A 20-year-old shut-in is suddenly transported from his apartment, only to appear in front of a goddess who offers him a second chance at life. Although she grants him overpowered magical abilities in this new world, when he awakes as the newborn Prince Reinhardt, his talents are only measured at Level 2. Thinking their child to be an abysmal failure, his royal parents abandon him in the woods. There, the prince, who names himself Haruto, encounters Flay, a Flame Fenrir who decides to devote her life in service to him. Haruto's relative, Gold Zenfis, meets them both in the woods and decides to adopt the child as his own. Nine years pass with Haruto under the care of the Zenfis family. His mastery over his overpowered barrier magic increases by the day, though Haruto would rather not use it to help others. He practices his magic in secret, preferring to have his family believe that he is weak. However, his younger sister, Charlotte, discovers his strength, and with the assistance of Flay, Haruto protects her and the rest of the Zenfis family from harm. With a shifty plot stirring in the kingdom, Haruto only wishes to stay inside and watch anime, but it seems he will have to use his magic to keep the family that took him in safe. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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This is without a doubt an anime to "pass the time", one of those animes where you turn off your brain and don't worry about understanding the story or the character development, one of those animes that you put in the background while you do homework or clean . It's actually not bad, it's just mediocre, just another isekai to kill some time. You will like it if: ◼ Do you like isekai ◼ You don't like to think, or you don't want to do it ◼ If you just want something to kill some time You will not like it: ◼ If you are looking for a deep story with developmentand intrigue ◼ If you have expectations ◼ You like that anime stand out for a "star" genre (Everything here is "meh") Español: Este es sin duda alguna un anime para "pasar el rato", uno de esos animes donde apagas el cerebro y no te preocupas por entender bien la historia ni el desarrollo de personajes, uno de esos animes que colocas de fondo mientras haces tarea o limpias. En realidad no es malo, simplemente es mediocre, un isekai más para matar el rato. Te gustará si: ◼ Te gustan los isekai ◼ No te gusta pensar, o no quieres hacerlo ◼ Si solo quieres algo para matar el rato No te gustará: ◼ Si buscas una historia profunda con desarrollo e intriga ◼ Si tienes expectativas ◼ Te gusta que el anime resalten por un género "estrella" (Aquí todo es un "meh")
At it's core Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita is yet another isekai with overpowered protagonist that hides his power for whatever reason. Overused setting can be a bad thing if it repeats cliches or is generally just a reskin of same old thing. But in my opinion this anime doesn't fall under those, so judging it purely on the fact that it's isekai or has OP MC would be unfair. Overall, Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita is on lighter side. There is no drama, conflicts get resolved very quickly. Art, from colors to characters designs, to their facial emotions, all seem aimed towards making this acomfy and cute type of show. On top of that I found comedy to be pretty decent and refreshing, with some nice parodies. Characters fit nicely too, with all of them being likeable and quirky but not exactly typical archetypes. On the other hand villains are rather disappointing, being just boring evil guys. Story itself is pretty much nonexistent as far as anime goes - which I don't consider a downside, but I guess some might say it's "boring". As a relaxing, comedy focused anime I absolutely recommend this one. It's just a great time filler that doesn't pretend to be anything more.
I will preface this review by saying I generally love the Isekai genre, and I like trash Isekai for the pure enjoyment factor that it offers That being said, the Spring/Summer seasons has given us many poor offerings and too few gems for Isekai fans with either mediocre series, or series that are just dull or outright bad. Fortunately this series is not dull, but while it did have enough to grab my initial attention and was entertaining enough to keep me watching, it was the very definition of mediocre. This series took a paint-by-numbers approach to creating an isekai series, there is very little original here, andin a space where you need a unique twist to stand out amongst the crowd, all this does is tick off all the cliches one by one. So in the end there is nothing special here, it is highly forgettable, and while comedy is highly subjective, for me, the comedy here just didn't 'land' The ending is also unsatisfactory as it seems to expect a second season to pick things up and conclude events, yet I am not convinced this series has done enough to 'earn' a second season. This series isn't 'bad' not in an objective sense, there are a few ways this could have been bad, but it managed to avoid them, The animation is average, the sound is average, the story is average. Also for it to be 'bad' it would have had to have done something different, to actually take a chance at being different and then failed, but this doesn't attempt to be anything special or to stand out. You can't fail if you don't take any chances. Finally, it could have been dull and boring, yet this does manage to be entertaining. In conclusion, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who doesn't enjoy trash isekai, and even then I would caution people that this is nothing special and one that will be forgotten about quickly.
English: My experience was bad. Despite not reaching the point of abandoning it, the plot and the main character contributed to a constant feeling of boredom. The protagonist, far from embodying the desired qualities in an isekai, seems to resent every aspect of the adventure, from fighting to simple work or study. The plot, which promised a lot with typical elements of reincarnation, broken powers, and difficult missions, failed to fulfill any of its promises. One of the few redeeming aspects was the occasional entertainment provided by images during pauses. However, the overall humor left much to be desired. Secondary characters, on the other hand, lackeddepth and did not contribute or detract from the overall experience. The lack of richness in their integration into the "team" (if it can be called that) left much to be desired. As for the magic, it turned out to be quite bland, adding nothing new to the genre. The mysteries presented throughout the episodes either were quickly resolved without any impact or were so basic that they failed to maintain interest. My overall rating for this anime would be a 5/10, and I am not interested in watching a second season. The series does not stand out among the genre's options. Español: Mi experiencia fue mala. A pesar de no llegar al extremo de abandonarlo, la trama y el personaje principal contribuyeron a una sensación constante de tedio. El protagonista, lejos de encarnar las cualidades deseadas en un isekai, parece resentir cada aspecto de la aventura, desde pelear hasta el simple trabajo o estudio. La trama, que prometía mucho con elementos típicos de rencarnación, poderes rotos, y misiones difíciles, no logró cumplir ninguna de sus promesas. Uno de los pocos aspectos rescatables era el entretenimiento ocasional proporcionado por las imágenes durante las pausas. Sin embargo, el humor general dejaba mucho que desear. Los personajes secundarios, por otro lado, carecían de profundidad y no aportaban ni restaban al conjunto. La falta de riqueza en su integración al "equipo" (si es que se puede llamar así) dejaba mucho que desear. En cuanto a la magia, esta resultó ser bastante insípida, sin aportar nada nuevo al género. Los misterios que se presentaban a lo largo de los episodios o se resolvían rápidamente sin impacto alguno, o resultaban tan básicos que no lograban mantener el interés. Mi calificación general para este anime sería un 5/10, y no estoy interesado en ver una segunda temporada. La serie no destaca entre las opciones del género.
well the story is mid as it tires to do everything half baked ! the humor is too illogical to digest, the action scene had some potential but executed half heartedly, the background score was average at best, male lead is somehow a good one but not utilized by the plot well & the plot theme is so much interesting but is ignored several times, honestly i started to watch this series because somewhere i saw that this has harem & romance with an op male lead ! boy i was wrong ! as the male lead is powerful but not shown that much whichis not big of an issue for me if this has some romance and harem moments ! there are mostly female around the male lead but they don't feel like a romantic interest, they rather feel like some friends ! the one thing that kept me going was how much light hearted it was ! this is a chill one time watch type of show ! so as for me it's - 6.2 stars / 10 stars !
Anime that can be enjoyable for some people, but can also be disappointing for others. It is a fun and entertaining anime that will make you feel good and amazed by the power of Haruto, but it is also a light-hearted and thrilling anime that will make you feel bored and annoyed by the lack of originality and depth. If you like isekai, harem, slice-of-life, and ecchi genres, you might like this anime. But if you are looking for something more serious and complex, you might want to skip this anime. The good points of this anime are: -The comedy is well-done and hilarious. The animehas a lot of funny and "fanservice scenes" that will make you laugh out loud. The interactions between Haruto and the other characters are amusing and entertaining. -The fantasy setting is interesting and immersive. The anime explores a world where magic rules all over, and there are various races and creatures. The anime also shows the secrets of this world and Haruto’s own destiny. -The voice acting is excellent and fitting. The voice actors do a great job of portraying the characters’ emotions and personalities. The opening and ending songs are catchy and fit the mood of the show. The bad points of this anime are: -The plot is cliché and predictable. The anime follows the typical isekai tropes, such as being reincarnated with cheat powers, having a harem of girls, and being involved in royal feuds and assassination plots. The anime does not offer anything new or original to the genre. -The characters are shallow and stereotypical. The anime does not develop the characters well, and they are mostly defined by their appearance and role. The female characters are mostly there for fanservice, and the male characters are mostly there for comic relief or antagonism. -The animation is mediocre and inconsistent. The anime does not have a high-quality animation, and it often suffers from poor art and animation. The character designs are bland and generic, and the action scenes are lackluster and boring.
This would have been alright, but it becomes too derailed towards the end. Especially considering how nice the initial setting is. They eventually introduce some interesting elements and characters that would have made for a great overall story, but these show up way too late in the season for it to matter. My guess is they're a set-up for a second season, HOWEVER those aren't enough to circumvent a fatal flaw in the plot - the clones. At a certain point in the story, the main character decides to create a clone of himself to take his place and do the things he doesn't want todo (like go to school). Except this clone doesn't want to do those things either, but to makes things worse, the clone doesn't have any of the overpowered abilities as the main character. The reason this sucks, is because the clone keeps getting more and more screen time, and so what we end up with is this whole new character that gets introduced into the story, but who nobody cares about (because he's just a clone). AND THEN LATER HE MAKES MORE CLONES, LITERALLY ADDING TO THE PROBLEM! So yeah, that pretty much killed it for me. Won't bother with a second season if it ever comes.
Not sure why this is getting such middling reviews, so here's my take on why this anime deserves a chance. This an easy-going comedy first and foremost. Yes there are a lot of typical isekai'd OP character tropes/clichés, and yes I would put this in the "guilty pleasure" category, but even so it does enough to differentiate it and get past being complete trash like other run-of-the-mill isekai's being released every season (Saikyou Onmyouji Isekai or Kuro no Shoukanshi for ex.). It's a non-serious, feel good type of anime that I definitely wouldn't mind an extra season of (gives me similar vibes to TsukiMichi butmore comedy, less action/harem focused). The MC/Haruto isn't your typical protag-kun, he's got some pre-reincarnation baggage (but it's glossed over like a lot of things) and therefore he's stuck in his slacker shut-in ways (he even says it's a goal to keep slacking off for his second life), but despite that he finds himself with a loving family that changes his core outlook by the end. He's not trying to save a kingdom or the world, just trying to do good by his adopted family and those close to him, thereby actually progressing as a character due to his interaction with the main cast. The true protag Charlotte wins best imouto of the year, I love every scene she's in, truly a precious gem to be protected for all eternity.. and MC feels the same way, using his OP-ness to shield her from any possible threat as well as simply doing his best to comply with her whims, both for entertainment and to fit her image of him as a secret hero of justice. So despite his apathy towards putting effort into anything, he'd ultimately do what's necessary to protect his new family (he'd probably whine a bit at first/afterward tho lol). He even gets genuinely mad enough to slaughter the people going after them, this guy takes no prisoners! (aside from one person he probably would've taken out if it weren't for the circumstances). The rest of the cast each add their own uniqueness when interacting with MC or adding comedy along with Char. Its funny how he struggles to keep Flay on a leash and how lax/understanding the dad Gold is, pretty much accepting of everything while remaining a good dude/role model. I also enjoy how there's no real ecchi harem stuff going on, no unnecessary romantics, and almost everything is played for laughs. The power system/magic of the world even has some thought put into it, like how the ancient magic MC uses is non-elemental magic and therefore sits completely outside the range of any modern elemental magic reasoning, also somewhat explaining why mana levels have dropped with the mainstream adoption of elemental magics. It also gives sufficient leeway to MC's OP abilities and how it's practically impossible for anyone else to deal with. But they're also willing to gloss over things for the sake of comedy, like how the F does he have an active internet connection?.. well for the sake of turning Charlotte into a little otaku of course, taking her comedy to another level with all the chuuni naming and posing lol. As for the story/plot, there really isn't much here for that. It's just MC going through his newfound life meeting people/demons/monsters and experiencing situations that cause him to take some kind of action, ultimately adding to his character growth. So its pretty reactional as things go, but that's okay in my book since its a light-hearted comedy for the most part. Overall I gave it an 8, purely because I enjoyed it that much (7/8 of those points go to most adorable imouto Charlotte BTW). The MC starts out as selfish lazy bum but due to the caring environment he finds himself in, even he notices himself changing for the better by the end (clone pun?). It's like he actually gained some insight and is now happily moving forward in his new life.. isn't that the whole point of a second chance isekai? This isn't a really serious anime anyway, things don't have to be so black and white. I got good vibes from this anime and that's all that matters, I hope others find some enjoyment from it too. Sorry for the non-organized rambling of a review! it's my first time ;)
First and foremost, I would like to emphasize that I started watching this anime because of its promising plot concept and the tremendous potential it seemed to offer. The first two episodes served to establish the world and the backstory, and in my opinion, they did this task quite decently. However, I must say that from the third episode onwards, I noticed a significant decline in the storyline. The main character, Haruto, was the reason I started the anime in the first place, and it's unfortunate to see how he has developed. Even after his rebirth with incredible abilities and the highest magician level in thisworld, his character has changed very little. His initial lack of ambition and unchanged behavior after rebirth are hard for me to understand. I would have expected him to evolve throughout the storyline or at least find an incentive to grow for himself and achieve something significant. If someone is mainly watching the anime because of an overpowered main character and expecting them to conquer the world or something similar, then I would advise against it. This anime places a greater emphasis on interpersonal relationships, which is commendable but personally disappointing for me as I had higher expectations.
It's a great isekai. The MC is overpowered but doesn't show his powers. It's very similar to eminence in the shadow in aspects. Only this guy has a little sister that knows about him and is uhm... a bit too attached to him. The world and its' systems is clearly worse tho. It's quite simple, including the backstory The characters are funny and the stakes don't feel that high, although that will probably change in season 2 The MC is pretty good I think. He doesn't feel too generic. Also something I value a lot: they didn't rush through the material. It felt like they went through it ona normal pace. The things that happen to the MC are also great. It doesn't feel boring like nothing's happening after a while like most isekai. It's a good isekai. Wouldn't put it between Mushoku and Eminence, but I enjoyed it a lot 7/10
One might not think of much from yet another Overpowered MC Isekai, yet it is endearing in its own way and gets enough of the fundamentals correct as to be more enjoyable than most. I'd even go so far as to call it underrated. Animation / Art / General Visuals - 6/10 ----------------------------------------------- One has to be honest here, the show isn't impressive. The art style has a bit of a sloppy feel to it, which to be fair, is kinda endearing, but ultimately does scream low budget. The animations are similarly of low quality. The strongest point for the show are the character expressions, which getto benefit from the lack of animations, as a still image of an expression conveys the emotions just fine. The MC's frustrated faces and the cutesy women are the high points. Sound / Music / Voice Acting - 7/10 ------------------------------------------ Pretty standard anime stuff. Nothing noteworthy or particularly problematic. Story - 7/10 ------------- The story does not innovate or surprise in any way, but it is kinda fun and cute. Our MC that gets isekaid and given overwhelming powers, is a complete shut-in, so all he wants to do is absolutely nothing. So that is what the story revolves around. Around his attempts of shedding all obligations and doing jack-all, all day, every day. But nothing ever goes as planned. In his way is a dedicated follower, an overachiever of a little sister, high status, and loving parents. And his overwhelming power has made it all too easy to warp the world around him in ways that inevitably lead to him getting involved in more and more annoying things. It's honestly kinda fun to watch him struggle to sleep all day, as things keep happening that require his attention. The story spends most of its time in fantasy slice-of-life mode, though there is a decent amount of combat as well. The season concludes reasonably well, though it's clear that it is but an introduction to the full storyline. Characters - 7/10 --------------------- The characters are surprisingly fun. The MC is an absolute shut-in loser, but one that is just a right mix of kind-hearted, yet sufficiently merciless and vindictive to make use of the overwhelming powers he has been given. He is also surprisingly determined and goal oriented as far as chasing his dream of doing nothing is concerned. He is a bit of a dunce and socially inept, but a healthy dose of luck makes sure he always comes out on top. Secondary characters feature a subservient demon impressed by his powers. Strong, but a total Pon. Lacking any real ability other that combat skills. A little sister who is both a genius and a super clingy child who is star struck by her older brother's amazing powers. Loving parents, a rival, and a few evil villains also make themselves known, but are quite sidelined. --- Total - 7/10 --- Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita? is an enjoyable little show for Overpowered MC Isekai fans. It doesn't really break any new ground or stand out particularly much in any way. But it nails just enough of the fundamentals to bring enjoyment.
I get we've got too comfortable with the same plots and everything, but this was a good watch for me atleast, I enjoyed every episode, no boring talking too much. All the characters are nice and that's what I like ab the anime. Also the mc is just the way he should be idk what ppl here are yapping about💀. Yes.. he is overpowered from the start but that's the whole point of his story, so no point making the anime look bad for that reason, there was nothing wrong with this anime. Art style was enough good. If you enjoy "bubble" shows this will be an enjoyable watch foryou.
Ah yes, another Isekai series amongst the tricks and tropes. To be direct, this series is........... nothing special, it's on the same level as any other generic series. Our MC is the usual Japanese man who seeks to live a life of peace and...laziness. Now sure I don't have any issues with this kind of resolve, sometimes peace is all a person needs to succeed. The issues I have with this Anime lie with the MC, he has no ambition or drive to the point its pathetic. Sure, you have OP powers, you know a good amount of things, and you know how to carry your own weight.Those are the bare minimum, but we can only tolerate a negligent MC to a certain degree before it starts to become burdensome. Pushing that aside, the story, animation, and set of characters are okay. There is nothing special about any of them, they are simply doing their own parts. If we focus on the edge of this series, the only individual that could have redeemed this series is the younger sister. Sadly.....it never got to that point.
One of the more fun Isekai I've watched recently, doesn't take itself serious at all and just felt like a fun ride, story is pretty simple, otaku dies in his room alone, god gives him a second chance at life to realise what life has to offer, the exact opposite of what our MC wants, and so his quest begins to weasel his way out of all responsibility and ignore every duty that falls on his lap, with his little sister pushing him to be her hero and outside circumstances forcing him to intervene, we have a pretty fun show. The more you watch the moreintriguing the story plot becomes, having to face his past as his birthmother becoming the main villain of this story, with the previous defeated demon lord being reincarnated as a student, it leaves a cool plot to look forward to, I doubt the anime will have a second season, but it sure was a fun ride, watching Haruto and his sister's antics fighting for JUSTICE, learning more about the backstory before our hero arrived in this world and seeing Haruto struggle to be a shut in Otaku, there's not much more to say than that it's a fun cozy anime with an interesting plot the further you watch. Jokes were cute and funny and personally would recommend it to someone as a fun anime to watch in-between of any major ones. Although.... might be just my own bias for wolfgirls, but sure howdy did that first episode sell me on the anime ಠ‿ಠ
"Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita?" (Am I Actually the Strongest?) attempts to stand out in the oversaturated isekai genre but falls flat in almost every aspect. What could have been an engaging story about a reincarnated protagonist seeking a peaceful life becomes a repetitive and poorly constructed narrative riddled with shallow characters, predictable plotlines, and uninspired action sequences. Uninspired Characters One of the anime's biggest flaws is its characters. Many seem to exist merely as placeholders, contributing nothing meaningful to the story. The prince and princess, for instance, are introduced but have no significant impact on the narrative. They’re just there, and their lack of depth orpurpose feels like a waste of screen time. The supporting cast as a whole is so underdeveloped that you struggle to care about their fates or motivations. Even the protagonist, while overpowered, lacks the charisma or complexity to carry the show on his own. Predictable and Shallow Plot The premise of a protagonist striving for a peaceful life in another world is not new, but here it’s executed poorly. While the main character faces challenges, they’re laughably simple and resolved without any tension. Every conflict is met with an inevitable and effortless victory, removing any sense of stakes or excitement. Moreover, the show contradicts its own premise—rather than achieving a peaceful life, the protagonist is constantly dragged into conflicts, making it a frustrating experience for anyone seeking a "relaxing" isekai. Disappointing Fight Sequences For an anime centered around an overpowered protagonist, you’d expect thrilling and well-choreographed fight scenes. Unfortunately, the battles are lackluster, uninspired, and poorly animated. They lack the energy and creativity needed to captivate the audience. Instead of grand spectacles or clever strategies, you get brief, anticlimactic resolutions that leave no lasting impression. Weak Storytelling and Worldbuilding The story feels aimless and lacks cohesion. The worldbuilding is shallow, with minimal effort put into making the setting feel alive or unique. Important elements of the world are glossed over, leaving the audience with a generic, cookie-cutter fantasy backdrop. This lack of depth makes it difficult to become invested in the narrative or its characters. Awful Character Development Character development is virtually nonexistent. The protagonist doesn’t grow or face meaningful internal struggles, and the supporting characters remain one-dimensional throughout the series. Emotional moments feel forced, and relationships lack genuine chemistry, making it hard to care about any of the interactions. Conclusion "Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita?" is a glaring example of missed potential. It fails to provide engaging storytelling, compelling characters, or exciting action—all staples of the isekai genre. If you’re looking for a relaxing or even mildly entertaining anime in another world, this is not the series for you. With its poor story, disappointing fight scenes, and lack of character development, it ultimately feels like a waste of time. Unless you’re a die-hard fan of the genre with no other options, this anime is best avoided.
This anime was kind of bad and only partially in the funny realm. It's practically a caricature of the isekai genre and was only partially saved by being moderately funny. MC is absurdly powerful, but only when the plot says he can be - it is immensely frustrating to watch him insta-solve difficult situations then struggle with the dime-a-dozen villain. The world and the magic are essentially unexplained, MC can just do anything he wants after a bit of "research into ancient magic" he did in a library that one time so you essentially have no idea and just have to accept that he's omnipotent whenthe plot says and restricted when the plot says. Guess that library had every book ever, or maybe none at all, that's literally how little information we have on his abilities. Might as well ignore the type of magic MC is restricted to because that's thrown out the window straight away btw. MC's constantly acts in a way completely counter to his own motivations in order to advance the plot and sometimes for comic effect. I don't mind a gag or two but if it affects the plot then the narrative can no longer be serious and has to commit to being a gag story, which this doesn't. In this show stuff just happens, nothing is explained so you never know why you just have to accept it and move on. 5 only because it was sometimes funny and it had average sound and visuals.
Another generic isekai with an overpowered main character and a simple generic plot. Though it still functions as another simple and comfortable way to spend your time. Am I Actually the Strongest plot revolves around Haruto, who is led to believe he is weak and barely has any powers, but actually is incredibly strong. You then follow him trying to build a lifestyle where he can live as a shut in, that just can have a simple comfortable life. He is of course forced to use his powers to protect the lifestyle he so desperately wants, which slowly makes him realize that he might not beas weak as he thought. The plot and characters are pretty generic and are not that deep, it is more relying on its simplicity and humor. Which doesn’t bring something that is extremely interesting, but is enough to still be entertaining. Animation is pretty simple and doesn’t have anything special to it, though it doesn’t have any clear animation problems. For the music is it not that impressive either, but once again isn’t bad in any way. I would overall say it’s a generic fantasy isekai, where it doesn’t do anything special, but can still be entertaining. So if you like the genre and just want something simple to watch would I recommend it, but if you want something more out of an anime would I look elsewhere.
I'll watch any isekei anime, even this one! If you love isekei anime, this is worth watching. If you don't absolutely love isekei, I recommend you give this a hard pass so you don't hurt your brain. It's fun to watch, but it really makes no sense how barrier magic, the protagonist's only skill, can substitute for literally anything. The MC is way too OP, and has no ambition just like this anime. So why did I give this a 7? Because I will take any isekei, even this one. This is one of those shows you watch once and then forget about forever. Butit's still watchable. There's no real drama or progression, but IMO it is at least better than the type of isekei that tries to be serious but fails miserably while we cringe at the whiny dumb MC. It is unique in one way: I think this is the first anime I reviewed that I didn't have to worry about accidentally giving away spoilers. I don't really think it's possible to give any spoilers because nothing really happens lol.
This anime is a typical isekai, harem, op protagonist, but then what makes it better than its isekai counterpart. And that the main character is good. They made him a personality that makes the anime enjoyable. Because a good main character can usually get the most out of a bad side character and that's pretty much true here. Unfortunately, he doesn't stand out in the other stuff. But I think the jokes are adequate and only a few are forced. So, if you want to watch a slightly better Isekai anime then I'd ajnjoy it, but if you're expecting something with deeper substance then you'llbe disappointed. But actually, ninety percent of iskeai anime will disappoint you. So watch this if you like the isekai genre. Rating: 7.5