Amawa Hibiki is a young man just out of college, with an education to be an athletics teacher. He's been having a hard time finding a job since he graduated, so all his money has gone towards living expenses. When his landlady demands his first payment to live in her living establishment upfront, he heads to the local middle school to get hired as a teacher. However, the principal refuses to hire him without hesitation. She will not hire men as teachers and makes it clear that she hates all men, saying they put no love into their passions and work. Amawa does not give up and with the help of his landlady, he crossdresses as a woman without a second thought, and gets hired, so he can earn money and also prove the principal wrong. Now, he has to keep his real gender a secret, and avoid strange situations, including the affections of his students (from both genders). (Source: ANN)
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It puzzles me why no one had reviewed this yet. Which hyped me up even more to let people know about this anime. Art You might be looking at the preview image right now thinking "Ahh... It doesn't look that appealing". Well, to be honest, I'm not that fond of that drawing style, but don't let it discourage you! You'll get used to it, I promise. Keep reading! Story and EnjoymentIf you're looking for a 'super developed' plot on how the world suddenly became and apple and how humans must find a way to turn it back, forget it. This is a very lighthearted Anime, it won't confuse you with its scientific theories and plot twists that make you go "huh?". It made me cheer up from "Ahh, why all my anime suddenly feel so boring?" to laughing by the end of the very first episode. Now, don't get me wrong about the plot twists. They exist! They're quite good at holding the mystery for the right amount of time and unleashing it into a laugher bomb of amusement. I don't think they exaggerated or forced on either comedy, drama or romance. To me it was well quite balanced. And I liked the ending too, so yay! Sound Quite simple: Before watching, just ask yourself if you must you fall in love with every Opening and Ending Theme you see. I usually skip them unless I do, anyway. (And so I did, in I My Me! Strawberry-Eggs). I guess you can figure. Characters I know some people just skipped the whole review to read about the characters. But if you did, I'm sorry to disappoint you, I won't get into much detail for the fear or ruining the surprise. They do develop along the series. Those very subtle changes in the characters' personalities really made me fall in love with them. And, must I say, I had quite a few good surprises as the anime was reaching its end! Final Thoughts on I My Me! Strawberry-Eggs As I said, a very lighthearted anime that will probably lift up your mood. It'll make you laugh, and who knows; even might make you cry. It'll amuse and surprise just when you thought it couldn't, and you'll slowly understand what makes it so good. I completely recommend it!
::QUICK REVIEW:: Story: 5 (Typical funny trap situations) Art: 3 (I cant forgive uneven fingers and ugly ears) Sound: 6 (voice actors are pretty good but nothing else) Character: 6 (cute as hell but still drawn poorly) Enjoyment: 4 (Traps and perverted old men running gags) Overall: 24/50 = 4.8 = ~5.0 (A really mediocre SoL comedy) This is quite a confusing anime since it almost feels like it's trying to pull both male and female audiences using unorthodox means. First off, its a typical ecchi-harem anime and i use the word harem pretty loosely. Because after episode one the main character will be a trap. YES a trap (man dressing upas a woman). If you don't feel comfortable watching that sort of thing please feel free to drop it. Because you're not missing much. Don't worry, everything will set itself out in episode one. Including the perverted old men trying to sneak ecchi pics of school girls as a running gag. All this stuff is all fine and dandy, but I thought traps usually gear toward a more female or FYG-type audience. Once the story layout is exposed, it's all downhill from here. Every episode has been done in other school SoL (slice of life) anime. And they're not even done very well in this show. But for what it's worth the girls are pretty cute and moe and it does a fairly decent chemistry between Hibiki and his/her students. You'll also pretty much guess how the ending will be from the start as well. But the path from start to finish, despite it being very cliche with a trap twist, isn't all THAT bad but it fairly decent at best. Another thing that's lacking in this show is the art quality. Which is kind of important in an ecchi/comedy/SoL/school/drama/romance show. You can tell it has a mediocre style artwork to it with over accentuating character outlines and very VERY simplistic school outfits. Its one of the worst school outfits i have ever seen in ANY show, period. It's a weird tank top/skirt compilation with this HUGE white sailor collar covering their shoulders. I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to be that huge. One thing this show does have going for itself is definitely the school girl characters. They're all cute and moe in their own way. And you actually feel sorry for some of their slice of life situations. It still doesn't help the fact that this show is very mediocre and and a lot of times just wrong (in 'funny' ways of course). Its obvious this show is drawing a male audience with all the ecchi, but at the same time its pulling a female audience by how a man has to adjust himself to a women's lifestyle. If that sounds like something you want to see give it a shot. But if you don't like mediocrity in your story or art work stay far away from this one. There are a lot of better ones out there.
Okay I hate to admit this and I really hate to admit this because I'm a guy but this was a damn good series story wise, if it was redrawn and remade I sure as hell would enjoy it about a thousand times more as I'm sure most people will think as well. So without any further ado let us review. Story- Like I said the story in this was great, the ending was a real heart jerker, and the laughs I enjoyed were pretty genuine. The only thing that prevented it from getting a ten was some lack of substance and how short the serieswas. Art- Okay yeah this series definitely lost points with me here mostly because everything was not well drawn. I understand that this series is kind of old but I have to draw a line somewhere. Sound- Okay I liked the voice actors in japanese and the voices really did match the characters; in terms of sound effects they did a decent job there too so yay good job. Character- Well for the important characters yes there was some development but there were sometimes where I just felt uneasy as to what a character was like...what I mean to say is either the character was as easy to read as a book or about as readable as Latin is speakable Enjoyment- I liked this series a lot it wasn't my first experience watching an anime that was at least roughly based around school life but it was definitely one of my more enjoyable experiences; it actually makes me expect great things from school life based animes unlike some series which will remain un-named cough cough super gals cough cough. Overall- If you like a heart warming kind of story and enjoy a little bit of drama here and there I suggest this series if not I'm not sure why else you would pick it up unless the aspect of a man cross dressing to get a job as a teacher is just your thing...
I started watching I My Me! Strawberry Eggs four years ago. It was one of my first forays into anime tinged with yuri and crossdressing, both elements that have become more popular in the years since. Now revisiting and finishing it, I feel a very strong appreciation for a show that tackles rarely handled topics such as reverse sexism and above all, what really matters when you fall in love with someone. Admittedly, Strawberry Eggs fails spectacularly as a comedy. The jokes are stale, the timing is terrible, and the visual gags are just lame. Its only existence in comedy seems to be to keep theseries light-hearted, because when it dives into drama, it tends to dive deep. No surprise given the premise involves a man who crossdresses to teach at a school that only allows women to teach falling in love with one of his female students. Barriers invoking melodrama include age, gender, and sexual orientation, as well as the negative stereotypes that men typically have to bear. These issues are handled quite delicately while both the teacher and his students, both operating under entirely wholesome premises, attempt to understand each other in an environment that breeds discrimination on unwholesome assumptions. The way these issues are tackled and resolved are Strawberry Eggs's true strength and with great fortune, is what it blossoms toward, especially in its incredibly impressive final stretch. The characters are also a mixed breed. No one really stands out besides Hibiki and Kuzuha, but everyone is a well-rounded character and no one is entirely a cliche. The characters, despite their lack of discernible personalities, never come across as fake... well, except the apartment patrons. They're a joke and have no real puprose or need for existence within the series. The art is decent, not necessarily pretty but certainly not ugly. I suppose "tolerable" would be the right word which is coincidentally (or not) appropriate for this series given its message. The voice work is impressive and passionate, especially Yuki Masuda as the female voice of Hibiki. However, the BGM and OP/ED accompaniments are beyond bland. In short, though looking rather uninspired and bland, Strawberry Eggs ultimately blossoms into something strong, thoughtful, and sincere. A real treat for series of this nature that proves in many ways that looks are not only deceiving, but also not what really matters. Overall, I give I My Me! Strawberry Eggs a 7 out of 10.
The story is kind of interesting. A cross dressing teacher at a sexist school could maybe provide interesting commentary. But it doesn't bother and instead just has the most basic messages that could've been done. Even by 2001 standards it's downright primitive. Also that stuff takes a backseat in the mess of a love square that eventually ties back into another message about true love or something. The romantic subplot also has hilariously little interesting things to say despite trying it's hardest to be inspirational. The art was not very pleasant to look at. It almost gave a cursed feeling. I don't know how manysongs in the ost there are because I was hearing the same song over and over again. The characters are flat and Kuzuha's essentially a perfect angel. The mc has the level of personality of your average harem protagonist. It's not funny and very disorienting to watch. There's not even anything to make fun of, which would be a saving grace. Also I reeeaaally wasn't into the whole teacher-student romantic relationship it was pirating so hard. It was more creepy and disturbing more than anything else. Surprised very little reviews mentioned it. This show isn't a masterpiece. It's a strange, almost pretentious mess that wasted my time. I was disgusted, confused, annoyed, but I never smiled. How in the lord did I make it through this I don't even know.
"Aiii Maiii Miiii Strawberry Egg" is undoubtably, unashamedly aimed at those otakus that spend a lot of their time fantasising about unlikely, perverted romances. It doesn't bother trying to disguise this fact. The premises is a total farce: a newly qualified school teacher Hibiki Amawa wants to work at Seito Santomiya school, but there's just one problem: the school only hire female teachers because of the principal's dislike for men... and Hibiki is a man. So, in order to prove a point, Hibiki dresses up as a woman and is successfully recruited into the school. One of the female students Fuko Kuzuha soon falls inlove with him despite Hibiki's appearance as a female teacher... and yeah, things gets messy from there on. With more fan service and hackneyed breaking of taboos to shake a stick at, I really ought to have loathed this show with a passion. But I don't. Despite all its shortcomings, "Strawberry Egg" actually exhibits a charm that is typified by the warm, sunshine opening theme (something that reminds me a little of "Fruits Basket"). But with the exception of a couple of episodes, this series is mostly predictable trash. And even in the episodes that are not pure trash, only a few moments truly shines out amidst the absurdity. The best example is probably the parents visit episode, when Hibiki, being a PE teacher, gets the parents to go on a run with their kids. The whole activity is hilariously bad - PE seemed like the only lesson of the day, as though there was nothing else to do; the runners were not told the route; people could just quit and go back whenever they felt like it; not to mention the idea that someone who's incredibly unathletic could just go and outlast the rest of the class through determination alone is totally unbelievable. It was clear that the whole thing is just a contrived set up for the scene at the end of the run. But when that scene came, I couldn't help but feel moved by it, even though everything leading up to it was so poorly thought through. There was another scene in the last episode, where Fuka gives a speech. Though the speech itself is terrible and the reactions predictable, again, I was touched by it. Perhaps the secret is in the two characters, Hibiki and Fuka, that the anime revolves around. Being the anime that it is, there is no shortage of thinly veiled excuse for fanservice moments and lecherous characters and their dubious activities, but through it all, Hibiki and Fuka both managed to pull off their roles rather well. It feels as if Hibiki genuinely has the welfare of the students in mind (unlike his lecherous flatmates), and Fuka also comes off as the sweet, caring individual that she's meant to be, perhaps due to some rather skillful voice acting. The only facet of her character that feels too cliched is the whole clumsy, constantly tripping routine, which is way too exaggerated and has been done far, far too many times already. Even though "Strawberry Egg" does have some subtle redeemable qualities, I really hesitate to recommend this as a genuinely good watch because, let's face it, it's not. It's a mostly manipulative show with a story progression that, more often than not, feels forced and shallow (something that's exemplified by the big "twist" at the end that made no sense). But it must have done something right, otherwise I would be treating it with a lot more distain that I am now. It may not offer anything intelligent to chew on, but it does provide some aesthetic pleasures.
Strong kombucha girl vibes on this. The series has certain foibles inherent in the premise. Ultimately, the character isn't ~*~actually~*~ trans, so a lot of what it has to say about trans people is oblique at best. It came off like they hadn't actually talked to a trans person before. Of course, ""this is a product of the time"" to a degree and perhaps that is to be expected. I got similar vibes from the yuri element, which plays second-fiddle to the straight romances for most of the run and goes in uncomfortable directions by the end. No, I am not going to root forthe teacher and student to get together in a real world scenario, so please do not bother. Especially the premise requires a deferred anvil drop when she finds out the teacher is actually a man. I dreaded that day all the while I spent watching this and it was not great when it happened. But, nevertheless, I found myself enjoying it in the middle there. As awkward as the queer representation is, there are some moments that are really cool. I like depictions of the liminal space where a girl hasn't realized she's a lesbian yet, and some of that was good. There was a great scene where the teacher realized he was performing the mannerisms of a woman off-the-clock and the old lady affirms that that's OK. A lot of the middle is about how he's realizing that he actually likes the experience of being a woman and, just barely short of the text, is wondering if he is a transwoman. I liked all of that. The show should have been building up to that. But, unrelated to these matters, the "this was written by men" anvil drops. You see, another part of the premise is that the people who run the school are extreme parodies of radical feminists who hate all men. As a man who doesn't feel put out by people expressing their frustration at a horrific system like that, the vast majority of what they did with these characters were bad takes. They treat the boys at the school as if they are second class citizens, and if the joke is supposed to be that this is how girls are treated in real life, then it REALLY does not work. It comes off less tongue-in-cheek than it does as a straight-faced critique of "the world women really want" written by men where men are the victims. No. No, no, no. Start over. Cut it out. Please go back to the transwoman idea. ...And then the second half of the series deals with the boys' plight almost more than the trans teacher or the lesbian... Sigh. Oh, and the series's running antagonist is a woman who suspects the teacher is secretly a man, and so she spends the whole show trying to out her co-worker. If this was a trans-positive commentary on why policing gender is bad, there are possibilities in a sideplot like this. But what it actually ended up being was naive representation for TERFs. And she succeeds. And the transwoman is exiled. The TERF doesn't face any comeuppance. The most balance to this that we get is the fact that she's just a bad person in general, but that's portrayed as a consequence of her man-hating nature and, therefore, her feminism. Token reference to the fact that the art is from the early digital period and is shabby most of the time. There are positives to it, but it just doesn't work. If you're pointed to this show by clips of the good trans scenes buried in this, enjoy those. Don't bother watching it.
Being a future educator myself, this story really warmed my heart. I admit, the story is a little bit stupid and, yes, VERY far-fetched. However, you have to be willing to keep an open mind and look deeper, because the truth is, this story is about love, gender equality, and acceptance of others and of the self. Specifically, though, it is about the equal treatment of MEN. I enjoyed that they focused on this, because these days everything is usually about women being mistreated. The art is nothing special, and neither is the soundtrack. It's like any other school kid drama in that aspect. I wishI had more to say about that. Let me just get this out of the way: (without giving too much away) YES, the main relationship between two characters is unrealistic and inappropriate under all circumstances. I want to stress that I do not condone that kind of behavior from a grown man. However, to enjoy this show, you have to look past the creepy stuff because, after all, it's just TV. DO NOT WATCH THIS IF YOU ARE EASILY SHOCKED/DISGUSTED BY SOCIAL SCANDALS. Though you're all anime connoisseurs, so I'm sure you're used to it by now ;) Weird stuff aside, I can say that the main protagonist, Hibiki, is one of the most admirable characters I have ever encountered. His goal in life is to become a gym teacher and change the lives of children for the better. When he enters Seito Sannomiya Private School disguised as a woman, he enters with the intent of proving a point to the man-hating administration: that people should be judged by their character, not by their gender. As for the school kids, they were actually a very realistic group of middle schoolers. You know.. hormonally messed up, unsure of what's right, impressionable. I think that the LGBT community (or anyone who supports) would enjoy this because it has themes about accepting sexuality. Really anyone who's into civil rights will enjoy this.
Story The story kind of reminded me of Ouran High School Host Club. Haruhi had to dress up as a boy to pay her debt to the Host Club, while Amawa Hibiki had to dress up as a girl to be a athletics teacher for a school who has a principal a grudge against males due to a past relationship with a guy. Of course he will soon fall in love with one of his students which is Fuuko. Character There are a lot of different characters in this anime. There is a guy who dresses up as a girl, a klutz, a cool kid, crazy old lady,two perverts, sexist principal and vice-principal, and a tough girl. I find that really interesting to bunch up a ton of different character personality. With characters like these it became really interesting. Enjoyment I enjoyed all 13 episodes of it. The last episode almost made me cry but no problem! If only there was a 2nd season to this anime. There were a lot of scenes that made me lol, sad, angry and surprised. I hope you enjoy this anime like the way I enjoyed it.
Yay my first review ^_^. Overall from the start, it has a good story going, abt an enthusiastic man wanting to be a teacher, but has to cross-dress in order to teach. The beginning of his career and towards the end was quite coherent, and was very entertaining and tear-jerking. However, the ending parts of this series left me a lot of questions, and there were quite a cliffhangers as well... seeming to lead to another season, but there doesn't seem to be one. Therefore i felt that the ending pulled the score down. Moreover, the romance between the some of the characters in the series werenot fully expressed, so this story is not so much of a romance type but rather an inspirational and tear-jerking one. O yea, the op was excellent, as they show you a few snap shots of what is going to come up later on in the episode in the first few secs of the op. And the op was great, lovely song. I didn't like the ed so much though. Overall, I enjoyed this series very much and I think it is quite rewatchable as well (7.8/10 for rewatchable-ness)
im late to the show, just finished it and 3 days later im still emotional wreck after the last episode, i really wish this had a full OVA or is given a second chance, i think with the current climate of gender discussion and the rise of streaming services it would do extremely well the whole season is a roller coaster of emotion, you can see that hibiki struggles with their gender identity all the way through the season, at first taking on the mentor role, then a motherly role and finally lover, the statement that hibiki was going away to figure themselves out is amassive trans precursor for trans story line, the fact that they admit to enjoying time with the girls and feminine past times. i think the undercurrent from bachan shows that as a trans woman herself she could see it in hibiki. overall it has so far been one of my favorite animes along with Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru (The Maidens Are Falling in Love with Me) mainly because of the very well written gender understanding and friendship along with character development 9/10
Just finish watching I my me strawberry eggs and it was a great experience for me. At first glance at the poster you may thought this anime is just your typical anime about teacher x student relationship with a lots of comedy and parody first few episode it was like that but when you get in the mid end this anime is becoming more on a drama and you will realize that ..this anime is serious as sh*t... i'm just a little bit over reacting about that :-) The Story About a guy needs to pay his rent and so he cross-dress so that he can beaccepted in the school were female teacher's only being accepted. The Characters are great specially Baa-chan she's is always saving the day. I also like the supporting cast love story and if you watch this you will see a lot of love triangles The Sound is just fine just your typical old school anime. I really enjoy watching this...there is no doll moments at all, every episode worth a shot and it has only 13 episode and this is one of the anime that you'll be asking for'll wish there's more 'cause how great and the enjoyment that i felt while watching this..The ending was so sad by the way :-( I really wish there was a second season 'cause we want to know what will happen next and it's been 13 years and no announcement yet...for an anime fans like me it's never too late to have a second season or an OVA.... The Big BONUS for me about this anime is that Crispin Freeman is the voice actor of Hibiki-chan and it's so rare for me to find an anime that he's the main protagonist. He's KYON by the way in the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya,Shizuo in durarara and Hideki in Chobits. PS: I wish there was an alternative version of this..(HENTAI) LOL! just kidding.......
In relation to art and sound aspect, it is close to a 10 by taking into account of the technology available at that point of time. The story is an 8 simply because there were hiccups in various moments in the anime but the concept of a cross-dressing teacher definitely did not award it anywhere lower. The characters showed great promise, they really do. But the lack of episodes couldn't allow greater depth to be developed. As it stands, it is an 8. From the above criteria, it brings to wonder why on the whole it is a 10, because I enjoyed it. I just simply love how forbiddenconcepts like a cross-dresser, teacher X student love and concept homosexuality came into play. In the minds of junior high students who are around the age of 14-16, what is their concept of love? This anime takes upon all of these elements and made a story. It is unfair, unjust and stupid to judge the anime from the POV of an adult or someone in their silver hair days. It showed how teenagers who are struggling with understanding what is love and are there limits. One might say that homosexuality, age difference and all other "taboo" things in society are bad but I beg to differ. I have no problems against these concepts because I believe that if that is where you feel most happy, you should go for it. And this anime does it. It delve into how these concept would work in reality and dug out a path which a person who accepts such "taboo" elements would take. If there were more episodes, this would have been an anime sensation but does it matter? All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed this anime despite lacking in areas, it greatly and sufficiently satisfied me. On the whole, it was outstanding.
The anime is simultaneously very cute and wholesome, and also features a terrible, unnecessary teacher/student romance plot. It has some of my favorite moments of growth for students; their friendships and relationships are beautifully written, and it's a wonderful depiction of school life. You get very beautiful moments of growth, even from background characters, who feel very real throughout the show. However, it's just impossible to overlook the main 'romance' being between a 14 year old student, and a teacher is out of college so at least 20. Especially since the teacher reciprocating those feelings is NOT essential to the plot, and it should have been leftas a student crush as there is at least one other instance of unrequited student crush and it's fine. It's also full of unnecessary panty shots, and 2 background characters for whom their entire personality is creeping on girls.
Good question! wot does the title of this Anime Have anything to do with the story itself? Your guess is as good as mine. At first when i saw this Anime just by reading the title it didn't sound to appealing to me. i thought it was going to be some "kid" type anime...little magical girls in funky type costumes. then after watching the first episode i was shocked! O_O a cross-dressing teach, a gender bias school principle...and ah, oh well also the normal stuff like perverted old men, and a pushy old lady...which is surprising agile like JamesBond. you can pretty much say that this is NOT your everyday middle school. The Art work is great not too over exaggerated like other "school" like anime. the character's features aren't blow up out of proportion, if you know wot i mean. ^_^ although, damn that boy can really dress up! there are too many give away features that men have that are undeniably UN-HIDEable! oh, please can you really hid anything wearing those tight short that the girls wear?! com'on boys you know if that were any where near possible i think that would hurt you guys very much in the nuts! O_O oh, and damn...he would be that attractive just by putting in makeup...ok...i know wot you are saying. in this day and age "Newhalf" people can. But, agree to this that teacher is not one of those. Over all, i did enjoy this Anime. Interestingly funny i might say. watch it! ^_^ Enjoy!!!
Alright, so Strawberry eggs probably doesn't resonate with everyone. It touches subjects such as cross dressing, hebephilia and rabid feminism, which aren't exactly uncontroversial in the west (or I suppose in Japan). Even if you approach this series with an open mind, you'll still have to get past the whacky story, the wierd jokes, the fanservice... All I can say is that Strawberry eggs hits a perfect wavelength for me personally. Graphically it actually looks really good, especially for a high school anime, and even more especially considering it was made in 2001. Vivid animation, nice lighting effects and above decent character design. The voice acting isgood enough, the OP and ED have both been in my "good anime music" folder for over 10 years and the background music is varied and fitting. Very few high school animes manage to pull off a good combination of comedy and romance, but Strawberry eggs hits a sweet spot. The story itself, despite the whacky themes, isn't ground breaking but it's well paced and directed, and inhabited with great characters. This happens to be one of the very first animes I watched, so I guess some of it comes out of nostalgia, but it has turned out to be one of my absolute favourites.
I My Me! Strawberry Eggs was a good series, it would have gotten a 10 in my book but there were some things towards the end that kind of bugged me. The story, as soon as you know what it's about has that "Oh my... Got to see how this goes over" reaction. First episode and I was hooked. VERY funny and the awkward situations made it funnier. But unfortunately, the further and further the series went the more serious it became... That's what I didn't like about the series. Realistically though, what all happened in the series happened just as it would in reallife. Art was typical, it was good art, but not bad. Though there were some parts in the series that they could have left some details out... Characters were weird... At least the main characters. True, they didn't have much of a back story, but they were well developed and had their own personalities. Some had a little too much of their own personality... x_x;;; Overall, a very enjoyable series, except the ending which I said went from comical to serious. Provided many good laughs and leaves you wondering what will happen next?
The show is silly just as its title sounds. I won't get into story details because most of people have written about it - a man starts crossdressing to get a job in a school to become a good teacher and make sexist female superiors realise that everyone deserves to be treated equally. Topics such as men-women relations, prejudices, sexuality and love are unwrapped in these 13 episodes. Even though the number of episodes wasn't enough to cover the topics, they were developed in both silly and serious way. Watchers are entertained and provoked a bit at the same time, to relate events to realworld situations. I'm sure you frequently encounter topics about gender pay gap in media or discussions, this anime is an artificial laboratory where such things are experimented and boosted to make bigger impression. How would society react if a principal of a school would said that only females should be hired as teachers or if a school superiors claimed that men are disgusting and only good for cleaning? Take that outside the school and apply to any institution or society. Also, the anime did great with those characters, they have double standards - they claim to be caring for society for the greater good, but they are nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites. The anime's school motto fits that well, it's about love ("love for all"? I cannot remember the motto well) while in reality it's not practised. In numerous moments we see school society divided about some questions and tensions between men and women, which is mostly result of older people (such as vice-principal) interfering and creating such bad atmosphere. The only thing those people don't know is that youth is suffering from their harsh guidance where they force their prejudices into heads of youngsters. Summed up, it's a decent watch - it's short and has funny moments which will poke you to think of some topics like gender equality. Too bad many people skip it because of its rating.
Hmm, what can I say? This anime really came up with something original. The humor in here was classic, with some funny situations that could only be obtained through the power of cross-dressing and gender confusion. The only problem was length, I would have liked to see the anime go a couple more episodes. 8/10