A music video from Yoshiura Yasuhiro, done in year 2000. Music is done by Shibata Yuki.
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Noisy Birth is a short music video that spans roughly under 2 minutes. I'm giving a review because not many music videos are watched. So, yep, like the video, this review will be pretty short. First off, the art & sound were done pretty well and I think it fits well with the characters' design. Since it was short, there isn't really anything for me to complain about. However, it does have a dark, gothic theme to it, so if you don't like that, I don't recommend watching it. The music is also pretty upbeat, not anything 'screamo'. However, if you do enjoy those things, just know that youwon't waste 2 minutes of your life. :)
My head hurts now. The music was a bunch of noise. Characters felt hollow and pointless. There was no story. The forest was nice... I guess?
Well, I'm sure many of you will flame me for this review because this AMV changed your life and it was so "artistic and meaningful," but truthfully I didn't see it at all. You may have seen the beauty of My Chemical Romance, but all I saw was something contrived and weak with little to no plot, beyond an abstract notion of the horrors of death and doll-making. As always, Yoshiura Yasuhiro made something that was well drawn and possibly well thought out, but I just didn't get the message if there was one. While the man has a talent for drawing inan audience, there was just no spark for me and I feel overall that he could have [and has] done better. I suspect that might have something to do with the last-minute "whoops- we-spent all-our-budget-on-bagels-again-so-let's-just-play-some-generic-background-music-for-this-anime-advertisement"-type of slander they were trying to pass off as music. Sorry if this upsets your lady Victorian values, people, but slamming around a synthesizer does not a musician of you make. Overall, I feel like I could have just saved myself the trouble and used these two minutes to watch Sakasama no Patema again, so I think I'll go do just that.