Asami Onohara is a seventeen-year old high-school student with a secret which has not been revealed to anyone: She is already married. Her husband, Kyosuke Ichimaru, is a Physics teacher in the same high school as her. However, even though they are officially a married couple, Asami's father forbids them to have any sexual contact until after Asami has graduated. Asami has to hide the fact that she is married to Kyosuke while trying desperately to further their relationship, and it does not help when there are so many interferences and obstacles from her father and other third parties. (Source: ANN)
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It's a Crash!!! Well, I'm pretty sure many of you are stressing out since the MAL crash, so to lighten things up a bit let's start another course in ANIME HATING!!! This time I'm going to show you how Mediocre some animes are by intoducing you to this fun filled peice of shit Called "My Wife is a High School Girl". Yes, that's the fulll entire English translation of the name so bare with me. To begin with, this series is slow and boring. The character development doesn't really change, and you become more facinated with the support characters over the main characters. The storyto this series goes like this: The main Heronie, Asami Onohara, is a 17 year old High School student who is mairred to Ichimaru Kyousuke, a 22 year old High School Physics Professor. They both try to keep this a secret from basically everyone in the whole entire series (besides the Father of Asami). And they are deeply in love with each other, so much as wanting to kill them. The one thing that Asami really wants from her Professer Hubby is his cock, yes his fucking cock. She hopes that her relationship with him will grow when they do the midnight games. On the other hand, Kyousuke can't really do anything to her yet until she Graduates High School, an agreement he made with her Father. Basically he turns to a wuss when she tries to advance on him because he is afraid of her Father cock blocking him, which basically happens all the time when they get into the mood. As each episode passes by, they go through this random situations that tests their love for each other. In other words, there are other women out for Kyousuke's cock, and some random perv out for Asami's giant rack. Eventually their secret is revealed to select characters in the series that basically stalk them. But guess what...NOTHING HAPPENS!!!!! No concequences, no back draws, no drama, JUST ACCEPTANCE!! What a way to make an Anime not thrilling. 26 episodes, thats how long it is. They are actually 15 mins each but many Sub-sites puts them together so it doesn't waste whatever time you have, making it 13 episodes. Art, nothing much there, just the same stereo typical big eyes, big rack, and no serious complections. Don't get me wrong the story is not a bad idea, but this series is basically better off as Soap Oprea of some sorts. The characters were obviously made for some Ero Manga, or it probably is already. This Anime just reeks of Formulated crap straight from a pigs ass after eating a weeks worth of Taco Bell. So if you want to waste time on filler anime, you're not missing anything here. I rather suggest Ikkitousen for the major Boobage you guys are looking for, because you ain't finding it here. Not even Shojo fans will like it because it lacks any sort of serious drama. Just pass on this, don't even double take on it. Just let it go. I watch this anime to tell you this. Yours truly Otakufreak One more thing...IT"S A TRAP! OPEN TEH HATCHEZ
“Forbidden Love” It’s all about forbidden love… A high-school student living together and already married with his physics teacher will keep their secret from everyone until the right time comes. Story: The introduction in every episode is somewhat irritating. In every episode they encounter difficulties on how they will hide their relationship to others, as the story goes on it’s becoming repetitive and boring, and at the end they live quietly and happily ever after, and then poof ‘fin’… It’s a kind of simple family composed with somewhat simple characters to begin with, nothing very exciting happens rather it’s very quite simple. The other viewin this anime is that Asami Onohara (the student) always trying to seduce Kyosuke Ichimaru (the teacher) that leads to failure each time so I’m tired on watching and waiting for it. It lacks on story development, a slow and somewhat boring story to watch on although this series tries to gather some viewers from its ecchi scenes, but I think it’s a failure. Characters: The main characters are daring and timid that doesn’t develop and doesn’t make any sense at all. Still, the other supporting characters somewhat add some twist to the story though it’s not enough to excite me, to sum them up it lacks on character development. Animation: The animation is quite simple and nothing to impress on just like its art. Sound: The OP is like a children song so I skipped it always while the ED is quite normal and simple, nothing to excite. Enjoyment: If you're seeking for some great enjoyment don’t watch this because it awfully lacks on everything, but there are few scenes that I somewhat like. Overall: It’s a great mess, such disappointment and a sadly attempt as an anime. There’s nothing special on it, it bores me sometimes though it’s quite interesting in the beginning but at the end, it’s a failure. Many unanswered questions that was left behind at the end. It’s a kind of anime that may people watch when they’re not feeling well.
Futari Ecchi meets (a reverse) Onegai Teacher in a different twist of the genre. The series finished up, but still left some unanswered questions laying around. The series live up to the potential that it had and even though it does have a lot of fan service, it’s of a tolerable nature. I am glad to see that they are staying somewhat close to the manga, but it did not (so far) follow the manga exactly. The manga has some rather sexually explicit chapters in its later volumes (especially volume 5). In that way it is similar to Futari Ecchi's manga (another personal favorite).For once, I am rather satisfied with an Avex Mode produced show, which is hard to believe after the mess of the Ichigo 100%'s anime.
Look I'll be upfront about it. It's dross. Not even the kind of turn your brain off and take a vacation dross that I call "mental junk food" like say Infinite Stratos, but like Infinite Stratos I was surprisingly enthused with this, not quite to IS levels, but impressive for it's genre. The title had me expecting a sub par anime based on an ero-manga I hadn't read. Instead I got an average to above average for genre anime based on an ero-manga I hadn't read. Story: An interesting concept at least, and handled at least semi-seriously in a rare turn of events. Sure Asami's focused ongetting some nookie out of her hubby when all the universe and the gods of luck are actively preventing them, but really the focus in the anime is kept tight on our forbidden young married couple and how they react and respond. There's some middlin drama, and some cringe worthy moments that will have the relationship experienced amongst you yelling at the screen like an old lady watching her soaps. (Or maybe that's just me). I came to actually enjoy our lead's relationship, and it could be quite sweet at moments. If anything the things that bothered me were things not covered. Art: It's standard issue, but not bad per say. Just common. Run of the mill. Sound: Same. Some music was really well used here and there, voice acting's crisp and clean with reasonable performances for the material. Character: As with the art and music, boilerplate with some stand out moments. Asami can be surprisingly sweet, and the character comes off as being earnest, as does the husband, which is nice for an anime couple. Enjoyment: Like I said at the start, I rather liked it. It's not a bad little time sink and bridges the gap between ecchi and a romcom in a more positive manner then I've seen before.
This series right here, after I just finished watching this, I write this right away on the go.. Story : Well, story eh, as a romance genre fan, this is the kind of romance that I want in every romance anime out there. Just that, not all people likes watching some kind of ecchi or fan service. That frustrates me to be honest. I even double checked the genre so that I'm not watching somewhat a "dangerous" kind of genre, because I watched this for romance and entertainment purposes, not for some sudden fan service. I'd say one thing, the story is definitely good and for romancegenre fan out there, I'd definitely recommend this but just a few advice, just if you do watch it, bare with it until the end. It's simple and nice and also heartwarming but I only hate the fan service. Art : As expected, since this anime is aired like 2005 so I'm not expecting that much on the artwork. I think it's pretty decent. Sound : Nothing much to say as well because I think it fits somehow. Characters : Ah yes, I gave this a 5. One, because some of the characters in this series are quite annoying. Like seriously, who would like to be friends with a girl who is really that troublesome to deal with or with a kid of a parent that always disturbs the best moment (I literally meant the romance not the fan service) or a teacher who is sex-thirsty. The main character and the main heroine for me are just fine as they were but, I'd say they can be better. But still, like the supporting characters, I was like "Dude, fix it". Enjoyment : I enjoyed this anime very much. Although there are some or maybe more, annoying and just childish kind of drama happening in this series, I still like to watch this series and hoping that this series can be better. Overall : I recommend this for romance genre fan out there who actually wants to watch "real romance" in anime. But still, as I was saying, if you do watch it, bear with this until the end. It was quite worth it but I'd still prefer this series without fan service.
[ger] Eines ganz klar vorweg: Großes Tennis wird hier nicht geboten. Es ist durchschnittlich. Etwas ecchi, aber nicht allzu sehr versaut, etwas Komödie, aber kein Dauerlacher, etwas Liebe, aber eben nicht die große. Ein Mädchen, 17 und Oberschülerin, verheiratet mit dem Physik/Astronomie-Lehrer - rechtlich gesehen anscheinend durchaus legal in Japan, gesellschaftlich jedoch sehr wohl auch im Land der aufgehenden Sonne ein brisantes Thema. Asami, so heißt das niedliche, etwas verschlossene Mädchen, ist vernarrt in ihren Ehemann, und will die Ehe deshalb um alles in der Welt geheim halten vor Freunden, Nachbarn, Lehrern, allen, genauso ihr Mann. Dies + die immer wieder auftauchenden Interessenten und Nebenbuhler um die zwei "Singles"+ der Schwiegerpapa, der sexuelle Aktivität in der Ehe bis zum Schulabschluss der Tochter auf Händchenhalten vertraglich untersagt haben will = ergeben eine tragikomische Mischung, die in ihrer geladenen Spannung nur unterbrochen wird durch stille Momente der Zärtlichkeiten zwischem dem neuvermählten Paar. Der Anime ist gut für Zwischendurch. Durch die Restriktion des Animes hinsichtlich des Ecchi-Gehalts im Gegensatz zum Manga, der unterm Strich eher ernsthafteren Stimmung der Serie und der Durchschnittlichkeit bzw. Alltäglichkeit der Charaktere und der Geschehnisse, können sogar Anlass geben, es als gute Familienunterhaltung fürs Nachmittagfernsehen durchgehen zu lassen. Positiv: Fan-Service mit fast schon notgeilen Lehrerinnen und anzüglichen Nachbarinnen; ein unterhaltsames Tabu-Thema (junges Ding gibt "alles" für den lieben Ehemann); eine aufopfernde Liebesbeziehung, die von Treue viel hält. Negativ: Sehr geringe Weiterentwicklung der Charaktere; viel versprechende Konstellationen und Situationen, dafür aber wenig Dargebotenes (ecchi!); monotone Ereignisabfolgen; und viel zu wenig Informationen über die Vorgeschichte. Fazit: Ein durchschnittlicher Anime, der sich allenfalls durch Simplizität und Ehrlichkeit abzuheben versucht. Wer eine Vorlage für "schmutzige Fantasien" sucht, wird leer ausgehen. Alles in allem leichte Kost also: wohl bekomm's!