"Move your soul and body!" Each episode contains a variety of routines, such as push-ups, sit-ups, spine twists, dance, yoga, stretches, trunk training, and taichi. Five girls aiming to become idols will exercise with you, and that troubling body fat percentage will go down by 1000%...!?
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Advertising in anime is a funny thing. It's often presumed by anime fans that whenever you see a WcDonalds or Dk. Pepper, that's paid product placement by the company whose product we know is being shown, even if their actual name isn't on it. This probably isn't the case, since Japanese law means that any actual paid product placement has to be made very obvious to the viewer, as it was with Pepsi etc in Tiger & Bunny. But there are other ways advertisers use anime to get their product in front of the eyes of otaku. This brings us to Anitore! EX, which I daresay most wrote off as Training with Hinako the moment they saw it's promo material. On one level, you're not wrong for doing so, since despite nominally being a show promoting healthy diet & exercise, it quickly becomes apparent that Anitore is aimed less at people who want to exercise, & more at people who want to watch people exercise. Indeed, the voyeurism in the show reaches such levels that it seems about as intended to promote exercise as the music video for Eric Prydz's Call On Me was to promote aerobics. However, if you look through the names & logos that come up in the opening credits, one may stick out to you: Renaissance. At first I assumed they were just another publisher, production or animation studio, but they are in fact a chain of membership only Japanese gyms. Yes, Anitore is in fact an advert. That being the case, it begs one to ask what is it selling, who is it trying to sell to, & does it succeed? The what is fairly easy, though it's more subtle about it than you might think. I say this, because in the first few episodes there's nothing to Anitore that would make you think it's doing more than trying to teach viewers some exercise moves. To begin with, each episode introduces us to one of the five characters who will be serving as our training instructors: Asami, Yuu, Eri, Shizuno & Akiko. Finding ourselves in their bedrooms for some reason, they talk directly to the viewer as they go through the steps of how to perform two or three different moves or stretches. It's pretty sleazily & clearly under no illusion that you're actually doing the exercises along with them, but there's nothing about it that suggests Renaissance's involvement. Yet as the show goes on, you'll start to notice a change. The location of each episode soon moves out of the bedroom & into a dance studio, swimming pool or gymnasium, & we're increasingly instructed in the use of things such as treadmills & weight machines that you won't be finding in your typical otaku apartment, I can assure you. We even get introduced to some gym training staff, so helpful & fit. Hmm, I guess I'll have to join a gym if I want to keep up with what these girls are showing me. It's at this point you see how this show works as an advert for Renaissance without them having to slap a giant logo on the screen telling you that's what they're doing. But hang on, you might say, wouldn't they be better off advertising more directly? Well sometimes the subtle approach is more effective. After all, if you just run a typical thirty second advert saying "join Renaissance gyms to get access to our probably not very good facilities because Japanese gyms have a reputation for being a bit of an overpriced let down by Western standards," you're probably not going to get through to the kind of person who sits in their room all day watching cartoons. But there is an alternative. Instead of advertising directly, why not pay to produce/sponsor a show that promotes the idea of gym based exercise as something an otaku might want to do, knowing that there's a good chance a decent number of them will live nearby to one of your gyms. When your membership fee may well be pushing $100/month (I have seen that number for comparable businesses, though not Renaissance itself), you don't need too many of the audience to join in order to recoup your investment. So, we can see that Anitore is indirectly selling a gym membership to its audience. We can assume, furthermore, that the intended audience is a male otaku one. However, does it succeed? From what I've written, you might think that I think it does, but I don't. I can certainly see what they're going for, yet I don't think it works, for the following reasons. The show is more confused than it might seem about it's intended audience. I've said it's aimed at otaku males, but if you were to view it on the basis of who the characters are & what they talk about, you might think this is aimed at teenage & adult women. While the information given (& some of it is actually quite useful, though if you think ten press ups is going to do more than stop you from atrophying, you're mistaken) could be used by anyone, the way they go about discussing them implies that they're meant more for women than men. Emphasis put on how they can be fun, help improve your bust & glutes but aren't going to make you bulk up or get too defined muscle tone, which seems a strange way to sell exercise to men. Indeed, more than anything, the show seems to be pushing exercise & the gym as a social activity for a group of women friends. So they're actually targeting women, right? Well no, because when you consider what the characters are & how the show actually depicts them & their exercises, it becomes clear that it's a male audience that's assumed to be watching, as I said. Technically, the five girls in Anitore are an Idol group, & I dare say Renaissance will be using them in future advertising campaigns if the show was popular enough. But I won't believe anyone who says that the five main girls are meant to be anything other than the viewer's (little) sisters. You've got enthusiastic clutz (Asami); twintails brat (Eri); busty & proper (Shizuno); chuuni trouble (Akiko) & shy glasses girl (Yuu). They might be friends when they're together, but when they're in their bedrooms alone with the viewer, it's a different matter. The direction of each episode is, as already alluded to, very leery. Every opportunity for a crotch & bust shot is taken, to the point that it can get in the way of watching the technique of the exercise being shown (not that you're watching it for that). As I said, this has more in common with that Eric Prydz music video than an actual gym or exercise advert - Zumba infomercials don't look like this. Incidentally, you might think at some points that Anitore has some surprisingly good animation for a show of its type. The dance routines in particular are very smoothly rendered. It's impressive, until you realise that they're just using or tracing stock movements that come with the Miku Miku Dance software, which you can get for free if you're so inclined. I see what you did there. Now, you might be thinking, so what? They're using cute girl characters & tropes to try to encourage male otaku to go to the gym. What's wrong with that? Well the problem, both as an advert & in general, is that this show's appeal is ultimately to men who like watching girls do things & presents the facilities used as a place women go to exercise & men go to watch. I don't know about you, but personally I think the last thing gyms need is more men who are just there to watch the women on the cross trainer, not to mention women who just sit on the exercise bikes chatting. There's ultimately a leap of logic in Anitore that I think makes it fail as an advertisement for Renaissance; It apparently expects its audience to want to go from watching cartoon girls exercise at a gym, to paying a real membership fee so they can do it themselves. If you'll excuse me for being flippant, that's like saying watching Sakura Trick is going to make male viewers want to experiment with homosexuality. It's got the same problem Summer 2015's Urawa no Usagi-chan had, namely that it assumes that just putting cute cartoon girls doing stuff on screen is enough to advertise whatever the product is, regardless of context or message. So what we're left with is, as said at the beginning, basically Training with Hinako. It's a sleazy cute girls doing exercise things show that will teach you about as much useful exercise information as five minutes on Google. In fact, if you buy a cheap exercise mat for your room, it'll probably come with a booklet that has more useful information than can be found here. All in all, I think Anitore can be added to the pile of evidence that Japanese marketers need to get this idea that cartoon teenage girls can sell anything, anyhow out of their hivemind. Although I suppose this is preferable to another Ili translator advert. At least these girls are cartoons.
It's difficult to make an anime short that actually leaves any noteworthy impact on the viewers. So why not try to make something more productive for once? Anitore! EX is exactly that. Of all things, this is actually a fitness show. I imagine this to be an almost desperate attempt at encouraging lazy otaku to start working out, but regardless of what the intention may be, it gets the job done. Every episode features one or several out of a group of anime girls doing exercises on camera, instructing the viewers on how to do the moves themselves, as well as explaining which muscles you're training.Simple but effective. Of course I reckon most people who watch this don't actually do so with the intention of doing exercises (I certainly did not), but even so you still some great service of moe girls in suggestive poses and heavy breathing. Can never go wrong with that, can you? You've got a busty girl with long black hair, a typical genki girl, a shy boring glasses girl, a twintailed flat-chested tsundere girl and last but not least a chuuni girl. Yes, the anime actually has a chuuni girl teaching workout exercises. Never thought I'd see the day... And that's about it really. Unsurprisingly that doesn't add up to too much but for an anime short you can do a hell of a lot worse. I only wish it was even more ecchi than it is as that'll primarily be what you're going to watch it for. As a final note I also have to mention that the ED is actually incredibly catchy, even if it's only 30 seconds long. That is until you get to the amazing final episode however where you get to see its full music video in action~
Anitore EX was a bad decision. Personally, I wanted to watch it because it was short. HOWEVER, once I started it, all I could do was cringe. There was no plot, and while the anime set out to make me active, I was appalled at how bad it was that I was frozen in shock. The characters were annoying and useless, and spent basically half the episode talking about trivial things not related to exercise. This anime was absolutely horrible and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you want to see a bunch of girls complaining about random things and getting tired after doing onepushup. It was just not enjoyable or fun.
This anime is for two kinds of people: those who want to indulge in some heavy fanservice and/or those who actually want to exercise and are pretty out of shape. Either way, don't expect much out of this anime. The characters are only so-so, the art is mediocre, and little plot exists outside of exercising. I will say that the opening theme song is really catchy, so it has that going for it, I suppose. I decided not to rate this anime lower than a five, because it wasn't actually bad. It wasn't great either though, so it doesn't deserve anything over five. It simply iswhat it is, take it or leave it.
This is a good start if you're looking to start exercising, especially if you incorporate the entire series as a workout routine per day. It will definitely make you break a sweat if you've never or rarely exercise on a daily basis. Having cute girls doing the exercises along with you and encouraging you are both great helps to sticking to the workouts. If you're looking for story, you'll be disappointed, as this is almost strictly for exercise rather than traditional watching enjoyment. The characters are all caricatures of your standard anime girl roles, so you'll have an episode devoted to each different girl with teamupepisodes here and there. The voice actors are all wonderful, and you might recognize some here and there. The sound design is your standard fare, though each rep is punctuated by a nice number count so you feel like you're accomplishing something with each rep. I recommend this if you're looking to start working out after never or rarely having done so previously. It isn't a replacement for a full workout routine, but it is a good place to start. Along with eating right, you will probably see results from the routine, too!
Story: 2 Art: 4 Sound: 5 Character: 1 Enjoyment: 1 Overall: 1 I dropped Anitore! but then after a while I continued to watch it, now the real question is why? How can I review something like this? Im gonna say this now, at first glance, I thought this show was going to be at least entertaining, sure it's just about girls exercising but there is more possibilities that can still happen, character interaction, but nope, I was wrong, WAY wrong! Unless you want to look at innocent girls exercising don't even try to watch this show, now.. let's see what Season 2 has to offer... oh god help me~
Personally, I believe this is the most underestimated anime of all time. This is a prime example of not judging a book by the cover, and here's why. Not only does this anime surpass the limits of offering fan service to the viewers but it also supplies us with a rich story that is gripping from start to finish. The voice acting is top tier and the writing is extremely poetic. My only complaint is some of the characters weren't showed enough compared to some of the others. The dancing scenes were amazingly choreographed with amazing camera shots. This must have taken multiple hours ofplanning even though each episode is 4 minutes. I wish everyone could watch this because not only did I watch it sitting down but rewatched it while doing the workouts with them. I have lost a lot of weight and I feel like society can except me!
Have you ever wanted to watch hentai without the actual copulation or wanted to find out healthy ways to exercise? Well, then this is the right anime for you! Story: 5/10 Anitore doesnt really have a story, but the main gist of it is a girl of the week type of deal, where on most weeks, you will be introduced to a new girl of a main archetype to guide you through your journey in physical exercise. Art: 7/10 The art is pretty clear cut and simple, making use of simple things such as turning eyes into wide circles, lines to signify realization, etc to add in someeffects. Other than the girls, they also feature images of the girls chibi selves giving brief but sufficient explanations on the exercises. There are also times where the art is very detailed as they portray even the sweat of the girls exercising as well. Sound: 7/10 The background music is used to fit with the different girls doing the exercises. For example, something more classical for the "Rich lady" type, etc. Other than these times, the background music is generally upbeat or soothing, in order to suit the exercises and to encourage the audience to exercise as well. There is also the ending theme which is used as a space for vital exercises that is pretty energetic. The voice actors are also able to make the girls sound pretty cute and them having moans while exercising to make me laugh. Character: 6/10 As explained above, for the first few episodes, you are introduced to new girls every week, with each of them having different personalities as they come from different archetypes. As you can probably already tell, the girls are just having some exercise for reasons like dieting, etc and not much else. They are also constantly portrayed in considerably sexual positions with them looking like they just finished copulation whenever they finish an exercise routine. They also constantly interact with the audience, aka you while exercising which I found very good but pretty cringey at times as well. Enjoyment: 7/10 Even though the concept seems a little boring at times, it was still pretty enjoyable. In my opinion, there would be 2 types of people enjoying this anime. Either the ones who like laughing at it due to it being an interesting or funny concept for those who are actually able to gain from the exercise. I being the former. Overall: 6/10 To me, anitore is just an interesting concept which i have seen for the first time. It is something to watch if you actually want to learn some exercising tips while having it demo-ed in front of you or if you just want a break from watching "normal" anime and turn off your brain for a bit. It was a pretty interesting anime which i have watched and though MAL doesnt label it as an ecchi, I do find that it is a very light one. It acts as an interesting way for anime watchers to get some exercise and its short as well, which means that you dont really lose if you just try it out. Overall, I give anitore a 6/10.
This is a short, cute anime about cute girls doing cute exercises. While it's ecchi and occasionally pantsu (sort of) it's far from p0rn or hentai. Unlike several similar shows: this one focuses on the cute! Kawaii! Every episode features an exercise with a brief explanation of what it does to benefit you. Not much story or character beyond introducing a new girl every few episodes, then pairing the girls up until the grand finale with all of them at the beach! Still? It was fun! And short, watch all 12 quickly and get that catchy theme song stuck in your head! And if you feellike it? Try the exercises too!
Okay guys lemme start by asking you all a question. What is the point in this anime? Well I have the answer and that is fan service. That was the whole point in this anime. The only reason I watched this anime was because I want ed to see what AkiDearest(go follow her on youtube,twitter,and here) was talking about. She was right. Either there was way to much talking so you're in the same spot for a while or it's like just watch this and do nothing. There was a decent story because of the work out and first person P.O.V. I really liked theart though it was very good in my opinion. The sound was them making grunting noises after a few exercises and getting tired. The characters where kinda funny so I laughed a little which brings me to the enjoyment. The jokes are the only reason I actually enjoyed this anime. Overall it gets a 6 because why not I'll give the art work credit and great work on the fan service other then that there's not much else and I just really wanted to make another review on the most recent anime I worked on and the second worst anime of this year. The first will be posted as soon as I finish that which will be soon anyway I would recommend this to people who are into fan service and cute girls trying to hard.
Anitore is an “exercise anime”. Basically, it’s an anime that expects you to get up and move along with the characters. It’s a nice idea, and other mediums have done it before with moderate success, but it is very poorly executed in this anime. The exercises are all less than bare-minimum. In the one of the episodes, the character only does ten push-ups and ten crunches, and then goes to get a FREAKING ICE CREAM! There are more examples of this. the girl (a different girl) does ten squats and ten back extensions, and THEN EATS A FULL-COURSE MEAL! Basically, the exercises are made completely pointless!Now, you might say "But you don't HAVE to do everything the characters do," but that brings me on to the reason the things mentioned previously bother me. Ultimately the biggest problem is the fact that it is structured for people to follow along, and the characters don't do sufficiently. Not only do they do insufficient exercises, they also sometimes do things that are unhealthy, which shouldn't occur in these instructional exercise things. Now, most viewers may do the smart thing and not follow along with the non-exercise stuff, but we all know that there exists the minority which this anime was directed towards, the obsessed ones. The obsessed ones will listen to anything their on-screen waifus tell them to do, including taking breaks from their insufficient exercise to eat. They'll probably even go to the gym and embarrass themselves in public watching this. Seriously, you do not want to watch this anime in public. There is some fan service in this anime. I definitely had to wear headphones for this one, because the girls were making... let's just say odd noises whenever they reached ten. Holy crap! Maybe that's why they can't go past ten! THEY ALL HAVE PERSISTENT GENITAL AROUSAL DISORDER! If they go any further, they'll lose control and make a mess! It all makes sense now. Basically, people with PGAD get spontaneously aroused, unpredictably or under certain triggers. It seems the specific trigger for these girls is stationary exercises! Wow, now I feel sorry for laughing at the sounds they were making. Their lives must be hell... What was I talking about? Oh yeah, my review of this anime. Overall, I give this anime a 4/10. For a better recommendation, I suggest One Punch Man. While it is not an "exercise anime", at least it gets you pumped up and features a man who has a DECENT WORKOUT ROUTINE. Ichi Ni San Yon Go Roku Nana Hachi kyuu *Climaxes* JUU!!!!!!!!
honestly i loved this show lmao i started watching this with my brother and my friend as a joke, but then we all ended up following allowing with the exercises and even doing the dance at the fun. of course the show is horrible if you actually want to get a workout, but if you don't take it seriously it can actually be pretty funny to follow along with and make fun of, and my friends and i had a good laugh with it just don't think of this show as an actual anime or workout show... i'm honestly not sure if the creators were taking this seriouslyor it was just one big joke? there's not much actual exercise involved in a single episode and if you want to actually break a sweat you have to watch the whole season nonstop... and i mean, the characters are cute but they're all pretty cliche, and not to mention that they're all like, middleschoolers, which makes the fanservice a bit awkward... but hey its just anime so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lmao but the point is, this show sucks if you actually take it seriously, but if you don't it can be pretty fun to watch lolol
I do have to say that the series, regardless of the fact that it was rather short, it was pretty enjoyable. The one thing that I found especially enjoyable, is that the anime does get you motivated. It's almost like they're a virtual trainer, which perhaps in a sense it is, as the characters really make you want to join in with them. It is rather rare to see that in any anime series, so I give them a thumbs up for that. I do wish there was some more episodes, or if it gets made into a longer series, perhaps giving a bigger insightinto the character's every day lives.