Wataru Minakami is a top student who failed his high school entrance exam because of a computer glitch. He later discovered that he was accepted to Stargazer Hill Academy, which is located at a mysterious place called Promised Island. At the request of his father, Wataru is whisked away to the island, and before he can settle in, a dozen of cute and charming girls start to flock him and claim to be his younger sisters. As Wataru gets closer to his newfound siblings, a deeper mystery as to why they were sent to the island comes to play. (Source: ANN)
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I've come to the realization that pretty much everything in life is subjective ( TV, movies, food, books, music, etc.). Just because one or two people say something is crap, doesn't really mean it is crap. . Same can be applied to anime, one person will say an anime they have seen sucks, but there might be more people who actually think it's good regardless of it's flaws and such. A good example of this would be, of course, Sister Princess. Plot: Wataru Minakami is a smart guy who, due to a computer glitch, failed his high school entrance exam. He soon finds out he was accepted toanother school called Stargazer Hill Academy, which is located on an island called Promise Island. He then goes there ( by force ), and quickly meets 12 cute and charming girls who are his sisters! The show is entirely episodic and follows Wataru and his relationship with all sisters as well as doing all sorts of things like going to school, celebrating holidays, shopping and what not. Like most slice of life animes, it has no plot and the show is very episodic, like i said. This might turn some people off, but one can forgive the show for the lack of plot and just watch the show for what is: sweet and simple fun. Now, the fact that the show was directed by the same man that did Eiken is something I can easily look past. Of course, this was made before Eiken and is better than it in terms of directing, but it does have it flaws. The directing can be a bit off most of the time and also make the show seem rather bland when first viewed. Fortunately, the show does still does have it's good points. For one the Serious/dramatic scenes are decently well-written, plus it does get a bit better in the second half of the show. Art/animation: The show might not of had a big budget, but nonetheless, the art and animation is still good and passable; It's very colorful, vibrant, cute-looking, and well designed most of the time. Sadly though, the animation is flawed as well; there are some goofs throughout the series and can be easy to point out. Still, the budget was average so it doesn't matter. Music: the opening theme song, personally, wasn't my cup of tea, but the ending theme was better and catchy too. The rest is jazzy, laid-back kind of music that's really nice to listen to. Voice-acting: both japanese and english dubs were good. The english dub is, however, a bit of a mix bag, some of the voices were really good while some others sounded really cheesy. Other than that though, they still suit the characters no matter how they sound. Characters: let's start off with the sisters. Though lacking any development, the girls are very cute and likable, you'll probably by the end of the day, might have a favorite or two out of them. Then there's Wataru. Sadly in the beginning, he starts off rather selfish, stupid, bland, and really annoying. I said earlier that the show gets better in the second half, but that's mostly because he changes later on. He actually gets the most development out of everyone; he soon learns what it's like to be an older brother and starts to care for his sisters Enjoyment/overall: while definitely flawed in some aspects, Sister Princess is truly one of the best animes have seen recent years. Though flawed and far from being a masterpiece, it's still an enjoyable show that is fun, touching, cute, silly, and worth watch; a gem might i say. Don't let the ratings on both MAL and animenewsnetwork throw you off, as mentioned, it's an enjoyable show worth your viewing. If you like comment me, if not tell me later
Sister Princess is, more than likely, aimed at a very narrow audience with it's abundance of cute younger sisters. The series itself suffers from a big lack of story structure and development, as well as a defined purpose for a majority of the events. Still, it is quite certain that a fair group of people will find enjoyment in it's episodic layout. The story of Sister Princess is pretty shallow despite the large cast. Guy fails a school entrance exam, gets sent to a different school on an island, and meets twelve little sisters. All in all, that's about it. There's no real romance that developswith any of them nor are there any developments seen at school. Viewers will get to see the main character bond differently with each sister but, as a whole, the series is very episodic with little foundation and even less storyline. The closest thing viewers will get to a story is the suspicion of one of the sisters spying on the main character. Even that is left to serve little more purpose than comic relief. The artwork is very traditional in terms of the cute harem anime genre is concerned. The backgrounds are simple, yet bright and well defined. The characters themselves are all lively and brightly colored so that they blend well enough with their surrounding environment. It's very passable in terms of viewer enjoyment, but does not really stand out in any fashion. The soundwork is another field that is average in almost every category. The opening and ending themes are enjoyable, but nothing worthy of high mention. The intro is upbeat and energetic as is the ending theme. The character voices are charming and the background sounds fit well in terms of setting an atmosphere. Still, it fails to really deliver anything new to would-be fans. The characters are probably the highest notable point for the series. With a dozen sisters to make unique, this was surely the focal point of design. Every sister has unique characteristics, hobbies, interests, and attitudes that make them enjoyable in their own fashion. Their voices are all very distint in their deliverance which also adds to their appeal. Perhaps the biggest mention for the sisters is how they each have a distint way of addressing their brother. Whether it be onii-san, onii-chan, aniki, onii-chama, or Nii-ya, every sister has a special way of addressing their adored brother. Characters aside from the sisters also get a fair amount of design. The best friend character is seem rather often to give him a true feeling of development while the main character is constantly growing and learning. Overall, Sister Princess comes off with a very narrow appeal. Fans of "imouto" styled characters will find a cute paradise in at least one of the characters, while other viewers will find it as mediocre. Had the story contained a bit more development plot-wise instead of simple character construction, then it may have faired a bit better. Still, considering the diversity of characters and their unique appeal, the series can come off to be quite enjoyable for those that are seeking some simple entertainment.
Sister Princess is quite an anomaly. It's the show that really kick-started the bishoujo trend that's so popular now. It's unpopular in the states, but in Japan it has developed a rather sizable cult following. To many, it's very hard to see why. Sister Princess is not the world's greatest anime. The production quality is pretty low, as evidenced by the numerous animation mistakes and oddities that pop up nearly every episode. You'll definitely see them. There are times when an oddly drawn face will be on screen for upwards of five whole seconds without changing, so it'snot really something you can ignore when watching. The artistic strengths of the show, however, lie in the colors and the world that they paint. It's a very bright show (especially on DVD) and the near-permanent sunny weather on Promised Island is exactly what this sort of show needs to create the atmosphere it wants. The backgrounds are rather sparse and you get the feeling that, outside of the named characters, no one else actually lives on the island, but it's all very effective in establishing the "feel" of the series. The soundtrack also does a very good job of pulling the viewer in. It's perfect; so perfect that I actually listen to it in my spare time. Every piece of background music suits the show so perfectly that when I listen to it I am mentally transported straight back to the anime. The opening song, Love Destiny, is a FABULOUS piece of violin-heavy pop that I feel Yui Horie has yet to top. The ending is considerably less memorable, but Love Destiny has "instant classic" written all over it. Though the story is rather thin, I feel the characters do a good job of holding it up. Each sister has a "gimmick", but you never really feel they're completely one-note personalities. It always seems like there's plenty more to them, even if the series doesn't explore much beyond their unique attributes. They're very entertaining, and when I watched it the first time I found myself growing to like and dislike the sisters as if I was the one living with them (even going so far as to periodically scream "UGH, SHUT UP, HINAKO", much to my family's confusion). Wataru is a relatively likable protagonist, and takes the sudden onset of having 12 unusual siblings in stride...which is, admittedly, surprising, but sudden popularity will likely do that to a guy of his type. The interaction between Wataru and the sisters is well done. Overall, I still can't explain what I love so much about Sister Princess. It's paced slower than molasses, but I still often find myself longingly eying my box set, wishing for the "magic" that the show made me feel when I first watched it. It's greatest strength is pulling you into its world, and that's a world I've come to enjoy very much. It's safe, clean, and beautiful, and the worst things that ever happen are inclement weather and personal inadequacy. Sister Princess is, without a doubt, the anime I would most like to live in. I'm still not sure EXACTLY why, but a good deal of this feeling can be chalked up to the series' effectiveness in drawing me in. Give it a chance, it might grow on you. Maybe you'll get pulled in the same way I was. Let's all meet on Promised Island!
I don't have the strength to write everything that's wrong with this anime. All I have the ability to say is unless you REALLY love your brother (or want to be REALLY loved by a dozen stereotypical sisters), you will most likely hate this show. My debate to watch the show was piqued further when I found people saying the show was INCREDIBLE AND MUST BE WATCHED (I've dubbed this process Bokufication) or there were questions with no responses as to how they felt or even from others who watched it. After a joke about whether this show would be a hidden gem or makeme vomit a kidney, I dove in. the words onii-chan (and 11 various ways of saying onii-chan) were probably used about 150 times per episode from episode 2 on. After a kidney AND liver transplant from a local hospital, I decided to ward off the intense pain and suffering this show caused me. It's 26 episodes of plotless hum drum and the MC complaining. Don't watch it. Never watch this show. It's worst than the last two episodes of evangelion when they ran out of budget. 24 extra episodes worse.
Sister Princess is a great little anime series. I was enthralled from the very start which doesn't happen often but this anime aims to deliver fantastic entertainment and deliver it does! I was a bit sceptical at first when I picked this series up thinking it would be just another medicore harem but I warmed up to it after the first 3 episodes. It's clear to me that a lot of thought went into this series, nothing was rushed apart from one thing but I'll leave that for later. First the characters and the story. The characters are extremely diverse and have a lot of depth,which is rare for harem-style animes. The main protagonist is a teenage boy named Wataru who lives in the urban jungle known as Tokyo. We don't really get that much information on his daily life in Tokyo or even the place where he lives because moments into the anime we find out that he fails some important exams and is forced to make a decision which will change his life. That decision is to move to a different school on a suspiciously circular near-by island. Once he gets there however a series of strange events leads him to the discovery of his... 13 sisters. This is where we meet the rest of the main cast that will accompany and support the male lead throughout the series. All of his sisters have a story to tell and also have plenty of personal traits. We have a powerful and mature mage, Chikage. We have an engineer/inventor Rinrin, a slow but kind Aria, the sickly and poetic Marie, then we have the traditional/warrior Haruka who's always fantasising about her brother, a detective wannabe Yotsuba, a clumsy but cheerful Kaho. We have a young and energetic Hinako, a wise and loving Karen, the strong and athletic Mamoru and the master chef Shirayuki.The remaining two girls are a little bit weird and mysterious. We have the fashion-trendy Sakuya,who's keen on crossing the brother/sister line with Wataru, then we have Mamimi who seems to be hiding some sort of a secret from the protagonist but to avoid spoilers I won't say what it is. After the shocking discovery of his 13 siblings, our hero faces a lot of rather difficult challenges in his new life. Every episode is interesting and the makers did their best to surprise and entertain us. I suppose at this point it would be worthy to mention that there are plenty of sexual jokes in this anime. Yes, you read it right. But they're rather subtle, however considering that all of those jokes are about... uhm, questionable situations between Wataru and his sisters, some people will certainly be surprised. There's one particular part that keeps coming up in my mind in which the view keeps panning around the room, showing us plants, walls and drawings while Wataru and one of his sisters moan and gasp for air. Wataru asks her how much longer and she tells him to be patient and that “it's almost there”. It's only later that the view changes to them and we see that in fact she was just planting some scented candles on his back to help him relax after an accident. Still, some strong sexual innuendo there. There are plenty of more of these type of scenes in the series. In fact, the relationship between Wataru and his sisters is special. They don't treat him like their brother, more like a lover who's destined to live with them forever. At the same time, this series makes it look perfectly fine, not once did it feel creepy or odd. That in itself, is odd. But then again this series has to be watched to be fully understood. There's a weird atmosphere in this anime that makes all the sexual jokes and questionable situations seem perfectly acceptable. One thing I didn't like about the story however is the fact that it leaves some things unanswered and personally I don't like when a series ends and you're still having doubts as to what has actually happened in it. For instance, this series describes what the characters are like, but not where they're from. We never see Wataru's parents and we have no idea why he only found out about his sisters as a teenager. Was he separated from them at birth? Was there an accident? Also suspicious is the fact that they all look completely different. There's no family resemblance. Did they have different mothers but share the same father? We simply don't know and this series won't tell us. Then again, I don't think that's what this series is about. It's about the relationships between people and the ups and downs of life. The music is just as good as the scriptwriting. It's appropriate for this kind of anime. A good chunk of this series features classical music. CLASSICAL music. There's nothing better, in my opinion, than a good anime series with a classical theme. You'll rarely find classical pieces in modern animes, if at all. All in all, this series is a must watch, regardless of what genre it is that you enjoy watching. It's entertaining for virtually all ages and the re-watch factor is definitively strong here. As I mentioned the only weak point is that there are some unanswered and unexplained things in the plot but other than that, this series makes a great job of covering each character's personality and the plot itself, even though it has some unexplained patches here and there is still very good. Sister Princess is a vastly underrated series for reasons that I cannot fathom. I for one enjoyed it and I will be definitively coming back to it in the future. That concludes my review, Sister Princess gets 9 out of 10 points from me.
This was an ok show, though I did rather enjoy it. (But even then, it has major problems that have to be addressed.) It reminded me a lot of Angel Tales in how the characters act around him. The only problem is that it’s his sisters and not guardian angels but even then, I can’t take these characters as sisters. None of them really look like him at all and there seems to be a little girl that he keeps seeing in a yellow outfit that keeps talking to him in his strange dream world. They never explain who it is, they just show her. Thestory line pretty much goes back and forward and most end up with Wataru and his sister of the week doing something on the island. It doesn’t even explain much about how he got his sisters, what the charm that keeps being shown is, or even why the hell we should even care. Every once in a while, it seemed to go into a rather fantasy look and then back to a slice of life. Once in a while, it hinted that it was going to be a romance with him having to pick one of the sisters as a love interest but then snaps back away from it. I actually had a feeling it might turn yaoi because Wataru was always writing to Akio the whole entire time and he sounded like he was gay when he read the letter out loud. Now to talk about the characters, and oh god… how do I do this? Maybe I should group them into age categories. Aria, Hinako, and Shirayuki are the younger sisters. Let’s see, I can pick out what there one personality trait is. Aria is a Victorian gentle women, Hinako is the carefree child, and Shirayuki is the wanna be chef. Again, it’s really really sad that I can pick out one trait that explains them. Kaho, Mamoru, Rinrin, and Yotsuba are the middle sisters. Yotsuba is the detective, Mamoru is the tomboy, Kaho is the gardener and clumsy, and Rinrin is the inventor. Karen is the girl Wataru’s age, and the only one that seems to be seen more often. She acts like a mother to the others. Sakuya, Marie, Haruka, and Chikage are the older sisters. Sakuya is the flirty one, Haruka is a traditional Japanese girl, Marie is the slickly sister, and Chikage is the fortune teller. Again, that’s all we understand from them because we don’t see enough of them to tell us anything else. The animation is pretty much the same as every other show, nothing special and the onlything that shows is the crazy hair the sisters have. The girls all have different colored hair with no reason as to why, only some having brown hair which is close to Wataru’s. I’m glad that Wataru lost the stupid glasses that he wore in the first episode because he looked like a geek. He even says they are just glass so why the hell wear them in the first place? The voices are the bad part mostly (I’m talking English Dub here…. Haven’t seen Sub yet). Most of the girls have high pitched whines and even Wataru sounds whiny and a push over. Braden Hunt does his voice and I really think this guy really doesn’t have a good voice for a lead role like this. He sounded way more out of character and off. I am not going to get into all the voices because really now, its way to many to and the fact that they all have to high of a voice bugs me, plus how Mami has the voice of a smoker too.
I have to say this right off the bat. Excellent opening and ending songs. Despite its overall story it's a 2001 anime that kickstarted a handful of prominent voice actresses. Never underestimate the power of this anime that once contributed Japan's voice actor fandom. The story flows slower than one can ever imagine, but I don't mind it. I definitely can relate to the slow-paced lifestyle. And yes, it's suppose to be a slice of life anime. The main theme of this anime could be "kindness among family members" and not romance per se. Obviously it's not really your typical harem genre of anime. But just directly fromthe synopsis: a dozen of cute and charming girls start to flock him and claim to be his younger sisters...... Dozens? Obviously I see the funny indirect reference Jesus and his twelve disciples. Still the funniest reference I personally liked. If you watch this, just watch it as a slice of life anime for your mind's sake.
If you take Sister Princess too seriously, then that's a mistake, but if you want to just chill out and watch an anime for fun, then for me this was a fun to watch series. Some of the stories were a little too silly, and they injected some out of place fantasy episodes, but that's just part of the fun. The sisters themselves were the best part of the series, they came from all over the world, France, Germany, and China, because Waturu's dad was an old horndog that obviously had a lot of mistresses. They were interesting and kind heartedgirls. Waturu, too, is a nice guy who grew to love them all. I just loved Aria, she dressed like a doll, and was such a lovable airhead, her speech was very simple, and she was adorable. This wasn't meant to be a sophisticated, adult anime. Waturu left the hustle and bustle of big city life to a nice, little island with his sisters which gave him a warm, fuzzy feeling inside, that's the way this series made me feel, I know that's corny but.......
It is a very SFW-oriented harem anime that I like when I was in middle school and was recommended by my much older cousin saying "yo, here's an anime with awesome OP and ED themes". The whole story being somewhat incomplete in many ways completes the theme of the story. That is letting things go. The MC is definitely not the star of the show. But really and seriously. Who is the star of this anime series? My conclusion is that it is not a character in Sister Princess, but more like love, specifically about light-hearted love for others very close to you. I personally believe it'saccurate to say that the anime's plot, compare to the game's plot, emphasized the elements of criticizing the dog-eat-dog social attitudes in mid-late 1990s Japan much more than I expected. It nevertheless has a thinly-veiled criticism of mainstream Japanese socidety. I still return to this anime series once every 3-4 years.
The anime is based off the popular Japanese seinen series written by Sakurako Kimino and illustrated by Naoto Tenhiro. It began as a serialized light novel series and spun into manga and a bishōjo videogame. The show is categorized as a harem (with moe elements) anime but it’s not like one guy + lots of girls = HOT SEX TIME!!!! ; considering the fact that all the girls on this show happens to be the guy’s sisters. That’s right, the main character of this show, Wataru Minakami, has 12 younger sisters (or in the anime case, 13 sisters). Imagine yourself in that position (brothers orsisters, your pick) and wonder about that. Anyway, the synopsis of this show is when Wataru fails an entrance exam and left behind by his old friends, he is suddenly enrolled him in a school in Promised Island and upon his arrival, he happens to find out that he has 12 sisters who actually is very ecstatic and looking forward to meeting and spending time with him. That is mostly the synopsis so far in the series. Most of the episodes consist of him doing the aforementioned spending time with every one of his sisters doing various things. At first to me, it just seem kind of repetitive and mildly tedious but later on, I actually started to enjoy some of the episodes quick. The 12 (or 13) sisters consist of (in alphabetical order): Aria, the soft-spoken and sleepy-voiced French sister who has a tendency to cry whenever there’s trouble; Chikage, the mysterious and gothic sister who is an accomplished practitioner of dark magic; Haruka, the German sister who aspires to become a perfect Japanese lady; Hinako, the youngest of the sisters and shows her affection accordingly; Kaho, the clumsy sister despite that she’s on her school’s cheerleading team and loves to cheer for her brother and loves to grow flowers with and for her brother; Karen, the skilled pianist and whose personality seems suited for an older sister; Mamoru, the athlete of the group and always trying to get her brother to play sports with her; Marie, the one who has an weak constitution and spend time in the hospital various times; Rinrin, the gifted one in the fields of science and technology and always building things; Sakuya, the one who behaves like a modern teenager and would like for her brother to see her as a woman and not just a sister; Shirayuki, the cook of the dozen and always tries out new recipe and Yotsuba, the English-hailed sister who fancies herself as a detective. Plus, there is Mami, who poses as Wataru’s sister after he mistakes her as that and as she tries to break him away from his sisters, her stay there has given her a second opinion about them overall, learning why the sisters love him very much and I could reveal more but like I always said, this is something you have to see for yourself. The sisters themselves are actually very likable. At some points, they can get overly too cute and saccharine and sometimes you can go “AAWWWW!!!” but still they could be characters that you can stand being with. Although, one of the sisters did claim in their previous lives, they could be lovers and the other one expresses her desire that she might marry him. On a positive note, it doesn’t go too far with that and she agrees that it would be impossible when in his presence, so don’t worry, no incest sex (I’m looking at you, Koi Kaze) in this one. However, with every decent character, there is one annoying character and it is Yamada. I really hate Yamada. He’s that kind of character who is hyper and annoying as hell and constantly sniffing around and is jealous of Wataru and the affection his sisters are giving him. Mostly, he’s like the friend that only hangs with you to score with your sister and fuck all. Also, what’s also the word to describe him? He's a HAM!!! That is all. The animation by Production Company ZEXCS (weird name, by the way) is very colorful and has that paint backdrop look to it and it doesn’t feel that it aged to me. Maybe by a year, it will, but that’s just me. The music is decent for the show as I didn’t mind the beginning and ending songs but I do skip those once I gotten into the show and the background jazzy-like music is one of its musical highlights, even though it sounds almost like music from The Weather Channel. FINAL VERDICT: At first, I thought this was going to be a borefest with too many girly elements but it was an alright show. I enjoyed most of the episodes, characters, themes, elements and I think this show is actually one of the harem titles that don’t apply the element of lolicon and other Hentai-related things. It’s something I would recommend to watch or give it a try.