An anthology work produced by the Japan Animation Association for their Into Animation 7 festival held at The National Art Center, Tokyo.
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Rate a 2 English Sub More of an art piece rather than music. Huh? I am all for learning new things but can someone explain to me the point of this anime? For me, the show was a waste of time(15 seconds). No plot, the art is a simple cut, copy and paste job with slight modifications in height, color, and other form of appearance. I can see this as a form of trolling by the young crowd but am i missing something? Sure, there is a slight dance routine but it is not original to my knowledge. The creatures that are supposed to be roaches look morelike humans. A final notation when the art nears to finishing the art becomes slightly blurry. Whether that is just my version i don't know.
I have never eaten shrooms, tripped on acid, smoked PCP but I imagine the experience is similar to watching ‘Cockroach Calisthenics’. As soon as you click play, dancing anthropomorphic female cockroaches assault your senses. Writhing and contorting against a bright pink backdrop, these three arthropods move their human limbs with gusto. Gone are their wings, ovipositors, ocelli, maxillary palps. Instead, their waxy head, thorax, abdomen consists of human eyes, mouths, legs, arms, buttocks, and – of course – breasts. Their eyes are closed, mouth slightly agape, antennae twitching to a sublime beat only felt by them. More friends join this entomology rave, all taken inby the flashing multi-color lights, the enthusiasm of their Blattodea cohort, and the joyous voice of an unseen man repeating the title of this short. But I am not criticizing their dance moves. Absolutely not. I have all the grace and style of a stampeding elephant. Whilst I watched their performance, I could only think of how they put Anna Pavlova to shame. There is no sound unless you count a man singing, ‘Gokiburi, gokiburi, gokiburi taisooooouuuuuuu~’ repeatedly as music. His voice will echo endlessly in your head, long after you finish watching. Pavarotti would be proud. Recommended to those whose perfect evening consists of putting on their best cashmere bathrobe, opening a bottle of D'Autrefois Pinot Noir, and relaxing to the hypnotic movement of cockroaches wiggling their hips.
While browsing the recommendation tab on MAL, I discovered this hidden gem. It may only be 15 seconds longs, but I have watched it over 15 times, being mesmerized by the artwork and sound alone. You may be wondering what the point to this is, well I guess you would only be wondering if you were high. I on the other hand fully comprehend the premise of this, it's calisthenics of course. The artwork is like the beginning of an acid trip, it's weird. I thoroughly enjoy this, but that may be due to me being high. TL;DR, send this to your friends and theywill also question what you do on your free time and why they are still friends with you. In order to watch this in the best way, or in a new light, smoke a bowl and put it on loop.