Poemi Watanabe (a.k.a. Kobayashi) is a 10-year-old girl with aspirations of being a famous voice actress. Unfortunately, her school grades are bad and her voice acting is even worse. But when a mysterious alien kills her parents and wreaks havoc all over Tokyo, Poemi grabs a talking fish, skins it into a wand and becomes the magical girl Puni Puni Poemi to save the day. (Source: ANN)
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Ahhh.... the insanity that can sprout from Watanabe's head. Puni Puni Poemi is quite a lot of the usual insanity that you can expect from him, especially if you've seen the last episode of Excel Saga. This OVA binds together a truelly atrocious story, shallow characters with no character development, random fan service and an overdose of humour. And guess what, it balances out. PPP proves that you really don't need a best-selling story with deep characters and all that to bring across some great comedy. In fact, most of that stuff can stands in the way of comedy, and Watanabe carefully steers around all of thedepth that you can put into an anime, clearly avoids any sort of explanation to anything and refuses to put any form of character development into this anime. And you really won't miss any of it. The maniacal comedy, the hyperactive main character, the clearly shallow and senseless supporting characters, all of that works for the comedy factor in this anime and is there for nothing else but the comedy. Alright, let's run through the scores. Story: 3 Well, the story is horrible, just to be honest. It's a magical girl story with the objective to make as little sense as possible. The entire set-up of how Poemi becomes a magical girl is about as ridiculous as you can find, and the why's, how's and what's aren't touched in any way. However the comedy that the stupidity of the story creates is a different matter all together. The idiotic situations that Poemi blunders into, one after the other, create some great comedy. Art: 7 The art is fairly decent and works really great with the story. The characters are well presented and the sudden shifts in styles are also very good and well placed. Sound: 8 Really... nothing to say about the sound here. The use of Poemi wanting to be a voice-actor is well expressed and the general feel of the sound in the anime is good. Character: 3 The character design is really bad to say the least. It lacks practically all forms of depth, character development is non-existent and the supporting characters can sometimes be replaced by cardboard cut-outs (and they might even show more depth then the actual characters). However just like with the story, those characters are there to serve the comedy factor, and they work perfectly as they are. They just shouldn't be used for anything other then comedy. Enjoyment: 9 The anime just works fantastically. The humour is great, the atrocious story and lack of character design just don't matter when those are the things that make the comedy work here. The only downsides to the anime are that Poemi's hyper activeness can really get on your nerves, the senseless fan service can sometimes work against the story since it's so blatant at times and the fact that it leaves you with a good couple of questions at the end about what happened in the anime doesn't help either. Atleast if it didn't numb down your brain. Overall: 10 This anime just proves that good comedy doesn't need to involve a ground breaking story, well written characters or even decent dialogue. It's a comedy from start to finish and everything that is in it just is there to provide the comedy. There is really nothing more to say about it... If you think my review wasn't helpful, please leave a message on my profile and explain why you thought my review wasn't helpful. That way I can improve my reviews to make them better in the future. Thank you in advance.
...How to describe Puni Puni Poemi. Well, really, all you need to know is that it's Excel Saga's spinoff/sequel (in that it has Nabeshin in it, and refers constantly to Excel Saga through inside jokes in the script/art/music), centering around Poemi, who likes to be called Kobayashi (basically Excel in a preteen package, which makes her all the more hyper; I pity her seiyuu, and am amazed at how fast she could speak all those lines), and her randomly and absurdly becoming a magical girl. Basically, they parody the magical girl genre, the voice acting/anime business, and fanservice. They regurarly break the fourth wall,which is made of LOVE. It's a bit more crude than Excel Saga was, but as it's an OAV, they can get away with it (they even joke about it). Like Excel Saga, it has it's moments, but it's not made of brilliance. Still, good for a laugh if you're bored.
This Anime is so stupid. There is no easier way to say that. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ABOUT? Let me explain what I mean. It’s really hard to talk about this show because it’s just all over the place. At one point, it just feels like they are stalling for time so they can make it run two episodes long. The show starts out with a bit of an epic concept about someone wanting to take over the world and make it a place of beauty and sweetness. This wouldn’t be so bad except that right after the opening song, we get… stupidity. AHyper, overactive girl screaming at the camera for the whole show is not my idea of a good show. This is just made for people to feel uncomfortable, isn’t it? Because the aliens having large balls knocking around from where their genitals would be, little kids showing off their ass, all the sexual images and jokes, and the very hyper girl messes with me. What else can I say about this show? I really have no idea… From the baby that predicted danger by pooping, to the S&M Dominatrix, there is so many jokes that just seem to fly over my head. I blame Japanese jokes that are culturally sensitive and toilet humor being there for no reason. The artwork is all over the place. The opening is part anime, part live action with a young Japanese girl looking like she is running around on a beach. What makes it even more unsettling is that they put so many nudity shots in the beginning over this running girl that I just get thrown off faster then you can say Parody. Then when we get into the show finally, we get noodle legs and arms all over the place. Nothing keeps its proportion and things just seem to have a really high cartoon physics that gets on my nerves at times. Sure it works pretty well in Loony Tunes, but then they are not trying to milk it for all its worth. In shows like Loony Tunes, there is a time and place to use those physics and they don’t distract from the overall story. In this case, it really does. Whenever she moves, I feel like any OCD that I have is going to go overboard because I get distracted by her movements and can’t understand the story… if there really is any story to begin with. Still I do have to give them props for the amazing amount of color in this show. And… That might be all that I can give it. Character designs when they are still are pretty bland, little children sexualized way too much (of course, that happens in many more Anime, not just here), and the backgrounds are generic. The music isn’t all bad. The opening song is kind of fun and playful, much like most songs from Excel Saga (another show I really am not a fan of but has decent music). The English voice acting is really terrible, and that mostly is with Poemi. Her voice is either two high, to energetic, or to out of control that I can barely understand her. Nothing she says seems to be of any importance because they never give you a chance to hear it. The third person speaking that she does also gets on my nerves very fast. I understand, she is trying to get into a rule of a girl named Poemi, I understand that the original voice actor, Yumiko Kobayashi, was trying to portray that she is playing a character playing another character. But does that really mean she has to keep saying her own name? Just saying Poemi did this or Poemi did that would be enough. Flipping through the different names made me miss her real name for a long time, making me think that the magical girl was just named Poemi instead. I give props to Cynthia Martinez who probably never got a chance to breathe trying to read the lines for Poemi though. Its one thing when it’s animated for your original language, it’s completely different when trying to dub a show where the artwork has already been done. This is not the show for me. Looking at it compared to others like this, this is pretty much the bottom of the barrel. From the artwork, the jokes that really do not work outside Japan, and the voice acting adds up to a big mess to me.
First off, I came across the series back when I used to scout animes I watched. I finally came to watching it. It was good. Once I saw it in FULL CONTEXT, it was better than I could ever imagine. So I will rate this series by 10 points. STORY: The series follows the pattern of a normal magical girl series: Main character has a miserable life, comes across tragedy, finds transformation device, and becomes magical girl, with identity known to not many people. This series improves on the storyline by making more people respect the main character (with the character's best friend getting an overdoseon respect), but sort of declines once you get to the idea that the main character is repeatedly f*cked by the talent agency. Overall, the story is very good. ART: The backgrounds combines city and country into how I would picture Fukuoka. The art is shiny and magnificent, while sometimes, the art just disappears, making the room disappear all of a sudden. Outstanding, no? SOUND: Clear sound. Makes you really get an earful of the full volume treatment. I would call the sound outstanding, but I'll rate it great, since Poemi's fast-paced talking makes the sound seem a little distorted. CHARACTER DESIGN: Varing body shapes, artistic shading, and moe eyes? The character design is awesome all the way! OUTSTANDING! CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT: Simply put, character develops slow to none in this series. But screw development, the descriptions are good enough! But backgrounds are pretty bleak, like how Futaba exactly became prototype lesbian. I know it's supposed to be funny, but I just don't care. MUSIC: A lot of the music comes from Excel Saga. Others are written by Yumiko Kobayashi. One even bacame prototype for a Naruto track. AWESOME! WOMEN: A lot of the female characters are either cute or sexy, and that's really awesome that Ishino made the characters designed like that! But I could live my life without Shii continually groping herself. WATCHABILITY: If you've seen Excel Saga, you'd get a lot of the jokes. But watching enough magical girl/hentai series would get you to understanding the jokes a lot clearer. But seriously. This series is watchable if you try. You might have second thoughts once hearing Poemi's voice, but the jokes will keep you glued to your seat. PROMOTION: This got me to thinking about watching the series once I saw the English trailer. After seeing a lot of scenes cut out, I watched the original trailer. I respected the series more after that. OTHER: Could really work on [as] if they had the right to air it. Or Excel Saga. That way, more of the jokes could be clearer. (BTW, [as] is Adult Swim). but when I first saw images for the series, I thought the series was different, and made my own version with about most of the Aasu sisters replaced. I even went as far as to give Poemi fake parents (with KumiKumi in prison and Nabeshin the first villian, leading to a Star Wars V-esque reveal), make Futaba a magical girl herself, and imagine the series on FOX with none of the ADV VAs. I even thought Nabeshin was working for ACROSS! Good thing I scrapped thatidea before my brain overdosed on my own brew of awesome. OVERALL: Awesome. Best magical girl series ever. 9/10.
Puni Puni Poemi is a spinoff of Excel Saga with even shoddier directing and even more cheap fanservice. The entire OVA felt like Episode 26 of Excel Saga except bad. The art at least is passable and hasn't changed from Excel Saga. The sound and characters are regurgitations from Excel Saga. Poemi is basically a clone of Excel minus Excel's awesome voice actor that basically made the character. Poemi's voice actor (ironically enough) pretty much failed to make Poemi funny or enjoyable. Characters in this series are either slightly entertaining or annoying. Visually and literally, many characters completely unoriginal compared to Excel Saga. Character design inthe series was very weak. Despite this, Puni Puni Poemi delivers a moderate dose of fun and a supercritical dose of fanservice. The series is inundated with innuendo and sometimes straight out sex scenes (nothing is shown as this is not a hentai). The absurdity of the series delivers funny in a similar way as Excel Saga, which is one of my favorites. All in all, Puni Puni Poemi is many steps down in every way from Excel Saga. The premise of Puni Puni Poemi is similar to that of Excel Saga it just isn't executed very well.
The first impressions I had about the anime is wondering if it’s going to be as funny as “Excel Saga”. Granted, a lot of people didn’t like the humor in “Excel Saga” but it is a hit or a miss, depending what type of humor the viewer has already. Since I did previously enjoyed “Excel Saga”, I wondered if it’s going on the same vein, but rushed. In the first episode, we’re introduced to POemy Watanabe along with her adoptive parents, Nabeshin (whom she calls “Mr. Director”) and Kumi-Kumi. Right away, we see the magical girl, Poemi, fighting the classic and iconic magical girls (up tothis point in time) and it seems actually pretty serious. The comedy here is pretty funny, since it focuses on referential humor and dealing with Koyabashi’s wastefully energetic personality. Granted, newer viewers probably won’t get the references, especially the older magical girls, but it’s still funny. There is an alien who swings … an extension of itself and ends up killing Nabeshin, his wife, and the pet robot dog they had only for Kobayashi and Futaba, the parody and more hardcore version of Tomoyo Daidouji from “Card Captor Sakura” and Kobayashi’s best friend, finding their bodies crucified. From there, Futaba manages to convince her sisters (who do everything together and who are various ages and different points of life) to let Kobayashi stay with them. Apparently, though, it’s revealed that the Aasu Family not only does everything together, but they also protect the Earth as well. Unfortunately, they can only defend and it’s right around here the first episode ends. The second episode is when everything simultaneously falls apart and shows it’s true colors. It’s a lot more explicit and while the first episode did have some nudity and fanservice, they decided to just go all out in the second episode. It got to a point where the reason why the alien wanted to take over the world was because: he’s an erogame enthusiast. He also apparently hates voice actresses and flat chested girls (which is what Koyabashi is, and especially the fact she’s not a very good voice actress either). When you break it down and look at each individual Aasu sister, one could realize that these women weren’t magical girl tropes or archetypes – instead they’re the tropes and archetypes for erogames. There’s only one scene where they imply they’re doing something sexual to them but would I even bother to call it fanservice? They never really bother trying to hide anything unless the person was underaged, or a human man, and there just nothing really funny about it anyway – unless that’s your type of humor. The script could have been easily ripe for a genuine magical girl parody but by the middle to end of the second episode, it seemed more of an ero game parody at best. It would been fine had it been an ero-game parody OVA in the first place. Despite the attempt at writing the parody, the musical score is actually pretty good and it fit the themes rather well. The opening and ending is sung by Koyabashi’s voice actress and it really does do a decent job of parodying magical girl openings. It also sets the mood right for the tone it’s about to ruin with a joke or more referential humor. The animation, for its time especially, is almost on par with “Excel Saga” since it was made around that same time frame. Not only that, it was made it the way that it was to allow the voice actress to do a lot of speed talking and made it seem that she was also moving along with her characters’ actions. Granted, one of Aasu sisters looks almost exactly like Hyatt but with much bigger breasts but eh. I really wouldn’t recommend this to anyone since a lot of the sex jokes really made me feel uncomfortable (especially since it made the underaged characters do really suggestive stuff) but if you don’t mind the sex jokes and if you don’t really mind absolute nonsense, then this magical parody is for you! (Part of Project Magic!!)
Puni Puni Poemy is a two episode OVA that is a sequel to the comedy classic Excel Saga, and despite being undeniably shoddily made and disappointingly short, it is still one of the funniest anime I've ever seen. STORY: 1/10 Puni Puni Poemy's story is terrible. There's no denying it. In fact, it may be the worst story in all of anime. Don't believe me? It's about Nabeshin (Who is in fact the anime's director) and his adopted daughter Poemy who play the characters Nabeshin and Poemy in an anime called Puni Puni Poemy (You may remember it from Excel Saga) in which a girlgains powers through a dead fish and must stop evil Joker-resembling aliens with testicles shaped like maces from stealing all the porn on Earth. I can't make this up. Puni Puni Poemy's story goes absolutely nowhere and the second episode in fact ditches the plot in favor of another even stupider one. ART: 8/10 One of the greater aspects of Puni Puni Poemy is the art. The colors are rich and vibrant. The animation is also very smooth and expressive, often going through great flexibility over the two episodes. Character designs are reused from Excel Saga, but that's kinda the point. SOUND: 8/10 It has one of the most bizarre opening out there. The soundtrack served well though it isn't groundbreaking. The voice acting is praise worthy, especially the dub (Same performers as Excel Saga, which also had an excellent and hilarious dub). In the Dub, Larissa Wolcott is back as Poemy (Who is very similar to her character Excel Excel from Exel Saga). Once again, her voice work is unbelievable and it's a miracle her throat hasn't been torn in half by now or she hasn't passed out from oxygen loss from how fast and ear piercing she speaks. CHARACTER: 3/10 The characters in Puni Puni Poemy are dreadful horrible people who all act so mind numbly idiotic it's very difficult to comprehend them for even just two episodes. Poemy is somehow more hyper than Excel Excel. All of her sisters do jack squat (One of them being an overdone version of Hyatt from Excel Saga but now with D-Cups), and the aliens are zany and unbelievable in their characterization. The highlight is Nabeshin, who is still just as badass as he was in Excel Saga, though he is absent for a lot of Puni Puni Poemy but is the center of the anime two best and funniest scenes. ENJOYMENT: 10/10 Puni Puni Poemy is almost repulsively terrible, but damn is it hilarious. This anime is a laugh factory in just two episodes. The humor isn't for everyone however and there's no denying it is without a doubt some of the most low brow humor around. But hey, it's only two episodes so you might as well try it. Plus it's pretty standalone from Excel Saga, though it is much crazier and more sexually explicit (Nabeshin even jokes at how they can get away with more nudity in an OVA than a TV series like Excel Saga). Puni Puni Poemy is a nutty blast from start to finish and its breakneck pace and constant barrage of weird and random is enough to make heads spin. OVERALL: 6/10 An utter failure as an OVA but a masterpiece of comedy, Puni Puni Poemy is completely devoid of craft or intelligence. It's vulgar, loud, tasteless, and just plain dumb. However, by giving such a large dosage of all of that in just two episodes is a staggering feat and it just works. If you're a fan of Panty and Stocking, check it out. Many of the same jokes were told in Puni Puni Poemy first. Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnsMyUrE_0M Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2w40OrOly0
To me, watching anime is like being in an abusive relationship. Anime treats me so badly, but I love anime. Anime beats me, because I wasn't in the kitchen making it a sandwich. I think to myself, "This is it, I'm finally leaving this relationship!" Then I watch something like Puni Puni Poemii and instantly fall in love all over again. I feel like a seventeen-year-old girl going to the prom with her high school crush. Billy Ocean's "Suddenly" starts playing in my head. THIS IS WHY I WATCH ANIME! Are you a fan of the complete and utter chaos of Excel Saga? No? Well,fuck you it doesn't matter. How cute, you actually thought you had a choice. Puni Puni Poemii is like Excel Saga, but on Bath Salts. I'm like Excel Saga, but on Bath Salts. Poemi Watanabe is the personification of "Hyperactive." She is the fictional daughter of the director, Shinichi Watanabe. Fourth wall breaking at it's finest. And I'm not saying this as a joke, but she even reminds me of myself. There was a point in my life when I wanted to be a voice actor just like Poemi. I love her enthusiastic personality and sense of humor. Everything she says sounds like nonsense, but there's a little bit of meaning to it. You know, a funny non-sequitur that makes no sense in context, but when you hear it again it has some depth. Tragedy strikes when Poemi's parents are killed (This is not a spoiler, just watch it you'll see what I mean.) by this random douchebag with a yo-yo penis, and now lives with her friend's family, the Aasu family. Futaba Aasu, the friend of Poemi, who is totally not in love with Poemii and wants to make the scissoring love with her. She has the ability to make dangerous creatures docile and harmless. Mitsuki Aasu, her ability, Earth Acceleration, allows her to run fast and that's all. Itsue Aasu, her ability, Earth Barrier Shield, allows her to create a large force field. Mitsumi Aasu, her ability, Earth Breakfall, allows her to fall safely. Shii Aasu, her ability, Earth Healing, allows her to heal stuff. Who would've saw that coming? Nanase Aasu, her ability, Earth Dance of Flowers, allows her to summon a field of flowers. And last, but certainly not least, we have Hitomi Aasu. Her ability, Earth Precognition, allows her to see the future. It works like this, if she sees a cockroach on the ground she'll say, "There's a cockroach in the area!" And that's about it. Oh man, the cast of DBZ better watch out, because we have a powerful group of characters right here. And I forgot to mention the most important aspect of this OVA. Poemi can transform into the magical girl, Puni Puni Poemii out of thin air. It's never really explained how she does it, it just happens. So anyway, go watch this. It's easily one of the funniest anime out there and it's only an hour long. My scores: Story: 8/10 Art: 8/10 Sound: 8/10 Characters: 10/10 Enjoyment: 10/10 Overall: 9/10
The story is horrible. The characters are horrible. The art is decent. ... BUT. The voice acting is superb, the whole thing is super-energetic, hilarious, bursting with creativity and fun, complex humor layered on top of the lowest common denominator jokes. This is plain old fun. This is over-the-top, balls-to-the-wall, high adrenaline awesome. Very short, and yet manages to lampoon every OVA cliche (especially fan service) while breezing through the "plot" and "characters" to just get to the fun. It's short and to the point, exactly like an OVA should be. This isn't aimed at children, but also shouldn't be taken seriously at all. This will leave youin stitches, or at the very least thinking to yourself "WTF did I just watch?". Sit back, enjoy the ride, and you will have a blast.
Puni Puni Poemii is cancer incarnate. The only reason anyone would watch and legitimately enjoy this is if they a loli fixated degenerate or a hedonistic masochist. I only watched this because it's banned in my country and I can see why. I almost wanted to unban this just so I could rally to ban it again. Or double ban it or some shit. I felt like I need to be bathed in holy water and blessed by a clergyman after watching this. If you're reading this, don't watch this anime. I think seeing Puni Puni Poemii literally reduced my life span.
Puni Puni Poemii is an OVA from the early 2000s. It's ostensibly a spin-off of Excel Saga although the two don't have that much in common, but I'll get to that in detail later. It was brought to us by JC Staff. Like Chocotan, Voogie's Angel, Potemayo, Kill Me Baby or a whole bunch of other anime of varying quality I've reviewed. It was written by Kuroda Yousuke, which could also go either way considering he's done scripts for absolute trash like Highschool of the Dead but he's also done script work for solid anime like Battle Athletes. So, let's see how this stacks up. Story: We open withan action sequence involving our "heroine" fighting her way through a bunch of magical girls including Usagi from Sailor Moon and Sally. But don't worry, they appear very briefly and there's a bright red filter so it's not copyright infringing. After this, we cut to Earth and the whole action sequence is never mentioned again which makes it entirely pointless. We meet Watanabe Poemi who calls herself Kobayashi because "her actress can't get into character." That's the level of humour we have to look forward to. Kobayashi loses her parents to a stand user but gets taken in by the Aasu sisters, thanks to her friend/ red string of fate partner Futaba. Let's start with the big problem with the series. Most of the jokes aren't funny. The opening sequence is a great example. Poemi goes through a bunch of familiar magical girls in a brutal fashion that just comes across as mean-spirited. Compare that to Excel Saga where there's also a clear reference to Sailor Moon but it's actually a joke and a very funny one. And having a battle between the characters could be funny. Just have Poemi win by pushing the Usagi look alike into a desk with a maths test or something to that effect. Then there are the jokes that are based around Kobayashi talking really quickly and loudly. Which you can also compare to Excel Saga since that was also a part of Excel's character. The difference is that Excel had funny dialogue to go with it and in this the entire joke seems to be that she's ridiculously energetic to the point of being annoying. There are also a lot of fan-service jokes, which just come across as crass and exploitative. Then there are the fourth wall breaking jokes which generally just don't work all that well. Fourth wall jokes work best in moderation and used at unexpected, strategic moments. Not so much when they're a constant, in your face factor. That being said, there are some funny moments. Having Futaba and Poemi's relationship be like a super homo-erotic relationship you would get in a magical girl series while one of them pursues some random guy anyway works since they make it even more blatant and have the girl without any interest in a male love interest, Futaba, actually react to the way her obvious girlfriend is carrying on. There are also some funny action sequences. The scene where Nabeshin fights the one-balled alien is really funny. Unfortunately, those actual moments of comedy are heavily outweighed by the unfunny moments. Characters: There aren't much to the characters in this. Kobayashi is just kind of loud and annoying. Futaba's main schtick is that she's madly in love with Kobayashi. Her sisters are all one-note fetish fuel. Which becomes especially obvious towards the end with an egregiously unfunny scene, but it's totally okay because they lampshade it as being fan-service. Art: My big issue with the art is the excessive fan-service. It's not the only problem. The backgrounds are frequently lazy. The opening sequence with its red filter to marginally disguise the familiar characters we're looking at actually hurts the eyes. It's like that climactic battle with the red filter from Figure 17, but much worse. And there's just not much to recommend the artwork except for the visual gags in the aforementioned Nabeshin fight. Sound: The acting isn't very good. I think that both Kobayashi Yumiko & Imai Yuka are capable actresses. They've been strong in series like Angel Beats or Doki Doki Precure but one of the by-products of going with the obnoxious, hyperactive style of humour is that your actors don't come across very well. And I'm speaking as someone with ADHD. The music also isn't very good. It's the worst showing I've ever heard from Masuda Toshio. And we know he can compose because he also did music for Mushishi. Ho-yay: Like I said, the stuff between Futaba & Kobayashi is really obvious. To the point where there's a red string of fate joke and they disappear together into a futon while Kobayashi is naked. So, they've had sex. Areas of Improvement: Take better advantage of the magical girl parody aspect. Like I said, when it actually parodies the whole "blatant les-yay, but here's a male love interest so we can pretend it's not" element that's common in magical girl series, it's actually funny. They could do more with that. Have a character who they think has been brainwashed into turning evil, give the big speech about friendship & "opening their eyes" only to have the character just be mad over some minor sleight. Have a magical creature companion but no one can actually understand it when it tries to talk to give advice. There's a lot of room for actual genre parody here. Have a modicum of class. Excessive fan-service in and of itself is not funny. So, just show some restraint and do something that's actually funny instead of bringing in all the fan-servicey shite. Limit Fourth Wall Breaks. Like I said, these work best in moderation. In two episodes I would say the most you should have if you want them to retain their impact is three or four. Final Thoughts: Puni Puni Poemii wants to have the style of humour that Excel Saga uses to great effect. The problem is, it doesn't have a good sense of why Excel Saga works. As a consequence, it takes some superficial aspects like the quick, energetic dialogue and acts like that's enough. And while it has the occasional comedic bit that works, most of it is just obnoxious. In the end, I give it a 3/10.
This OVA is a spin-off of Excel Saga, but you don't need to watch that to be able to enjoy this. Then again, you might not be able to enjoy this at all as it makes use of the over the top humor and constant 4th wall breaking. If you are into that it's an really entertaining OVA. If you can look past its average art and whatever sort of music too. The story is a parody of the magical girl genre, the characters are all bland and fit into their character archetype, there's blatand fan service and the voice actors sounds excellent. That wasbasically all you need to know to judge whether you want to watch this or not. Overall an okay anime, just don't take it serious, then you're doing it wrong.
‘Puni Puni Poemy’ is cocaine made anime. When this anime came out in 2001, the anime magazine that I bought every month had this OVA as their cover story. The writer praised the show’s dark humor, goofball characters and potshots at the magical girl genre. Given how dark comedies were some of my favorite TV shows (and still are), I promised myself that I would watch it whenever I got the chance. Two decades later, and that moment has finally arrived… …And boy do I regret it. I admit it. I have not watched ‘Excel Saga’ yet, but never once did I feel lost. Apparently, two charactersfrom the original show got married and had a child – Poemi – but the OVA stands on its own. If there were a main reason to laud the show, it would be that it gives zero fucks about being transgressive. It goes all the way with its shock humor and rips into magical girl shows with deranged glee. After all, the opening scene is Poemi beating up Sailor Moon and Utena. It parodies Star Wars, Evangelion, Dragon Ball, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, etc. Tropes are dissected left and right. Nothing is sacred. Some jokes did land for me and had that dark streak that I was expecting. For instance, one of the defenders of Earth had the super-power of blowing cherry blossom petals at her enemies... She gets easily destroyed by the villain’s laser beam. Another scene has Poemi seeing that the enemy had crucified her loved ones. She tearfully runs towards them…and crashes straight into one of the crucifixes, toppling the whole thing over. Good stuff. I also thought that the show breaking the fourth wall was funny too. There’s an obligatory bath scene with multiple busty women, which Poemi takes this as a cue to smugly turn to the camera and say that the viewer must be enjoying this. She even refers to herself by the name of her voice actress: Kobayashi. The anime’s coy winks at the watcher and its ability to poke fun at itself were quite fun. However, more often than not, ‘Puni Puni Poemy’ is painfully annoying. A thousand visual gags flash on the screen per minute and does not let up. They failed to elicit even the most strained grin from me. The show likes to throw everything at the viewer and see what sticks. No, I did not care for those three smiling humanoid blobs. That couple doing it doggy-style in the background got old fast. And if I see that alien show off its deflated, hairy balls at the screen again, I’m going to hurl. Other times, the anime is offensive just for the sake of being as offensive as possible. There were too many jokes that left a foul taste in my mouth. Earlier in my review, I commended the show for being bold. I stand by my words. In my opinion, if properly executed, there is no topic that is off-limits for comedy. Emphasis on ‘properly executed’. Apparently, comedic punchlines were a mystery to the writers. A news anchor reports the news of an attack on the city, when her boss suddenly grabs and pulls her off-screen to rape her. She screams ‘no’, ‘not now’, ‘not here,’ multiple times. Apparently, this was comedy gold for director Shinichi Watanabe, because this gag was used twice in one episode. It is very tricky to make a rape joke actually work, and this was a horrible attempt. If tasteless jokes about BDSM, sexual assault, child molestation, tentacle porn and the like makes you uncomfortable, run for the hills. Poemi is the standout character here. She is energetic, positive, social, and dumb as a doorbell. Her jaw-dropping stupidity and repeated failures at becoming a voice actress made her the perfect butt of the joke. Too bad she made me want to pour battery acid down my ears. The Flash and Road Runner must have had a love child, because I have never seen a character with that much enthusiasm before. She makes shounen heroes look lifeless by comparison. Poemi’s best friend, Futaba, is the only other character’s name I can remember. She is hopelessly obsessed with Poemi and her love-struck antics are creepily amusing. The rest of the cast, like Futaba’s sisters, are barely worth mentioning. Each one has a superficial defining trait and that’s it. There’s a dominatrix, a child psychic, a well-endowed woman, a girl who wants a bigger chest, and that’s all I can recall. And the less said about the scrotum-twirling villains, the better. Everyone is animated as if physics were an outdated science, but it fits the frenetic pace of the anime. Limbs are apparently made out of spaghetti in this universe. Characters are colorful and eye-popping, and Poemi’s magical girl design is straight fire. Backgrounds are as plain as can be, but…no one watches this for the stellar art. Kudos to Poemi’s voice actress, Yumiko Kobayashi. Not only does she have lungs of steel for voicing a character that never shuts up, sings the opening and ending songs, but she herself dances in this OVA! Girl deserves a raise. Recommended only to people who like comedy that is random, perverted, AND dark. All three. Otherwise, don’t bother. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go take some Advil for this headache.
I got this show from watching an AMV. It was confusing as hell there and I dare say it made less sense once I watched it. Other reviewers have said it, But I will say it again this is a parody of Magical Girl shows with in my opinion an undertone of humorous insult and love at those who enjoy watching them for "Other" reasons. If you like Chaos, and ruining every trope of a genre or three that you can, and Things that are most definitely not suitable for children, then this is your jam. I am sure I missed so many jokes, one thatI almost entirely missed is the fact that Poemii calls herself Kobayashi, It is just a hit on the fact that the voice actor's name is Kobayashi and she is self inserting. Golden. Long story short they accomplished everything they wanted to do, and if you are actually into Magical Girl shows and adult humor this will be even more enjoyable for you than I can suggest. I will probably never willingly watch this again, But damn they nailed this parody good. Good enough that I wanted to give my opinion about it. Quality 10/10, Rated seven because I am a stick in the mud.
Ah, Puni Puni Poemii, the disjointed, meta-referential mess that's banned in New Zealand and exists as a fictional anime within the world of another anime while directly referencing that anime. In short, this is a bizarre title, and while I recognize its ambitious attempt at scorched earth, nothing-is-sacred genre satire, I feel like it gets lost in the weeds of its own hyperactivity and self-indulgence, robbing it of its cultural relevance as anything other than an oddity. Beginning with the story, well, there's not much to speak of. It is everything and nothing all at once, reduced to a stream of consciousness which flows fromthe director himself, who features as a character in the anime, and encompasses his thoughts and feelings on the medium in which he works. The premise is that it's a total parody of your typical magical girl anime, with a nonexistent plot thinly connecting the scattered, schizoidal events that make up this title. I will say that it does deliver a pretty all-encompassing satirical analysis of the magical girl genre, nailing every trope and reducing it down to its component parts in such a way that makes them impossible to ignore, but its wreathed by so much utter nonsense that it feels like it drowns out that aspect almost completely. The art is typical for the era, meeting all basic standards of quality, but it is notable for its depiction of the bizarre in unique and creative ways, as well as imitating other styles in the interest of pulling outside tropes into the wider satire as well. The sound is an odd beast, as while it technically meets all the basic standards of quality for the time, the voice work is intentionally so rapid and incomprehensible that if you're watching it subbed, like I did, frequent use of the pause button is absolutely necessary if you care to understand everything that's being said. The characters float freely and unmoored by their connection either to reality or each other, tossed around by the tumultuous story like shrimp in a roiling sea. It's not really about any of them, so it doesn't make sense to choose favorites, as they're all quite strange. Between the hyperactive and titular Poemii, the obsessive Futaba, and the lecherous alien K, you'd be hard pressed to find a cast quite like this one in other titles. Overall, Puni Puni Poemii is a real trip of an anime that zooms by at a mile a minute, completely unapologetic for its speed, disjointedness, or overall perversion. In short, it is a good way to visualize what your grandpa who's never watched anime thinks all of those Japanese cartoons. Puni Puni Poemii has some value as a powerful and cutting-edge parody of the magical girl genre, and indeed the tropes of anime as an entire medium, which is doubly impressive for doing so very early, in 2001, before such deconstruction was common. Though, it must be said that it gets lost in its own absurdity, and that alone can make it hard to watch at times. At the end of the day it's up to you just how much trouble you'd be willing to go through to experience a robust commentary on anime itself.