On a hot summer day, five university students sneak into the library storage to look for some treasure. They find two sets of female antique mummies from Italy around the age of 14–20 years old. One of the students, Sayaka, rips open the mummy and takes out a stone called "stone of life," which gave the mummies super strength and eternal life. Having stolen their "stone of life," the two mummy girls wake up and become zombies after 100 years in order to get it back in a bloody gruesome way, smashing their heads and eating their flesh for power. The only way for the students to get out is to somehow find a way to kill the zombie girls. Will they be able to survive? (Source: Shochiku)
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I had no idea what this was when I saw it pop up on crunchyroll, so I took a chance and watched it. I regret this immensely. At times I couldn't stop laughing, at times I was on the verge of crying, but regardless of my emotional state the entire time I watched this OVA I wanted to die. The story is absolute nonsense where some idiots accidentally unleash the ultimate evil from a coffin in the basement of a university: two Gothic Lolitas who are also super powered zombies! The rest of the movie is about them fighting said zombies in baffling stupid ways. Untila new zombie shows up to fight the old zombie in a ridiculous super-powered basketball game. (I’m dead serious, that happens.) The reason this show made me wish I too were a shambling corpse instead of a living person was twofold: the high level of stupidity the plot throws at you every single scene, and the strange, schizophrenic tone of it all. Was it trying to be a comedy, a trashy action movie, or a horror anime? At some point they must not have known what to go with so it’s ALL OF THEM AT ONCE! Jumping from a stupid comedy scene to a kung fu battle back to comedy to intensely brutal gore made my head spin and it does it quite often. Too many scenes seemed to be played for comedy like a girl screaming like an ecchi comedy lead, only to rip someone’s arm off and transition the scene into gory horror with nothing to indicate it was now going to play the horror tropes straight instead of taking the piss like it just did two seconds ago. I really, really don’t know what they were going for here, but even if you ignore the writing and focus on the other aspects it’s still completely awful. The musical score is generic and bland, the sound effects sound very stock, the voice acting is fine but nothing special and the artstyle is hideous. Once and a while the animation was decent, but it was mostly pretty bad, very choppy and poorly drawn. The dialog was painfully stiff and at times incomprehensible and crunchyroll’s absurdly bad subtitling job didn’t help this, it rendered it almost completely unwatchable on top of it being unwatchably bad in general.
This anime is b list horror movie and it knows it, its has all the tropes of one, bland characters weak story, weird pacing but makes up for with fantastic gore, a great dark sense of humor and dosent take itself to seriously, if you area a fan of wacky horror movies you'll love it The problems with it feel almost intentional in order to keep that b list spirit, the facial expressions are pretty bad and almost never change which may be a reflection on b tier bad acting, the gore is detailed and over the top like from something likeEvil Dead or Nightmare on Elm street, If you have a love for terrible horror movies and can ignore the weak story and bland characters Calamity of a Zombie Girl is definitely for you
This is a repost, spoilers possible: Ok, so they weren't kidding when they titled this ONA as "Calamity of the Zombie Girl" since when they woke up and I did said "they" cu'z there were two of them. Ok. like I've said they woke up from their long slumber and immediately they started to have to deal with a couple of shitty characters to take back what belongs to them and a calamity breaks out. You know if anybody says that the fact about this ONA does make sense, when everything was thrown at once with even considering about the pacing of the anime. considering thatthis, a fantastic spectacle, are about the only words that you can describe this as. You have to have a very high IQ to understand this. Too bad I kinda agree with it when this anime presents the character here who have died as greedy and it also shows that greed can be bad where most of them paid it with their lives, Ok so there maybe some plot holes here, where Alma and Euphrosyne were from the Holy Roman Empire but from the 19th century probably in the 1810's as seen from their attire in Euphrosyne's backstory. Also, we never get to know if the Occult Club member were high schoolers or college students. There is also Mako who is that mad scientist's sister whom we saw is alive so how the hell did that mad scientist able to plant that stone on her. Despite of all of it studio Gonzo did make used of the blood and gore of this anime and seeing them Occult Club die one by one was something that you make you feel like they deserve it, especially when you see how that mad scientist got killed by his sister / science project and how Mako the mad scientist's sister / science project got owned and eventually terminated by Euphrosyne was something else , cu'z the main protagonist and her sidekick only wants to live in peace and be left alone, but thanks to a certain two timing bimbo and the rest just goes one by one. Fanservice??????? there is boobs. butt and panty service , but no hairy fannies, so what gives about this anime?: Story-fair 6: Well Pretty much a lot were thrown in that a lotta plot holes follow through. Art-Very Good 8: Who cares about the fanservices, when the blood and gore makes up for it. Sound- Good 7: Nice to hear Hayami Saori's mature voice, btw she is ugly in real life. Character-Very Good 8: All that killing of them Occult Club (except one) was something that you can say that they deserve it and knowing that them two Zombie just wanna be left alone with their property and yes it's that magical stone. Enjoyment- Very Good 8: It did lived to it's title and the blood and gore was a lotta icing on the cake. Overall-Very Good 8: Nice to know that studio Gonzo just limit this to just one episode , that's quite worth it.
I'm actually a sucker for bad anime – I like watching really low-budget or poorly-made shows, laughing at their absurdity and noting down their failures in reviews. This one, however, was physically painful to watch – there's no fun to be had here, intentional or not. The Calamity (indeed!) contains: – Awful art (simply ugly, at times somewhat and at times horribly so – I can't remember any other anime that was this visually unappealing or had characters so poorly designed) and junky animation. There was nothing funny or over-the-top about it, like in Hand Shakers for example, it was just plain bad. – Characters too stupidto live, and never in a fun way. This includes everyone – I guess it tried to follow the slasher film formula (the axe in the picture in the right might be a clue – there's no axe in the actual movie though), but the titular Zombie, who shoul be threatening, might be the dumbest of them all. I wanted everyone to drop dead and I was sad it didn't fully happen. – Awful dialogue. I'm not sure I've heard dumber conversations and more half-assed voice acting in my whole experience in anime. This stuff is embarrassing, occasionally painful (expository dialogue was like the driest thing ever). – Pointless violence and gore. But hey, I've said already this is more or less a slasher movie, so why pointless? Because there's pretty much no reason for half of the violence and death. It just happens, often in a "comedic" way, which often made me uncomfortable with how stupid and uncalled for it all was. And it comes from someone who likes slasher films and gory anime. The scene with smashing a dog's head with a sledgehammer is the best example of macabre that serves no purpose other the movie trying to be edgy, but coming out nothing but obnoxious. Something else? Probably there is, but I'm tired of thinking about this anime already. Really, there's nothing to be seen here. Even if you like weird garbage anime like I do, skip this one – it's really not worth it.
I personally think this movie is an incredible achievement. I like horror movies and I really like anime but they rarely intersect in a way that takes such fantastic advantage of both. The genre and medium are both used to great effect. I am absolutely baffled by the low score and how few people have seen this movie. I certainly get why some people would dislike it. The combination of anime tropes and B-grade horror movie tropes is definitely unique; probably even jarring if you're not used to one or the other. In my experience I've never quite seen anything like this and I was pleasantlyshocked and surprised numerous times during my first viewing. And I do recommend going into this movie without knowing anything about it. I am deliberately not going to go into any details about the plot but I will recommend going in prepared for something that is very deliberate in what it does and also specifically not taking itself overly seriously. When this movie finds it's audience, and I'm sure it will eventually, I feel as though it will retroactively be praised as a horror anime classic for many years to come.
It really feels like someone decided they wanted to make an anime film based on old horror films from the 90's, but, and here's the kicker, instead of Jason or The Mummy, you get a kawaii anime (zombie) girl. It's got the classic group of teenagers who all are slightly quirky and have weird crushes in a nice love triangle, the plot twist which really isn't very good, and everyone gets picked off. Not everyone dies, but I feel this film suffers most from the lack of anyone worth cheering for, because there really isn't. Everyone's pretty dumb or despicable in my opinion and by theend I didn't care who won. I realized who the protagonist was probably supposed to be but either way was fine with me, so I certainly didn't feel invested. The art and action was pretty decent, even if they completely ignored the fact that a fight should have ended way sooner than it did for plot reasons. The voice acting was fine, the sound was nothing special in that I didn't even really notice it, and yeah it was a little fun. Dry, and some jokes didn't land, but if you want to watch something kind of ridiculous, you can get a few laughs out of it. Overall not really worth your time in my opinion, but it's only an hour so it's some dumb fun.
So I missed an anime festival to see this at the cinema on the big screen so I found it online instead and I have to say, I didn't miss much. A cast of annoying characters (minus kung fu girl, who gets pass marks) stumble across two zombie girls who then proceed to wreak mediocre gory vengeance on them. At no point do you feel any sympathy for the students save the aforementioned kung-fu girl and you're just counting down the time until they die horribly. Falls into that category of not amateurish to be terribad but just about bad enough to be boring.
So this is what a Japanese anime adaptation of a B-List "Kill 'em All" Horror is like... Aru Zombie Shoujo no Sainan is what you'd expect from a B list horror and man does this movie takes from bland characterizations, absurd situations and the uncensored gorey and nudity you'd expect from the genre just under the anime umbrella. The basic premise is of a zombie girl and her maid, Euphrosyne Studion voiced by Saori Hayami and Alma V voiced by Yui Ogura being resurrected when five students sneak into the library storage and steal Euphrosyne's "life stone" and with her now resurrected, she seeks to retrieve itback in ANY way possible, mainly death and gore. The plot does give us little details about some of how the plot foundation is set up as, like how a 2 Italian coffins landed in Japan to why even five student went to sneak into the library storage and everything but the plot does tend to bend the rules for the sake of a gorey death and thus characters acting either stupid as hell or absurdly out of place for the "sake of it". BUT through all this, Euphrosyne and Alma actually became the most interesting and likable character from the entire roster even mainly for the sake of developing them, they are the main characters and the titular characters. And because of this, the victi- "main characters" of the five students as well two more characters are stock boring, irredeemable or just plain stupid, like the egoistical asshole, the kung fu girl, the perverted nerd, the two timing ulterior motive girl and the shy girl and yes because Euphrosyne is pretty much a superpowered zombie able to rip limbs like butter...you can see these five having their heads rolls very soon and very quickly. The other two characters involved are the professor and his younger sister and once they get into focus of the plot is when this movie goes from schlocky gorey horror to batshit insane superpowered death match ( no seriously that's the tone it gets into). So yeah the five main victims are either stupid or unlikable and the two characters that drive the plot up a wall doesn't have any influence until the latter half of the anime AND the titular character has more likability and development but is portrayed as the heroine...yeah this is B grade horror schlock, point on point. The animation done by Studio Gonzo and Stingray, well LA did note few things about the animation, well the first one is that the animation at least in the first half tended to fade in and out maybe because the director didn't know how to transition better and just used fade in and outs because he couldn't think of anything else, second and finally is that yes, the gore and nudity is completely uncensored and the "fanservice" is mostly shown in a dis-servicing way...you know, all the gorey death and all and sometimes both blended together for no discernible reasoning for the sake of it, but yes, if your squeamish rather you not watch it at all (and LA is squeamish about this...for live action horror movies, LA is weirdly ok with animated gore). The animation done by Gonzo and Stingray was decent at least from the character designs to background work as well as the uncensored nature of it all, like the animation seemed more focused on the gore than anything else being REALLY detailed, well it's a gorey horror anime so LA guess the animation focused on the gore did make some sense. All in all, the animation done by Gonzo and Stingray was decent with a few annoyances. The voice cast, well they did decently as well, it was the scripting that was the problem and what they had to work with and the voice actors did their best with the material, especially with M.A.O as the kung fu girl to the ulterior motive girl voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro, but by default Saori Hayami and Yui Ogura were great as Euphrosyne and Alma just because their characters were likable and they were charming in some ways. Aru Zombie Shoujo no Sainan has what every B grade horror schlock's problem has, bland to absurd characters to just characters acting stupid or nonsensical for the sake of a death and makes you root for the zombie girl and maid kill the unlikable cast already. Aru Zombie Shoujo no Sainan does jump the shark near the latter half and just goes batshit crazy with it and takes it 100% seriously and guess what, LA liked it as Aru Zombie Shoujo no Sainan knows what it was and it could go even further beyond it's own craziness and succeeded in that B-grade schlocky way BECAUSE it is an out and out B-grade horror schlock fest through and through. Just what the hell did LA watch?, ohh right B-grade horror schlock.
Minor spoilers might follow. Picked this up to relax a bit after work and I was not wrong to do so despite its score and some punishing reviews. For example Corpse Party: Tortured Souls edges on the 7 and is much more dumber in my opinion and has much more gore for the sake of gore. The story looks like a typical cheap Hollywood 90s horror movie, a bunch of students resurrect some zombies who happen to be cute and powerful and get in trouble for it. Would have liked a bit of suspense as to whom gets killed when but its no so, killingsare brutal and come rather quickly. However the physics involved is quite good, done in CGI, blood is realistic also most of the times. Beware that if you are not comfortable with splattered brains, limbs being torn off of animal cruelty this is not for you. Not so fan service oriented here, you have full nudity in detail, no need to wonder whats under for the main character. Problem with this anime lies in the last part. There's a switch to comedic which I quite didnt enjoy because it unbalances the tone set for the series and the plot twist is a bit Shiki like or Devilman Crybaby like, who is the real evil but done in a superficial way. Voice acting is good on the Japanese version, there are a lot of famous actors in this. Art is good for the most part, the CGI is also good and character movements are fluid and do not look weird. I do recommend watching this, not in any rush, just when there's spare time to get the head a bit clear of other anime. Best enjoyed during Halloween, for me it came early this year I guess.
I watched it for the plot. *crickets* The gore of course! Great usage of brutal bone cracking, stretching, tissue tearing, skull crushing gore! And maybe the horror theme, but really that didn't last long...now did it.. *sigh* Characters look samey, especially the girls. Everything is stiff, slow and boring animation-wise with the sole exception for the fight/gore scenes. Watch a compilation of the gore on YouTube or skip through this entire thing to get to the good parts. It missed a massive opportunity to make it about two delusional, demented victorian zombies going on a vengeful killing rampage slaughtering everyone in creative and obscenely brutal ways. (Thisstill happens, kind of. It's not in the cool, well paced and mature way you're hoping for inside that brain of yours sadly.) Too many long scenes of talking, walking and nothing happening that bring the pacing to a screeching halt. Oh and some pointless martial arts scenes for padding it out before the inevitable, I guess. That makes it... a... hmmm... 2. 2 out of 10 yes. 1 extra point for the short lived gore scenes that should've honestly set the bare minimum for gore standards in anime. Newsflash they almost never reach this visceral level even today because people are cowards and or lazy.