable to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, it is indeed one which will be brought up when you want to think of how crazy anime can be.
I was a bit harsh rating this Anime, but truly and honestly, considering what the animation studio had to work with, Keijo was presented and executed fantastically. At the end of the review I'll put a 'should you watch this'. Story 5/10: Lets be honest here, I can't imagine anyone watching Keijo for the story because well simply, there isn't one, but it's got a solid premise. Keijo starts off like a sports anime, with a main female protagonist aiming to be the best in the sport but then branches off into more a shounen feel when she is put into an academy to train, goes againstother schools and then develops 'special attacks'. The only genre consistent in this anime is ecchi and comedy with every episode getting more ridiculous than the last- but don't let that stop you from watching it! I'm just saying that story telling isn't exactly Keijo's strong point, so don't watch the anime expecting some epic or heart wrenching tale. XD Art 8/10: As expected of an ecchi anime series, the art is pretty darn good. It's vibrant, clean and the girls all look super cute! I personally liked the way that they animated the attacks to look really impactful even though they're just hitting each other with their boobs and butts. Sound 6/10: No gonna lie, the sound wasn't really memorable for me. Like it wasn't bad or anything, but the ost didn't stand out alot in my opnion. The voice acting, however, was superb (if there was a seperate score for this, It'd give it a 9/10) and very expressive and smooth. Character 5/10: I had one major issue with the character design, but I'm honestly not sure whether or not this was on purpose, so I'm just basing it off the point that it wasn't. Let me get this straight, the character designs are beautiful and vivid, with each character's personality distinct. Theres only one tinsey problem though... I've seen all those characters somewhere else before. I wish I was joking to be honest. I personally don't like to compare one anime character to another either, but tbh I was naming characters similar to the ones in keijo off the top of my head and it was getting ridiculous. I don't want to name and shame in case I'm wrong, but let's just say I think the author really likes Rosario vampire. Enjoyment: 8/10 Low scores aside, I really liked Keijo! There are alot of unique anime this season, and Keijo's definitely at the top of my list somewhere. I think Keijos strong point is it's level of enjoyment, not it's merits as an Anime production where several components are harshly critiqued. Should YOU watch Keijo? -Keijo is a show not meant to be taken seriously. I have seen *alot* of weird stuff on the internet, and Keijo still manages to amaze me. You will see attacks which involve nipples, the anatomy of the butt and the pounding of the breasts and if that doesn't sound appetizing to you, Back away now. -If you want shounen, comedy, ecchi and fanservice anime which isn't involved in your generic harem or slice of life trope, this show is for you. To be honest with you though, you may need to overlook a few things in order to fully appreciate the fan service. -Please do not make this your first anime- both for the genre of ecchi and just anime in general. Keijo is an Anime that can only be recognized as fantastic from people who have been exposed to ecchi anime beforehand, and are comfortable with japan's 'weirdness'.