The "Howard Resort Hotel" is an entertainment destination where people gather from around the world to grab huge fortunes. In the casino is a beautiful female dealer named Rio Rollins, known far and wide as the "Goddess of Victory". In order to approach closer to her mother, one of history's greatest dealers, she does battle to gather up the legendary cards called "gates". Those who gather all 13 gate cards are presented with the title MVCD (Most Valuable Casino Dealer), proof that they are a top dealer. Set in a vast resort, an exciting battle begins with rival dealers that'll take your breath away! Throw in some "supreme comedy" and a story that makes you cry when you least expect it, these cute and sexy girls will explode off your screen! With everyone's cheer of "Leave it to Rio!", Lady Luck'll be with you, too!
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One of the things find I generally like about anime is that they almost always have their basis in manga or novels, at least giving it the chance of having a coherent story. Rio: Rainbow Gate! breaks the norm by being based on a pachinko game, and it shows. I didn’t have much in the way of expectations for this series but after a somewhat promising start things started to come apart fairly fast. Rio's story is, as expected, dreadfully terrible. Our leading character is Rio, a popular dealer and kind of the mascot of the casino she works in, Howard Resort.Apparently she has some kind of power that gives people luck and causes them to win when she’s around. You can understand why the casino patrons would enjoy having her around but I never could for the life of my figure out why the casino owner himself would. The setting in Rainbow Gate is a whimsical and over the top look into the casino world. Nothing in this anime is really meant to be taken seriously and everything, at least early on, revolves around putting Rio into embarrassing outfits and playing ridiculous games. Honestly, if the series had just stuck with this slice of life type formula it might have been tolerable to watch. Where things start to come apart is when they start implementing the "story". We are introduced to a kind of competition called Gate Battles, were other top dealers from around the world compete in casino games for the ultimate goal of collecting all 13 cards and getting some prize. Our dear Rio conveniently is a Gate holder so she is periodically challenged over the course of the series until the Gates become the sole plot point. This is when the series really starts to lose itself too. For one, the Gate Battles are silly and downright stupid. They have little if anything to do with any actual casino games and they rarely, if ever, require any kind of skill. Additionally there is the introduction of an absolutely ridiculous super power called "Roll Ruler" that some of the competitors use to control the game or the minds of their opponents so they can win. Believe me when I say that it is stupider than I can actually make it sound. The characters are marginally better than the plot. Like so many of its contemporaries, there is also way to many of them too for the length of this series. Since it's impossible to ever really get to know them it relies on tried and true stereotypes and cliches. Rio herself is a nice, sweet, and likable heroine but she lacks any kind of depth beyond her heavy udders. She is always thinking of others and trying to help people but she’s a silly , one dimensional character. Any personality she does have is can be solely attributed to the performance of her seiyuu, Marina Inoue. The rest of cast, like Rio, is wholly forgettable. So much so that I am not even going to bother talking about any of them. Overall the show is pretty to look at. The settings, backgrounds, and characters themselves are all appealing and well drawn, for the most part. The art captures the over the top style of the series as well as bringing to life a lot of ridiculous games and making them mildly interesting. Some of the characters, well most to be honest, have ridiculous chest measurements. But it’s hard to hold the artists too accountable for this, since pretty much every anime is like that these days. The ecchi is pretty tame as well and there isn't any real nudity, only implied through convenient foreground obstacles and strategic clothing. So if you’re looking into this anime because you like that kind of thing, then you’re going to be disappointed. The vocal performances and music are pretty solid, if unspectacular. In the end, Rio: Rainbow Gate! is pretty much your average run of the mill forgettable anime. It’s inoffensive and completely unremarkable and is unlikely to impress anyone nor did it ever really have any chance to be any good. Fans of ecchi anime will also find little to appeal to them as it is overall quite bland and tame in that area as well. The ridiculous plot and silly characters drags this show down to well below average and isn't worth your time or consideration.
Rio rainbow gate is a very odd show. Revolving around the antics of Rio and the side characters, they are bombarded by rival dealers who want to challenge her and obtain the gates. MAL has the tags ecchi, and comedy. However, the comedy in this show is non-existant; I found myself laughing at the show instead of with it. The ecchi is rather moderate and usually dedicated to one part of an episode or outfit oriented. I found that the plot was actually the strongest point of the show, although not by much. It follows the average showdown per episode, and when the dealers battle theyaren't bad. However there is little actual gambling in this show as it turns into game contests like human pinball, shooting discs, and racing. They aren't all boring as they are all pretty unique but it just doesn't work. They attempt to throw a few twists which surprised me for this type of show, however I don't think you will be "crying" as the synopsis says. The characters look unique, but except for the masked joker, and the two main females Rina and Rio nobody has any background or depth. The next prominent character is the loli Mint who is here at the age of 9 due to her fathers obsessive gambling, or something. Like how I questioned how she was pretty much abandoned in that casino forever to be looked over by Rio, I questioned all the other little quirks of the show. Rio rainbow gate is a stain on anime originals. Unlike most average shows, this is awfully hard to watch and enjoy. I wish there was more to write, but alas the episodes are rather formulated and characters flat. It looks like Xebec took a gamble and lost this time.
After following this particular series, I overall enjoyed it. The fan service was fan service. At the beginning it was very slow, but soon it began to form a plot, which I liked the idea it had. The ending wasn't as climatic as I expected but hey you can't argue with the whole world having good luck. Especially if Rio is responsible for world peace. I will say that I do look forward the next season. Mysterious man with a cape and red eyes with some little girl that has a bone to pick with someone. I would recommend this to anyone who just wantsa feel good easy anime to watch to pass the time by.
From "plot" to actual plot. STORY As you may expect from the synopsis of the series, Rio: Rainbow Gate is not a series that focuses all that much on the story. The basic premise of the 13 "Gate Cards" and the concept of "Roll Rulers" is... pretty vague. It's certainly explained, but not in all that much detail. Why are there 13 cards? What happens once someone wins all 13? Are they kept by that person? After all, if a Gate holder has to accept a challenge from another Gate holder, if someone has them all, it should mean that they can keep them until they die. Arethe Roll Ruler powers effective on everyone, or only other Roll Ruler users? But questions like this aren't really what the series is about. Though I must say, in fairness to the series, there is actual story development. As the show goes on, I was surprised to find that characters not only had backstories but by the end of the series the tone had shifted to become fairly serious. Maybe a little melodramatic, but certainly more serious than one would expect from watching the first few episodes. ART Do you like boobs? If you said yes then do I have a show to recommend to you! The key focus of this series (at least, as far as I can tell) is the visuals. Well, and the characters too, but the visuals are certainly one of the points at which you'll either love the series for it, or dislike it. The art direction is very much on the side of fan-service. The main character, Rio, is regularly shows in revealing outfits, along with the rest of the cast. All the women are generously endowed with more than enough jiggles and shots to demonstrate that there's a big focus on the female form. Overall, it does exactly what it sets out to do: it presents a cast of attractive girls to oggle while the plots slowly amps up around them. SOUND The voice acting is good. It's nothing spectacular but then it's not bad either. It... does the job. The characters sound like you'd expect. Shout out to Killer Bee's (of Naruto Shippuden) voice actor voicing a large stereotypical American. There are also a lot of moans, shouts, screams and other lady noises that would maybe make people ask exactly what it is you're watching if you've got the anime playing on speakers, so watch out for that if you plan on watching it around people who do not understand the context. The music is also serviceable. There are some happy, breezy sounding tracks, there are some intense, dramatic tracks and overall it fits the feeling of the show well. There are no standout OST tracks that I noticed, though in the final episode it did sound like they used a track from Naruto Shippuden (one of the Akatsuki's themes) which was a little odd. Maybe I was mistaken, but it sounded very similar... The opening and ending songs are also, as you'd expect, pretty sugary, happy and overall sound like, well, generic J-Pop. The ending theme is certainly catchy and is almost too happy, but overall both fit perfectly within the show, adding to the "looks before substance" theme the anime goes for. CHARACTER As previously mentioned, the characters in Rio: Rainbow Gate do have some depth. Well, the main character does, along with one or two others. The series does focus quite heavily on Rio's past, and her links to Rina and Rio's mother, Risa (Yes, her name is Risa, it's not a mistranslation of Lisa, as she is known as "Double R" due to her first and last name starting with R). The rest of the cast are fairly one dimensional in terms of personality and character, with traits such as "The clumsy one", "The younger sister who copies her older sister's last few words of a sentence" and "The robot girl with tan lines (How does a robot get tan lines?)". Though, as with many other things in this series, that's fine. Depth and intricacies are not two things Rio: Rainbow Gate aims to deal with in terms of plot or characters. ENJOYMENT Now this... THIS is the category where Rio: Rianbow Gate shines! The anime is set at a casino resort, where having a good time is the top priority. And this anime has the same attitude. It's not about telling an engaging story. It's not about memorable characters. It's not about a moving soundtrack, it's about fun and enjoyment. In this sense, it actually feels a little like a trip to a resort/casino: You go there to have fun. You may not remember too many details. You may not have your life changed. But you'll more than likely have fun while you're there. Personally speaking, this was a fun anime to simply unwind to. Put it on and just zone out, watch the pretty girls and the bright colours (which, by the way, are everywhere. It's always sunny in this anime. Unless it's night) and just enjoy being in a world where people have superpowers that change their odds at games of chance. OVERALL Overall this anime has a bit of a niche audience. It's aimed at people who: 1). Like gambling or games of chance. 2). Like fan service. and 3). Just want to have a good time and enjoy an easygoing anime. It's certainly not the only anime to have done this. But what it does, it does well. If you're looking for something serious, or something memorable, maybe look elsewhere. Even if you're looking for something with plot progression, this may not be for you. Honestly, if I had to compare it to something, I'd kinda describe it as a fanservice-heavy, colourful version of Yu-Gi-Oh. Overall I give it a 7. It was good. It wasn't great. It wasn't bad. It was just fun :)
First things first. My "reviews" system is explained on a blog entry. Which can be found through my profile. ------ ✦Story Start was bright and intriguing, woman of luck being successful dealer in a mega casino. But as episodes went by, it became more far-fetched, chaotic in a bad way and thus from my point of view, it lost it's value and became quite boring. The subplot of main character and her search for someone and that conclusion was as well quite odd. Point being, story was with promising start and then it went downfall. Was potential game/casino Anime. ✦Art & Sound Pretty, colorful and fun. Also character design of"western babes" and clothes. Point being, was good enough. As for OST & Music, they were okay, but didn't really matter much. Meaning that they didn't leave lasting impression. ✦Character Aside main girl and pseudo-daughter character, rest were random compost of side-kicks. Did enjoy most of the time characters, whilst some were really tiresome. So overall they were quite okay and somewhat interesting. Did exist some character development as well, but nothing worthwhile. ✦Enjoyment & Overall If it wouldn't gone downhill, might have actually gotten 7. Did enjoy, but from episode 6 or so I just started fast forwarding.
Rio's Rainbow Gate first anime to release in 2011 and IT SUCKS BALLS!!!!! Positives +: The Animation are the only thing thats good Bearing yourself to stop watching this The Actresses are good Negatives -: Episodes with no plots(some episodes do but people will send me hate comments if i did not)Overalls:This Anime was a blunt disaster the first episode had no plot and about a bear and was stared for a moment not the less not knowing more about the characters which they should've did but ended up with episodes that included plots thats not about the show and plots that do UPDATED: well a 3/10 is what it'll be cause it feels like im being too harsh to this show but still the plots are kinda pointless so no point intending maybe to be honest the art is good for the start of 2011 and well it has not been doing so well with the plot but at least having the girl who played as Azusa playing a Mint is a good idea and having some weird plots involving a space pinball game
Are you ready to place your bets? Because you just might "have a lucky day" with Rio: Rainbow Gate! I'll be straight and say the concept is ridiculous, but that's where its charm comes from. Set in a casino resort where over-the-top duels occur and a dash of fan service for some spice. The main premise is the only iffy thing here, which is your typical "magic item collecting" scenario. My problem with it is there's not a whole lot to it that makes it any interesting. I also had a minor issue with the shift in the story's progression. This happens around halfway through, andwhile it's not that big of a concern, I just wished we had more time for other things before getting to the big picture. If you're looking for any type of character development, then you're out of luck. The only ones that get such treatment are the main character and her childhood friend, though it's nothing too special. Everyone else mainly just sticks with their set personality traits, staying that way throughout. Even amongst them are those that are only there just to fill the screen. We get some that make reappearances at certain points, which is better than just adding new characters. I'd say the animation is the one thing that didn't really have that many flaws. If there was, it was probably a few drops in quality, but those were minimal, at the very least. Other than that, the character models were concise. Occasionally, we get some nice fluid movements (especially the "jiggle physics"). In terms of looks, it's pretty generic, but something like this doesn't need any extravagant designs I may have sounded a bit critical, but overall I did enjoy this series. I love the concept as well as the characters. If there were any changes I would make, that would be to remove the whole item collecting plotline and any other plot devices that didn't necessarily have to be there. I probably would have enjoyed it more had it just been about the casino and the wacky matches that went on between all the characters. Still, for what we got, it's good enough.