The "Noblesse" Cadis Etrama di Raizel, also known as "Rai," is enrolled in Ye Ran High School by his servant Frankenstein to stay hidden from the sights of the Union, a mysterious organization out for Rai's blood. Rai commences his life as a student, making himself familiar with his classmates and the daily activities of humans. However, his new life is far from peaceful, and Rai is soon forced to save his new friends from the hands of the Union that had abducted them. Meanwhile, M-21—a Union agent gone rogue during Rai's rescue operation—joins the Ye Ran High School security staff after a proposition by the school's director, who happens to be none other than Frankenstein himself. On the surface, M-21 is a prim and proper employee, but in truth he is shackled by his former ties to the Union and the inevitable consequences of betraying the organization. To further complicate matters, Nobles Regis K. Landegre and Seira J. Loyard enroll in the same school to investigate the Noblesse. While the Union conducts a manhunt for M-21 to extract clues regarding their missing agents, Rai is forced to keep his identity hidden while protecting all that he holds dear. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Noblesse was a pretty fun and enjoyable watch. Nothing spectacular, but nothing awful either. Like most things in life, Noblesse has some pros and cons. I’ll start with the bad. Noblesse, the anime, is probably the walking definition of mediocre. The series sets up a lot of cool and interesting mysteries and plot points, but the execution feels lacklustre and leaves much to be desired. The first 4-5 episodes were really good and then I felt it was downhill from there. The final third of the show had some cool fights and nice moments between the characters, but that’s about it. Now that I’ve got thebad out of the way, Noblesse does have some good things going for it. For one, it’s by far the best adapted webtoon anime of the year. GoH and ToG suffered from tremendous pacing issues, but Noblesse did a really good job of bringing the manhwa to life. The comedy is decent, the fights are really well animated and the world is interesting. I do appreciate the fact that the story is very character driven and not just another battle shonen style set up like GoH and ToG. Dialogue and the relationship between characters are huge here. My gripe with the story mainly comes from the second half of the show. There’s a key moment with one of the main characters that marks a turning point in the anime, and it seems like once this character faded, so did my interest. The “Lord” arc that takes up the final 4-5 episodes had potential to be really good, but the “antagonist’s” motivations were so weak and shallow to me that it was hard to take it seriously. The final episode was handled pretty well which probably saved its score for me, though. Despite it’s flaws, I did enjoy Noblesse quite a bit and think it had a lot of potential. I do recognise the fact we only saw a few chapters out of a massive work. The whole concept of vampire nobles, mysticism and human genetic engineering is cool. I just wish the story had been a bit better down the stretch. Noblesse gets 7 cups of tea out of 10.
MILD SPOILERS AHEAD WebToon Anime only ever made sense in hindsight. Back when "Tower of God" was airing I expressed my excitement for what could have been a landmark turning point for both the WebToon and anime markets. I stand by everything I said, and there are undoubtedly good results achieved with this venture. A quick search on Google Trends would reveal that interest in WebToons and Manhwa skyrocketed with the release of ToG. If the goal was to create commercially successful products that brought WebToons mainstream prevalence, the production committees at Crunchyroll certainly succeeded. But despite the corporate success, it's difficult to view this partnershipwithout some degree of cynicism; the flagship adaptations themselves have left a weak first impression. At best, they were middling half-measures that somewhat managed to hint at greater things to come; at worst, they did disgraceful disservice to the source material being promoted. And that brings us to where we are today. ToG was a flawed, but promising, adaptation that oozed with potential. But "God of High School" was all style with no substance, and today's case study, "Noblesse," possesses neither. At the very least the sheer lunacy of GoHS was capable at provoking a vitriolic response from me. But soulless unambition confines this husk of a show to an arguably worse fate - indifference. Here's how. This review contains mild spoilers, but skip ahead to my Tl;Dr if you're short on time. Noblesse is built around a powerful entity living amongst men. After an 820-year slumber, the mysterious Raizel awakens, à la Rip Van Winkle. He is a member of the Nobles, a secluded race charged with protecting mankind from afar. Finding himself far from home, Raizel decides to live a peaceful life in modern-day South Korea. The show is split into two arcs, both of which are concerned with factions alerted to his "Awakening." His incredible abilities are rarely put on display, instead serving as the impetus for power struggles and internal politics. These conflicts and Raizel's new way of life are what the show utilises to explore certain ideas. But before we take that deep dive, there is something that needs to be addressed. For those of you who don't know, Noblesse the Anime does not share the same chronological beginning as the original webcomic. A 2016 prequel, titled "Noblesse: Awakening," is the canonical start of our story, and the anime decided to continue where that OVA left off. Personally I didn't see a need to catch that prequel, given that the anime was never advertised as a follow-up. Way I see it, the existence of the source material or other adaptations doesn't absolve this individual instalment of meeting fundamental story objectives. My beliefs aside, I'm not one to tell you whether the OVA is necessary viewing or not, but I believe there is merit in making observations off the anime alone. And the show does attempt to make the best out of its 13 episodes, isolating a specific time period in order to deliver a narrative and thematic context one could understand as an entry point into the franchise. It's all just not very good. The anime's message carries noble intentions, but lacks meaning. Noblesse emphasizes the importance of setting aside our differences. All of us may come from various backgrounds, or possess unique traits. But no single member of mankind holds greater value than any other individual, nor is anyone entitled to unjustly take that value from someone else for personal gain. You and I are different, but you and I are the same, and should be treated as such. Throughout the series, there's this healthy lifestyle being promoted, showing how wonderful it is to live in peace and harmony with those around us. This is contrasted with the true enemy of Noblesse: systemically-corrupt organizations which represent dehumanization at its ugliest extreme. Be it greedy, soulless monsters or authority figures driven to irrationality, the antagonists of Noblesse abuse their powers at the expense of others. It's up to our boy Raizel and his crew to stand up for the little guy and maintain the balance. It's a solid message, and one that is certainly welcome in our politically-charged landscape. Let's not draw lines in the sand or discriminate, but go the distance to understand and love others instead. Let's join forces against systemic oppression, let's band together against the evils threatening to break us. The Noblesse OP sums up this idea through an emotionally-stirring refrain: "So why does everybody hurt each other?" These sweet sentiments sound an awful lot like propaganda, but there's no need to worry about things getting too preachy. Because while being thematically framed as propaganda, Noblesse undermines its own points by not saying much of anything at all. Now, I'm going to be demonstrating how this series is lacking in the execution of its intended message. The following three points covered here aren't necessary to every story of this nature. Rather, they're here to highlight how the thematic storytelling fails to be convincing. Firstly, let's address Raizel and others of his kind. Noblesse implies countless differences between Nobles and humans, but doesn't give much for the audience to work with. For a show featuring Nobles for a significant chunk of the runtime, we sure know next-to-nothing about them, aside from their incredible powers and boomer mannerisms. Why is their society so secluded from the outside world? Why are they supposedly incompatible with the humans they once protected? How does their society, ideologies and way of life differ from ours? Are there negative repercussions should our worlds collide? I'd like to think there are answers to these fascinating questions, but I just can't find them within this adaptation. The difference matters to the message, showing that anybody can see eye-to-eye and seek common ground. But there is no context, and as a result there's no real conflict between either party, rendering any commentary on this subject meaningless. Granted, it may not be fair to look from this perspective; even though the script seems like it would tackle this topic, neither of the show's two arcs really attempt to address this issue. So let's go ahead and talk about those instead; specifically, how they fail to portray moral ambiguity. Good and Evil are two ends of a spectrum, with the show's cast clumped together on either end. Bad people are capable of doing good things, and they can't simply abandon their flawed nature at the drop of a hat. But very rarely does the show burden itself with positioning our characters in the middle; there is no moral grey area. Noblesse chooses to play these concepts as straight as possible, watering-down the conversation to its most basic principles. For example, take the villains from the Union, some of whom are cold-blooded murderers who ingest pills that turn them into literal monsters, horrifyingly disfigured and dehumanized. There's no doubt in everyone's mind that Raizel would obliterate such cruel killers without a second thought. But the very moment one of the antagonists reveals some sign of humanity, their lives are immediately spared, and they suddenly become capable of doing no wrong. These moral questions are made to be as simple as possible, offering no substance in stating the obvious. What happens if you're on the bad end of the spectrum, and are finding it hard to work towards that harmonious middle ground? Well, Noblesse just throws up its hands in the air and adds nothing else to the subject. Those reformed characters from the Union are magically OK with their new social standings and doing good deeds, because that's how rehabilitation and life works, apparently. The third example I'd like to point out is the show's assessment of what unity means. Raizel and his growing group of besties enjoy a quaint suburban life, but rarely do we see them make connections with normal human folk. Within Raizel's household, peeps from various backgrounds do interact with each other. But there's no real attempt at understanding each other, nor is there an apparent need to. There's no difficulty faced, nor adjustments made, nor compromises agreed upon. Similar to my first point, there is no conflict, and it's hard to care. Everyone's just happy chilling at home and at their workplace, instantly bonding without putting in any effort. Two teenage students who had grown acquainted with Raizel's crew almost served as the human core of the group, only to unceremoniously disappear entirely from the narrative, because Noblesse decided that it was a good time to throw in exposition about random in-world politics. Closest we get to mutual understanding between different groups of people is one line of exposition, which I believe embodies a lot of the issues I have with Noblesse's thematic half-measures. Raizel's butler, Frankenstein, clues one of the main characters in on a brief history of Nobles and humans, back in Episode 2. In describing the relationship between both races, Frankie claimed that humans were weak and solely dependent on the Nobles to survive. Now that Raizel has opened his horizons to see human life up-close, he clearly knows that hypothesis isn't true and realises how his native society's misconceptions are false. But that's just it, there was never any intention to convince the audience otherwise. Of course humans are not helpless, how could they be anything but? Noblesse prides itself in making digestible, weak arguments, expecting a pat on the back and thunderous applause. It hints at a greater conversation, but drains all nuance from it, to the point where most potential meaning is lost. I must apologize if you felt that you didn't really gain anything from this long-ass paragraph, because I know that feeling too. It's the experience I had with this show; Noblesse is ultimately a show about nothing. Critiquing Noblesse for what it attempts to do is marginally more interesting than what it actually is. A vast majority of Noblesse comes across as… a school-based SOL. That's right, this story is played straight to be a slice-of-life. This cast of powerful idiots are either commuting to school or playing House at Raizel's. Bursts of serious exposition regarding investigations or politics are often quickly interrupted by long stretches of repetitive comedy sketches. Cutting out all the times Raizel and his bros get called "hot" by every minor girl in the high school cohort would end up halving the season's episode count. Episode 7, the all-time low for the series, sees one of Raizel's fellow Noble getting crushed on by a student, followed by Raizel's chummy friends playing a basketball match. What makes these unfunny skits all the more annoying are the copy/pasted cast of characters. People might find Noblesse's non-personalities entertaining, and I'd be inclined to agree if everyone wasn't a carbon copy of one another. Noblesse's crew of genetically-superior expository devices are the literary equivalent of "Hey Man, Can I Copy Your Homework?" Eccentricity is fun in small doses, but cramming in this cast of stock characters sucks any life or chemistry to be had in the group dynamic. This means that scenes play out exactly the same, because all of the characters in them are exactly the same. The VAs soft-spoken, stoic delivery makes this issue worse, as half the damn characters sound painfully indistinguishable from one another. Every good guy's vocal inflection is equally polite and devoid of all personality. It has been annoying to hear a huge chunk of the cast members talking like they're all auditioning for roles in a fujoshi-bait butler anime. Of course, I mean no offence to those who find pleasure in those sorts of things; if those BL shows are to your fancy, you could do far better than this bland bunch of refugees in a PTSD halfway house. You could also settle for more in the visuals department; Production I.G. phoned in their work with all the brilliant aesthetic of a 2010s Man of Action cartoon. Lighting is fine, but backgrounds and character designs leave much to be desired. The show goes as far as to reskin their characters' supernatural abilities as much as possible, and the same goes for the repetitive backdrops of drab city skylines and stiff forests. The soundtrack is unmemorable, but I quite liked the opening and ending songs. The fact that the ED's K-Pop manages to be the best part of half of these anime episodes is pretty damning of the show's quality. Tl;Dr: "The most destructive criticism is indifference." E.W. Howe. I'd like to think I've done my best to find something worth caring about in this show, but it appears that Noblesse seems less interested in its own story than I am. The series' subtext is watered-down to merely stating the obvious, with holes distracting from any positive takeaways. It's a pandering script that fails to pander effectively, and an action show that feels like it barely has any to deliver. Noblesse is at times not a show with supernatural combat, but a stiff, unfunny SOL that's one sexual awakening away from turning into BL. Visuals are unappealing, music is unmemorable. Noblesse makes mistakes in almost every regard, but it's no trainwreck. And that's a damn shame, because at least it's fun to see things go off-the-rails with trashy shows. Instead, all I'm left with after Noblesse, is sheer indifference. 3/10~ *** STRAY RAMBLINGS (SPOILERS): - Out of the 12 eps we got (let's be honest, Ep 7 was a fkin OVA,) I only had a good time with one, Ep 8. Up till that point we barely had any info about who the Nobles are or where they were from, so the visit to Lukedonia was a refreshing change of scenery. We also had Young Frankenstein, who was the only fun character in the show… - …Until he wasn't. The episode immediately following saw the novelty of the flashback wear off, and the show's only strong character along with it. YF all but disappeared between episodes, and all we were left with was boring ol' Frankie. I was disconnected from the rest of the episode, because the arc made zero sense! How does the Big Bad Bully of Lukedonia go from declaring his lifelong hatred for Nobles in one episode, to subservient servitude with zero complaints under a member of said Nobles? And what's more confusing is that the Blood Pact thing only happened at the end of Ep 9, which still leaves the question of what happened to YF during this time unanswered. This scene could have been a massive moment for the series, as Raizel and YF set aside their differences with their union. But again, the show just expects us to shut up and accept what's offered. - So remember how the Union hacker and the schoolboy hacker had this "Aneki" relationship, only for it to disappear with the memory wipe and never addressed again? God, this show was such a waste of time. - Rael really got his ass confined for 10 years over getting rejected. Fs in chat maybe, Idc. - Crunchyroll, Sony, Whomever I Need to Talk to: Please give your WebToon adaptations more episodes. Each of them needed more time to tell compelling stories, and all three fell short of that. Well, maybe more eps wouldn't have saved this script, but still. - BEST GIRL: No one really deserves this award, but I'll offer it to Young Frankenstein for being such a badass chad. Genuinely fun on-screen presence. Plus he's practically shipped with Raizel for life, and he definitely wears the pants in that relationship. YF, FTW. *** And we're through with this show, good riddance. Really wasn't looking forward to covering this mess. I guess you can call me a WebToon completionist from now on, here's hoping I finally find more nice things to say about the state of these subpar adaptations. If you happen to like my verbose rants, feel free to check out my other reviews for seasons past and present. Have a Happy New Year, peace~
It's not uncommon for an anime to drift away from the adapted material. Sometimes it's good, sometimes very bad. When Crunchyroll announced the anime adaptations of 3 major webtoons — Tower of God, The God of High School and Noblesse, I was pretty thrilled. It was desire fulfilled of watching webtoons being animated. After watching numerous manga turning into anime, it was time to enjoy something new. But alas, it didn't work out well. So far, all the adaptations coproduced by Crunchyroll have been utter garbage. They've done everything they can to promote themselves even if it hurdles the story or makes it less enjoyable.And Noblesse has been a victim of this. The very first OVA of Noblesse — Noblesse: Awakening, animated by Production I.G. is mesmerizing. Even though there were some minor details removed and the story was changed, it was amazing. Every single moment of that OVA was worth watching. I was really impressed with I.G. and was hoping they'd do great with this anime too. Alas, I was mistaken. This adaptation of Noblesse is nothing more than to give hatred to webtoons in general. None of the adapted webtoons gave a sense of "hype" nor "promote" the webtoons. Here are some of the major faults in Noblesse anime: 1. The anime started from the point where the OVA (Noblesse: Awakening) ended. They didn't bother to give some highlights of what happened before. Majority of the audience were clueless about the scenario and had to do a little bit of research before continuing. But not all of them were to energetic for it, as they simply dropped it and rated it 1 and moved on. Just shows how awful the direction of the first episode was. 2. The anime changed the location from South Korea to Japan. Now this is something that sticks out for me. Why change the location entirely just because it's being animated in Japan? Personally, this felt like they're either trying to claim that Noblesse is a Japanese story or have a superior mentality that anything animated in Japan will have the details of Japan only. Which in my opinion, is a very bad move. Not only did they change the location, but also changed the names of the characters from Korean to Japanese. This also happened with Tower of God where Bam's name was changed to Yoru to accommodate a Japanese name. But that too was a bad idea. The idea of changing something entirely to a native perspective by discrediting the official name is disrespectful. It's like Japanese mangaka creating a new Batman story, but instead of naming Batman as Bruce Wayne, they name him Wozaru Koto. Did that make any sense? Nope. So, in general, I found this pretty bad and it made me enjoy the story less. 3. The plot was changed as per the studio's need to adapt only certain things to fill in 13 episodes. It's not a new thing for the anime to be different than the adapted material. But to literally change everything? That's a no bueno. As far as I can see, they butchered major parts of the story. When the poster was revealed for the anime, Raskreia was also included in there. Which pretty much made me confirm that the anime was adapting everything till the end of Lukedonia. As a person who read the entire webtoon of Noblesse, I knew it was going to be horsecrap. The anime robbed us of key moments such as thrills, excitement, and the joy of learning something new in the story by skipping most of the things. 4. The characters are weird, weak and too emotional. After watching Episode 13, I couldn't help but facepalm. They made Raskreia out of all characters to be a normal girl with feelings. No, that's not the Raskreia we know. In the webtoon, Raskreia doesn't know it's Cadis who has infiltrated in Lukedonia until he steps in the tomb room. She does have the idea that Cadis was a traitor, but doesn't know his whereabouts for centuries. She's mostly shown as a proud character who can take her own decisions without hesitation. Though she does take a few bad decisions. And for the love of god, she doesn't grovel like a girl who has just been dumped by her crush. So far, all I saw was how they belittled the anime that it's not even funny to laugh at. 5. Character Designs Almost 50% of the characters shown in the anime have a weak design as compared to the webtoon. Raizel's entire body is weak, with his hair being totally different; Seira's face and hair are different; Gejutel's beard is different; etc. In short, their main plan to make the anime bad worked. 6. Voice Actors Now, I don't really want to be picky in terms of voices, but I need to state it. The studio didn't do a good job hiring appropriate voice actors. In my opinion, it felt as if they just chose whoever signed up for it. When reading the webtoon, I always read Regis' lines in the voice of Toshiro from Bleach, since it resembles him a bit. But here, the impact wasn't the same, but it wasn't that bad either. And Karias' voice was very different. That I didn't like. In the end, I'd like to say that this was a very adaptation of the webtoon. Crunchyroll did a very bad job in promoting it. Though they got what they wanted — Publicity. If you're wondering to watch the anime of Noblesse, I suggest you stop right away. You'll miss out on a lot of things and won't get the joy of reading the original story. That is all.
I was really glad to know that Noblesse got an adaptation, cause you see, I actually enjoyed the source a lot. It had style, it had development, it was a really good read. So imagine my disappointment when I got THIS instead of a good adaptation. And here I am, telling you why you should just go and read the original and not waste your time here. Story. The source story can hardly be called sophisticated or deep, but it was descent. But in adaptation there are a few problems, and the first one starts even before the anime itself: the first arc of web mangais an OVA so this "first season" of anime already starts after some events and you have to go and watch it. Second problem: lots of things got thrown out. I am ok with throwing out jokes, maybe some details, but in that case even some of the characters were thrown out entirely. While I could agree that they were not major characters in the story, still not seing them here feels rather sad. Apart from characters, way too many detailes got tossed under the buss, that added a lot into the world, and now said world looks like a blanket with lots of small holes - not great. But for some reason, some absolutely discardable moments were kept, and that created a third big problem - pacing, cause the plot either rushes like a madman, or suddenly stops like a stubborn mule. This all made me, the watcher, really confused, even though I am one of those who actually knew the plot beforehand. Art - simple, way too simple. I understand that animating is hard, but when web comic has better fights and special effects - why did you even bother to adapt such a hard thing for you to make? Just grab another slice of life where you can manage without a single effect or bright colour. Sound - uninsipiring and boring. Plain and generic. Character - as I said earliers, lots of things got cut. What is even more insulting - lots of things were not showed properly, like some character moments lacked tension, some lacked emotion. To be honest, I think that even for someone who has no clue about the original, characters will come off as boring and plain. For people who read the source - it is simply insulting. Enjoyment - fast skipping forward and going to re-read the source. Waste of time, waste of efford, waste of potential. Overall - don't bother, just read the original, it is really good.
The anime is super great but in the manhwa/manga there are a few scenes and lines that have not been added to the anime. I was expecting those scenes and lines, for example, the father of raskreia said that Raizel was supposed to be the lord and not raskreia. And scenes like where raskreia was going to offer the lord status to Riazel but he refused and the scene where the father of raskeia was being funny in the last message of his in the Ragnarok sword. Yes and many more. I still enjoyed it overall. So yeh In the coming season 2 of noblesseI hope they include some of the scenes pls. For me every scene is so meaningful to me but I don't like to watch character's pasts sometimes I only like it because Its the mc's pasts and the person I like in the anime. I really like Raizel He's my type <3
This show is an amazing 9/10 comedy. I was laughing so hard each episode. If, however, you don't find this show funny, then it'll immediately drop to a 2/10 or worse. This show is a train-wreck dumpster fire that my brain just interpreted as satire of yaoi-shojou-vampire anime regardless if it is or not. If you don't take it seriously and laugh at all the dumb sh*t that happens, you're in for a fun time. If you don't see what's on screen as funny, you're going to be miserable. There is no in between, and I'm just happy I ended up in the former category. 9/10 can'twait for the next season!
Here we are now with the third and final part of Crunchyroll’s trilogy of Manhwa/Webtoon adaptations, Noblesse. The final pillar to put Webtoon adaptations on the map. While there is no doubt they've certainly captured people’s attention, their quality unfortunately cannot match their popularity and have been disappointments from a narrative standpoint. So I was hoping that Noblesse was able to end this trilogy on a high note but unfortunately, it ended with a silent thud to the ground. Sit back, relax and sparkle in the sunshine to wow all of the girls as I present to you the anime review for Noblesse. Let’s begin. Story: 3/10 Livingin isolation from humanity exists a group of powerful beings known as Nobles who exist to act as guardians for humanity. However, there is a one particular Noble who acts as the protector of said Nobles. The title for this task is called, Noblesse. This Noble is named Raizel, who has awakened from his 820-year slumber. With the help of his servant, Frankenstein, he enrols at a high school to keep himself hidden and learn more about the human world. However, when a secret organisation housing modified humans called Union and the Nobles start learning about his awakening, Raizel must use his immense powers to protect himself and those around him. Now I had the problem when starting out of not watching the Noblesse ONA titled, “Noblesse: Awakening,” beforehand. Which would have been handy after watching episode one. But anyways, onto the rest of the story, which is honestly really boring and rather incosistent. I say this because the show doesn’t seem to decide whether or not it wants to be a high school centric series or a supernatural action series. And yet both are really boring to watch because it feels like there is just no stakes nor proper growth as well as being very slow to begin with. There is no sense of tension nor drama as people after Raizel close in. There is some drama, don’t get me wrong, but it just isn’t impactful in a way to get my attention. This is mainly due to the characters not being all that engaging with meh personalities and a little bit of Raizel and Frankenstein being a little bit overpowered to make the situation less tense. Things just kind of happen with lacklustre build up to it to make the antagonists of this series a little more menacing and come across as threats that only Raizel and Frankenstein can deal with. Instead, the narrative makes them look like pushovers. But my biggest gripe is how the narrative can make the characters both important and unimportant at the same time. For example, Raizel is obviously the central character who the whole situation with Noblesse is based around. Yet he always feels like a background character and only takes centre stage when the situation needs it. He never feels like the significant character the show hypes him up to be so when he does take centre stage, it doesn’t invoke a, “Oh you’re f**ked now,” moment that this show clearly wants to portray it as. Same goes for other characters like Raizel’s school friends like Shin-Woo Han or Ik-Han Woo who act as the central figureheads for Raizel learning more about humainity. Characters: 3/10 What can you say about Raizel? Like seriously, what can you say about him? The guy has no personality to speak of and doesn’t really talk much. He doesn’t invoke a sense of emotion and mainly sits in the background letting the other characters talk. I wouldn’t necessarily mind that if HE WAS NOT THE CENTRAL MAIN CHARACTER. Considering that the majority of things happen are because of his awakening, you would think that he would take a more front row seat. But he doesn’t and he doesn’t really change while living in human society so there is no sense of picking up some human habits. Well, besides his one quirk for loving Ramen. Whereas another character like the Noble, Regis, shows some kind of growth living with humans. But not Raizel, so it was really hard to get invested into a guy who doesn’t show a lick of emotion. Now, one of my main criticisms with this show is the cast’s chemistry with one another because they don’t really have chemistry with one another. It does come across as forced most of the time as their personalities don’t bounce off one another to create some nice character moments. They’re kind of just cardboard cutouts at times talking to each other while trying to convey some emotion. The one exception I would say though is the relationship between Regis and former member of Union, M-21. They at least have chemistry with one another due to their distaste for one another slowly turning into one of trust throughout the show. It’s probably one of the good points from this show and helped make Regis and M-21 more enjoyable characters to watch compared to the rest of the cast. The rest of the cast don’t share this factor with one another. Raizel’s human friends, Shin and Han, don’t gel with Raizel or the rest of the cast and act as more comic relief characters. They do get character moments of their own but they just fall by the wayside and their significance drops in the second half where they could have been pretty useful adding that innocent human element in there. Frankenstein, Raizel’s personal assistant, is alright I guess and does have an intriguing backstory about how he and Raizel first met. But that’s just it, he’s alright. Seira, another Noble, is kind of like Raizel as she has a lack of personality but with a bit more flare to it and is more upfront about things. Now, to reiterate, the characters themselves (besides Raizel) are okay but they just don’t have a sense of chemistry with one another. The antagonists are, like a said earlier, pretty much pushovers and aren’t really interesting to get me to hate them. The Union members that hunt down Raizel are a bit comical honestly and come across as a wacky Batman villains, but with none of the charm. The Nobles are more black and white but there “conflict” when it comes to their opinion on Raizel comes across really hollow because there personalities come across as really boring and don’t come across as threatening like they should be. Animation: 7/10 The animation is the usual Production I.G. affair. Which means it does look very polished. Their is definitely a clean look to the show which does help with some of the character designs like Raizel. But that polished look does make the action rock solid, the background art look nice and I’m a particular fan of animation effects used to demonstrate the power of some characters like Frankenstein. Again, it does have that polished look to make the animation not a concern and one of the more positive points about the show. The character designs though are a bit on the generic side and it is very clear with their designs what kind of personality they have. It may help differentiate each other but it does make them look uninspired. On a side note, does Shin remind you that he looks like a red headed version of Ichigo from Bleach? Sound: 8/10 Looking back at the ost for this review, I was surprised at how varied it was. The ost uses a variety of instruments for both it’s atmospheric, downtime and action scenes. It doesn’t use them at the same time but uses them for it’s own separate piece to make it stand out from the others and it kind of works. It doesn’t blend into one another but rather makes them stand out in their own way. My favourite ones is whenever they use an electric guitar to make the action more ferocious. In terms of the opening, I’ve been slowly warming up to it as the show went on and has become one of my favourites this season. "BREAKING DAWN" by Jae Joong is a very visually solid and sounding opening that does take a bit to get into the groove of it but when it clicks is when I think it becomes an enjoyable opening. It is mainly carried by Jae Joong’s singing as the visuals themselves are nothing to write home about but the song and vocal performance just make it feel better to watch and they do match with the pace of the song. So overall, good opening that does take a bit to get into. The ending, "Etoile" by OH MY GIRL, is alright. It uses real life props panning to the right with a gothic feel to it. It’s is pretty cool and it has a variety of props. So it is a unique opening that I did watch not every episode but every now and then. Conclusion Noblesse is a show that is fundamentally okay and does have a couple of positive things to it but ultimately, I was just really bored watching it. The narrative and the characters just didn’t do enough to get me invested into the narrative. My main issue is Raizel himself. I honestly think that he would have worked better as a character who was with alongside the main protagonist (while still being a main character) rather than being the main protagonist himself, because he just doesn’t work as that main protagonist and brings the whole show down honestly. It’s not that I don’t hate Noblesse as there is nothing really to hate. It’s just a meh show with some good production values and does not excel at anything really; which to be the third part of the Manhwa adaption trilogy, is not something I really wanted to say by the end. My Personal Enjoyment: 2/10 Overall score: 4.6/10 Recommendation: Don’t Bother To wrap this review up, I just want to say how I feel about this Crunchyroll, Webtoon experiment. This whole experiment has been one of the more defining aspects of anime 2020. But the question is, has it been a success? Well from viewing standpoint, it definitely has caught people’s attention and it has been some of the most widely viewed anime this year. But from a critical standpoint, these shows have not lived up to the hype. Now I like Tower of God, but as time goes on and we still haven’t had the announcement of season 2 yet, the more sour I’m on this series because the narrative is clearly unfinished and is left on an unsatisfying note. It needs a season 2 BADLY. The God of High School is still MAPPA’s best work from an animation standpoint but the rushed story and dry characters left The God of High School as this year’s most disappointing anime. Noblesse is a very meh series with good production values but a very weak MC that brings down the whole narrative. It has become what I feared it would be and what half of anime are these days. Glorified advertisement for the source material. Unless we do get sequels, this is what they are ultimately going to be regarded as, especially Tower of God. Like is said, calling this a success or failure depends on how you are looking at this experiment. Attention wise, yes. Critically wise, no. I certainly don’t think this has been a successful venture because I mainly watch anime and if I think the anime aren’t particularly good, then getting barely 1 out of 3 right isn’t what I call a success. Tower of God was the attention grabber, The God of High School was the crowd displeaser and Noblesse was the silent thud on the ground that nobody cared about.
Do yourself a favor and skip episodes 3-4-5-7. Half the show has a fairly irrelevant part to it and seemed to only be there to make it a a chronological sequel to the prequel (Noblesse: Awakening), despite adding almost nothing of value to the story. The show should have been a 180 minutes movie. Before you start this show, you need to read or watch a quick 2 minutes recap of the prequel to this show (Noblesse: Awakening). Story-wise, it starts as a reverse Isekai. You follow the story of vampires trying to live normally in a human setting, but then there's outside interference from other vampiric characters totwist the story around. It eventually becomes a full-fledged vampire story. You come to learn that the story and the characters of the first half are almost all irrelevant, and the worst part is that this transition is done at such a slow pace. The vampire part of the story is a family/clan and inhertience feud among vampires; the fundamentals of that story are fairly basic and almost disappointingly predictable. The ending is incredibly flat and the lack of substantial backstory makes it even harder to appreciate. Another flaw is how restricted the environment is; you're constantly switching between 4 spots that almost never change, sort of like a sitcom. Character-wise, the main character is very stoic/robotic and it fits his "style", however there's too much mystery behind his story and it leaves you asking for something that the show will never deliver. A lot of characters that you see in the beginning end up being completely irrelevant a few episodes in. Art-wise, it's nothing special. The special effects in the combat are satisfying but nothing out of the ordinary. Fair. Combat-wise, the last 3 episodes become loaded with hefty combat but the rest of the episodes could have used much more of it. Overall, the show should have been a movie. It's fair; not bad, not very good. It would have been very good had we've been spared the useless episodes in the middle of the show.
Ahhh such a shame. I'm sure people who haven't read the manhwa (Korean version of manga) you may be tired of the people who have crying about it not living up to, or missing large parts of the original story. Well I wont discuss the missing story, that has been covered by others, plus I don't think its all too bad. However my reason for giving this anime adaptation such a low score is the very poor way it showed the fundamental events which it did include. This was especially apparent in the final few episodes. SOME SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! The final few episodes covered the eventwhich was meant to show Raskreia receiving some much needed guidance (even though she is not aware in the beginning) from Gejutel and then Raizel himself. This whole event was wrecked by the anime which means that one of the first defining moments in the Noblesse story was wrecked. The Gejutel's 'tough love' from the manhwa was turned into a simple 'I failed to educate you' let-down of a speech. Rai's iconic blood field back and forth with Raskreia was turned into a bulls**t lackluster fight scene between him, the Lord and the elders. Rai then almost faints (WTF!!!) he bleeds from the eyes and mouth which tugs at our heart strings but my boy stands strong and doesn't faint!!!! And then the previous Lord explaining why we made the offer he did to Raizel (not gonna say what as I'm really trying to be as spoiler light as I can) so that Raskreia can understand her fathers true wish for her, where the f*** was that whole scene?! poof gone. This also has the unfortunate effect of making the characters involved feel much shallower, crybaby Raskreia now, great. There were many other scenes I could pick apart in much the same way (like the Frankenstein and Rajak fight and appearance in the sanctuary) but I'll leave it. What I've written should hopefully be enough to explain my viewpoint. So to those who haven't read the Manhwa and have enjoyed your introduction into the Noblesse world through this anime, if you enjoyed it then thats fantastic, truly. I would say that if you ever get the chance to read even just the sanctuary scene in the manhwa, you should! It will give you a much better look at the Rai/Previous Lord/Raskreia dynamic. Even if your not a big manhwa reader, if your loving this story, you owe it to yourself to at least read up this scene as it should have been.
Mild spoilers present It was quite grand and very good. It was a fiction, but the way it was shown made me feel like one of the character of story seeing the characters doing their things in person. Noblesse as the name suggest shows nobles and the word is very far from the way nobles are shown in any other anime. The part I liked the most was the las episode when our main character turned out to be the one who do the fair judgements to the wrongs of the nobles and turned out to be more powerful than a lord. The other characters shown werequite good as well. The modified humans showed were quite an ordeal and frenkestien character was quite powerfull as well. Overall the show was good and can be enjoyed by anyone.
I'll make this review as short as possible to convey the idea i received from the show. the animation is without a doubt amazing, the sound effects used are also breathtaking and I'll be lying if I said the anime is lame. the combat scenes are epic, the story line is decent and their emotions are not well depicted in the anime… is what you'll think if you only saw the anime. [like how M-21's emotions are shown through out the series]. I was kind of hyped by the anime so I ended up reading the web manga as well and that's where I found out thatthe anime is missing a lot of scenes and some characters which are supposed to be on some scenes were not even shown in the manga. the web manga have also explained everything in ways that we can understand the situation correctly unlike the anime. I'm not trying say that you shouldn't watch it but the show is missing a lot of parts from the web manga. hope u found this review helpful.
I don’t think it deserves a lot of the hate especially those who reviewed it too early in the series. For an anime only watcher the series was quite good. I read the WEBTOON and I thought the anime was fine. The story was a bit fast paced and some parts were cut but I don’t some of them were relevant while other could have been squeezed in. Too many saying there isn’t content for season 2 clearly are anime only watchers because there is a lot more stuff and a season is definitely possible but considering somethings turned out that’s up in the air.I personally really enjoyed it. It was like a refresher now I’m going to go reread the WEBTOON. It’s really my favorite I enjoyed all of the characters and I think you should personally just watch it yourself. It’s a pretty nice anime despite some flaws. If a second season was made I’d hope they go for 24 episodes and much slower. Anyways 9/10 for me.
Noblesse is the third Crunchyroll Webtoon anime adaptions. The first Kami no Tou (Tower of God) was all right and deserving of a second season, the second The God of High School has cool fights and animation but is bad in everything else. I've read the webtoon for Noblesse and was looking forward to this but does Crunchyroll strike with this 3rd one? Story: 5/10 The anime starts off poorly because the 1st episode made me lost and would no doubt make loads of other people lost. It is actually a sequel to an OVA that came out 4 years ago, Noblesse Awakening. The anime could havedone a recap at the beginning of this or something but nope which caused much confusion. After this the pacing was way too fast! They were breezing through everything to the point that so many things were cut from the Webtoon including characters. One of the best arcs in the series, season 3 of the Webtoon, is done in just 4 episodes which shows how rushed it was. It's a shame as Noblesse first a couple of seasons are very good but are done extremely poorly here. Art: 3/10 I'm very disappointed in the art and animation here. Of the 3 webtoon anime adaptions, this is no doubt the worst looking one with boring fight scenes. It's not very exciting to look out but you're not going to want to gouge your eyes out either. It's just boring. Sound: 6/10 The Opening and Endings are phenomenal. The soundtrack itself is just average but occasionally decent. Characters: 4/10 Due to the poor pacing, character development is butchered. Some don't act the way they should from the Webtoon or are not developed enough. This leads to some poor attachment to some characters. Enjoyment: 4/10 As a fan of the webtoon this is quite a gut punched honestly. Crunchyroll does not succeed with this series or do it justice. I think the crunchyroll anime adaptions just got worse with each iteration as The God of High School was also quite bad and that is a big shame. I don't want a season 2 for this series if this is the level we are getting. Just go read the webtoon. I still hope Kami no Tou gets a season 2 though because that was pretty good.
Well, from the description, it's about Raizel a pure-blooded Noble who's been asleep for 820 years for mysterious reasons! In order to protect him, his servant Frankenstein enrolls him in Ye-Ran High School, where he is the principle. However, a powerful organization by the name of The Union is also looking for Raizel and is sending modified humans to hunt for Raizel and his friends. The following is obvious, amazing animated fights between Raizel and his friends with the Union members. But, for a lot of people the story is also about Raizel interaction with Human society. All his life, Raizel was carrying a heavy burden which isthe role of the Noblesse, which made him a loner. But this all changed once Raizel discovers the human society through high school life. Raizel even started making human friends, playing video games, eating new kind of food... For the first time of his life he is enjoying his life. These 13 episodes are easily enjoyable and full of funny entertaining scenes. BTW the Opening will eventually grow on you. (SPOILERS AHEAD) For people who read the manhwa, this season is about the encounter with DA-5 and the noble arc. It didn't cover all the details. There are also some major events which weren't included (for example the fight with the nobles who belong to the Union)... But, personally I really enjoyed watching the episodes. If you're like me and you just wanted to see your favorite characters animated this is for you!
As a webtoon reader, I love the animation adaptation. I mean, the music (hello It's HYDE!), sfx, voice dub (they changed some of the seiyuu from the OVA 4 years ago but, It's okay. Hirakawa Daisuke is still there for Franken lalala), animation, arts are outstanding. Production I.G really do a good job for this. But I'm just kinda disappointed first, I really expect it will be something like long-running adaptation that get hundreds of episodes or, at least 24 episodes with more stable-paced story? bc the original Story, I mean, the plot of the Webtoon manhwa was lit epic. But's turn outbeing another "ssssummarised" anime from the original story (if u know what I mean lol XD) bc they really skipped many parts. But well, okay. Well done. I'm actually enjoyed watching this. You have to check out the manhwa though for the full epic story of this work. I actually really love the arts, characters design in this anime and...Frankenstain arghhhhhh ☆☆☆ I'm just really happy seeing all these characters moves, battles and being animated! ♡♡♡
I seriously expected worse before I started watching this adaptation. Having loved the manhwa until it's completion, it's among my favourite works on my list. In all honesty, I enjoyed the anime no matter how I looked at it. I admit that some scenes were empty, awkward, anticlimatic, with lots of room for improvement... but let's be real, it wasn't bad, at least in my humble opinion. I don't know the budget, deadlines and other constraints behind the production of these series, but adapting 545 chapters (even if 1 chapter isn't worth half an episode), 7 seasons with a total of 25 arcs... that's a lot.So simply imagine adapting 2 seasons, OF COURSE they had to skip things. What was good: Character design and development are ok, the story and progression are ok (for sm1 who already read the real thing), the voice acting was good, the drama/emotional side was ok, Rai was good (didn't expect much but I like him), as well as other characters such as Gejutel, Regis, Seira, Shin-Woo and some other characters overall are what I expected. To sum up, the core elements are good. What was bad: sound effects and situational music, animations (room for improvement), epic fights are short, less epic scenes but more drama, the scenes follow one another quickly without giving more depths due to the rush, and more importantly.... FRANKY! JUST WHY?? Where did that psychopath bad@ss go! He became vanilla without much flavour left lmao! ... and by the way, Noblesse/Nobles =/= Vampires for god's sake. That's all.
The fact that this show has such a low rating should let you know that such opinions can only hold so much weight. As someone who was not familiar with the WebToon this series took me completely by surprise and I fell in love with its every aspect. If you like OP protagonists and and OP-verse then this is the show for you. Nuff said. Those who did not enjoy the show as much may have been unhappy with how the show was adapted and I am in no position to speak to that considering I hadn't read the WT. However, from what I haveseen the show followed the original source material quite faithfully.
Yes, I watched Noblesse because I read the webtoon. At that time the webtoon was really booming so I read along too and after I read it was really exciting. Besides many actions, the webtoon is filled with comedy. And before that Noblesse has also been able to adapt the anime but it's still in Korean and after I know that the Japanese version of the Noblesse anime adaptation is released this season, I can't wait to watch it because the webtoon is good and the results of the anime adaptation from other webtoons are also good, I increasingly impatient. But after I finished watchingNoblesse, I felt disappointed, because there were a lot of scenes in the webtoon that were not cut, and even though this was still filled with comedy, the more exciting comedy was not shown so it felt less like that and I think the story is still going on if it's based on the manhwa. , so if there is a second season, I want it to be better. Graphics and visuals are really lacking for the current season which is already good but not bad. The art is really the same as the manhwa but I don't like it personally. The sound is just normal. Well, for the character, if you make it in this anime, I don't like it because the character Raizel doesn't look deeper, it's different from the same in the manga, which is deeper. So to enjoy it, I like stories like this so it's not that bad and it's pretty good for those who like action. So that's how it is, if we've read manga, I like to compare it to because I don't like reading manga Indonesia: Ya, gua nonton Noblesse karena gua baca webtoonnya. Waktu itu webtoonnya lagi booming banget jadi gua ikutan baca juga dan setelah gua baca emang seru. Webtoonnya selain banyak actionnya tapi diselingin dengan komedi. Dan sebelumnya juga sih Noblesse juga pernah dapat adaptasi anime nya tapi masih bahasa korea dan setelah gua tau bahwa adaptasi anime Noblesse yang bahasa jepangnya rilis musim ini, gua gak sabar pengen nonton soalnya webtoonnya bagus dan hasil anime adaptasi dari webtoon lainnya juga bagus-bagus gua makin gak sabar. Tapi setelah gua selesai nonton Noblesse ini gua merasa kecewa, karena banyak adengan di webtoon yang di cut jadinya kurang gitu dan walaupun ini masih diselingin komedi, komedi yang lebih serunya gak ditampilkan jadi merasa kurang gitu dan menurut gua sih ceritanya masih lanjut kalo berdasarkan manwha nya, jadi kalo ada musim ke-2 nya gua pengen nya lebih bagus sih. Grafis dan visual itu kurang banget kalo untuk muasim sekarang yang udah pada bagus gini tapi lumayan. Artnya itu sama banget sama manwha nya tapi menurut pribadi gua gak suka sih. Soundnya sih biasa aja. Nah buat karakternya tuh kalo buat di anime ini sih kurang suka karena karakter raizel tuh gak diliatin lebih dalam lagi beda sama di manga nya yang diliatin lebih dalam. Jadi untuk dinikmati sih gua suka sama cerita yang kayak gini jadi gk terlalu buruk dan ini lumayan bagus sih buat yang suka action sih. Jadi ya gitu sih kalau kita udah baca manga nya suka ngebanding bandingin karena itu gua gak suka baca manga
Overall I will rate this Anime a 6/10 I KNOW, I KNOW that the webcomic is way better story-wise and that it fills most of the gaps that the anime left open. The anime itself felt very bland... I wasn't annoyed by the story, I actually felt like it was going by at a smooth pace. But I just feel like it didn't accomplish anything, it felt like the whole 'school side' of the anime was pointless... Yes I know it was to develop the main character's feeling/how he feels about himself, still... pointless. I would still recommend you watching it because it's different and the art/ animationare very well made, just the story is like a 6/10, the rest is a solid 7.