After the sudden death of a student, mysterious things start to happen and a school seemingly falls into madness. Based on the game by KeroQ.
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“I believed in reincarnation until 5 minutes ago.” “Then what happened?” “I died.” - Johnny Hart What would you think of a story that begins on a school roof, with a girl standing beyond the fence on the verge of suicide, and suddenly she starts to discuss death and reincarnat- oops, "metempsychosis", with a young boy voiced by some 40-years old guy, and then to resolve their argument they have a rape intercourse in a different dimension? If your face is now twisted in some confused or disgusted expession then you have a clear idea on how people react after watching this “anime”. Tsui no Sora, commonly translated as Endsky, is a weird show, butnot weird in the sense that eyes weep blood in a pool or black tentacled ball float in the sky. They probably couldn't afford these scenes so they were cut off from this OVA. Originally an eroge from SCA-JI's KeroQ company, Tsui no Sora came out in 1999 as one of the most controversial and bizarre titles produced at the time. It fell right under the newborn genre called “Denpa”, which refers to when ordinary settings are suddenly turned upside down for mysterious reasons and cause people to act odd, victims of the spreading madness. Tsui no Sora fits perfectly under this description, though the “ordinary” and the “strange” have never really any established border throughout the whole episode. In all likelihood, it is the production studio behind the adaptation that is to blame for it, among many other problems. As some readers may know, there are some canonical ways to adapt a visual novel into an anime. The first method is to cover all the major points in the story and, if there are many branching endings with the same value, choose one and conclude the series while sticking to it. The second is to do the bare minimum in order to gain as much as possible from loyal fans, without giving much care toward the actual result. The last one is not having the will and money to do any of the aforementioned, and produce a few hentai DVDs that can promptly be used as paperweight or frisbees. Such was the fate for titles like Kara no Shoujo, YU-NO, MajiKoi and, object of this review, Tsui no Sora. Despite these ominous results, those who tried to squeeze the story into 23 or so minutes (13 without the ero scenes!) should be praised for their attempt to preserve some of the story's main themes. The result is something that is literally unforgettable. From the very beginning, the viewer is presented with an ordinary love comedy between a common wimp and his childhood friend which is (unbelievable but true) a tsundere. But this joyful routine is interrupted by an unfortunate chain of events, which involve rapes, lesbian fantasies, more deep reflections about metempsychosis, and a confession that sounds more like a prostitute advertising her body than a girl expressing her love. Also, it seems like normal people may recover from the trauma of a close friend's death just by eating a hamburger; maybe this is a reference to how real life is more complicated than we make it, and that every bad event just doesn't mean anything if you have someone to rely on (and to scrounge a meal from, for that matter). By the end, everything will finally come together, and with a little help from some ghosts we'll understand how raping girls is actually fundamental in having mystical delusions about metempsychosis. What would Plato think about this? So, are people actually able to reincarnate? Watch this and find out yourself; if per chance you find an answer, then you probably understood this better than the studio that produced it. Story aside, what makes Tsui no Sora truly unforgettable is its technical feats: the art and animation are revolutionary, something totally different from every other production. In fact, it's an incredibly audacious and daring move to use both MSPaint and Power Point toward making an anime. No one had ever thought of this, and the sheer originality of this choice provides for some of the most incredible animation ever seen (in the literal meaning that it's hard to accept them as reality). For those of you who were lucky enough to watch the uncensored version, wait patiently until 2:10. You will certainly feel the urge to screen that single frame and set it as your desktop indefinitely. Last but not least, a great cameo from an american show! They hired the guys who worked on South Park to make the backgrounds, and their work clearly oozes emotion from every monochromatic, two-dimensional building. The sound is also top-notch; what a magnificent idea to hire random passersby as voice actors in order to give the whole anime a very authentic feeling. As a result, we have the bad guy which is basically a short adult who got a plastic surgery to look like a teenager and a protagonist that suffers from a cold in the middle of spring... or summer. It's not very clear what season the anime is set in. Aside from that, we also have the pleasure of feeling the implicit connotations of every sound effect. For example, they illustrate that raping is a bad thing by replacing the sound of ejaculation (which actually has no sound) with some random ripping, as if the guy held onto some paper and ripped it the moment he came. Long story short, Tsui no Sora is, for various reasons, something that you will unlikely forget. Luckily, you also won't wake up screaming in the middle of the night, but the side effects of watching this will affect your mind so much that everything else will appear like a piece of fine art in comparison.
Tsui no Sora can only be described, as perfection. The author, Sca-JI, peaked with the creation of this grand masterpiece. Subahibi and Sakura no Uta look like complete trash in comparison to the mastery Tsui no Sora has achieved. In fact, Subahibi isn't even needed as a remake, when all it is, is a downgrade. The OVA is an excellently told story with great philosophical themes somehow fleshed out immensely within its 24 minute run. Where as Subahibi drags on and on with Ayana spouting nonsense everytime she appears on screen, Tsui no Sora communicates everything Subahibi fumbles at effectively in 24 mins, as opposed to reading an80 hour VN to hear the same shit told to you but in a worse way. Mamiya Takuji's godly being is on full display in this OVA. Who needs something as stupid as the character development, or motivation, or build up for Takuji like in Subahibi, we don't need any of that shit, it's a waste of time. Tsui no Sora doesn't waste our time with snoozefests like that and instead gets straight to the point. Overall, Tsui no Sora is an excellent, thought provoking metacommentary on whether Australia was right to ban hentai. If you're considering reading Subahibi, don't waste your time and watch this instead.
Edit: Spelling errors fixed This hentai makes Boku no Pico a good anime in comparasion. The story (I didn't played the game, so I don't know if it's the same shit or way better) is horrible. It's about girls going bananas after been raped by a guy (one of them kills herself). And the ending is nonsensical. The art and animation were made without any effort. It's so poorly drawn and stiff. For some reason, the sex scenes features moviments that sounds like a crêpe paper been kneaded. The dialogs are very lame and pointless.The characters are boring and forgetful. I didn't find any enjoyment of it. For its not convincing sex scenes to terrible animation. Overall, avoid this at any cost.
tsui no sora is what happens when you try to make hentai in mario paint. i swear, this hentai is funnier than 90% os comedy anime solely due to how horrendous the animation, line delivery and screenplay are. i genuinely think this is the first time i couldn't stop laughing while watching anime. i dont know how to write reviews, so if this is unorganized as fuck, im sorry. the plot is fairly simple. girl gets fucked by 40 year old highschool kid then commits suicide, then 40 year old hs kid kidnaps girls and takes them to his sex dungeon (?) to prevent the end ofthe world, which isn't actually real and it was just a lie? idk it gets super weird towards the end. the animation as previously mentioned, was most likely made in paint, with a mouse. the characters go really off model sometimes, the proportions are fucked up, i remember one time the main character's mouth just disappeared halfway through his line. so why did i give it a 10? simple. i have never been this amused by a hentai in a long time.
This is the perfect first watch Hentai for everyone because it sets a low enough bar that every thing you watch afterwards will look like it was drawn in a 3D VR painting program from 2060. If you want to enjoy Boku no Pico, preface it with this. I sincerely wish that there were more shows like this, because it would make every thing else more enjoyable to watch. I thought that Bible Black had no plot and was uninteresting, but this gave me the same kind of perspective as watching Sam Berns's TED talk; you have absolutely no right to complain.
Tsui no Sora is a hilariously bad hentai. Every scene is very poorly paced, and really awkward. The animation is very poor and riddled with mistakes. The lip-syncing is awful, and there are many parts where there is so little animation that it's embarrassing. Characters almost never blink and almost every background looks very lazily made (some backgrounds are just colour-gradients). During sex scenes, they reuse clips a lot and use animation-loops for way too long. There's even a part where they loop something for 37 whole seconds. Sometimes the animations don't even loop correctly and have a little 'hiccup' in them. Several times instead of cuttingto a new angle they just show you the same shot again but cropped. There's some repetitive music and unfitting sound effects. For the sound of ejaculating, it sounds like they ripped some tissue paper in front of a microphone. The dialogue is weird and awkward. The antagonist's voice doesn't fit. He sounds way older than he is. If you're on the hunt for some of the worst anime ever then definitely check this one out.
This will be my very first and only time I will review a hentai and it is for a special reason. This is the worst hentai and also anime I have ever watched. Never have I seen such a trainwreck. It fails on every front. It has no quality whatsoever. Expect the worst, here is my review of Tsui no Sora. Story: 4/10 I know, judging a hentai of its story is like judging a human on how good it can fly, but this anime has a bad story. A girl want to jump of the building to commit suicide, but a boytries to stop her. Then he rapes her. After the rape, she commits suicide. The man that tried to stop her becomes crazy because she commited suicide and couldn't help her (because he was such a good help). He begins kidnapping girls from his school and force them to do sexual acts. Also there is a random lesbian sex scene taking place in school that adds nothing to the story. Another boy tries to stop him but ultimately fails. Then the FUCKING GHOST OF THE SUICIDAL GIRL appears which scares the crazy boy. After it all fixed the other boy gets a reward from his girl friend (which is sex) and credits. When you make a hentai the story is not important, but if you are going to put effort into it at least make it good. And you know what the worst part is? This was the best part of this anime. Animation: 1/10 The faces change form when moving. The colours are ugly. It is way too much censored. Some cuts don't even make sense. The animation doesn't do one thing right! Sound: 3/10 I always watch hentai with no sound, because I don't like high pitch voices making lewd sounds. But for the sake of it, I listened to the audio, and oh boy. It doesn't need explaining, just listen to it for yourself. It is bad. Characters: 3/10 When you make characters, don't forget them to give character. This anime clearly forgets that. Except for the tsundere girl friend and the crazy boy, the characters can be replaced with pieces of wood and I wouldn't notice. Enjoyment: 2/10 Why do we watch hentai? That's right, to get a boner. This hentai tries to give you that. Emphasis on ''tries'', because I would get more aroused looking at Jacksfilms in a fursuit. Bad timing + Awful animation + Too much censoring = Awkward beyond belief. How can you fuck up the one thing that hentai was made for? HOW? Overal: 2/10 This is the worst anime of all time. I wouldn't even recommend watching it for a laugh, it's just not worth it. Now excuse me, I am going to nearest bleach store.
Utterly incomprehensible. I mean, how could it not be? Adapting an 8 hour visual novel into a single-episode OVA isn't something that I think anyone could do without significant harm, and while I can't claim to have played the original, as it hasn't been translated yet, what I can say is that this OVA is straight up terrible. Its animation is poor, the sex scenes are just repetitive, and the story is impossible to follow. What little there is of it is told in such an empty way that it's basically pointless to try and analyze it. The tasteless shock value is akin to theworst ecchi out there, and the only thing that saves it from being outright offensive is that I've played SubaHibi, a VN with an incredible amount of empathy towards the atrocities it depicts. This is a weird case, because if I had played the original VN, I'm sure I would have a better understanding of the events here, but it might even be worse, because of how short and rushed it is. I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea to try and make this. To take a pillar of the denpa genre and cram it into le fetish slop that lasts about 24 minutes and has the emotional depth of a puddle. I could go on, but honestly, this is really not worth wasting your time on.
This is among the most nauseating things I've ever experienced, the character design resembles that of a 3rd grader's doodles and even that is being generous, the background strains my eyes, the voice acting sounded like it was recorded on a Nokia, in fact, it didn't even sound like the actors are in the same place, several corners were cut in both sound design and animation. The story made absolutely zero sense, the more intimate scenes were simultaneously confusing, sick inducing, and dull, it is an insult to the audience's sight and hearing. Normally hentai is pretty bad where they essentially have sex for noreason, however, this gave the upmost displeasure to watch given the recycled animation that was bad, to begin with, and half-assed awkward grunting with hardly any dialog in between, the characters felt as is they had no souls, I'd have more to say but merely recalling the events of this atrocity has granted me mild PTSD.
I came into this experience not expecting much, as I've never played the visual novel it's based upon and the reviews aren't exactly stellar. But I love bad, old, weird hentai. I adore it. I genuinely cannot name a genre of media I consistently enjoy more than absolutely dogshit hentai. You hand me some garbage that goes into fucking metaphysics in between low budget looped sex scenes and I will lap it out of your palm like a starved poodle. But Tsui no Sora is something else. It's bad, sure, but it's fucking next level bad. And for once I don't mean that as acompliment. I got about seven minutes of ironic enjoyment out of it. Seven minutes of marvelling at the visuals (which, yes, are rather reminiscent of MS Paint, Windows Movie Maker, DeviantArt Flash games and whatever else comes to your mind when you think about what a mentally-stunted 30 year old would use to make baby's first porno,) whisper-shouting "WHAT THE FUCK?" at the empty dark bedroom surrounding me in childlike glee, and Googling what metempsychosis was, wondering if it was some subset of psychosis induced exclusively by this piece of media- it certainly feels like it could be used as a schizophrenia simulator, why not? Seven minutes of skipping through sex scenes to get back to the real fuckfest, seven minutes of disjointed story, seven minutes of heaven for the only person alive who genuinely DOES watch hentai for the plot. And after seven minutes, boy, does the novelty wear off quick. It's mesmerising to start- you find your eyes glued to the screen. It's like a form of hypnosis that starts out fun, like a strange adventure, and as you continue on your journey hopping up over tree roots and onto mossy stones you find the forest around you grows deeper, darker, and by the time you realise how little you like this adventure and look back, the rest of the overgrown woodlands appear just as foreboding. That is to say, it's kind of garbage, and it's not even good garbage. It's not one man's trash and another's treasure- it's just one man's trash and another's rapidly disintegrating Furby from 2008 (not even vintage) that squawks "I love you!" at you as you toss it back in the rubbish heap upon realising it has visible bed bugs. That last part made me sad. I never had a Furby, but I feel a strong emotional connection to them. The TLDR without any convoluted metaphors is that it was funny at first but I got bored, and if you can manage to make something this fucking ridiculous boring, your work's bad. The hentai's 4/10, the knowledge that the Pentagon banned Furbies in 1999 is 10/10.
I thought I had seen the worst Japanese animation had to offer, I really believed that after watching pathetic hentai like Boku no Pico and anime like Byston Well Monogatari, Pupa and Mars of Destruction, but I was so wrong... And here I am, with a masochistic wish looking for terrible hentai at 1 AM. I never thought I would write a review for hentai, but I cannot stay quiet this time. There is not much of an introduction to be written here, let's jump straight to the review of this garbage. Story ~ 0/10 So, we have a story about rape, suicide, reincarnation, some weird spiritual "Endsky"bullshit that does not make the slightest sense. I cannot even tell what this story is about. I thought Pupa's plot was pathetic and the biggest and most confusing piece of crap I would ever find, but Tsui no Sora takes the throne. My brain hurts after this one. Maybe there is some incredibly deep message here, but I am just incredibly dumb and I cannot understand the truth portrayed in this masterpiece... I wish this had no story. It would have been 100x better. Beyond pathetic. I did not read the source, but after watching this I want to stay the hell away from it the further possible. Characters ~ 0/10 I finished watching the hentai 5 minutes ago and I already forgot every character's name, face, and personality. There is not even the smallest effort to make the characters look appealing or distinct. All the characters are super cliché and were incredibly bland, even I could draw more appealing characters than that, for real. Not to mention the hilariously BAD dialog that made me laugh at how pointless it was. It was so bad I did not know I should cry or laugh. Animation ~ 0/10 This must be one of the ugliest and less appealing hentai ever created. I could not even get the slightest boner out of this one. There are no sexy girls, everything is way too censored even for Japanese standards. The censorship was close to fully-censoring the girl's body. I could literally create better-looking hentai with a free program, it looks that bad. The visuals are not only ugly as f*ck, but they also look incredibly amateurish. Hentai where the sex scenes were unpleasant to look at. Now, this is new... Sound ~ 0/10 I am literally the person that always gives a good or decent rating in the sound department, I try to always be positive on this one, even listening to the little boys moaning in Boku no Pico was more pleasant than this. At least Boku no Pico had a decent opening and ending song, but this crappy hentai offended my ears. ALL THE SOUNDS WERE STUPIDLY UNPLEASANT. Every damn voice acting was terrible, every sound was so unnatural, especially the sex sounds. The ejaculation and penetration sound in this hentai were literally some of the most ridiculous sounds I have ever heard in anime/hentai. Every song sounded like it was taken from some cheap porn video. Beyond pathetic. Congratulations Tsui no Sora, the worst sounding hentai ever. Enjoyment ~ 1/10 This was perhaps the most ridiculous Japanese 'animation' I've ever watched. I did not read the novel this is based on, but dear God, the novel looks a lot better than this ugly piece of crap. I do not know until which degree this was an adaptation of the novel or if this even is considered an adaptation at all, but this completely kills any motivation to check the source material. I dare you to try to get the slightest boner out of this one. This hentai serves no purpose whatsoever and fails miserably. Everything looks incredibly amateurish. Why do I even rate enjoyment a 1/10? Because it made me laugh at how terrible the dialog was at least. Conclusion Do not f*cking watch this. Please, spare your mind, eyes, and ears. It will be 20 minutes you will never get back. Do not even try to force yourself to masturbate to this. There is nothing pleasant to look at here. UNLESS you are looking for terrible hentai like I was, and if that is the case, you certainly came to the right place. Seriously, this must be the bottom of the barrel, I truly hope there is nothing worse than this hentai around! I never wished so hard I could rate an anime a 0/10.
I've never really been my forte to throw 1/10s to something, such a number implies a creator has literally zero idea as to what they are doing—like doesn't even understand the preschool basics. So I won't be giving this a 1/10, because this hentai does understand the very basics of hentai, just does them so abysmally that I myself cannot reason a point to merit this a higher score. For the stuff on the side too, if you even care: I forgot most of the story and characters because the narrative is forgettable. The animation is horrendous and it isn't like "2000s VNs mid-quality", you willknow for yourself when you see it. I didn't enjoy this, in fact, me not being one to dislike anime didn't even find this mid, it was just bad, not disgusting enough for me to want to cease function, but just bad, like a 4/10 enjoyment. Anyways, I don't care about this hentai anymore, there is nothing good about it and it's one of the few times MAL's <4.00 scores are accurate. 2/10. Don't come back.
Just wondering how the fucks this thing was greenlit? Story So this girl dies, and then some guys are sex crazy possessed and so this girl is like a tool for them to reach endsky. Yeah I don't get it Art Horrendous, just horrible backgrounds and the characters look like that shitty book on how to draw manga and some scenes are terrible gifs. Not even Hanna Barbera reapeated scenes look like that.Character. Horrible no personality at all. They just exist. Sound The voices don't match and are horrendous. Overall. It is terrible. I mean with barely this short ammount of words I am expressing completely what I just watched. Worst Hentai ever sure it deserves that title.
Pathetic doesn't come close to describing the atrocity of this. Have you seen those one-second glibs that are looped for five minutes? Yeah... Every damn sex scene. Plot? What plot? Characters? What characters? Oh, you mean those dolls that are having sex. It's the creativity of a boy who has just discovered what sex is and has stolen his sister's barbies and is crashing them together in the imitation of sex. Don't bother watching it. Not worth it. I would give a worse rating if I could. Plot? The end of the world. Whoops nevermind, it's not happening. Why is there a minimum requirement for a review?What more can I say? The characters are none existential. The anime treats rape in the same way they always treat it in hentai. Like it isn't rape. It's the "oh, no, don't do it," in the driest tone possible. What was the budget? Did they even break even?
A specter is haunting Europe—the specter of Communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this specter; Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French radicals and German police spies. Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as Communistic by its opponents in power? Where the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of Communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries? Two things result from this fact. I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be in itself a power. II. It is high time that Communists shouldopenly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Specter of Communism with a Manifesto of the party itself.
It’s not that bad got the job done 👍🏻 Yeah I liked the story and when they forgot to censor a bit of it oooo naughty I liked when he watched them and I liked when the green girl appeared and punched him it was ssso cool. The voice acting was top notch honestly inspiring I want to be like them when I’m older truly. The art was super cute liek if South Park and mspaint had a baby like u know those mspaint YouTube anime’s it’s like that. Omg it’s not letting me post this review it’s too short so Stan loona and goodnight Ajasjjqjab help Ineed help asaaaa this was so sexyyyyy aaaa help me reach the word count oh my GOD HAHAHHAHAHAH OKAY yeha it was a pleasant experience I genuinely had a good night like yeah
I only here from the Anime Man. Also, there are only 1s, 2s and 10s here lol. I only here from the Anime Man. Also, there are only 1s, 2s and 10s here lol. I only here from the Anime Man. Also, there are only 1s, 2s and 10s here lol. I only here from the Anime Man. Also, there are only 1s, 2s and 10s here lol. I only here from the Anime Man. Also, there are only 1s, 2s and 10s here lol. I only here from the Anime Man. Also, there are only 1s, 2s and 10s here lol. I only herefrom the Anime Man. Also, there are only 1s, 2s and 10s here lol. I only here from the Anime Man. Also, there are only 1s, 2s and 10s here lol. I only here from the Anime Man. Also, there are only 1s, 2s and 10s here lol. I only here from the Anime Man. Also, there are only 1s, 2s and 10s here lol.
Tsui no Sora the visual novel is a very niche, quirky title that built a foundation for much more robust and deep work, in particular SubaHibi, a cult classic that is less of a hentai game and more a philosophical piece that uses rather off-putting and eccentric porn scenes as one of its storytelling mediums. The older game still has its place in the history of Japanese visual novels and despite many flows, at least offers a cool, disturbing style of storytelling that will constantly mess with the reader. Tsui no Sora the OVA on the other hand is in the top 3 of ugliest animeI've seen and a complete joke narratively-speaking. It's just a piece a hentai with very loose connection to the source material, and because its art and animation are eye hurting, it literally has no redeeming values. Too ugly to work as porn and too dumbed-down and rushed to tell something even resembling a story, it's just an insult to any potential viewer. I'm sad and upset that it exists at all, although if you don't care about the original, you might be able to get some amusement from how bad it is... Not that much though, reading reviews here is generally more fun than watching it. Not recommended.