Fireball takes place during the war between humans and robots. There is no real story, just individual episode skits.
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Another new and short CGI anime from past year. But this time, it's done by Disney, yes, Disney. Fireball excists out of 13 episodes between, roughly said, 1 and 3 minutes. The story's no big deal, since there's none.. no.. really. On the back-back-background there is on, some war between Mankind and Robots, or something of the sort. The "story's" that happen in the episodes is a different story, it starts the same everytime, but it develops to some random conversation ending or monkey sounds. Which is pretty fair, since it's hilarious. The art is very good, I like it, the Robots are done great and the animation isa bit stiff (it's supposed to be stiff) but good. Nothing to say here really, for a short like this, it's great. The sounds great to, besides the "stop-motion" conversation parts, the voice-actors do a great job, and so does the monkey. All sounds are done carefully, but good. The characters are the highlight of this series, the robot who's name isn't important (Gedächtenis) and none other than Drossel von Flügel, apart from the names (that makes sense if you know these characters), they are unique. The "stop-motion" way Drossel lives is at least unique, but hilarious, she does randoms poses every two seconds, if not every second. Gedächtenis is a smart robot, but probably a bit frightened of his master. Then as last, the funky monkey which delivers some problems in episodes and scares the main characters with loud screeches, he .. or she.. is done brilliantly as a background character. This is a good-to-highly-enjoyable series for a quick fix of anime, if you need it. It's not really a recommendation, but you just have to see this. The overall rating brings the score back to an 7,8 which I'll round off to an 8. Which, is my personal score too.