Forty-one years ago on Planet Vegeta, home of the infamous Saiyan warrior race, King Vegeta noticed a baby named Broly whose latent power exceeded that of his own son. Believing that Broly's power would one day surpass that of his child, Vegeta, the king sends Broly to the desolate planet Vampa. Broly's father Paragus follows after him, intent on rescuing his son. However, his ship gets damaged, causing the two to spend years trapped on the barren world, unaware of the salvation that would one day come from an unlikely ally. Years later on Earth, Gokuu Son and Prince Vegeta—believed to be the last survivors of the Saiyan race—are busy training on a remote island. But their sparring is interrupted when the appearance of their old enemy Frieza drives them to search for the last of the wish-granting Dragon Balls on a frozen continent. Once there, Frieza shows off his new allies: Paragus and the now extremely powerful Broly. A legendary battle that shakes the foundation of the world ensues as Gokuu and Vegeta face off against Broly, a warrior without equal whose rage is just waiting to be unleashed. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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" THIS IS A NON SPOILER REVIEW" This is an absolute gem of a movie. Modern Dragon ball can't get any better than this. It was really phenomenal. Here a few key features of the movie Story 9 The movie is divided into 2 phases. The "Past&The Present". The start of the movie is all about the history of the Saiyans. The movie does a half an hour long depiction of the history of the Saiyans. The past is mostly based on "DB MINUS" with a few tidbits from the "Bardock: The Father of Goku". The movie is more about broly. Broly was aSaiyan with really high potential. King Vegeta being jealous of Broly's latent potential decided to send away baby Broly to a faraway planet "Vampa". Paragus(Father of broly) being betrayed by The King, vowed to find his son and one day get revenge on the king. The movie explains the ties of fate between Goku, Vegeta and Broly. The present section of the movie takes place after "THE TOURNAMENT OF POWER". It's about the encounter of the 3 fated Saiyans with each other. Pretty simple plot not too complex or anything but is really well written and executed pretty well! Art 9 The animation of this movie is out of this world. Toriyama and Toei Animation decided to change the animation supervisor and character designer "Tadayoshi Yamamuro" to "Nahiro Shintani". His animation is more fluid and gives a refreshing feel to the movie. There is a use of CG as well. In short, this is the best anime movie of 2018 when it comes to animation. Having animators from My hero academia, one punch man etc working on it. Also got Toei's best staff with the likes of Naotoshi Shida, Yuya Takahashi, Naoki tate and other great animators. The movie is one hour and forty minutes of pure " SAGAKA". SOUND AND DIRECTION 8 The movie director is "Nagamine" who produced one of the best episodes of super like episode 95 or the introduction of Ultra Instinct etc. The movie is directed really well by him. His storyboards were really amazing. The music is composed by " Sumitomo" who had his fair share of criticism from the fans because of his music at the beginning of super. His music in the battle of gods was pretty good but in this movie it's so emotional and captivating FIGHT SCENES 10 Dragon Ball is known for producing some of the best fights in all of anime. And this movie is no exception. With the likes of Takahashi and Naotoshi Shida handling the main action parts of the film, the fight scenes are absolutely mind-blowing. Especially the final section of the movie where Shida brings his A game to the movie, Shida mixed with Shintani sheets produced some of the best fights in all of anime. CONCLUSION..... overall 10 You should absolutely watch this movie. Not only its animated really well, but it also showcases some of the best fights of 2018, and it has great music too. Please go and watch this movie in the theatres. Its theatrical experience will blow your mind. Overall it's a pretty solid movie. 10/10 for me !!!
i have written this review after watching the movie unlike the many reviews written by wannabe anime fans who even never watched it.Sadly this is a more common thing happening between weebs. now, STORY: I am not going to explain the story because the internet is flooded with it. What i do can say is that the story used for the movie is built up better than most popular series movies in the last 3-4 years.To be honest i did not expect that because most of the past movies are not that big story based in the DB universe. however i do feel that they could've exploit some topics broader.ART: Ladies and gentlemen you need to see this movie just for the artwork/animation alone. While every other series are fully going for the digital animation/modern look,the director of the DB Broly movie MADE a STATEMENT by making the movie in Old School manga/anime colours and pencil strokes.They do have some use in the movie of modern techniques but it does the movie justice. I watch anime for over 25+years and my god this movie gave me back those Old School nostalgia. no other series can top this up for the moment. But i must confess i did not like some of the character designs because it did not match the Old School touch. SOUND: soundtrack and movie effects are on point and were blasted off on the right moment. CHARACTER: I felt that some characters did not match the whole concept of the movie.Probably they did this to make the movie more open for NON-DB viewers. The new Broly design is superb!It truly screams the savage saiyan look.The old broly personage of the previous movies is blown by bits from the new broly. To bad some characters had not to much screentime. ENJOYMENT: How can you not enjoy this movie?This movie is packed with action. There is nothing wrong watching some old school typical DB fighting. OVERALL: This movie will dominate box offices. The amount of effort and work into it is insane,if you can not acknowledge that then i suggest you stop watching J-animation in it's whole. This movie made a statement by using the Old School look and re-vamping 2 popular characters and that takes balls to do it since we live in an era flooded with oversensitive fanservice fans and keyboardgangsters that like to bash because they cannot accept change or cannot accept good work. I salute the whole crew who made this movie!It has been a while that i really enjoyed a good J-animation movie since kimi no wa and wolf children
"I smell death in the air." -Goku who has a scar in his face "I smell obligatory money grab in the air." -Me, and about half of the DB fandom Let's face it, Dragon Ball Super is just fanfiction written by the original Dragon Ball creator. First the amazing Dragon Ball manga was ruined by the Z route with its fillers and godawful pacing, and then the franchise got extended with million different side/backstories/sequels over decades and they are shamelessly even called "canon" because that's the best insult anyone could ever come up with when trying to mock DB. I wish this would stop because nothing wasneeded after Kai. Nothing. In this movie, Goku and Vegeta have an obligatory fist fight, Bulma tried to be sexy. Beerus and his buddy eat some cake and every main character acts like a clown to add some comedy. Rest of the story focuses around 2 things: recycling the same shit in the exact same manner as DB Super did, and adding new story elements and characters in the mix in purpose of rewriting the true canon story. It's truly amazing how mere 20 minutes of the movie's air time is put in something that quite literally just rapes the history of Saiyan race once again. "There was this guy and that guy and then this happened oh and that, and yes, it totally existed always now I am just confirming this shit, I swear." What a joke. At the very least, separate, 2-hour long movie about this subject would have been needed, but I guess that's fine, it's not like this franchise is supposed to be taken seriously anymore. I actually read that the original script was 3 hours long, but the storyboard was changed by the director and the outcome is now this 1 hour 35 minutes of messiness that doesn't give a shit about Dragon Ball. Quality level: shonen. Character-wise, at least the main cast's personalities aren't as heavily altered as in the later DBS arcs, so I guess that's an achievement of some sort. Broly himself is basically acting like a mentally handicapped dog. I am sure he couldn't even fetch a stick, etc. ETC standing for Electrical Training Collar. Seriously, this version of his character is pretty much just a ripoff of Danny the Dog. Frezzamocca (Freeza) also talks about planet Vegeta's destruction for the 90.000th time here as well because no one has yet grown tired of hearing about that shit. Such a fresh experience this one. It's truly great to see the fans getting respected this way, love letter to the fandom, no less. //sarcasm. Art and sounds are pretty much the same as earlier, tho the last fight scenes are quite spectacular especially considering it's the work of 2018's Toei. If we talk about the event that lead to the fight, the pacing, the fusion training, the powerlevel asspullery... well, maybe they pass as a comedy. Lots of lung work is put in the yelling sequences and the hair designs are matching all colors of rainbow. The 3 seconds long OP doesn't really make any sense, but who cares really. Broly's own song is cringe as duck, tho. "Go Broly, go go" and I hate myself for letting it get stuck in my head. Because I considered myself a fan of Dragon Ball, I can only call this movie trash. I give a 2 instead of a 1 because Piccolo.
With Dragon Ball surging back in a big way with Dragon Ball Super and it's "conclusion" , along with the news of this film focusing on fan favorite Broly and showcasing some great animation in the trailers, this film is likely the most anticipated Dragon Ball film yet. While Battle of Gods had some great character and comedy standouts and Resurrection F upped the action and brought back the series greatest villian, Broly ramps up the action to the series heights while also providing some solid character work. Story/Character: The first third of the film deals with Broly's backstory as wellas an abridged and slightly rewritten backstory for the Saiyans and their conquering by King Cold and Frieza. It's great to see so many classic characters like Goku's parents and King Vegeta as well as younger versions of a few others. All the character cameos are great and Broly's new backstory makes sense but this backstory is also where I found myself scratching my head the hardest. In this backstory, Goku's parents save Goku by sending him into space in a Saiyan pod, though they do this while he is clearly a small child, not a baby like when we originally see him in Dragon Ball. This detail really sat with me, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why they couldn't have written this backstory in a way which lined up with the original source material. Besides this major complaint, Broly is shown as a sympathetic character with a fleshed out backstory in comparison to the minimal explanation we got with the original movies. He is shown to have an immeasurable power level at birth and his father Paragus sees this as proof that his son has the potential to be the most powerful of all the Saiyans (mainly above King Vegeta's son). He controls him with a shock collar device and you definitely feel sorry for the poor guy...never getting a chance to live normally and abused both physically and mentally by his father while surviving on a far off planet. My one last point concerning the characters in this film is the inclusion of two new characters that work for Frieza's army. As far as I can remember, these guys are the first "good" characters we've ever been seen to work under Frieza, showing kindness to Broly and becoming his first friends. These two are really cool and I really liked their inclusion. Art/Animation/Sound: Being the action spectacle that it is, this film features some of the best animation the series has seen to date. However, with the sheer volume of action sequences featured , the CG of Resurrection F rears it's ugly head yet again. With trying to avoid some pacing spoilers of the film, the major fight against Broly which takes up about the latter 2 thirds of the film begins with 2D animation and after about a quarter of the fight switches to a CG/2D style blend and ends on a high note with more 2D sequences. While the CG is certainly noticeable, it's directed so well during the more bombastic action sequences that it covers the lower quality visuals. The only times it really hurts is during some of the sequences that really slow down and draw attention to the visuals, but as along as characters are whizzing around beating each other up the CG doesn't hurt it too much. To drive this point of the directing outwaying what the CG lacks, one of my favorite sequences of the film takes place with almost entirely CG backgrounds and characters but is so over-the-top, colourful and well directed that it entirely makes up for it. As far as the music is concerned, there isn't much to be said besides a few highlight that got me extremely excited. There are two battles in the film with musical accompaniments that chant the characters names that got me so excited, they were definitely a highlight of the film. During Broly's initial fight with Goku a song plays, where once the fight really starts kicking in, begins to chant "GO BROLY GO GO! GO BROLY GO GO!". In moments like this, I couldn't help much smile ear to ear and feel like a kid again. Even though this is the "first" appearance of Broly in the canon of this series, the song really expresses to the viewers a knowing of and excitement for the character. Overall: This is definitely the most entertaining and action packed Dragon Ball film to date. I can't think about much to sum this up as other than saying it's an absolute crowd-pleaser. Besides some issues with the rewriting of some major character/plot details and a few unfortunate CG moments this film delivers in spades as being an ultimate showcase of everything that makes Dragon Ball great.
Overview: Firstly, I would like to thank the random Japanese guy who recorded this in the theater and uploaded it to Kissanime with subtitles. You're doing the lord's work! If Toriyama wanted our money, he wouldn't have made the events of Dragonball Minus canon. This movie has some awesome action and animation, but the writing is just...ugh. The best part is that it was written by Toriyama himself and this movie is now officially canon. I had some minor gripes and issues with Resurrection F that I brought up in my review of that film, but this was just awful! Background: "If you listen to the fans, you'll besitting up there with them." - NFL coach Buddy Ryan This movie was made solely because Broly fanboys wouldn't SHUT THE FUCK UP! They just kept demanding over and over that Broly be added into DB Super because he's just SOOO cool. Despite the fact that his character gets boring really fast, has no depth, and he has the single stupidest character motivation of any villain ever. He hates Goku because he cried a lot as a baby and it disturbed Broly's nap time. I'm dead serious. DB Super eventually relented and created a female Saiyan character named Kale, who would have all the same powers as Broly while still having a personality. It was supposed to be a win/win scenario that would appease both the Broly fans and Broly haters. I personally thought Kale was fine, but the plan didn't work. The Broly fanboys considered Kale to be a blasphemy against their lord and savior Broly, who is the greatest character ever written! They absolutely demanded that Broly in his original form be added into Super. I ultimately blame Toriyama for making this movie, but I also blame the Broly fandom. You guys are responsible for this mess! Plot: (Spoilers if you care!!!) We flashback to Planet Vegeta 40 years ago and see a retelling of the events from DBZ Movie 8. Broly is born with a super high power level and King Vegeta is upset because Broly's potential is higher than his son Prince Vegeta. Instead of stabbing Broly like in the 8th movie, the king sends Broly into exile on a deserted planet in the middle of nowhere. Broly's father Paragus goes into space to rescue his young son, but the ship crashes and they end up stranded together. We then go to 35 years before the series starts and we see the events of a doujin that Toriyama wrote called Dragonball Minus. Goku's father Bardock existed, but the awesome TV special that everyone loved never happened. Also Goku was actually around 7 years old when he was sent to Earth, not a newborn like in the original manga or anime. Toriyama just retconned 33 years of Dragonball continuity for absolutely no reason. Bardock never had psychic powers, but he was the only Saiyan smart enough to realize Freeza's genocidal ambitions towards the Saiyans. Bardock sent Goku away towards Earth and then promptly died along with the rest of the Saiyans. Oh and Vegeta's little brother Tarble is now officially canon. Thanks Toriyama! Super explicitly went out of its way to not mention Tarble and say that he wasn't canon, but now he exists and it creates a plothole for Super. Now we must wonder why they invited fucking Roshi and not him to join the Tournament of Power. He's the last Saiyan who can use the Great Ape transformation and that obviously would have been a MUCH bigger help than Roshi, Krillin, or Tien. I now officially prefer the Ocean Dub where Bardock was "a brilliant scientist". We flashforward back to the present and Broly's father has been sending out a distress signal for 40 years. This signal was never noticed during the time when Freeza's Empire was massive, but now the new Freeza Empire that has existed for the 5 months since the Tournament of Power manage to see it. We are introduced to some comical good guys that work for Freeza and...this is dumb. I have a hard enough time accepting that lots of good people would fight for Zeon in the Gundam franchise, but Freeza?!! He's one of the most over the top, evil bastards in anime! He makes Gihren Zabi look subtle! The good guy Freeza soldiers meet Paragus and Broly and discover that Broly is absurdly strong, despite the fact he's never trained and has never fought anyone besides his weakling father. Freeza is overjoyed that another Saiyan exists that is stronger than him. Toriyama...did you forget which character you were writing?! Freeza believes he can manipulate Broly into killing Goku and Vegeta because King Vegeta was the one who exiled him. It actually works and they head for Earth. Goku and Vegeta have an argument and Goku believes that Freeza has reformed his ways and doesn't need to be killed. Goku, you're a fucking idiot! This is dumb even for you! The bad guys arrive and Broly starts fighting Vegeta. Throughout Super, Vegeta actually has some character growth and becomes less of a massive dick. It's one of the only positive things I can say about Super. Here he throws that away and tries to kill this random Saiyan he's never met. Broly fights back and soon Goku and Vegeta are on their back feet. Freeza kills Paragus to enrage Broly and we get the climactic fight of the movie. Toriyama rips off the fusion dance gag from DBZ movie 12 and they form Gogeta to make quick work of Broly. Oh and Freeza gets injured by Broly, but Freeza's "good guy" henchmen bring him back to health. Seriously, do they not comprehend how many hundreds of billions of people Freeza has killed? Anyways, Gogeta allows Freeza to live for...reasons and Freeza and Broly both retreat. We end the movie with Freeza's henchmen continuing to befriend Broly and Freeza hoping that the rematch will go better. Art: Here is the entire reason this movie gets a 5 from me. The fight has some very creative shots and camera angles we haven't really seen in DB. The animation is fluid, the CGI is actually used well, and the whole fight is gorgeous. I have no real complaints here. This was Toei doing the absolute best they can do. Overall: We expect DBZ movies to have awesome action and stupid plots. It's ok if the stories and villains are dumb because it isn't canon. It's like an "elseworld" in Western comics. The problem with this movie is that it IS canon. It creates plotholes, derails characters, and retcons longstanding continuity for no reason! If Toyiyama gave a flying fuck about his millions of fans around the world, he would check with an editor and we wouldn't end up in a mess like this. He doesn't. Even Vince McMahon doesn't have the sheer level of disdain for his own fans and his own product that Toriyama seems to. The Star Wars fans think THEY have a right to complain? Look guys! George Lucas is an idiot when it comes to science. He thinks a parsec is a unit of time and that light speed is fast enough to traverse the whole galaxy in minutes. You want to know why Lucas never thought of using a relativistic kill vehicle in the original trilogy? It isn't because the ships have special force fields preventing this. It's because Lucas is NOT a hard science fiction writer! Anyways, back to Dragonball. Fuck this movie. I would advise DB fans to wait until this gets uploaded to Youtube, watch the Broly fight for eye candy, and pretend the rest never happened.
If I had the pleasure to know Akira Toriyama in person, first of all I would say thanks to him for give me one (if not the best) thing in my childhood, and second I would ask him gently: WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO WITH THIS THINGS?!?! I am a lover of the dragon ball universe and almost every Akira Toriyama work, but I am also intrigued of what is he trying to do with this bad as hell movies and animes. The movie not only change the whole Broly story but besides that it is so badly animated, that it is hard to believe thatit is made in 2019. In top of all that (for me) it lost the Dragon Ball spirit, it was just fights and a lot of fanservice and political correct acts, that is not what Dragon Ball is supposed to be. To be honest at the end of the movie I was just sad and disappointed, to see my favourite thing in the world becoming this strange and unrecognisable thing. Sorry for the long post, but I needed to go all out. I give the movie a 4 because is Dragon Ball and although it is very little, the personality of Goku can be seen.
This is an absolute disgrace to the DB and DBZ series... I created an account on this site just to write this review... The original Brolly movie was ∞ better... The rawness, the story line, the characters and personalities, the realism, plot etc... Not 1 single thing is better or makes any sense in this garbage movie... This movie is a absolute joke and so is the entire Super series as a whole... I love Akira Toriyama as a creator but Kimitoshi Chioka or who ever chose to change story lines, character personalities, specific plot points needs to be fired... Go watch DBZ when Krillin get killedby Frieza and Goku lose his mind going SSJ for the first time. His best friend since a child gets killed. Then Goku and Frieza Team up in Super... Get the **** out of here with that... The animations are lazy, the art style is cheap and cost effective rather then detailed and hand drawn... This entire series is a flop and disgrace to a master piece of movies and episodes of DBZ.. Its a joke the entire series is a joke.. I've watched two movies so far and both of them just flat out ruin DBZ if you grew up watching it.. It's not even a reboot and nothing is in sequence to prior story lines...
What you will witness when watching this movie is the pure embodiment of fanservice, however that isn't why I rated 5/10 a movie about a series I do feel a lot of affection for. The reason this movie gets an "Average", in my humble opinion, is because of various plot issues instead of style/animation ones, there are some basic structure problems too. Don't confuse me with those boomer-Guts-profile-pic elitists that take a dump on this kind of anime on the regular: I'm one of the many who did enjoy Dragon Ball Super, despite its issues. So, I'll make a review for this movie, spoilers and all, sothat you can interpret why I felt disappointed while watching it. So tap out if you haven't watched it yet, or don't care about it, you've been warned: The beginning of the movie is actually pretty neat in terms of linearity, it does get worse and worse the more we go forward though. First and foremost, I absolutely despise the idea of Dragon Ball Minus becoming canon in the main storyline. Literally, over 90% of the fanbase preferred the semi-canon scenes made by Toei that explained Bardock's death, Goku being found and so on and so forth. I guess Goku suddenly ate the Saiyan clothes he had in his pod when he came to Earth, didn't he?... Anyway, we get a lot of exposition about Broly, who is dedicated most of the screentime and plot of the movie to, yet very little was added to his character compared to the older movies. Honestly, I'll get what I can, but having him talk a little more wouldn't have hurt the voice actor, who had most of his lines as screams. I'll go ahead and tell you that I don't care how much Toei wants to flex their newest animation on us, making Frieza's tail extremely thicc in certain shots and adding unnecessary zoom-ins and outs, this is all about plot, which takes over half of the movie, really. Speaking of Frieza, did he turn into a Team Rocket type of villain? The bad guy who just comes in and out and never gets taken out for good? That's... very disappointing... And as much as I liked him having silly issues like a height complex, a shape-shifting alien lizard who even in his regular forms can casually get as buff and as tall as Goku, has no worries in this matter. Back to the plot, are we really supposed to just accept that Bardock is the 0.01% of people who had some suspicions about Frieza and let his son escape? Toei even had the audacity of referencing the Bardock Special when they killed him in this movie. How presumptuous. Frieza said that he actually remembered Bardock, decades after he blew up Planet Vegeta, so him dying so easily in this version like just one guy between many, really ruins his image. And this spit in his face isn't the only thing that we're supposed to accept. Let's add that a baby who grew up with laser gun-level monsters and a basically fodder father, (weaker than Nappa) can somewhat week up with Goku and Vegeta, who have trained with gods and ascended to a level basically unreachable. At least, in Resurrection of F, there was a somewhat decent excuse, and Frieza did train for months to reach Goku and Vegeta's levels... However, Broly was already THAT powerful... Absolutely ridiculous. Oh, did you know that green suddenly appears for a split second when Goku and Vegeta turn into Super Saiyans? Well, ain't that completely new and made up for this movie... The Vegeta disrespect continues even in a movie where he did not get actually defeated, by having him getting wrecked by Broly in his strongest forms, but Goku can handle him in weaker ones and base form juuuust fine.... The music is staring to sound very recycled... not that I have problems with it, but it was nothing that made my head bump. Broly's song is unintentionally funny. As I said earlier, I don't have any issues with animation in itself... I mean, there are some Playstation 2 graphics kicking in a couple of times, but eh, I can overlook that. But seriously now, is nobody bothered by the fact that there is NO BLOOD whatsoever in this movie? I could somewhat understand this happening in the Dragon Ball Super anime, since it aired in the morning, it couldn't allow itself to be too violent, but this is a freaking movie. These are out in theaters and at night! No children to worry about. Have now Dragon Ball characters becoming completely bloodless?! Other than no blood showing, there's no sense of danger in the air when there are characters like Beerus and Whis just casually hanging around. At least Frieza managed to blow up the planet in Resurrection of F, here Broly just changes the atmosphere of an island or something, nothing to make us feel like this is actually dangerous. The fights are boring, no matter how well they are colored or animated. Frieza also gets his ass kicked for an entire hour, even though Goku and Vegeta lasted 10 minutes each at most against Broly. All for a silly Fusion Dance gag scene They even threw Gogeta in, because we didn't get enough fanservice in one go... Of course, Broly, a complete Gary Stu, manages to put up a fight against a newly introduced Gogeta Blue.... Honestly, I went in with mediocre expectations, and I was disappointed. I love the Dragon Ball franchise - - - some people really like to downplay its writing or world-building, and even though there are certainly issues, especially in the first I mentioned, I always managed to look the other way and not notice it. This is too much though... I saw it getting high ratings, which means some fanboys gave it their fare share of 10/10s... Well, if you read all the way through, thank you for listening to the words of a disappointed fan. Seems like most of us set their bar for this series very low.
I had my doubts for this movie and even more as it was reportedly a tribute for the the back to back titles: Bardock: the Father Of Goku, Fusion Reborn and Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan. Most ambitious projects tend to go overboard. Entering the cinema, I felt a sense of dread overcome me and wondered about my choices. However, by the start of the movie, I felt a bit relieved on seeing the animation and the art style. so far, it held up to my expectations. I lost track of time as the movie progressed and by the end of it, I was hopingof some post credits or a hint of return. TBH, this is one of the good anime movies in a long time with real spirits of its predecessors bursting with all glory and enthralled me. I was in love with the way the movie expands the horizon of the Saiyan history and the tale that begun so. I mostly judge everything I watch very harshly, but oh boy! Thank the Lord! The movie was brilliant and nearly brought DBS back to the roots of DBZ. The animations seems a bit odd considering how much time we spent of the Yamamuro and previous animators' style. However it's still a good tribute to the 90s style of DBZ. Broly is every way human and his antics remind me of the early days of Goku and Bulma (nostalgic AF). Cherlye also makes up for a helpful and concerned person in Paragus shoes. Paragus is blatantly the representations of Japanese Dad's from the 90s, (no offense) but it also implies how much potential is being wasted on the wrong thing and how much of restrictions could cause one to go berserk. The music is perfectly done and well synced. I found myself matching the tunes of the music and the art inspired me to rethink new possibilities for the rest of the DBS arc. This is an absolute treat. Watch it and you wont regret it. The background is so lively like freaking real and shows more nature than before. I love it and I'm giving it a 10/10. Must watch!
Do not rely on high scores this movie is horrible, the story of Broly is boring, he's like an uncontrollable dog because of nothing, the drawings are horrible, it’s cartoon and it really doesn’t fit for dragon ball, especially when there are fights, you feel like Joey Wheeler’s Creepy Chin, far too many colors that we hardly see the characters, we just see colors everywhere, the animation is not beautiful at all it moves too much in every way that it is not even comprehensible, we see some kamehameha, glitter and dimensions breaking, there is no staging, we don’t even take the time to appreciatethings, there is absolutely no choreography, these are just blows that go in all directions, transformations come out of nowhere, Gogeta that appears directly and in blue because it's necessary to sell dragon ball products, figurines, dokkan battle, dragon ball legends, they could have kept the same badass design for the original Broly but no you have to sell products. Paragus I don’t even want to talk about how useless he was. The part with Bardock for those who know the real Bardock know how much shit there is nothing to say about it, same for Goku who has exactly the same scenario as Superman when normally he’s supposed to conquer the Earth and kill all humans, Broly and his love story, it makes me sick to see that they try to humanize every character when they have nothing human. Now we’re going to compare this movie with the original Dragon Ball Z movie 8 : - Broly’s story is the same except that instead of being exiled to another planet, he gets stabbed and his father too, left for dead like garbage on the planet Vegeta that will explode right after. Because of all this he will turn baby into the legendary ssj and it will affect him deeply, he will come out with trauma, sometimes he will be calm and sometimes he will be a devil, Paragus will try to control Broly to conquer the universe but he will have a lot of trouble and he will lose his eye because of Broly, then he will ask a scientific slave to create a tool able to control Broly, by putting his ki into it he manages to reason Broly, even if Paragus uses his son to conquer the universe we can see in dbz movie 8 that he wants to help Broly and that he is sorry about what happened to his son. Broly in this movie has no hate for Goku or anyone it was Paragus who wanted revenge on Vegeta instead of revenge on his father, Broly goes after everyone and he only says Kakarot before his fight because he remembers him and it wakes up his trauma. It's only in the second movie that he hates Goku because he almost got killed by him, yes it's a far better story. - The drawings and animation in the original movie are much better too and those who say otherwise have never seen the movie or do not remember it any more, same for the music of Kikuchi it's always the best anyway there is nothing to complain about, much better than Gogo Broly, Gogo Gogeta, same for the sounds fx, the impact, the choreography, even the designs, Broly doesn’t have his disgusting pink leggings and Paragus his pink dress. Never forget that Dragon Ball Super Broly is there only because of the hype that there was with the original Broly.
-Note: English is not my native language, I apologize for possible mistakes. It is a fact that, if you ask a group of people what programs they watched in their childhood, a large majority will answer Dragon Ball. And to a certain extent he will say it with that mocking tone of “what a useless question. It's obvious". Akira Toriyama's work is one of the most influential in history and has been around for several generations, both in good times and bad. Therefore, it was to be expected that the premiere of a new Goku and his friends movie would make a stir all over theworld. In this case we are talking about Dragon Ball Super: Broly and, my family, thank you for making me a fan of this anime and sorry to you if you expected an objective criticism. The story continues after the events of the Tournament of Force and Goku continues to eager to get stronger and fight great opponents. In the end, his wish will not be fulfilled by Shenlong but by Freezer himself who travels to Earth to gather the dragon balls. To the surprise of Goku and Vegeta, the emperor of the universe added two sayings to his army: Paragus and his son Broly. It is not necessary to clarify much more about the latter, right? Although the plot could be just this, Toriyama wanted to go further and decided not only to make his version of Broly to make it canon but also adapted his version of Bardock and the destruction of the planet Vegeta, which is much richer in development but less epic than the special we all know about the character. This already set a good base because it is not something that we see a lot in the Dragon Ball movies, especially the last two that were half a hair. The film is perfectly balanced because not only does it have this strong and emotional beginning but it also has the typical humor of the series (not that of Vegeta dancing bingo), 40 minutes of ultraviolent fighting, and a satisfying conclusion that perfectly marks the essence of what is Dragon Ball. Even the soundtrack can stand out a bit. As for the new Broly, they did a great job because they kept the original design but made the character more interesting. One comes to sympathize with and understand the so-called "legendary Super sayajin" and forgets the neural monkey that got angry at someone for crying when they were babies. Don't get me wrong, I liked the excess of nastiness that the original had but its motivation was just stupid. On the animation side, it's excellent. Round by three different types that go from the simple, the detailed and the CGI, making you remember the old animation of the anime several times but, at the same time, heading for a novel side that also includes plans and shots that make it an experience more cinematic. However, there are times when it shuts down and takes you out of the action. An example that I could give is like when you knew that a super important battle was coming in the series but you just had to see it with the animation that was the least funny, like when Gohan fights with Cell or Vegetto with Super Buu. But anyway, I dare to say that Dragon Ball Super: Broly is one of the best movies out there in the series and you can't not see it.
Dragon Ball as a franchise has always been a pretty important part of my interests – it’s what ordinally piqued my interest in Japanese animation, it got me into martial arts in media, and it consumed me when I was around 11 or 12. The newest series, Dragon Ball Super, besides some highlights, didn’t really grab me as a fan, and I started to wonder if I had been the one to grow out of it. Dragon Ball Super: Broly convinced me that it wasn’t me – this is the best Dragon Ball has been in a very, very long time. The first thing I tookaway from this film was just how nice it was too look at – it made me think about the much earlier art-style from the start of Dragon Ball Z, which I feel is a massive upgrade from the somewhat static and often plasticy-esque looks of the characters in the low points of Dragon Ball Super. The set-pieces of the film look nothing short of amazing – the destruction of Planet Vegeta is awe-inspiring, and the main bout had me practically bouncing in my seat – the environmental destruction on display and the movement between sky, ice, and fire kept the look of the fight from becoming too stale in one place too long. Music-wise, whilst there are highlights, some of the music during power-ups felt slightly out-of-place, but it was nothing that took me out of the film. But voice-wise, it’s phenomenal – so much of my love for Dragon Ball Z is tied to it’s amazing dub cast. Just about every single voice actor is on point, especially with Chris Sabat’s role as Vegeta, and Vic Mignolgna’s tortured screams as Broly. Since the movie’s promotion heavily focussed on the main fight of the film, my biggest worry going into the film was if they were going to stretch out the main bout of the film out far too long, but I couldn’t be happier about the way this film is set out. The film sets the stage, presenting a thirty-minute prequel to the series, showcasing the fates of the Saiyan race, the survivors of the planet’s destruction, and Broly’s origin. This section went on slightly longer then I thought it would, but I was glued to the screen the entire time – Broly’s broken origin was such an incredible upgrade over his original depiction. I additionally loved the inclusion of a few other beloved Dragon Ball characters, such as getting a little glimpse at old favourites Raditz and Nappa, and a brief show of heroism from Goku’s father, Bardock. The entire Planet Vegeta prequel has a constant feeling of calamity just around the corner, and I couldn’t say better things about its tone. In all honestly, the actual present-day events, plot-wise, aren’t that amazing – but I wasn’t going expecting a ton. All the value comes from the character interactions and the fight itself, and in that sense, I loved near everything about it. One of the parts that took me out of the film a bit was that the set-up for the big encounter in the ice felt a little forced and a bit too silly, but in a very Dragon Ball kind of way that I couldn’t really have that great an issue with. Lastly, I also felt it was nice to see so many beloved elements from the franchise’s non-canon instalments (Like Broly, elements of Bardock, and a few other surprises) and bringing them into the universe canon-wise. It’s just fun to know, going further, that Broly is a part of what goes on in future Dragon Ball instalments. I honestly can’t think of a time Dragon Ball’s animation has ever looked this good – the major brawls between our heroes and Broly look incredible, a very loose, fluid art style that just flows from attack to attack. Even when it steps away from traditional animation, instead using CGI to depict the fight, it never looks bad and is only a minor step below the previous animation. There’s a few moments of the film where the CGI looks a little ‘plastically’, but this is mostly for some backgrounds and is gone in a few seconds. For all intents and purposes, the entire fight between Goku, Frieza and Vegeta against Broly is incredible, and will go down as one of the franchises’s best. Few fights in the series are as brutal, desperate and exciting as this one, and rather than falling into old traps of ultra-fast fighting and overuse of energy attacks, features a lot of actual martial arts technique (albeit, to an exaggerated degree). The slow build-up of the fighter’s power scale was fantastic, with none of the combatant’s utterly destroying the other. Well, except for the final section of the bout, which I feel is, sadly, one of the weaknesses of the film. To start with, the situation that leads to Goku’s power boost breaks up the momentum of the Broly fight a little too much. Whilst the circumstances of the final section are among the film’s most exciting, the battle against Broly ends a little too rapidly for my taste, as one side becomes far, far too powerful for the other to deal with. But, at the same time, without this upgrade, this fighter wouldn’t have stood a chance against the other. It’s just a consequence of the exciting, yet age old power-up based combat of the Dragon Ball franchise. It doesn’t break the film, but it’s entirely possible these criticisms come from me just wanting to get just a little bit more of this film’s amazing bout. It also, in some ways, takes the battle too far, with some flat-out crazy things going in the final exchanges that don’t honestly make sense with some honestly baffling backgrounds. But no fight is worth its salt without having the characters to back it up. We don’t really get a lot of new knowledge regarding our returning characters, sans Freiza’s new heights of how to be a jerk. Just about every character who appears in this film gets their little fun moment, if it’s Weiss’ comments on the cold of space or Beerus being saddled with babysitter duty. No, this stage is all for Broly, who I adore as a character. Rather than the rage-fuelled, baby-hating roid monster he was in the non-canon films, this Broly is a nuanced victim of circumstance, abuse, and not having his own place in the universe. He’s not Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan because he was born to be that – he is what he is, because people made him that way. His father is unlikeable, crass, and brutal to his son – but I think the reason I feel he’s a good character is because he felt real, to an exaggerated degree – people treat their children in a related manner, and it gave a level of tragic realism to the entire film. The look that falls on Broly’s face when we see the shock collar for the first time made me feel honestly uncomfortable and uneasy in a way that Dragon Ball has never had before, which I was really impressed with that kind of characterisation. I was simply floored by how much I enjoyed this film – it’s leaps and bounds ahead of the original Broly trilogy from all those years ago and reignited a love for a franchise I’d been starting to burn out on. It’s not perfect, but I legitimately feel that it’s the closest Dragon Ball has gotten in a very, very long time. With one of the series best characters, a beautifully animated brawl for the ages, and the (hopeful!) future of Dragon Ball ahead us, I’ve haven’t been this excited for this franchise in a very, very long time.
Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly Review (Minor Spoilers) Story (8/10) Very Good More Specifically (8.75/10) Very Good+ The story for Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly was very good, at first I was not a fan of them going back and changing the origin story that was established in Dragon Ball which was already sort of a homage spin off origin story to Superman's and this new Dragon Ball Minus backstory makes it even closer in resemblance to that of Superman's. But after watching it and seeing the execution behind it, I don't necessarily think it's all that bad. I guess I just wasn't comfortable with change butat least in this version we get to know more about the origin story of the Sayians. The overall story behind the movie was very good and simple as it should be also. We all know what we came here for and that's to watch Broly whoop some ass and getting a story that was actually more than decent behind it was a treat. Art and Animation (9/10) Great More Specifically (9.75/10) Great+ I would love to give this section a 10/10 because it definitely had moments in the fight scenes and choreography that was nothing less of outstanding. But I'm not entirely sure if I am fine with the multiple different art styles that this movie decided to shift to. There was at least 5 different art styles I saw this movie and it would have been fine if at most was only around 3. I felt there were a bit too many, none were bad to look at but it did break my personal consistency of immersion when I see a character's face looked a tad bit different what it did look a few seconds ago. And also I was not a fan of the CG portions of the fight, although it was not often it did stick out to me and I was not a fan. The particle effects explode and energy graphics, CG I think was fine but on characters, it did not fit well in my personal opinion it looked like I was watching Dragon Ball FighterZ which is not what I want to see during a Toei Anime Movie. Sound (9/10) Great The sound in this movie was great, I watched it in English Dub and all of that was great, but the music for this movie I felt was off to me. It didn't feel like it fit the usual type of background music they would often play during a Dragon Ball fight, I personally was not a fan of what was chosen as it didn't add to the hype of moments like the previous movies did during their most hype moments. Characters (9/10) Great The Characters were great all of the Dragon Ball characters were entertaining as always. It's cool to see Vegeta not get disrespected and treated like a punching bag for once in a while. The return of Gogeta and making him canon was welcoming also. Broly's overall character was definitely handled better this time around versus his previous version. The other two new characters Cheelai and Lemo weren't annoying as they got a decent amount of screen time. And seeing the new take on Bardock also was welcoming and Goku's mother Gine was a nice addition although short lived also. The other Z-Warriors were missing and that's sad but I would rather them not be in the movie if they weren't going to add anything to the movie which was about Broly. Beerus I was disappointed by though as they put him on babysitting duty and I really haven't seen him do anything for a long while. Whis was here and there and was a treat as he was trolling as he always was and Frieza still up to his conniving ways which was entertaining as always. Enjoyment (10/10) Outstanding I was engrossed for the entire movie even during all of the setup, it was interesting since like I said before it was a new take on an origin story that was not that fleshed out. And when the fighting started it continued to the very end of the movie which was a satisfying and enjoying amount of time. Overall (9/10) Great More Specifically (9.50/10) Great+ I thought this movie was great, I'm surprised and also kinda of happy that at the end of the movie Broly wasn't necessarily killed off. You can tell whenever the next anime tv series of Dragon Ball starts that Broly is going to be used in some way. I heard he was already mentioned in that Toyataro manga that is 2 chapters pass this movie. I'm glad this movie came out well and welcome more Dragon Ball movies in the future.
Dragon Ball Super: Broly takes place right after Universe Survival Saga and follows our heroes Goku and Vegeta as they come face to face with a new Saiyan, Broly. Is he friend or foe? All they know is that he is aching for a battle and with every punch they trade with him, he becomes stronger. Have they met their match, or will our heroes prevail? The fight scenes are beautifully choreographed and radiantly colored, with minimal use of CGI to enhance the action. Having watched Dragon Ball Z since I was kid; I can admire the evolution of its fighting animation, the use of certain“camera” angles and panels to accentuate actions and moments. Thought it feels excessive at times (as its typical of the series and genre), you never miss the story being told through the fists of our fighters as the action endlessly escalates with grace. With a feature-length of 101 minutes, I can safely assure you that the main event of the film takes more than half of the movie’s run time. Yes, that’s right. The fight between all three Saiyan fighters last 45 or more (I couldn’t find a way to time it, but that estimation feels right), but it constantly evolves and shifts gears, successfully keeping the audience on its toes. broly But the film’s greatest strength is its first act; which revisits the dealings between the Saiyan race on Planet Vegeta with the Evil Space Conqueror Frieza: which escalates to the near extermination of the Saiyan Race. Focusing on Broly’s harsh childhood and violent upbringing; the writers and director take their time and allow the audience to invest in this new character before his encounter with our heroes. Being that the movie is considered canon, the writers expect the audience to know our main characters (Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, Trunks, Beerus, etc); but there is enough information provided during your time with them for you to recognize the film’s leads as someone coming in blind. The time taken in the conflict’s setup makes the payoff towards the end that much more rewarding. Filled with moments that highlight the creators appreciation of their fans, humor and breathtaking visuals; Dragon Ball Super: Broly is a movie that honors the history of Dragon Ball, its fans and an awesome time at the movies. Whether you’re an otaku current with the series, a fan that used to watch in the past or someone wanting to know what all the fuzz is about; this is a film you don’t want to miss.
THE BROLY MOVIE IS "PHENOMENALLY MAXIMUM BUT FANTABULOUS" STORY: The Story is cliche or what we can say simple formulaic revenge story or fate to save the world. But to be honest, this time unlike past DBZ Feature Films Battle of Gods (2013) & Resurrection "F" (2015), it had story delving into past though not about Origins of Saiyans but about Frieza, Destruction of Saiyan Clan & Paragus's Revenge Story. ART & ANIMATION: Art & Animation are quite awesome. Kudos to Toei for replacing Tadayoshi Yamamuro with Naohiro Shintani as Chief Animator along with Yūya Takahashi, Naoki Tate & Naotosh Shida. The Last 45 mins of Movie had fantasticfight choreography with some CGI Effects similar to Popular Fight from One Punch Man "Saitama vs Boros". Surprisingly, Saiyan Transformation is quite awesome especially Vegeta's. My Personal Opinion is that fights are better than all fights in DBS TV Series incl. Goku vs Jiren & Team Fights. SOUND: Kudos to Veteran Cast of Dragon Ball Franchise. From 1986-still counting, Charm of Voice never lost though I hate Goku's Japanese Seiyuu but Masako Nozawa is most respected VA. (Fan of Sean Schemmel) "Gintoki is in Broly"! Yes you heard right, New Character Named Lemo has been voiced by Fan Favorite Gintoki Seiyuu Tomokazu Sugita. Soundtrack & Background Score during fight sequence is on different level thanks to Norihito Sumitomo, to surprise he never used DBS TV Series Soundtrack rather used new music. No words to describe "Blizzard" by Daichi Miura which was biggest plus for movie hype received. CHARACTER: Nothing special. but New Characters are literally good. Paragus & Broly backstory had polished version & characterization than 1993's Broly Movie. Paragus- Character who is set to take revenge on Man who exiled him cruelly from Empire by making his own son as Killing Machine. Broly - Tragic Character who is innocent to world around him. Cheelai & Lemo are soldier from Frieza Force who are ray of light among dark for Broly by forming friendship with him. These Character are quite new to DB Franchise. For Remembrance, Toriyama is infamous for making Once Badass & Loved Character to Shittiest & Useless Character which can be explained with some good examples like Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo, GOHAN, for me Hit also. Hope that since this movie is canon, Broly shall not fall into this category. ENJOYMENT: A+ Though Spoiled by Many Promos & Trailers.....Hoped for Good Popcorn Entertainer but Toriyama Sensei given Fan Festive Feast...:). Absolutely had wonderful experience though had few pacing problems especially because of the original script of the movie was actually 3 hours long so they had to cut down to 1 hour 40 minutes de to which some sections are a bit rushed but its not that big of a deal, as it was replaced with cool design, animation, snowy fighting arena & Climactic Battle and Blizzard Music which is still on my head. OVERALL/CONCLUSION: #1 Simple But Amazing Dragon Ball Z/Super Film & No Surprise Movie already made 2.03 Billion in 11 Days. Link: Thanks to Toei & Nagamine for retaining Same Production Team of One Piece Film: Z because of which movie had one of best production quality. THIS DECEMBER ENDS WITH BROLY BANG AT JAPAN ......:)
This movie is epic, it's a great mix of story telling and action. Every anime fan has to check this out. I suggest everyone in America just go to the theaters and check this out while it's there! Watching at home just isn't as intense. The fighting scenes are some of the best I've ever seen, maybe number 1 ever. The only fighting scenes I can think of that are on the same level is in Boruto when Naruto and Sasuke face Momoshiki. I don't think any animation will top this for a while, this is top notch art. This is definitely the best story tellingof any Dragon Ball movie as well. Sometimes in Dragon Ball you can tell they aren't even trying to have a plot but there is real effort in this. It does go without action for quite a while which ends up feeling weird for a Dragon Ball movie. One thing I wish they did was bring more characters into the movie. Nowadays it's always just Vegeta and Goku, everyone else is totally irrelevant. In the old days they would at least put the weaker characters out there to buy time even when everyone knew they had no chance but now they don't even bother. It's nice to see the whole gang sometimes. Overall 9 out of 10, it's really hard for me to give out 10s because something can always be improved but this is about as good as it gets. I'll say 9.5 how about that?
Note that this review is of the english VA done by funimation as I saw it in theaters in the US. I'll try to avoid spoilers as best as I can. Story: 8/10 The story portion of the movie was very well-written, but in my opinion shortened a bit too much. I would have liked certain details not omitted and felt that more could have been done in this department, though I think that's because the longterm DBZ fan in me wanted to see some of the things like King Vegeta's revolt against Frieza and Bardock's attacks as well. I also really wanted to see more ofGine but I heard that the original script was up to 3 hours long. I feel like they probably decided to in the end condense the contents of the movie to prevent it from being that long because there is probably data to indicate that people would feel overwhelmed if the movie was too long. Art: 10/10 The animation of this movie was some of the best I've seen in my life. Seriously if there is one thing I feel that this movie did better than anything else it's the art and animation. The artstyles used resembled that of the original series while still looking fresh and modern at the same time, and honestly makes me worry that any future DB-related movies (and hopefully anime series continuations!) won't be able to compete. Dear lord that was outstanding. Sound: 7/10 Part of the sound score is related to the english VA and part of it is for the music tracks used in the song, and part of it is for the sound effects. So while I really do like the voices used, I feel like some of the screams for some of the more intense moments felt less intense than some of the screams for smaller punches and blows. If I had to rate the voice acting alone it'd be at about an 8.5/10. As for the sound effects, I'd probably go for about a 7/10. I feel like based off of the scope of some of the enormous damage done to the landscape and energy blasts and forceful blows, the sound effects didn't match up with the visuals as well as they could have. They felt a bit lacking/quiet though not in a low quality way that detracts from the enjoyment. As for the songs... I was enjoying everything except for the "go! gogeta! go! gogeta!" and "go! broly!" stuff. I really think that all soundtracks used should be instrumental, but hey maybe that's just me. Character: 9/10 This gets a 9/10 from me and I'm genuinely surprised because I didn't think this would be a strength of a movie featuring Broly in it, but they did such a fantastic job at making the viewer sympathetic for Broly. I actually found myself rooting for him. In the old movie from decades ago, Broly was just this big hulky pointlessly evil monster that wanted to kill everyone and had no iris/pupils. In this movie, he has an interesting backstory and a bit of a personality. He seems very similar to how Goku was as a kid in the sense of being so innocent and pure. I definitely found myself liking him as a character after seeing this movie! Additionally the side characters were likable and pretty much nothing bothered me whatsoever with how any character featured in this movie was done except for Beerus. It is a gripe I've had with DBS that Beerus went from being an all-powerful and well-revered god to treated as a comedic relief character that doesn't do anything relevant. Enjoyment: 10/10 I enjoyed this enough to drive through a snowstorm in traffic out to a mall if that says anything, and I literally avoid going out unless it's absolutely necessary because I prefer to watch my stuff online and indoors... but fuck waiting, I had to see it! I so badly wish it could have gone on longer because I found myself as excited to watch it as Goku is for a fight. I could watch this until I faint from exhaustion I love the dragonball series so damn much. I'm so glad all of the hype I've had for this wasn't in vain! Overall: 9/10 When I compare the movie with the rest of the things I've rated, this was high-tier. While I pointed out some of the things I've noticed that in my opinion could have been improved, it is without question to me that this movie has been one of the most outstanding things to bless the dragonball fans since the conception of it back in the 1980s. I highly recommend this movie to anyone out there!
As a long time fan of the Dragon Ball series, first getting into it via Toonami in the 90s, I'd say it safe to say that the movies of Dragon Ball have been a bit more hit or miss. Many of them having no cannon connection to any part of the series made them seem superfluous and more interesting "what if" scenarios. And many of them lacking quality and good writing when it comes to the memorability of the villains our iconic Z warriors would fight. Every now and again you'd get something in the vain of great TV movies like "History of Trunks" or"Bardock: Father of Goku" or even some good movies like "Fusion Reborn" or "Wrath of the Dragon". But one that most kids in our youth do remember, and often find has not aged entirely well but still withholds much nostalgia and popularity, is the 3 Broly Movies from years ago (Broly- The Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly- Second Coming, Bio-Broly) do not hold up well due to the writing of it's popular but honestly badly written villain Broly. In those films, Broly was wanting to kill Goku due to their time on Planet Vegeta as babies and Goku's crying upsetting Broly. It made him a neanderthall who's motivation for wanting to fight Goku needless and bad. Now in recent years, we've gotten movies related to the Dragon Ball Series thanks to the popularity of Dragon Ball Super and the two films before this one "Battle of Gods" and "Resurrection F". Both turning out to be cannon to the source material and actually kept the series going. And they were good. So after Super finished airing, and the announced the next one would star Broly as the antagonist, I got worried. But then I heard this movie would be cannon (Taking place not to long after Super's "Tournament of Power Saga") and that Broly would be re-written, I got hopeful. And after seeing the movie last night, I can honestly say they did an amazing job and it's become one of my favorite entries in the Dragon Ball franchise. In this film, Broly and Paragus are given an actual backstory and much better reason behind their choices, motivations and characters. They become more fleshed out and actually become interesting and very entertaining. Heck, there's even some re-writes to Goku's voyage to Earth, Bardock (Along with Goku's mother Gine), and the destruction to Planet Vegeta that works out really well too. None of the rewrites destroy or make less entertaining the Dragon Ball mythos and only improves it in my mind. And the story is very good here this time around. Well paced as well, it kept moving forward and did amazing at telling the story. And the animation... Sweet Jesus the animation. The art aesthetic and overall animation is phenomenal. This looks more among the lines of Bones or MadHouse productions and that is to the movie's benefit. So many moments of Sakuga in an already well animated and gorgeous film, it's a real feast for the eyes. And even allot of the experimental moments and shots I wouldn't expect (Like a POV shot for a bit from Broly's perspective during a battle) is really well done as well. So much detail is here, that I feel if you went through this movie an slowed it down and go at it frame by frame, you'd find so much. The character's fight animations, expressions, are so well detailed. This isn't your old Dragon Ball of quick flashiness of dude's punching each other. There is that, but it also has many a moment of beautiful animation and details throughout. One of the best produced Dragon Ball films out there. Honestly, if you're a fan of Dragon Ball, please watch this. It changes elements of the mythos and history might rub some people the wrong way, but in my mind, it honestly helps build up a great future for Dragon Ball and gives one of it's more popular villains a re-write redemption adding him to the list of good Dragon Ball villains. This is honestly one of my top favorite Dragon Ball films and quite possibly anime and animated films in general. It's a feast for the eyes and did so much for me as a fan of one of anime's biggest titles.
GOGETA! GOGETA! GOGETA! GO BROLY GO GO! GO BROLY GO GO! With banger music like this, how could you not enjoy Dragon Ball Super Broly! In all seriousness, Dragon Ball Super Broly is the best DBZ movie with gorgeous animation, perfect blend of CGI, and a rewarding 40-minute fight scene packed with intensity from the start. Unfortunately, the movie rehashes a storyline many DBZ fans already experienced, just tinkered a bit to fit the current era of Super. That being said, trudging along through the prologue is worth it from the first minute of the fighting onward. A must watch forany Dragon Ball fan. Animation 10/10 - Crisp animation, with a great blend of CGI, smooth use of camera perspective. Sound 10/10 - The sound design is on point during the fight scene, the quality is insane, but Pantera - 10's should have been used, it would have gotten a great pop in theatres. Story 3/10 - A retelling of the Broly story, with a twist. Kinda boring for the first hour, but that's not why you are watching the movie anyway. Characters 9/10 - The main cast is awesome, but I could have done without the Frieza fodder characters taking time away from what we all want, fighting. Enjoyment 9/10 - I've watched the fight scene in its entirety about 15 times, it's that good. I can recommend this to everyone, great for children to get introduced to anime as well. Seeing the reactions in theatres, I can only imagine how memorable it must be for newcomers.