Dynamic Chord is a record company and music agency representing the hottest artists right now with, in particular, four of the country's most popular bands. They are rêve parfait with its own unique world view and progressive sound, Liar-S, an emo rock band, KYOSO, a group of highly-polished performers, and apple-polisher, which fuses dance with rock and roll. Against the backdrop of Japan's four seasons, comes a realistically depicted documentary movie about the encounters, breakups and trajectory of these 16 band members as they vie for musical preeminence. (Source: TBS Global Business)
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So this review will be rather short... I think the one thing I can say about this anime was that if it had better animation the show would of been much more successful. Not perfect but maybe enough to get into at least the '6' range. Even as a person who doesn't really take animation into account when scoring series, this shows animation quality was just too bad to ignore. As for the story, it was a messy.. I don't think there is another way to explain it. However, if it makes you feel any better the show does somewhat manage to come full circle in the end.Somewhat. My favorite thing about this series and probably the only thing that kept me from dropping this series was the music. The soundtrack is surprisingly decent and dare I say enjoyable. However, this is nothing memorable and I'll probably forget about it completely in a few months or weeks. Take that as you will. Have a nice day everyone~
M'kay let's see if I can do this justice in a review. Now this series doesn't have a straight-forward plot which a lot of people are looking for in Idol series. It literally follows the agency more closely than the idol group. There are four separate groups so each one gets featured separately and they blend together a bit. But it's unique the way it goes about it. The music and the character development is what redeem the series; and if you can get past not having a A-Z storyline you'll enjoy it. The mascot is great, but not all this series has to offer, it's afun roller coaster of boy-band drama, success and failures. (If you can make it to the end you'll see it come full-circle)
I wanted to see what was the worst anime on MyAnimeList, and it look like it's this one Firstly, for the type, it's not something i'd watch in my usual times, also, this anime is boring and slow, like i was forced to watch it by multiplying the speed. For the characters, well they're flat and they're look alike, the only thing who can let you know who they are is their hair. While we're talking about graphism, it's ok, if we avoid the fact that when they sing they reuse the bad animations during all the anime. Songs are ok, even if it's not whati'd listen, and even if the singer of the main band is bad. At least the sotry have something i like, it's divided in 4 parts which is like a small story, unfortunately they do always the same 3 elements, and i also didn't understand the 3rd part of the anime. I'll conclude by talking about the characters one last time by saying that there's too much chars, so it's hard to memorize their name, except for the cat who is the best hero of this anime