Hazuki Kagimura is a socially awkward girl with no friends; and having been recently adopted, she struggles to connect with her new family as well. Her only refuge from this painful reality is between the pages of stories where her vivid imagination allows her to live out her dreams of friendship and adventure. However, one day, an old and mysterious text appears in her book bag. On her way back to the library to return it, Hazuki sees a familiar girl who is seemingly invisible to everyone but her. Deciding to follow her, Hazuki is led a hidden library where a world she thought only existed in her dreams awaits her. Märchen Mädchen tells the story of Hazuki's meeting with Shizuka Tsuchimikado, her very first friend, and discovering she has been chosen by the original print of Cinderella to become a powerful mage known as an Origin Master. Hazuki enrolls at Kuzunoha Girl's Magic Academy where she learns to conquer her fears and believe in her ability to create her own amazing story. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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On each season we are gifted with great anime, there are some anime that are okay, there are bad ones and there's Märchen Mädchen, a masterpiece found in the bottom of a trashcan. Märchen Mädchen has to be one of the most absurd generic anime I've ever seen, not because its bad, but of how ludicrous it is to the point of being insanely funny. The Opening practically reveals what will happen in the first episodes (The very first one, later in the anime they add a visually different opening) But to sum it up, here's the introduction (Cringe warning): PD: H= Hazuki and W= Witch (Appliesfor multiuses) Skip to "End of introduction" if you don't want to lose your braincells H: I'm so stupidly shy but I still want to get banged by the top girls on my school. Books are my friends, I love books, books are fun. Deep inside I believe witches are real. I have a glance of what a witch would look like, so I follow her because she reminds me of a book I once read. W: Hey you stupid girl, don't follow me >:( H: But I want you to f*@# me!, I mean be friends with me :( W: (Is she on drugs?) Last warning, I will attack next. >:( H: Meanie :c W: Boom, I'm gone, don't even follow me >:( H: Damn, she's gone, I don't know where she headed, but I'll go to the library because lol. Oh, I'm so lucky, the witch is in the library and she's staring at a book case. :o W: "Magical words of wisdom to open magical libraries" I'm pretty sure no one heard me, so lets go. H: Oh, that's cool, its magic :o, wait, what did she said? those words to Open it? "Magical words of wisdom to open magical libraries" ~The path opens revealing a portal to an unknown world~ H: OoOoOh, so cool, I don't want to go in, but its pulling me inside... Whatever, WAAAAAAAAAAAH D: ~Welcome to an unknown world~ H: Oh, I'm alive, thanks god, now, lets explore... OoOoOoh nice castle :o W2: Hey, who are you? Why are you here? what is that book you have in your hands? come here >:( H: OMG ITS A BULLY GIRL! D: ~She Runs~ W2: Come here you dumbass >:( H: I don't wanna :c W2: Woops I lost her >:( ~Hazuki heads towards a suspicious house, with a suspicious girl that offers her to stay in her home for a while~ H: Sounds Fun, lets also use the thermal baths because why not, she's nice and totally not suspicious, nothing can go wrong :D ~She nude, she baths, she forgets about her pursuer, most importantly she BATHS~ W2: BOOM I'm here, now you can't escape... wait, why are you naked? Gross D: H: Waaaa, the Bully is back, OMG I'm naked, lets get to my clothes.... Wait, they are gone, damn it, I'll protect myself with the book I had and lets keep running. D: ~Naked girl runs away from a bully girl for several hours until she finds herself cornered~ H: She's gonna bang me, pls help. (To Be continued...) ~End of introduction~ Yes, I'm not making that up, that's exactly how this anime starts: absurd events with convenient fan service and a very gullible main character. The amount of red flags I saw dancing on my mind at that moment, almost made me insta-drop it. I'm 99% sure that you have a "WTF" face printed after reading that. Now imagine if you actually watched that... it fails as an introduction because nothing relevant actually happened. According to the Synopsis, this anime was supposed to be similar to a battle royale were the winner of a certain event gets a wish, but the first episode didn't even settle that. Story: 1/10 This is not the worst part of this anime, the plot itself was already ludicrous, but what else could go wrong? The animation was already bad, but it was bearable. But after some time, things gets off the rail. There is an actual shot of the crowd (because there is a crowd on a "Stadium" that watches these magical girls fight) that looks like a drawing of a 6 year old, faceless and completely soulless. What's even worse, is that they had a 2 week hiatus to "improve" the animation quality just to find out that the animation didn't improve, it got worse: Early Dragon ball super and Orange levels of trash animation. We got derpy faces, bad choreography, lazy shots and animation sequences that might be running on a calculator because its going at one frame per second... Ah yes, before I forget, The Character outfits are ludicrous, it looks like VIP clothes you see on a MMORPG that doesn't fit anything. Art/Animation: 3/10 There is nothing worth mentioning in the sound department 3/10 Here comes an example of how to properly nerf powerful characters, if your character is incredibly strong but you failed on pointing a significant weakness to it, then make him a retard. If you can't be creative enough with weaknesses, at least you are guaranteed that you will receive a lot of laughs if you make your characters stupid enough. That's exactly the case in this anime, each team that Hazuki's team encounters is full of retard girls, but don't worry, we all know that they will succeed no matter what. The character cast is full of cringe worthy and laughable characters. There is also a concept of Yuri between Shizuka and Hazuki (the concept grows stronger with the ending) Characters: 2/10 Enjoyment 5/10: Laughable despite being so bad, I'll never forget how a casual conversation on a bath ended up on naked girls fighting each other for no apparent reason. Overall 3/10
Jiggly jiggly heaven in real life! The show that literally melted! There is a lot that can be said about Madchen Madchens decline in quality to episode 9 where after a two week break it came out with animation that rivaled Animegataris' club's animation. It was disappointing and memed on by about everyone. And it makes sense. That episode was terrible. But the show isn't just that episode. In fact the rest of the show is quite good and it's unfortunate that this episode will now overtime the good parts of the show with it's infamy. Yes, there were lackluster parts to the show like the edgy subplot thatdidn't fit in well or the plot in general which wasn't the greatest. But there was also a lot of good. Hazuki was able to gain confidence, friends, and did grow over the course of the series. And added onto that she made her story her own. She took control and even though she was associated with a story that didn't mean the show just copy pasted the story into her life. It was different. Her stepmother and sister were nice. They genuinely cared for her. So did her friends. While there are parallels they weren't all encompassing, but rather natural. Not to mention the character interactions which were a lot of fun. The girls got together well and had this nice push and pull. Also teams like the Russians were very endearing and managed to show their comradary well. They were loveable dorks and I loved how they tried to support each other and i loved how silly they were. That add really shined especially the conclusion to that arc which was silly, heartwarming, and creative. Sure there was a bad plot but the other points were good. And sure the animation and art took a nosedive but it was still nice to see at the beginning. Especially with the unfinished ending and production issues I'm not sure I can recommend it. But I would like to remember the Marchen Madchen i really enjoyed watching. It's just a shame that this will at least for now be an uncompleted story.
It's not a bad anime but it's not an excepcional either. It's a pretty much clichê anime but despite that it's still interesting. The MC is strong but not strong as in "I can kick every one's arses" but in a loving way, treating other people's wounds as we could see on the latest episode (episode 7). It's a funny anime with cute girls. despite missing a bit of actual story, it's a good anime to watch while it's releasing. It's just sad that the team behind this anime gave up on the idea. They took a two or three week break in order to improve animation(since a lot of the episodes had really bad drawings) that resulted in no improvements and, a week after that, they totally shut down the anime, which killed the entire story. This anime as no ending, leaving us, the weebs, to imagine what would happen to the characters, if they'd succeed in their fight or if they'd lose and accomplish nothing. (This was an old review that I made when the anime was releasing and was at episode 7, but changed a couple of things. Sorry if it's confusing in some way). DETAILED SCORE: Story: 5 Art: 6 Sound: 7 Character: 6 Enjoyment: 7
I'll cut this short, just like the anime was. I started watching this by accident. I downloaded an episode of another anime, but the site made some mistake and I got the first episode of this anime instead. I watched it and was hooked from the first episode. This show had a very original take to this kind of story, and the protagonist is also really interesting. Since you probably have an idea of what it is, I'll skip over that part. Overall, this anime was really good, but it had some problems down the line and the 12 episodes it should have had got cut to 10.And let's not talk about episode 9's animation. If I had to say, I recomend everyone give this a go and, if you enjoy it, maybe look at the Light Novel (I know I will). If, let's say, it was anounced that the studio would remake the anime or that they would release the last two episodes in a OVA, I'd still give it a go. To finish this off, I can only say one thing. This anime had a lot of potential and could have been one of those animes that is nice to come back to every now and then, but it was unlucky and met with some problems, so we were left with this sour taste, but, at the very least, it's one more Light Novel to put on my Plan to Read list.
The things Marchen Madchen actually got wonderfully right I swear this is a review but I first have to start off with a bit of background of this anime since I believe people are a bit too harsh in their mocking of this show. While 2018 brought us some terribly animated anime such as the likes of My Sister My Writer and Master of Ragnorok, Marchen Madchen became known as the biggest disaster of the year and is likely set to become the next metaphorical warning pillar of how badly things can go during anime production since the Beserk remakes. The show's suffering is fairly well-documentedthanks to no small effort by the likes of anime news sites and industry reporters like SakugaBlog who have written a great piece on Madchen Marchen and the larger allusion to some of the unsustainable practices of the anime industry. I highly recommend a read through it so you can gain a better understanding of the inner workings of our much-beloved industry. https://blog.sakugabooru.com/2018/03/24/marchen-madchen-a-production-postmortem/ In summery, Marchen Madchen was an unfortunate victim of a well-known snowball-effect in animation production where small problems - that are notably intrinsic to the framework of the production line - build up and start causing massive scheduling issues which all but broke the already delicate and hard-pressed machine. These production problems are often experienced with most anime series but Marchen Madchen seemed to be hit especially hard. Production was so bad that the studio was forced to take the infamous two-week break between episodes 8 and 9 under the pretense of "fixing animation" but they were, in fact, running around panicked and blind trying to find a production assistant for episode 9. The time and budget were all but ruined even before that break but episode 9 surely put the last nail in the coffin and the originally one-cour plan was scraped and the series was forced to end its television run at only 10 episodes. Everyone who knows about Marchen Madchen knows whats wrong with it. Just have a quick read through most of the reviews on this site and the problems are all but apparent - terrible animation, generic and bland story, forgettable cast, confusing tone, pacing issues, the lot. So I'm going to do something different and talk about the things that Marchen Madchen actually does WELL at. To start off the review, I just want to confirm that I genuinely like Madchen Madchen. I went in with very little expectations with only the knowledge of the incredibly low MAL score and that the animation was a disaster but the show managed to charm me in a way that I haven't felt in a long time and it compelled me to write this review. The show tells the story through the eyes of our main character - Kagimura Hazuki - a shy girl with little self-confidence. Upon following a mysterious stranger, she stumbles into a world of magic where she finds herself in a magic school where girls use the power of Origins - classical stories that grant the wielder powers in an allegorical fashion related to the story. She finds that she has become the wielder of one of the strongest Origins- the tale of Cinderella and sets forth on her adventure. Yeah yeah I know this synopsis is one you've probably read a million times by now but I feel this anime has just the right amount of heart put into it by its creators that Hazuki is often criticized as a bit of a wussy character by most people but I believe she is so much more. Her character has a level of genre savviness that allows her to not only create a level of comedic self-awareness but also as a force to drive the themes of the show. Case in point episode 6. The episode prior had Hazuki go through a phase of self-doubt and Hazuki arrives to save her friends from trouble and unlocks her hidden power that is so spectacular it wins them the fight. This sequence of events is incredibly cliché and predictable but for me the scenes worked incredibly well. In a single speech Hazuki managed to become one of the most badass characters of all time as she managed to perfectly cap off the build-up of the shows themes up until that point. The show's thematic and symbolic elements rose far above the mediocre writing and world-building. We are told time and time again that the Origin's the girls possess are given preferential treatment over the girls themselves and much of the conflict in this show focuses on the fate the girls struggle to fight against. What Hazuki did in epsode 6 perfectly ripped into the high and mighty traditional view of abusing the Origin's at the cost of the girls who wield them. Not only that but she also tore into the way stories are told and how people cling too desperately to an untenable tradition in her criticism of the fairy tale of Cinderella - her Origin and a story she herself adored. This was a powerful and immensely satisfying moment that had genuinely great build-up. Add to that the great performance by Hazuki's voice actor, Kusunoki Tomori, and this scene almost singlehandedly saved the previous bland 5 episodes. Hazuki is easily the best character of the show and a strong character in general even if she is somewhat generic. Small sub stories such as the friend of the Academy’s principle leaving her Origin behind and the struggle for Shizuka to hold on to and protect her mother's legacy all contributed to a powerful narrative theme. Even if the show's production was falling apart I get the feeling that the writers and planners were desperate to at least get this one theme through to the audience and I think they did a damn fine job. They never created a heavy-handed and overly-direct manner in which to carry out their message which they really could have done under the excuse of the shot pacing. After the first serious arc concluded, the show took a bit of a breather with our characters facing the Russian team. I had Vietnam-esque flashbacks to just how poorly something like this was handled in a similar show that featured cute girls in a knock-out tournament- Girls und Panzer (in fact, that show also went through production hell almost on the same level as this one but that's a story for another time). I want to be the first to say that episodes 7 and 8 were genuinely funny comedic episodes and that the Russian team were a hilarious gang that gave me a good chuckle more often than not. The level of comedy in this mini-arc is not particularly great nor is it that original but it is well-executed. The situations that were created were clearly thought up by competent writers. In one scene, in a comedic attempt to sabotage the main character's team, the leader of the Russian team sends an e-mail to Hazuki asking her to arrive at a fake meeting in the basement where they can lock her up. How does she get out? Easy. Just use her phone to call her friends thanks to the available Wi-Fi that was used to send the e-mail in the first place and was completely overlooked by the Russian team. I know explaining jokes is in poor taste if there's no context but these types of situations gave rise to a charming, short, easy-to-watch breather arc before we were treated to the disastrous episode 9. Heck, I even found the more serious tone regarding the tainted Origin of one Tatiana from the Russian team to be a pretty good addition. It was short and sweet with a likeable character and that's all you need sometimes. How fortunate we were in getting this arc in the first place since apparently the original light novel (which is clearly much better written) downsized this arc and its comedic parts in place of more serious plot points. Of course, I had to take incredible amounts of liberty in ignoring the implications of the plot points that made me like the anime so much. These would be things related to world building (which is terrible), the rules of the magic system (which were poorly explained), the horrendous pacing (packing an amount of material that could easily fit into 2 cours into just one), the sloppy presentation of the main conflict in the show, and the character writing (which, apart from maybe the main pair of Hazuki and Shizuka and the whole Russian team, were pretty lackluster and bland). Honestly, there's a lot wrong with the show. Even if everything went perfectly fine in the animation production I doubt I would give it more than a 6/10 since everything is mostly bland and simple. But I like this show. I don't exactly know why. Perhaps its a blend of personal reasons and managing to notice legitimate praise-worthy aspects to the show when everyone else pushed it aside. Marchen Madchen is a show that just managed to hit the right notes with me and I think that sits well for me. So what lies ahead for Marchen Madchen? Episodes 11 and 12 were cast into a dark limbo after the series was canned off TV and they face an uncertain and anxious future. The most likely thing that will happen to them, as agreed by most people, is that they will be released as direct-to-DVD and bluray sets for anyone still willing to watch the show. That's if there's anyone on the staff who's still willing to make it, of course... Youtube has some videos with comparisons between the TV and Bluray version of some of its most infamously awful scenes and the improvement in quality is so apparent it's almost like watching two completely different anime. This improvement is certainly most welcome. Marchen Madchen was the last hurrah of the light novel author Tomohiro Matsu before he tragically passed away in 2016. This anime and the controversy surrounding it may probably be the biggest insult to a deceased person. Despite this, at least I found his message that he left behind in this anime. EDIT: After another series of delays to air the episodes during December 2018, they're now trying again for during or after April 2019 "due to circumstances"...yeeeeaaaaahhhh this doesn't smell good... UPDATE (APRIL 2019): They're finally releasing the final 2 episodes. Hope the animators, directors, writers, and producers have worked things out... UPDATE (NOVEMBER 2019): Finally got around to watching the final 2 episodes. It didn't fall outside of my expectations. It was extremely messy, rushed, and convoluted especially since I forgot a lot of the plot threads that were brought up in the series. Also, I have no idea how the mothers of the MCs were related to each other. Weird twists happen a lot too. Animation and direction-wise ep. 11 is really underwhelming. I can see that they hardly had much time to go through with polishing the show despite the long gap. It just looks pretty ugly at times. Episode 12 actually has some nice moments of animation and cinematography which was definitely fresh for this show. Doesn't fix everything, of course, and it's a shame seeing that this is how the series could have been but it's nice that they finally stuck it in the end. Overall, despite how messy everything was (like, really, who the fuck is Arthur? I want the real female Arthur Pendragon *looks longingly at Saber in the distance*) I still like this show. It stuck with it's themes which I personally resonate with me and it still had genuinely good, albeit transient, moments of comedy I enjoyed and chuckled at. Nothing ostensibly bad here and a much welcomed and deserved final rest to one of the most troubled productions in recent memory. Thanks for reading!
So the thing with this anime is that it started off pretty strong, but at about the 9th or 10th episode, it became really mundane and boring. The original charm the show had, that magical feeling art style it had, was just lost. The premise of the show is pretty cool and original. Girls using books about fairy tales to cast magic, who wouldn't like that? But the execution is just terrible and the impressive animation it had at the beginning is just gone. I would suggest to not watch this anime because you could become too attached to these characters and just wind updisappointed. Overall, I give it a 4/10.
The time I watched Märchen Mädchen was when I felt that there was no good anime elsewhere because they are all (well, a lot of them I meant) are mediocre at best. Boy was I right. This anime wasn't particularly dreadful, the art was ok, and the soundtrack was tolerable. But the story and the characters were just so plain and so boring! I'm surprised that I managed to finish all 10 episodes in actuality. I didn't have a care for the main character (I even forgot her name, wow) and I didn't have a care for any of her relationships with the supporting characters.I kinda did like the whole book idea and that everyone had their own little cute outfits from those books. But when we found out that the main character had one of the "special~" versions of the book I literally face palmed and said "of course! she'd be the "chosen one". I found this very cliche, but if you enjoyed it then I won't judge you.This show was clearly not meant for me.
Review (short ver): In a nutshell: Socially awkward lesbo idiot stalks wizard to magical world ---- PROS +Cute magical girls +Storybooks magic designs +Strong side still being cute girls doing cute stuff ---- CONS -Story feels fairly weak-Rest of the most part feels meh --- Review (comments/longer ver): -Story The “serious” part of the story felt the most moronic part somehow. Half of the time the “round table” hags purpose and what they were doing felt just pointless and questionable, the “big villain” purpose and existence was the same. Most plot elements felt like “premises/themes” for general gist/idea but without actual story. So as far as serious plot points went, they were pretty bad. But the cute girls doing cute stuff, their school life drama and character interactions story telling and such was pretty pleasant and enjoyable. What I did like a lot was how they decided to go with magic designs. Magic powers are essentially designed, idea/concept wise after various story books. “Cinderella, little red riding hood, match girl” etc…. Various culture story books essentially. Which as concept was pretty neat. -Character I mean we have plenty of cute stereotypes, but I were not particularly big fan of the main character. Didn’t mind her social awkwardness and closeted yuri aspect. But damn, she was such a damn idiot. We had a side kicks idiots as well, which seems to be running theme. But overall there are plenty of cute characters but sadly not all of them get enough screen time. While the “Japan” school characters get the main focus and for the most part enough time to grow into them, other characters are pretty much dice roll. Overall… once okay as whole the “character” side was okay. Nothing too amazing nor would say particularly bad. -Art & Sound Ending video nice I guess. But yeah, Animation, music, OST etc… was okay I guess. For the genre and content we got it was fitting enough. Nothing too impressive. -Enjoyment & Overall In the end I did enjoy it for the most part. Although the serious part of the story was quite iffy and lacking and everything else felt fairly average, but as whole it had it’s own charm which made it enjoyable cute magical girls doing cute stuff with cool magic type of Anime. And I have a habit rating Anime a bit higher usually people do. Would I recommend it? Eh… I’m neutral on it, like that type of genres and content, watch it, otherwise, find something better. --- Total Score 6/10 --- Review info Reviewing Info: How I rate/review stuff is explained on my site. In a nutshell, my personal opinion outweighs "objective" value Review layout: Unformatted hopefully MAL friendly non-H Review type: Anime Note: Still testing review layouts. This line will be removed when I’m satisfied with the layout.
I didn't know what to expect going in with an anime rated average of 5.39, but I really don't think it deserves to be this low. People are just too pissy and appear to have unnecessarily high expectations. Starting with episode 1, I was pleasantly surprised with how they designed the main character and the direction the story seemed to be heading in. From then on out I knew this anime was definitely underrated by people. The episodes were very fun to watch and the story is overall light and enjoyable. There's no hard topics or a lot of drama so it's a perfect little animeto watch to have some fun. Overall, don't listen to people or watch the reviews. In fact, why are you reading this? Watch anime and make your own calls instead of relying on people's info!