Alice Sakaguchi once dreamt that she is another person living on the moon. The dream is so strange and so real that Alice can't stop thinking about it. She finds out that some of her classmates are having the same kind of dream. They soon discover that they had been seeing flashes of their past lives as a team of scientists on the moon. Alice and her friends then decide to find the other members and piece together what took place back then. Complications arise when they realize that everything that happened in their previous existence continue to haunt and affect their present lives. (Source: ANN)
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Please Save My Earth is a very gentle yet tragic exploration of the power of destiny and personal struggle. While there is some outstanding action scenes towards the end of the 6 episode OAV, the series revolves around the development and destruction of the main characters. The plot itself is intermingled with a metaphysical look at the deceptive appearance of innocence and the desperate and destructive poison of love. While some may find the plot slow-moving, to others (more accustomed to shoujo anime) the story is very intense and involves very tragic and touching descriptions of personal dreams and even pride. Throughout the series there isan environmental sub-theme. I find myself wishing that the anime creators had included more of this element, as there was lots of content to support a more Arjuna-esc tale. However, the romantic revelations in PSME are enough to carry the series through to Excellence. The music by Hajime Mizoguchi and Yoko Kanno is outstanding, though it may not appeal to all viewers. I think it was a perfect mix of sci-fi and primitive sounds. Akino Arai's Prologue: Time of Gold Flowing is a beautiful track and has a very tragic tone to it. Please Save My Earth has the most hateable and lovable characters. If you cannot get wrapped up in this teenage romantic fantasy then perhaps a closer evaluation of your previous lives is necessary. This touching journey makes my top 10 anime without a doubt as the series took me on a journey of classical and unrivaled romantic fantasy.
About a year ago, I was shopping for books at a local secondhand store when I found what looked like a bargain: a bin of anime DVDs for 15$. When I took them home, I watched and most of them weren't too good - until I watched Please Save My Earth. It blew me away in a way that I haven't been since I first discovered subtitled anime. I cannot believe that something that good happened to be in a bargain bin. Story: The basic premise of PSME is the tragedy of seven reincarnated researchers. Originally members of a scientificallyadvanced civilization, they were tasked to observe the earth from a base on the moon. The specific focus of the plot is how the characters interact once the tragic events which lead to their deaths come to light. A very compelling plot follows, combining elements of classical tragedy and science fiction. I would note, however, the OVA doesn't end with a climax so much as with a somewhat vague outro. This is generally one of two things: a hasty way to wrap thing up, and a contribution to the atmosphere of the show. Personally, I don't see the story marred much by the lack of a "proper" ending. Art: Detailed, but nothing really special, given the age it was drawn in. The only notable feature is that the visuals manage to be dark without being intense. Even when the scene is tragic, it has a mellow yet urgent feel to it. Sound: The ending to this show, "Toki no Kioku", is, quite literally, my #1 song in all of anime. (Beating out Forever Young, Yuuzora no Kamihouki, and Love a Riddle) It's about 3 minutes long, and it could be a lullaby, dirge, or ballad, depending on your mood. It really encapsulates both the tragic and mellow components of the show. THe soundtrack itself is the same way, a mix of easy listening and orchestral which really puts the plot away. Character: The seven scientists are well developed, and, the more you see, the deeper the bonds between them draw you in. Each character has complex emotions which play a clear role in their motives, and their visual designs fit their moods so well it's almost scary. Enjoyment: This show made me cry, and it's one of two anime that has ever actually done that. It's sad enough to be believable, but not so sad that I can't relate. I watched it for the full three hours without even taking a bathroom break. Overall: The presentation was artful, the sound fantastical, and it's short enough to fit into an afternoon. I'd recommend this to almost any anime fan.
Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte, or Please Save My Earth, has a very compelling plot with an average execution. Like many other series from the 1990s, the atmosphere is there, but the series is glued together by some very good scenes, followed by monotonous drama. Despite my criticism, I think Please Save My Earth is worth watching. It was a very important series to me when I was younger. • The story is about a group of alien scientists observing Earth from a moon-base before being able to visit the planet. Tragically, a deadly disease kills all of them on the space station before anyof them are able to fulfill their dreams of venturing to Earth, but because their desire was so strong, all of them are reincarnated into earthlings. •The characters all have reoccurring dreams of being their past selves, and form an online meet-up to discuss the dreams and speculate. Eventually, things get messy as the group begins to get their current and past lives mixed up. Some characters who were women in their past lives are now homosexual men, others harbor unrequited feelings for certain members that carry on into their current lives, and the cycle repeats itself. •A web of existential drama is woven. I won't say anything to spoil who’s who (the first few episodes of the OVA have a Detective Conan style revelation on a couple of charactersーwho hide who they are, from their past life), but Rin Kobayashi (this is a spoiler-free review, so I wouldn't reveal his ACTUAL identity) is the most powerful character in the OVA. The last episode is actually a heart-wrenching retelling of his childhood in his previous life. •The ending song, Toki no Kioku, is absolutely stunning, and the visuals are beautifully brought to life by Production I.G. though you can obviously tell that this show was conceived 1993. I'm a passionate fan of the animeーbut, I haven't finished the manga and stopped after a few volumes, because I didn't care for the art style in the comic version. Because the animated version of the story was condensed into a short OVA, the anime leaves off on an unsatisfying cliffhanger. I hope thatーin the future, there will be a remake of that conveys the feeling of guilt and moral catharsis to create a similar opus of fragmented characters and forlorn love as was represented in the style of the OVA. •If you're looking for a series that is a lethargic adventure revolving around identity and reincarnation, I think Please Save My Earth would be something worth looking into. I give it a 8/10 and firm recommendation.
Why you should watch Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte (Please Save My Earth) anime? / Zašto pogledati Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte (Please Save My Earth) anime? English language: This is one of the best anime I’ve watched. Personally, I didn’t expect anything special when I read the summary. Since it had 6 episodes I decided to watch it because I have another anime more that I watched. The story is initially about Alice Sakaguchi who, due to a misunderstanding, accidentally finds out that her classmates Jinpachi and Issei constantly have common dreams that are recurring dreams about a group of lunar-based scientists observing the Earth.When Alice has one of the "moon dreams", she will try to find other scientists together with Jinpachi and Issei because they are all reincarnations of those scientists who died of a mysterious disease on the moon. While that idea of theirs sounds great, things will get a little complicated. Namely, a character who is also one of the reincarnated scientists will hide his identity and negatively influence some events in his favor. That character is also a villain and he will manage to fool everyone. Supernatural powers will help him realize his plans. The powers of this character are so strong that even some people who have the same powers cannot defeat him so easily. Towards the end, we will find out the story of his past life, which is so tragic. Another problem that will be created is that the characters can’t cope with what happened in their past. They will begin to mix their present and past lives. There will be jealousy and revenge. Let’s just say it’s their personal struggle. All in all, this anime is about the characters and how they will interact after the events that led to their deaths come to light. The story is very intense and includes very tragic and touching events. This anime also has very interesting characters. What I liked most about this anime was that it was so interesting that I watched it without a break. I would recommend it to anyone to watch it. _____________________________________________________________________ Hrvatski jezik: Ovo je jedan od najboljih animea koje sam pogledala. Osobno nisam ništa posebno očekivala kad sam pročitala sažetak. Pošto je imao 6 epizoda odlučila sam ga pogledat jer imat ću još jedan anime više koji sam pogledala. Priča se u početku radi o Alice Sakaguchi koja će zbog jednog nesporazuma slučajno saznati da njene kolege iz razreda Jinpachi i Issei stalno imaju zajedničke snove koji su ponavljajući snovi o skupini znanstvenika na mjesečevoj bazi koji promatraju Zemlju. Kada Alice bude imala jedan od “mjesečevih snova”, zajedno će sa Jinpachijem i Isseijem pokušati naći ostale znanstvenike jer su oni svi reinkarnacije od tih znanstvenika koji su umrli od misteriozne bolesti na Mjesecu. Iako ta njihova ideja zvuči super, stvari će se malo zakomplicirati. Naime, jedan lik koji je isto jedan od znanstvenika koji je reinkarniran, će skrivati svoj identitet i negativno utjecati na neke događaje u svoju korist. Taj lik je i negativac i sve će uspjeti zavarati. Nadnaravne moći će mu pomoći za ostvarenje svojih planova. Moći od toga lika su toliko snažne da čak i neki ljudi koji imaju iste moći ne mogu ga tako lako poraziti. Pred kraj ćemo saznati i priču o njegovom prošlom životu koja je tako tragična. Još jedan od problema koji će se stvoriti je da se likovi ne mogu nositi s onim što se dogodilo u njihovoj prošlosti. Počet će miješati svoje sadašnje i prošle živote. Doći će do ljubomore i osvete. Recimo samo da je to njihova osobna borba. Sve u svemu ovaj anime je o likovima i kako će oni međusobno djelovati nakon što događaji koji su doveli do njihove smrti izađu na vidjelo. Priča je vrlo intenzivna i uključuje vrlo tragične i dirljive događaje. Ovaj anime isto ima jako zanimljive likove. Kod ovoga animea mi se najviše svidjelo što je bio toliko zanimljiv da sam ga pogledala bez pauze. Preporučila bih ga svakom da ga pogleda.
Non Spoilery Review: Story: Gripping from the beginning and has a lot of potential. There is a lot of mystery to the characters and how they are connected which draws you in. I personally couldn't stop myself from watching the next episode. However the finale will not give you a satisfying conclusion to the story. The story is still interesting and unique enough to watch if you are looking for something to pass the time. Art: The art style would be considered dated given it's release back in the 90's, but don't let that put you off. The overall aesthetic is beautifully done and theanimation is very expressive. Overall: Slice of Life with a healthy dose of Sci Fi is what you get with this show. I think it's only drawback is that it was perhaps to short to really have the conclusion it deserved. All that being said, I still enjoyed watching this.
-----------Spoiler Free Review----------- For anyone planning to watch this anime, a disclaimer is to be made. Please Save My Earth does not have an ending. The final scene in the 6th episode is a sneak peak of compilation of events that happen in the manga. Basically, Please Save My Earth has a "go read the manga" ending. Despite such a lackluster ending, you must be wondering why still a 10/10 review? Because this series is a phenomenal piece of work. It an outstanding performance of animation, music and story, and a true testament to what anime in the 90's really was. Any avid watcher of anime should haveexperienced the severe redundancy that has plagued anime since the 2000s. Every popular anime has the same tropes, the same melodrama, that same structure, and the same narrative technique. You can talk about how music, story, animation and characters are essential but the truth is there is an abundance of anime that has nailed all those 4 things but are missing a massive element to what makes an anime .. good. Pacing. When anime is an extremely oversaturated medium with thousands of pieces fighting for your attention, what separates a good story from another equally good story? The answer is pacing. And that is what Please Save My Earth excels at most. The pacing is phenomenal. It grabs you, forces you to provide attention, steers your emotions towards something you didn't expect to feel. Because of it's excellent pacing, it subverts your every assumption of what the show is. The anime is riddled with incredible plot twists, but it isn't just the story elements that make the twists grab at you. It's the way the chain of events is executed in that makes the twists incredible. Even if you have watched innumerable anime and are immune to any attempt of surprise, the anime doesn't care, it will hook you. If not by the story elements, then the technique of presenting the story elements. As for more on the "go read the manga ending", that isn't a rare phenomenon when it comes to anime. A good chunk of anime, including some of the most titular titles are plagued with this same curse. So while I debated to give this series a 9/10 for the ending alone, in the end I felt the docking a score of 1 undeserved. To respect the nature of this being a spoiler free review, I won't go much into characters or plot. The music however, deserves nothing less than mountains of praise. Yoko Kanno's most phenomenal work. The music compliments the tone of the story perfectly. Please save my earth has themes of faith, religious turmoil, hopelessness of fate and feelings of misanthropy. Polar opposite themes, but the music highlights those opposites by evoking in you feelings of spirituality and transcendence. Close your eyes, sit in a quiet room, and listen to "Prologue: Time Of Gold Flowing" with headphones on. You will feel like a incorporeal ecclesiastic traversing through space and time, your soul stretched between reality and the realm of divinity. Please save my earth aspires to make you feel like a 4th dimensional entity viewing the timelines of humans in the dimension below you. You feel the despair of being unable to give the characters the prescience you have, but also feeling of peace for the characters, because of your knowledge of the transcendental energy making provision for them. For a series to make a viewer feel so omniscient yet so vulnerable, what can you give it besides a 10.
Starting off with the simple, face value stuff: The art is standard to it's era. There's nothing separating this anime style from most of the others in the 90s. The sound was sub-standard. The voice mics seemed regular, but the some sound effects were missing in "lesser" scenes and some of the sounds effects were lackluster in more "epic" scenes. The story is terribly boring. With a title like "Please Save My Earth" and knowing it was about people being reincarnated I originally thought there was a threat that killed the last people, and they were purposefully reincarnated to address the threat. It turns it thatit's a very unnecessarily tragic-weird slice of life anime. There's no threat outside of the self/ destructiveness of the main characters. And then, for all they went through emotionally they ended up not doing anything. The characters are carbon copies of "the good, the bad, and the ugly" with past life retrospectives. Everyone does hardly anything and no one gets what they want, in the end. Really, everyone is worse off than when they started, but it's so inconsequentially because most of them didn't do anything. What's really boring is that there's 7 characters and they only went into the life of one of them. One of the characters that did something stop doing it and is suddenly redeemable characters for no connected reason. The other character that did something really didn't do much of anything until the very end, and it now regretting his new life for what he did in his previous one. The character that got a lot of camera time at the start is very weak character that fades in and out until the end, and doesn't have much value. The person that character was before has more value than the present day character. However, because this person didn't engage with past life stuff as much as the others, she's the only one that has more screen time that's the least tragic. There are the 2 tragic gay guys, because one of the women came back as a man. The other 2 characters are cheerful and normal mooded teenagers, so they're not important. It's an anime about people that choose to be traumatized by things they didn't do. They live on Earth as normal people (more or less) and they don't do much of anything that anyone cares about. I wouldn't suggest this anime to anyone.
Zen Question: When you obviously run out of budget, is if better to just cut your losses and leave the anime incomplete, or would you rather just animate the rest of the show with a significantly lower budget? Basically, should an anime be a "Please Save My Earth", or should it be an "Uzumaki"? This show was actually really good. It had great characters. The show was a healthy mix of slice of life and sci-fi. The premise is that there were 7 scientists on the moon. They reincarnated as 7 students on Earth, and they're all having dreamsof their past life on the Moon. The show has interesting and complex characters who have a similar goal of looking after the Earth, but they each have their own feelings and dynamics with each other. It's a drama, it's a tragedy, it has fights, it has romance, it has unrequited love, it has war, and themes of loneliness. The show beautifully moves the plot along and it slows down and paces itself perfectly at crucial moments where it wants you to have empathy for the characters and to explain certain plot points, but there's also enough interesting things happening to keep you engaged. The only issue with this anime is that it was clearly cuf short at 6 episodes. Perhaps the funding ran out, and they decided to just cut it there. It's such a shame because the art is beautiful, the characters were great, and the show was perfectly paced. Just as we were getting into another arc, the tape ran out. Such a shame, because it could've been a 10/10, had it kept going. You could tell that whoever made this OVA, has a lot of love for the series.