In a thoughtless blunder, God accidentally strikes down Touya Mochizuki with a stray bolt of lightning! As an apology, God offers him one wish and the chance to live again in a magical fantasy world. Touya happily accepts the offer and, for his one wish, asks only to keep his smartphone with him as he begins his journey into this mysterious world. Starting over in this new world, Touya finds it is filled with magic—which he has an affinity for—and cute girls vying for his attention. These girls—the twins Linze and Elze Silhoueska, Yumina Urnea Belfast, Leen, and Yae Kokonoe—provide Touya with no end of romantic frustrations, but also companionship as he discovers the secrets of this new world. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Initially I gave this a 2. But having finished the show, I was wrong. This show is deceptively good, it'll have you think it is a terrible show, hence all the bad ratings. However this show is unique in that it goes all out with its premise, which I can appreciate. Now, why it looks bad: - Bad art and animation - Shoddy cliche characters - Bad character designs - etc etcWhy it is actually good: I want to start this with stating that a show should be scored not in relation to other anime in general; this show is a flat 0 in comparison to the greats such as FMAB etc. Rather a show should be scored based on how well it does what it has intended to do, i.e entertain, inform, send a message etc. This show's purpose was to go all out in its premise and by doing so make fun of all the other shows like it that are afraid to break the status quo such as Blade Dance or Asterisk War, which just throw together templates and hopes for the best. - The show juxtaposes bad shows with its good writing around old and 'done-to-death' concepts and characters. e.g. (ep3 spoiler) - The MC's appreciation for slime monsters when they melt the girl's clothes when lesser MC's would just blush and say it isn't right and promptly get punched. - The MC's attachment to the morals of his old world and need to come to terms with the societal rules in the new world --> This occurs in the last episode - The Author's balls when writing this s*** Anyway go watch it, if you don't trust me check my list for my tastes and credibility.
You know, when the main Japanese demographic your anime markets towards ends up hating your anime, then you know it blows chunks. Not even pretty girls can remedy that fact. I should’ve listened to OtaKing. Well, rationality is incomprehensible to anyone involved with this show's existence. If you don't want to see a rant on this crappy piece of work that is the cheap bootleg equivalent to Konosuba and an insult to harems, isekai, and entertainment, leave immediately. The gloves come off and the spell of death is cast. Creative bankruptcy. It's something that any artist of any medium worth his or her salt should dreadwhen creating a work. It's when the art has no soul of any kind, no artistic purpose behind it, meant only for the money. That brings us to our target: Isekai wa Smartphone. This pile of insufferable, bland, incompetent dreck can fuck off for giving harem and isekai shows a bad name (more so than they already have), and for not caring about being a show for people to watch. It has no soul, no drive, and is just an example of corporate greed and a lack of care by literally everyone involved in every aspect of production, outside of the voice actors. It is the antithesis of spellbinding, as it half-heartedly casts the spell of boredom and hatred. This anime can't establish anything properly. It can't establish magic until way after it was used and even then the system, especially concerning null, is stupid. It doesn't establish the idea of guilds properly at all. The gauntlets, the currency, none of it! Part of it is because its worldbuilding is beyond atrocious, and there are gigantic leaps and lies, so yeah. Oh, here’s an example! When a butler got hit with an arrow offscreen, how? Apparently he and the guys he was with were surrounded by lizards with swords and shields, so that can't work, and apparently part of it broke off and... yeah. Also, inconsistent magic since they say the only way to use magic (except maybe null) was with special designated crystals yet they violate that multiple times. Oh, and the protagonist knows literally every magic ever, including the personal null ones, which are already a bad system due to being contradictory (since they're supposed to be unique but they're recorded in ways that imply more people can use these null spells, but they're each limited to a few people at a time), and heck, the magic system as a while had its own tuned violated constantly with people constantly using elemental magic without a magical fragment catalyst, so fuck this anime’s own rules, amirite?! Oh, and they just randomly and haphazardly insert us into a bunch of scenarios for the characters to quickly solve and have no remote emotional effect on the audience or even have any meaningful things for the characters aside from them interacting and constantly blushing. God, this piece. Do I even need to mention that this is a generic piece of work with so many of the worst clichés of a typical LN and that it has some of the worst variations on them I have ever seen? Do I need to mention that this is basically an off-brand of Konosuba that actually went beyond an expiration date before airing? No? Well, too bad! What about the setting and story beats? Well, here’s something interesting: we don't know how MC-kun died! Think back to any Isekai you've seen. Re:Zero? Subaru blinked and somehow fake into a fantasy world, unsure how it happened but he was summoned by Satela. Knight's & Magic? Kurata (who we know as Ernesti in the fantasy world) got ran over, though we don't know how he got to his fantasy world. Konosuba? Kazuma died of shock and tricked a stupid cunt “goddess” into coming with him into a fantasy world. Here, well, God tells him that he was stuck by a bolt and then is willing to send him somewhere, we don't actually see what happened to him. It wouldn't have taken long to do something so basic, but look at what I'm reviewing. It can't have a good sweet moment either since it ruins those, even though they don't even work in the first place, but way to ruin your theoretical chance, anime! Oh, and pacing is fucked with this one, especially in the first half. I know I'm just sort of ranting and raving but damn, my brain is trying to scrape this show off of it and none of my friends want to kill this anime, so I have to now. This show has no effort put into anything at all; why should I bother? I would say because I care and because I try to put effort by honestly, my brain is committing genocide against any specifics I can bring up about this nightmare of a show. I don't think this anime had heard of this term I'm about to say: it's called “characterization”! No character has a real defined personality, especially not the main character, who at best can be defined as the stereotypical boring and weak yet OP AF protagonist, like Ayato from The Asterisk War. By far this show's most disturbing and avant-garde offense is that I actually believe that all of the main women in the show are largely the exact same character with the most minor of different traits. No show to my knowledge has ever done that before. Obviously, these bitches are all trash, especially the tsundere one for being a typical tsundere. I can't remember any real traits from anyone else for this show has staged a coup on my brain! The other characters are bland and without personality and do stuff you expect, so that leaves us with MC-kun. Oh wait, I said everything about him other than the fact they he gets so OP without any actual progression that it constantly feels like he’s pulling powers out of his ass, and yes, he does get a harem, to the point where all of the members can even travel with him, it's their crowded a harem, and for next to no reason beyond “Dude is nice enough to help and can do crazy things” and not due to anything about his personality or even looks... ugh. His name is Touya, and I learned that over time but it's obviously not worth remembering. Actually, why should you remember a single character's name? Aside from weakling OP MC-kun, I certainly don't! There is nothing standout or remotely interesting about any of them. They also constantly blush and get embarrassed for no adequate reason. They're also all idiots as displayed by the crime-solving scene in episode 4. I only remember something about the blonde 12 year old princess and it's that she acts like a 6 year old half the time. I could go on and on about the character and especially the narrative problems, but honestly, this anime tries so little in any department that it's honestly not worth it. Veteran studio, Production Reed took the reigns for this and boy did they not do a good job, to put it lightly. The character art and overall animation are both so unbelievably flat, and so is the magic. It's not a pleasant view at any point, it all looks insanely plain, life-draining in fact! The character designs are pretty terrible overall, to add insult to injury. They can even get walking right as it looks like they're often moving both forward and backward in some walking scenes, like the beginning of episode 3. In fact, they always mess it up somehow, and it's just walking! How?! Why?! Oh, and when you see debris in a fight scene, it looks so poorly drawn and it doesn't fit well with any of the rest of the art at all. Don't expect much animation in the fight scenes either, especially in the episode 7 duel with the awful looking wooden swords; and I thought Akashic Records was bad in that department. You can also see some rather noticeable errors here, like faces being off, the fact that one of the characters who has a sword suddenly had two swords with hilts on her sleeve and not her waist, and yeah, it’s pretty bad and lazy. They also use a lot of visual gag shortcuts that I thought only long-running shounens were allowed to get away with (since no other kind of show uses them and those shows have an insane amount of episodes to have to spread their budget and staff and time etc. on). It's a visual bore with blunders, though thankfully there really isn't any CGI to speak of, since I'm sure that probably would've been handled poorly, just like every there aspect of this show. You know, except it contains some atrocious CGI stairs that have a gigantic frame rate drop and get repeated verbatim later on with a different color and some abysmal fire effects that last for a while in episode 5! You know, because this anime also has to compete for the worst visuals of 2017 too! The main uniform the girls wear looks awful, especially with those lines in the white part. One of the character designs is blatantly ripped from the princess from Knight's & Magic, whose anime adaptation just so happens to be airing at the same time as this, only she has been aged down by comparison to a 12-year-old. Why are we sexualizing 12-year-olds again? Also, expect some shitty digital close-ups. Lastly, for God knows what reason, they have it so that the eyebrows and eyelashes always overlap with the hair rather than being obstructed by it. This is basic anime shit and they constantly mess that up. Then again, they didn't really try here either, did they? Oh, and there’s a fair amount of reused animation, so that's a sin, especially since unlike Knight's & Magic, this isn't a mecha show (not that I really excuse that show for it either). C’mon, it's 2017! This shit shouldn't be happening anymore! And.. .that's everything for this one. Sadly, this is somehow the show’s best, or rather, its least worst aspect, it only barely. For what it's worth, the OST on its own isn't actually that abysmal, though some tracks are especially bad and wrong. Sure, none of it works or can even be considered memorable, but what's worse is the fact that almost none of it ever fits with the scenes at all. Oh, and while I'll talk about those cancerous scene transitions a bit later and how pointless and aggravating they are in every way possible, let’s just say that the music makes matters worse in those moments. The OP is the most obnoxious and generic JPop song I have ever heard in my life, especially the techno aspects. Fuck this song, it's not worth naming since it's one of the worst OP songs I have ever heard. Same applies to the ED to a slightly lesser extent; it's also awful and I don't care which of the characters sings it. There is nothing of merit to the music in this show whatsoever, and that almost never happens. If that isn't sad, I don't know what is. You know, I have to ask: for those out there who actually enjoyed this anime, how? What is the appeal of this? Is it the fact that the main character is OP? Is it the fact that this is a world with magic? Is it the admittedly out there premise? Because... I don't see this as a show that really wants to entertain, like at all. I see no semblance of soul from this anime, no spirit or any enthusiasm from it or anything. It's not even just super bland to the point of feeling like it was meant for passive entertainment like some other perfunctory works out there. It's not like it even really attempts to have interesting, consistent, or involved fight scenes either. At best, it tries to pander with the whole slime nonsense, in ways that should probably be seen as an insult to the intelligence, or at the very least, ways that should be met with shrugs and groans. And as for the OP MC part, why? Isn't it boring to see some guy plow through anything, especially if he doesn't really do anything fancy or especially crazy and flashy, or have any personality to latch into while doing it? Wouldn't you want that kind of MC to have some actual personality or actually show off some crazy epic shit to cheese fights instead of cheering fights without any effort? Wouldn't you want someone like Izayoi from Problem Children over this main character? So it has come to this: the transitions! Fuck these things! They are nothing but obnoxious time-wasters with blaring and equally obnoxious music, either showing the results of a scene for 5 seconds or what happened already, with these stupid and obnoxious characters and voices doing stupid and aggravating things! You see anywhere from 6-8 of these an episode too! You can no doubt tell this got irritating fast! Why was this included? Why?! For comedy? I doubt it succeeded with many viewers. So, yeah, this show was boring and vexing as all hell. Not a single moment to enjoy. It doesn't even try so of course I feel unamused to the nth degree. Not to mention that there were a few specific moments (boob grab scene in episode 9 being chief among them) that were especially maddening, so that didn’t help one bit. Some of you might say “Why not just turn your brain off and enjoy the ride?” Because it's so fucking boring and stupid, that's why! If I didn't keep my brain permanently on thinking mode when watching anime, I’d have dropped so many more by now since I would've quit the moment I got really angry bored from watching, hence more of my time would've been wasted! I actually heard people say this was a parody of these kinds of shows: it is not. It image then completely straight and pretends to be mildly self-aware, so that blows. So yeah, this show fails on both levels! Fuck this show, I hate it! I hate it so much! This might prime some of you to ask: “Why did you watch this obviously bad show in the first place?” Well, some people probably watched it out of interest of the admittedly out there premise. Maybe some wanted a trashy anime to chill to (and likely found themselves still disappointed). And of course, some of us came here just to join hands with a chunk of the community always ready to see a truly and obviously terrible burn and revel in the flames together (I mean, usually the anime suffering that fate deserves it), often coming one by one to see if it is as bad as the reputation hypes it up to be. Not gonna lie, that was part of it for me. The other part was that for all intents and purposes, this did catch my eye as something I thought would just be a below-average at best isekai title for me to watch and feel little towards, at least after I was initially put off by the cover picture. However, I can definitely say that it did deserve the fate I mentioned in the third reason because as I have been saying over and over again, this anime is the very definition of laziness when it comes to this medium. Anime is a very intensive and passion-filled medium. There are so many titles out there, good and bad, that obviously show a ton of passion and effort in at least some regard. So, when I see an anime as lazy as this get a sizeable viewership while better and more passionate (if not always good) shows like Knight’s & Magic, ACCA 13, and so on and so forth get at best a much lower viewership and at worst the absolute shaft, I get royally angry. People had to slave over this, and no passion feels like it’s coming out, no care put into anything regarding this show. I am so thankful that this show is getting quite a thrashing, and honestly, it needs all the hate it can get. Honestly, unless you really want to watch something without a soul, you should avoid this anime entirely, as this anime is an affront to the medium as a whole. Is it the absolute worst anime out there? No, there are some worse ones out there for their own reasons, but this anime really has no right to exist, and honestly, it is still very, very high up there, both in an all-time perspective and in the perspective of this season alone. It manages to be an affront to the concept of entertainment, and even the concept of a harem and isekai show. Sadly, this season isn’t over yet and there are a few real duds left to cover at the time of writing, so until then, I bid you adieu.
Throughout the generations of anime, we have been given the genre called ''Isekai'' or ''In Another World''. From the video game genre of Isekai like Log Horizon and SAO, to the parallel world Isekai like Konosuba and then this anime, we all loved and hate the genre as well.. Summer 2017 season will end soon and for the past few months, it brought us a few Isekai animes. One of them is ''Isekai Wa Smartphone To Tomo Ni'' or ''In Another World With My Smartphone''. Now, when I first look at it from it's poster, I thought the anime will be good and comedic likeKonosuba... Like Konosuba.. with a Smartphone! But sometimes, when you make higher expectations to something especially anime, it bounds to fall down. And it really did for this anime. 'Isekai Wa Smartphone To Tomo Ni' revolves to the protagonist named 'Mochizuka Touya' who accidentally died, so.. God is like ''Im going to revive you into a Magical world cause you accidentally died '' blablabla. You know you should have just revive him ''God'' lol. On this review, I will talk about the story, characters, the sound, art, my enjoyment of it and overall rating. Don't worry there will be no spoilers ahead. Story: 4/10 The isekai genre have been widely popular throughout the anime so it is not that original anymore, though it is said that all stories are not really unique or original itself. Some are base on real life situations while some are based on made-up/fictional things. The same to this anime. Lack of originality of the show for viewers are already a problem of this show. Guy goes into another world and he has multiple harem girls with him and he is freaking overpowered? Common.. The story revolves about 'Mochizuka Touya', a normal boy in the real world, turned into a guy that has so many selection of girls. Hell! he can marry anyone of them because he is ridiculously overpowered not only by his power but charisma (though his face looks like someone I know from another anime out there). If you are going to take a look on the following episode, the route of the story is like this - He is OP. He helps with his OP powers then he met new girls for his harem then go to an adventure/quest, then again he helps another set of girls for his harem and so on and so on. This guy doesn't know that he is collecting girls like Ash catching Pokemons in the wild. If one character is already a mess (no balance or over the top), the viewers will think that he can do anything he wants even there will be an impossible problem. Viewers will always think the story will go on without having a major problems/conflicts because of an OP Main character. If the villain or a supporting character is OP than the main, then I think it is fine. So.. Because of the MC's overpowered abilities and continuous/ongoing set of route of collecting girls, the story is horrible... Art: 8/10 The story is bad itself.. But on the other hand, I can say that the Art is pretty good and normal for an isekai anime. I mean we don't need over the top animations like on the 'Fate' series for this anime because of the story's bad route and all so the art is not a big deal here at all.. Sound: 8/10 Like the art itself, the sound is pretty normal like any other animes out there. The sound effects of the spells, the slashing of both sword, the background music. No major problem at all on this series. Character: 3/10 This anime proves that there is someone more OP than Kirito from SAO himself. That's what makes this anime pretty bad. The character balance between the official main character (Touya) and the other main character ( the first harem girls with him ), along with the supporting characters have intense differences of balance from power, fame, charisma and other things. This makes the author to make a story to FOCUS ALL the good things to him with almost no bad sides at all. Problems will come yeah sure but because of him being OP, he can erase that problem very easily. Enjoyment: 5/10 With his cringy attitude and overpowered mechanism, I don't really enjoyed this anime at all. Though there are some parts that have some slight 'ecchi'-ness, though I can say that the whole problem is the anime itself. The fights are... Well we can all predict that he will win along with his harem girls thats why the fights are not that enjoyable or entertaining. Viewers can predict what will happen and then it turns out they are right because of what they see from the MC himself. Overall... I rate this anime as 4/10. Sure there are plenty of fine fights and pervy moments but because of this kind of flow on the story, the rating for this anime (for me) is less than average. A poor grade.
This is the definition of a generic anime. It's like eating junk food for a full meal, you'll finish it, but you won't feel satisfied with it. The main hero is the generic dense nice guy who has girls falling in love with him for no reason other than he has a pulse. He has OP abilities. But the biggest issue to me is he has no goals, and every time he gets one, it's resolved in minutes, and usually it's because someone else did it for him. He never actually works for a single thing he gets, despite how much he gets. It's funto watch at first, but it quickly becomes a drag. I don't want to invest time in a show where the main character has no redeeming qualities, has no goals, and despite that, it seems the world bends over backwards for him.
Isekai waka waka smartphone desu is the very definition of mediocrity. If mediocrity was a city, isekai famalama smartphone dingdong would be working a low paying office job in it. Don't assume that this anime ever gets exciting just because it has isekai in its name -- because this anime is 100% through and through slice of life *spoilers ahead* nothing EVER goes wrong. (that being said it is still somehow more interesting than log horizon) Every episode before 12 goes like this: Touya and his incredibly boring harem go to a new location, they reach a threatening looking hurdle, touya dono casts slip and it falls over allowinghim to claim victory The remaining 10 minutes of every episode is every character introcuded so far making loud guttery slurping noises WOW TOUYO DONO YOU ARE SO AMAZING LOOK AT THAT YOU MADE HIM FALL OVER WOW *SLURP SLURP*, even the 'kings' of this world seem to have no pride and have no qualms about becoming touya's literal bitch at the first display of competence Episode 3ish is literally hey you did this job for me well, here fuck my daughter. So why did I rate it a 6 you ask? purely because the standard for anime is so low. That's it. Not recommended
In 2015, Hideaki Anno said the anime industry was walking to its end, that animators no longer had passion and what they did and anime was turning into nothing more than merchandising, and Japan was soon to be taken over by new animators from China or Tailand.He could have only been blind.While we do have a lot of empty shows, every year the anime industry do releases at least 9 or 10 shows overflowing with passion from the creators, and while that doesn't mean they are all great, from time from time we stumble upon masterpieces, sometimes innovative and creative, sometimes simply mastersof it's genre.In 2010 we had Rainbow, in 2014 Barakamon, in 2015 we had the incredible Concrete Revolutio, in 2016 the breathtaking Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, and now, 2017, we finally have another one to this count:Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. Technical Aspects -- 10/10 One may argue that this anime have bad animation, but that just shows how little this one knows about the art of animation.The studio uses what little budget they have to give the anime the breath of life in a great way.How amazing it was when they showed an entire travel, by just animating the characters on the top of the carriage or when they hide the legs in battle sequences so they can demonstrate motion with little to no cost.Truly genius of they're craft.The entire OST is also unique and rich, with remarkable compositions like "Spells I", "Spells II" or my personal favorite "Spells IV". Characters & Plot -- 10/10 Normally, i would judge this 2 factors separately, but they are too connected to do so.In Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni, both the characters and plot are groundbreaking desconstructions of any anime ever made.Rather than having such a boring concept as power progression or character development, everyone is already presented at the peak of their powers and have absolute 0 development or construction in the series, since they're already perfect without needing it.And the plot, oh the plot, it can only be the work of a genius, there's not a single moment of tension at all in the entire story, rather, everything is solved instantly by Touya, wich itself is a completely unique character, as you can see by the fact that his main ability is to make other people slip.The smartphone is also used at least once in almost every episode, executing perfectly the anime's concept. Romance -- 10/10 You can't say that the romance in Smartphone is anything less than perfect.The first actual romance we have is between beauty-mark-knight and big-sister-furry, and is developed using a WHOLE episode, to show just how much the writer cared about making things natural.The main romantic plot, is that every girl likes Touya, this love is carried in a completely organic and coherent way during the whole narrative, peaking on the climax of the series, when Mochizuki and the girls get into a consensus of a polissexual marriage with all the four girls.This is another one of the greats desconstructions in this anime, love that overcomes bounds of race, jealousy or age(since he marries an 12-year-old girl as well). Overall and Enjoyment -- 10/10 IwStTn isn't anything short of a masterpiece, deconstructing countless concepts and tropes of standard anime(like showing a character that only appears at the last 2 minutes in the opening in an incredibly smart way to create hype for a second season).I enjoyed it for every second, no, every frame and would recommend for literally anyone.My best wishes for anyone watching this amazing critic to the standard relationship systems that reign in the world.
I see a lot of people harshly judging this anime. I understand why people might hate it. But today I am here to tell you exactly why Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni is the best comedy anime this year if not the best of these past 4 years. Let me set something straight : This anime is the literal apex of ironic comedy anime. You heard me. Ironic comedy. If you don't like ironic comedy or you are one of those people who actually care about serious, in-depth stories, this is definitely not an anime for you. Now allow me to elucidate on how this anime perfectlyaccomplishes exactly what it is intended to accomplish. To begin, this anime is full of clichés. If you could not tell this anime was a cliché filled anime from the title, it will be pretty apparent within the first episode. However, the amount of immense clichés in this anime is a complete parodies of other animes. It parodies terrible anime is such a great way that it appears to be a terrible anime. Its crazy overpowered MC, the instant harem that he gets, the cliché outfit, and it's use of "friendship and teamwork" to overcome tough situations instead of the MCs insane overpowered abilities. This is just a mocking of all the ridiculous clichés used in all the regurgitation animes. However, even for being an ironic comedy anime, it still shines through story wise. Beyond the clichés, it takes original turns throughout the story that one would not even nearly expect even from a regular, serious fantasy cliché anime. Such as actually progressing the harem and the characters. Characters in typical harem animes normally always fit into the -dere categories. However in this anime, the expected "tsundere" characters do not vehemently deny loving the MC. Take Yumina for example. She is expected to be a Kuudere(character with no fuckin personality at all but underlying emotions that are unspoken) but she isn't. She likes Touya, but she also respects him enough to be around other women. She also understands that polygamy exists in the world, so she is fine with that. She gets jealous, but she also understands that a lot of the clichéd misunderstandings are just misunderstandings and puts her faith in Touya. Now lets take Touya into account. His clichés are : super overpowered, super oblivious, stupid nice to everyone, and shy when it comes to relationships and shit. However, he is a deadass pervert. He also has confidence in himself, and slight arrogance. He realizes how overpowered he can be but he does not strive for more power. These round characters are really revealing of the talent of the writers, masked behind a veil of overused clichés to blind the audience. It is a great work of art for being a very good parody of terrible art. Onto everything else, the art was pretty good. The sounds were regular cliché cutesy sound effects. The story was, beyond the clichés, actually pretty decent. The uniqueness of magic and null magic, and the capacity it was taken to was pretty cool. You'd expect some fucking massive kamehameha blast explosion shit to take down one of the most powerful beings on the planet, but instead he takes it down using basically the youtube autoreplay button to make a snake wrapped turtle trip over and over for 7 hours. It's ridiculous simplicity makes everything funny, but also original in the fact that it isn't overly explosive and flashy to draw attention. It kind of reminds me of one punch man where the main character is so overpowered that he uses regular lame moves to get the job done. If you enjoy ironic parody comedy, or just something light in contrast to all the serious dark tryhard animes, I believe that you will love this ironic masterpiece of an anime.
Utterly appalling. Never have I seen a show succeed so well at accomplishing the single goal of wasting my time. If I could give this show a zero, I would. Art: 0/10 Generic. Clinical. Frequently off model. I thought cruel and unusual punishment was illegal. Not a single thing stands out about the "art" in this show. The animation is laughable. None of the characters stand out in any way. Toya's design is as bog-standard as it gets. Backgrounds and locations lack any semblance of effort beyond the bare minimum. For once, I would say the criminally underpaid and overworked animators were fairly compensated for theirwork here. Just to be clear, the animators aren't the problem. This show is the problem. Sound: 7/10 The voice acting is fine. Nothing crazy, but they do a good job. It would be nice to have some likable characters for the voice actors to attach to, but it's whatever. For what they're working with, they did a good job. Story: 0/10 The "story" of this show was wonderfully prepared from the isekai cookbook standard recipe. God accidentally kills Touya Mochizuki, and as recompense offers to reincarnate him into a fantasy world. Par for the course. And, yeah I guess he has his smartphone too or something. But anyway, after being given god's blessing on this horrible world, he is reincarnated immediately, he sells his clothes to a merchant for a handsome sum of money and saves two girls (who are totally capable of protecting themselves as we'll see later) from some jerky guys. After discovering that he has an extremely rare affinity for all types of magic, he sets off to start the world's most hideous harem. Nothing unpredictable or exciting ever happens. Ever. Character: 0/10 All the characters suck. Toya is a Kirito clone but worse. I swear that the twin girls are just copies of Kyou and Ryou from Clannad. There's this black-haired girl whose only notable feature is speaking like a samurai and ending every sentence with "gozaru". There's a loli girl that no one cares about. Actually, there are a couple of them. Enjoyment: 0/10 Never again. The only thing I can say is that after watching this show, your enjoyment and appreciation of any other anime will skyrocket. Scouts' honor.
Yet another generic harem anime. Honestly, if it weren't for a challenge, I wouldn't have watched this to the end. There's a lot of issues with this show, but I think the main one is that it's a rugpull. "In another world with my smartphone", but the smartphone isn't even used 90% of the time. It's really just a Wattpad level competence porn. The protagonist is good at everything, can cast any spell for any situation, never runs out of mana, straight up copies Kirito's appearance, and I don't think he even gets hit in the whole show (outside gag situations where the girls smack him). On topof competence porn, it's also straight up harem. I don't even know why he stops at 4 girls. Might as well charm one or two girls every episode if you want to go there. I think I might have liked this if I was like 7 and this was my first anime. But for a developed brain, this is brain rot. I counted exactly 1 joke. In the beach episode (because of course we have a beach episode), Touya and a plushie bear prepare to go for a swim, and, as they enter the water, the plushie is washed away by a wave. It was a visual gag that's easy to miss, but it caught me so off guard and it looked even more ridiculous on 2x speed. So I have to give it an extra point for that. But otherwise the whole thing is dry. It's not even comedic. There is no plot, just a series of setup situations to showcase whatever cheat ability Touya remembered he has. The best thing I can say about it is that Touya at least kisses the girls towards the end of the show. It's a low bar, but other anime don't even cross that. So kudos, I guess. Conclusion: would recommend for a bad anime challenge.
I'm glad I gave this anime a shot despite poor reviews. Turns out the reviewers were expecting something that they did not get... I just wanted to watch an Isekai. It wasn't a masterpiece, but it kept me entertained and I liked the characters. The beginning felt a bit rushed as if we missed an episode, but I got over that quickly enough to not care. One thing I didn't care for was how the last few episodes started becoming a fanservice trope about female body parts.It was still enjoyable though. I recommend giving this a watch if you like Isekai, are not an anime snob that only watches the tippy top anime, and have time to kill.
When you think of generic isekai, this is one of the anime that will come to mind. This show is painfully average, does every cliche that you can think of, OP protagonist, harem, everyone loves the protagonist, etc. Characters: Everyone is as plain and by the books as you can be with any generic isekai. There are some episodes where it focuses on a specific character and their backstory but even that turns out to be generic and boring. As stated before, he builds a harem because he was nice to them or they saw him being OP, and bam, harem. You have your cliches, tsundere,loli, ecchi, misunderstood moments, beach episode, the whole 9 yards. You can also tell a character's personality by how they dress and talk, and that's it for the characters. Nobody is memorable or noteworthy. Story: There is none. The protagonist died and came to the new world, the characters go from point A to point B so they can have something to do so the harem can continue to be built. Criticism: Everything I just mentioned and the animation. The animation is also painfully average, no scene stands out since it's like they were just told to make an anime and did just that. Also, the show hints at there being about 9 or 10 wives that he'll end up with, but my main problem is that some of them are literal children, making this whole thing even more weird, especially since they were comfortable enough to show a dressing scene with one of them included, horrible decisions all around. This is also just a boring show, found myself being on my phone during a lot of scenes because they were a snooze fest with nothing of value or because I don't care about copy and paste, generic characters who I've seen done in other generic isekai anime. Overall bad show, not worth rewatching, & how tf this got a 2nd season is beyond me.
"Anime is trash, and so am i" This anime is so extremely terrible that it manages to keep me entertained, thus making it very enjoyable. Don't get me wrong. Everything about this adaptation of the original light novel, is absolutely trash. From the story, to character development and even the characters themselves and to even the art and sound is absolutely terrible. To me it just seems like they took everything that is considered hated in the anime community, and just mashed it all into one single anime. This anime is basically a clichefest. In the end. All the bad things made me like it. Allin all 10/10 just because its fucking trash
Oh dear, what have we done. I actually recommend people watch this show. Not because it is good, but precisely the opposite. Watching Isekai wa Smartphone is like a crash course for the anime connoisseur in how to quickly spot horrifically bad and blatantly unoriginal writing. Throughout the entire show, red flags pop up everywhere hinting to how the creators are just trying to make a quick buck off a popular genre. -Lazy character design. Every single character in this show is a one dimensional shadow clone of a character from a better show. This is not an exaggeration. Every. Single. One. -The main character hasNO personality. None. Zero. He's always positive about everything and never makes a mistake. His mood never changes. He can legitimately do anything. -Right from the start, the animation quality is nothing special despite being a fantasy setting. That's how you know you are watching seasonal trash - if you can tell that a shows investors are holding back it's a sign of serious caution. -The first girls he run into already want the D for absolutely no reason. You could take a random college student fresh out of creative writing and they could probably make better romantic setups than this. -It takes the main character zero time to solve any problem. Any hint of suspense is gone. All plot devices exist solely to get to the next female character to commence the same jokes you have heard a thousand times. The fantasy genre almost seems like it shouldn't be able to be screwed up. By placing the setting in another world with different rules, it gives the writer absolute creative freedom in how they wish to build that world. These alternative dimension shows create a blank canvas for which anything is possible. And yet, here we are. It doesn't matter how much freedom you grant to people with no talent. These scrubs somehow managed to vomit up an anime that has both an abysmally nonexistent plot with characters that are all amazingly boring with zero development. Anime that is low tier but still enjoyable tend to screw up either plot or characters, but not them both. Isekai wa Smartphone manages to botch these two critical factors in a way that leaves you in awe at how such an incompetent story even got the funding for an animation in the first place. In conclusion, this is the kind of show you can have running in the background on a second monitor while doing something else and you won't miss anything because nothing is happening. It serves as a prime example of poor quality creative plagiarism, to the point where this anime almost defines it.
At this point the prospect of another isekai anime is greeted with a mixture of bemusement or a loud collective groan by the anime community at large. Ever since the concept was popularized by the likes of Sword Art Online, nearly every season has seen at least one take on it. Derided by detractors as nothing more than wish fulfillment for otakus, the space for isekai played straight has shrunk to almost nothing. In this it parallels the trajectory of battle harems, another brief staple of the anime scene that has largely faded away. It’s telling that two of the most popular isekai stories inrecent memory, Konosuba and Re:Zero, are a parody and deconstruction, respectively. So when a series like Isekai Smartphone comes along and seemingly plays the isekai premise completely straight, I wasn’t going to welcome it with open arms. Still, it did have one unique hook, that of the protagonist bringing his smartphone into the fantasy with him. Perhaps, I thought naively, that would at least be interesting enough to hold my attention. The problems with Isekai Smartphone are myriad. The most glaring issue is its characters, or to be more specific, the lack of any compelling characters for the audience to get attached to. The worse offender of this is the protagonist, Touya. He greets every situation with a nonchalant cheerfulness, from his sudden death at the beginning of the series all the way to discovering an ancient floating sky garden. The only instances in which demonstrates any real emotion is the prospect of seeing his numerous harem members in underwear or any other skimpy clothing. Not helping his case is the appalling ease through which he overcomes challenges. Simply put, he starts off overpowered and ends the show even more overpowered. By the end of the show, he has crafted a working gun in a fantasy world, gained two high level spirits as familiars, has ownership of an ancient floating island and is effectively a de facto member of the royal family. This bleeds into many aspects of the show, reducing every fight scene to a boring wait for the protagonist to solve the problem with a single spell or previously inconceivable strategy. That being said, the sheer overpowered nature of the protagonist somehow manages to be entertaining rather than aggravating. The whole show is so light in tone that it’s impossible to truly get mad at it. The other characters, mainly comprised of Touya’s harem mates, don’t fair much better, rarely distinguishing themselves beyond their attraction to Touya and the diverse archetypes they represent. It says something about their lack of character that I can’t remember half their names even after twelve episodes with some of them. Wish fulfillment harem fantasies don’t work when the girls feel less like actual people and more like a creator went down a checklist of character templates to add. That by itself is not an inherently bad thing. Princess Principal, from the same season, also starred a group of standard character archetypes yet gave them real depth through backstory and developed relationships between them so that the audience could invest in them throughout the story. No such thing happens in Isekai Smartphone. Compounding the issues with character is the show’s story, which largely focuses on short vignettes rather than an overall arc. The slice-of-life approach can work if the characters and situations are sufficiency amusing, but save for the slime castle mission, most of them serve as means to give Touya even more abilities or harem antics that get repetitive fast. This is also a series that opts to tease future in lieu of any sort of climatic confrontation at the end of the series. Instead, the final “conflict” is whether Touya will agree to marry all the girls he’s accumulated throughout the series. Despite literally having God on his side and everyone in his harem being ok with polygamy, he refuses, citing his unwillingness to take such an “adult” responsibility. Given that at this point he’s escorted a diplomatic delegation, saved a village from a rampaging dragon, foiled an attempted assassination of the King and ended a war, this comes off as laughable. I haven’t even mentioned the smartphone itself because very little would change without its inclusion. Sure, it gains increased prominence and usage near the end, but considering it’s prominence in the title this was a seriously missed opportunity to distinguish this show from other run of the mill isekai shows. Later episodes do make better use of the smartphone, mainly in combination with Touya’s magic to resolve every bit of large scale combat off-screen. Isekai Smartphone, in summary, is an example of a show that does the bare minimum required. It’s worse sin is that it is merely boring without being infuriating. As such, it leaves very little impression in mind, even compared to its contemporaries. If you ever wanted to know why isekai anime are greeted with such trepidation these days, Isekai Smartphone neatly encapsulates every critique of the genre into a singular forgettable package.
I was pretty surprised to see low ratings on this anime! Its one of my favorite.. Its unique and really exciting.. I really loved everything about it... I dont see why people not liking it.. I think they are too used to common animes that they find it hard to accept something like this bcoz of stupid reasons like main character is op, story is bad or whatever... But for me it was good and refreshing experience to watch this anime... You must give it a try and just enjoy it.. dont make perception about it based on other's opinions... Just try to make senseout of it and enjoy! Its a beautiful anime and I love it also bcoz its based on my kinda of fantasy world...
So I know why people think the anime is bad/clichéd/unoriginal etc etc. I mean, walk into girls changing, master of all elements aswell adds to some people's dislikes as well I suppose. BUT, the story, the character, enjoyment and everthing is so above average, and being clichéd and unoriginal has nothing to do with it. In the end no anime is the same no matter how you look at it, like OPM is not the same as Mob Psycho 100. This is my favourite anime because, this anime is my type of anime, OP Main Character, is gifted and has the ladies. When people saythis anime doesn't have any depth or isn't realistic (I know that some people like that sort of stuff, now what I'm saying is my own opinion, not hating or nothing), I say, to heck with that. It's an anime, not a biographical and realistic one. Its not meant for serious critique and the sorts. To sum it up, the good points: - Great Story, You Have Seen The Character Grow In A New Environment - Visuals aren't as bad as some people make it out to be, when they make it sound like its quality is like Astro Boy 1961 (I assure you, its above average, imo) -Gives you something to look forward to, not a 'hard' cliffhanger -OP MC, Check, Harem, Check, Adventure, Check Now for the less than average stuff (that other people say) about this anime which shouldn't really be complained about when you have such good stuff in this anime: -Action scenes aren't the greatest, I'll admit that, but in its defense, I say they're not bad at all, as I'd say that it's about average, like inbetween Clannad and OPM PS: My review's readers, I know I'm heavily biased but I would like people to see the relaxing qualities of the anime, not focusing on the bad ones as you may see it. Thanks for reading!
Let me begin by saying I loathe this anime with all my being. It was so bad that I couldn’t even finish the last 2 episodes. Story: What story? Art: Hideous. If the girls were at least cute then I might’ve given it like a 2 but none of the girls were even close to being best girl and the show just overall doesn’t look that good. Sound: The worst animes usually have the best soundtracks (like Accel World) so I am happy to say that no music in this anime was really goodCharacters: Cookie cutter at best. Potatoes at the worst. Enjoyment: Do I even have to tell you? Overall: I despise this anime. In conclusion this is an anime on par with the likes of Asterisk war except the girls aren’t as cute
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni. (2017) Story Male protagonist gets Isekai’d but instead of dying of a heroic act or doing something stupid he was effectively killed by god by accident by a stray lightning bolt. He is then offered a new life, in a new world with a wish to have something as advantage. Touya choose to keep his smartphone which will work by magic and help with life going forward. As a kindness he is also made to be very powerful and is a likeable person. He finds himself in a new world going on adventures with a harem building around him very quickly. Art Theart used in the show is of a good standard and is enjoyable to watch. Detail is good all the way through with various fan services. Some people do not like this but let us remember it is an Isekai with a smartphone… so perhaps look at it a bit less seriously. Sound The OP and ED is good. The general voice acting is very well done in the Japanese with Subs that I watched. The other sounds in background, foreground and fights etc are good. Character Characters are developed steadily throughout. We have a few main characters that we see almost every episode. Touya is somewhat charismatic but also an idiot at times. He is also able to recognise for the most part a girl’s feelings. Yumina is a very straightforward girl who knows what she wants. She is royalty and can demand things, but she is also very naive but a likeable character. Linze is one of a pair of twin sisters who we see very much for most of the series. Unlike her sister she is very much more the intellect who wants to avoid direct confrontation. Elze is the other twin who is more gun-ho with her actions. She runs into conflict without thinking of a total plan. Leen is a fairy elder who looks very young albeit being 612 years old. She is a cold character often and hides her magic powers in public. Yae is our Edo period style Japanese female character who we have as a clumsy yet reliable girl in the series. Francesca is an automated doll of which is over 5000 years old. Her place is firstly as a test to be passed or failed. She is somewhat lewd in nature based on her programming but ends up in a service role as a maid. All the organic girls have very much fallen for the main character. They all fall into certain tropes and are enjoyable to watch throughout. Enjoyment The show is enjoyable and for me maybe slightly bias was my first Isekai that got me into the genre. I admit as much wanting the action of a series like Akame Ga Kill! With an intense story but I also enjoy the fanservice of a show like this which was easy to watch casually. I am doing this for clarity over a year from watching the series. Overall In the end the show is a great example of a show to watch. If it isn’t for you then perhaps avoid the less serious Isekai. Although it isn’t the comedy of Konosuba or the seriousness of RE:Zero, it is a very good show that is worth watching through and through. A second season would have been nice, but the Manga is great too.
Fan service harem isekai with solid comedy and characters. Honestly there's no depth here and it feels like a show from a previous era. I'm no fan of harem or Isekai shows in general but the characters are all reasonably well rounded and it was a good show to have on in the background while messing around on my phone. The premise, the smartphone and everything else plot-wise are irrelevant. It moves at a lightning pace to get the protagonist, whose name I can't actually remember without looking it up, set up as the hero-type with his harem. From there it largely wanders around withno particular purpose. I get the impression this is by design though. The episodes and arcs are designed to cater to Isekai and Harem show fans, and it does this well. I generally dislike both genres generally but as I say I had it on in the background and it was pretty servicable trash. I like the relaxed, carefree relationships he has with the secondary characters and, for what it's worth, the various femail characters have their own strengths and agency with is another plus.