The protagonist is Guys, a young boy from a poor family, who gets caught for stealing candy from a Paris store. However, after being railroaded by a city detective named Guildias, Guys finds himself accused, convicted, and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a man he never met. From that point on, most Enzai takes place inside a dark, claustrophobic, dirty prison, in there, Guys experiences humiliation and torture of various kinds, much of it involving sexual acts such as rape and forcible sodomy.
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Ah, Enzai. What to say? When I read the summary for the plot and decided to watch this, I thought this might be a reasonably good anime. Mystery aspects involved, art looked decent...what could go wrong. Right? I was wrong. Very wrong. Honestly, within the first five minutes of this anime, I was already stricken by how revolting it was. I nearly turned it off right then and there. Yes, I understand that prison is horrifying. Maybe they wanted to show that. Yada yada yada, but are you people serious? This is a two episode series and I can't even count how many rape scenes there are. Isthat supposed to be sexy? God, I hope not, because if so, it failed miserably. At some points, I felt like vomiting. Don't get me wrong. In terms of storylines, I've seen worse, but I've seen much, much better. Oh, there's still hope for him. Hey, maybe we can get into some plot now...oh wait, nope. Just more rape. Look, the lawyer is back, let's get cracking. Looks like he found something. Now is it time to actually...damn it all, more rape. Rape. Rape. Rape. Pathetic attempt at plot. More rape. I wish I was exaggerating. Really, I do. SPOILERS AHEAD: And, you know what the kicker is? At the end when Guys finally escapes prison and the horrors he found there, what does he do? Turn right around and start doing the same shit that 'sickened' him...with his lawyer! Yup, that's right. I know they only showed a kiss, but come on. None of you are naive enough to think it stays so innocent, right? I don't know about everyone else, but I was astounded. "Awesome. Despite the fact that these characters are kind of one-dimensional, I'm glad...oh come on, really? Now he's making out with his lawyer? Nevermind, I take that back." I know what you're thinking: "But Lusca saved him!" Don't give me that crap. If I was raped dozens of times in prison, no one would even be touching me at all, let alone making out with me. I wouldn't care if that person had slayed a frickin' dragon on my behalf, he still wouldn't be touching me. Guys is supposed to be traumatized, remember? I would be curled up in a ball, trying to pick up the trashed remains that represented my life. Gah...I wouldn't recommend this unless you're interested in shotacon. Or, for whatever reason, rape scenes. It's not worth it. Please save yourself the trouble.
Honesty it sickened me to a high degree it pretty much consisted of rape,rape,rape and more terrible rape some of the rape scenes were completly unwatchable i mean i was close to pukeing. Usually i would write all about the story and the main characters but its not worth it because it was rape scene after rape scene personally the Voice actors who did this should be ashamed to be even part of this project i dont suggest anyone watches this because its absolutly horrible
To make it simple, it is very hardcore. I'd suggest that you do not watch it if you're not ready for the whole concept of sex and the like, because let me tell you that this has a lot of it. At first, I was simply excited as to what it was because the title was somewhat intriguing, but as I go through the middle, I ended up staring and then sometimes wondering what's been happening. The story overall is pretty good, though the ending was somewhat anti-climactic. This is a purely PWP (Porn Without Plot), so I don't suggest it to those under 16. Unless youthink you're mature. ^^;
I always wanted to Review Enzai. I love the game but the Ova not so much. I'm going to explain why. The game has better art, the characters are more developed, and it's longer than the Ova. The Ova has only 2 episodes. In the game you get to talk with many interesting characters. In the Ova you see Guildias as a man who tortures and rapes Guys. But in the game you find out there's more to him than that. He's not only a monster but he has a heart too he's human. He has a good side he rarely shows. When Guys lostthe first Trial he actually really cared. He felt bad for Guys even though Guys didn't believed him at first. In the Anime Guys will only end up with Lusca his laywer. But in the game he can end up with different kinds of people. You will find all sorts of different endings, good or bad. I warn you both the game and Ova have hardcore rape scenes. If you're not into that you better not watch. This is the kind of game you play at 3 A.M at night when you're bored. And it's good! it's all Yaoi think of ''50 Shades of Grey.'' the better gay version of it. Music: It has really bad ass music! It's awesome I love the opening. But it also has really romantic soundtracks in it to. Characters: I love them all!!! Io is a shy boy like me, Vallewida is a guy who goes in ghost mode from time to time, Guildias I love this man his dad abused him and raped him when he was younger, he had a blind mother. His past was just very dark and unfair. But that makes me understand why he is the way he is. Durer a good looking guard who rapes Guys, Shion a boy he meets in prison and falls in love with. Guys says Shion has a face that shines like the sun how romantic. Jose is a bully Io is almost always with him and gets bullied by him. Lusca is a drunk laywer Guys mother hired. And then there's Evan he helps Guys often and is a old friend of Lusca. Tip. People are always asking if you can download the game somewhere. I downloaded it from Simple Files. It was really easy and it gave me no problems. Have fun in murder prison enzai :) Ps. This is my first review ever, please don't set me on fire if it's bad.
Was trying to add spoiler tags but they don't work: *Warning: contain some spoilers, read at your own risk* I just watched this, so thought I'd write a review for it. To be honest, I've read and seen a few yaoi series before, but Enzai can be labeled as one of the unique ones. Story: The story was what attracted me to the series, it's one of those a moment in one's life type of story, compared to a lot of other series out there that show a character's life and their growth. This sort of captures that moment, from when Guys is framed to prison lifeto proven innocent; sure it might not be completely realistic, but it does portray some part of the real world. This is what makes it quite interesting because you learn about a part of the world that exists but personally you've never experienced. Whereas in most other series the world is fantasy or sci-fi and knowing its never real doesn't give me that contemplative feeling. On top of that, what's different about Enzai to the other yaoi's I've read/watched is the yaoi aspect of it seems detatched from the actual plot. Essentially the yaoi needn't even be present to tell the story, so I don't know why it was included; it felt just like an random add on. And honestly, the yaoi wasn't good, so if you want to watch this just for the yaoi, I suggest you turn elsewhere. Art: Animation and art are not bad, I quite liked how they included the still images of everyone at the end. It provides uniqueness compared to the type of anime I've mainly been watching. Sound: Music is used well in this series, character's voices seem to be ok too. I did find Vallewida's voice a little too feminine. Also, Guys' voice seems a bit fake at times, particularly during the yaoi, but like I said the yaoi needn't really be present, so it eliminates a bit of that fakeness. Character: Just one word: Weird lol. There's too many weird pairings in this, and just when I thought it was over, I get that scene when Lusca and Guys kiss and it just leaves me shaking my head. The characters designs are not bad in itself, just the way the characters are presented seem a little bit overdone. Since this is a short OVA, there isn't a real need for so many characters to be involved in sex play, it just makes me less able to connect to any of them. Enjoyment: Putting everything together and probably ignoring the yaoi, it would be quite unique and interesting. Throw in the yaoi, it's still good, but there's just presence of an additional unimportant aspect. Overall: Though it's quite hard to explain about why I enjoyed this series, because I know most people won't understand or appreciate it; I still want to say that I enjoyed watching this.
This is coming from a fan of the original game that goes by the same name, and of the corporation itself, Langmaor: "Enzai" does not live up to the primary work in the slightest. To me, it was nothing but a huge disappointment. I'll agree that it is indeed normal for anime based on visual novels to be poorly adapted. However, "Enzai" takes bad adaptation to a whole new level. First off, the animation. 3/10 It sucks, that is the best way to put it. The original visual novel artwork was drawn by Yura, who were on their early years of activity and were not nearly as skilledas of today, consequently their drawings did not have much detail. Nevertheless, they were graphic enough for the game's grotesque theme and could capture the respective scenes' emotion and meaning with ease. The anime cannot. Even if animated scenes have more effort put into them than still drawings, it seems like the whole process of bringing Guys and his story to life was rushed and made below par. There are unusual anatomy sins and just an unpleasant look overall. I know the whole project and its concept is not supposed to be good looking, yet my face was crooked with disgust throughout the entirety of the two episodes, and not because of the rape scenes for I was used to them. It could be so much better. Onto the characters. 4/10 It's good they have maintained the aura of most characters in this animation. Countering that, they have changed many attributes about other ones. Although this was a 2 episode OVA, there was much more to add to the good adaptations of characters and much more to improve and clear up. We got no backstory except for a quarter of Vallewida's and a hint of the past relationship between Evan and Lusca, maybe a few minutes of Guildias and Myuca as well. Guys' family is nowhere to be seen apart from a cameo appearance of his mother at his judgment. Guildias doesn't look as evil as he's supposed to. Io couldn't be more of an extra. Bollanet just went missing, apparently. Lusca just looks like an imposter trying to pass as a lawyer to take cash from poor, and is no longer that uninterested alcoholic that you struggle so much to put up with and captivate in the game. At most, he is just an airhead. Vallewida just seems like a lunatic, which is personally tragic to me since he is my favourite character from the game. There's no explanation about him whatsoever. And Durer, oh Durer. The one character that made the game so hard for me to swallow. They seem to have tried so hard to make him act as sadistic as possible, it just seems forced at some point in the anime. It is not candid anymore. Those are just to name a few. There is zero explanation as to why everyone is in that prison and just a small pinch of their personalities is shown, therefore no one really manages to be likeable. Unlike the visual novel, it's boring to watch them trying to contribute to the story. The "who is he? What is he going to do? Is he good or evil?" feeling is gone and I miss it. The plot. 5/10 It is the same, thankfully, but good part of it was cut off and replaced with free sex. The ending seems so random due to the lack of answers it hurts to watch. One of the goals of "Enzai" as a game was to show the many horrors men in prison are constantly exposed to, and the visual novel managed to do it well enough. The anime spares half the effort, though. Would be a 0/10 if it didn't follow the original storyline. The voice acting. 7/10 I can't say this has fully disappointed me. Most of the voice actors are the same ones from the game. They are very good at their job, especially Guildias and Vallewida's. Their voices are rich in emotion and very loyal to each moment they are voicing. Since the plot involves a lot of forced sex, they have to be very skilled at portraying specific traits such as humiliation and guilt. The atmosphere of the anime managed to ruin their competence for me, though. Sadly, I could not enjoy it as much. The sexual content. 2/10 One of the biggest downsides of this anime. In the original work, there are much more sex scenes and some are, indeed, random and even unnecessary. However, they are full of emotion. During all the times Guildias abuses the imprisoned men, you can feel all of their shame, how much they dread being there, etc. Either if it is through their voices, the drawings or the text from the game. In the anime, though, it's just free rape. Many of the scenes in the "Enzai" game actually have a rather deep meaning and a more intense shock factor, yet the studio decides to adapt the most generic ones. You can grasp the concept of each scene and take it as you will, but the novel's ability of making you feel sorry for the characters being there has nearly vanished. On top of that, all of the sexual scenes are short, poorly animated and painful. Have an idea of what I'm talking about: some of those scenes from the game made me cry. Some of those same scenes, in the anime, were genuinely funny to watch because of how ridiculous they've become. Overall: 3/10. It is not a good anime, nor a good adaptation. It is distasteful. Should you look forward to see a story set in Napoleonic France about a boy and the horrors he lives in prison, I highly suggest the game instead of this... thing. The game is plain, detailed and nicely done, opposing the anime. It wholeheartedly surprises me that the Langmaor team themselves have supervised the entire project. Again, it has deeply disappointed me as a fan and I could point at many things I would like to see fixed. In the end, though, it's just another bad game adaptation. "Enzai" had a lot of potential to become an anime as successful as the game, but it all went down the drain. I would not recommend this to anyone at all.
Enzai (or, as its name literally translates from in German, "A False Accusation,) takes us to that curiously Japanese part of France where nobody has a French name and everyone is gay. The man character is Guys, named after the gender of people he sleeps with, and together with a bunch of other forgettable characters they seek to survive the horrors of The Prison Legally Distinct from the Bastille. Enzai is two things, at once. On the one hand, it is a criminal drama about corruption, about the abuse of power wielded by those at the very top. It is a showcase of the depravitiesman can do to their fellow man and the heartwarming courage of people determined to see justice done, in spite of it all. On the other hand, Enzai is a gay rape hentai. I do not mean to insult the intelligence of the reader when I say to you that these two things are different, and do not necessarily go well together. The OVA clocks in at only two episodes, which is nowhere near enough time to navigate the jarring shifts in tone and content. Many is the reviewer before me who's complained that all the hardcore rape scenes and sexual humiliation gets in the way of the mystery part of the program. Indeed, the show can only go so long, talking about the mechanics of stab wounds and tense investigations of abandoned houses, before having to remind us that it is, in fact, a hentai. I, respectfully, would like to submit the opposite. Getting past the extreme nature of Enzai's sex scenes, they are bad because their inclusion feels crowbarred in. Characters are not allowed to exist, or have their personalities or backstories properly shown, for longer than a few seconds before we're suddenly being confronted with the long-haired doctor and his latent ability to achieve subspace. Guys is not shown to have any real development as a character. We don't get any sort of indication as to what kind of sexual being he would be without the circumstances forcing him to behave a certain way. We don't even really get any clear indication as to how he feels about being a victim to the warden and his fellow prisoners, as if he's just blindly being pushed along by the plot. The result is a jumbled mess, with too many characters fighting for limited screentime, and that's before we even consider the fact that there's a whole other plot going on around them. In short, Enzai is a subpar mystery and a subpar hentai doing the cartoon "hiding in a trenchcoat" gag. It would have been vastly improved with an extension of the overall runtime, leaving the number of key events intact and filling the rest with the necessary worldbuilding. As it stands, it is nothing more than porn with too much plot getting in the way. I give it a solid Vallewida out of ten.
This anime is amazing. I love everything about it and the art is beautiful. By the way, how can this be child pornography when Guys and most of the characters are over 18? -confused face-
As a fan of the Enzai game, I was very happy they kept the story so close to the original one, the characters and the voice actors. However I feel, maybe because it's only two episodes, that the characters wasn't quite as developed as in the game Also the art wasn't even close to being as good. If you're not into hardcore yaoi (rape, bondage and so on) it's definitely not something you should watch, as this is indeed hardcore yaoi, rape scenes and everything included. However if you're into hardcore yaoi... it's a good watch, but I'd recommend the game instead.
Being that this is an OVA to a game title, I treat it as such: a supplement to the game. It's definitely not for the faint of heart as it contains very graphic (though censored) scenes of rape, sex, and sodomy. The mature content aside, the story is compelling and has good character development (although compressed to due to time constraints). If you want hardcore BL/yaoi, Enzai doesn't disappoint (believe me). The story is also enjoyable. This OVA only does well as a supplement to the game (as it is based on the game's "good" ending and as such can be seen as a spoiler of sorts).
I watch this anime or OVA a long time ago, like five years or so after I finish to read the Visual Novel of this. I was pretty happy this VN got an OVA cause has much it had rape scenes in it, the story and plot was performed and write pretty good in the Visual Novel while the anime itself just "copy and past" only the rape scenes without even bother to explain the plot or WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON most of the time!! like most of the OVA/series base on Visual Novel's of Yaoi (Togainu no Chi I"m looking at you!) itpiss me off so much! yeas it has some rape in the VN, yeas the story is not light or sweet or full of sweet flowers and roses and shit, this story is DARK! and for a dark story it know what it wants and make it very well! and it show how much twisted the society can get! I have to say, the VN show it to us pretty good and clear. and that has much there is always can be bad people in the world, there is also good people and victims that only got there by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. what can happen in life too. I"m guessing they wanted two things by making this crap and cheap OVA: 1. to give animated moving fan service to the fans that already read the Visual Novel and know the full story already. 2. try to animated the ending that the fans wanted, I guess, what also turn out has a poor choice cause again they didn't even bother to build it well like in the VN. so even if I already finish the VN, I won't like this poor execution of an "ending". so if you want to see the actual plot of this, yeas it has a plot and sometimes a really deep one beyond all the hard things and rape that happen in prison READ THE VISUAL NOVEL! even if you a fangirl that looking to see rape between guys, even that look and created very badly in this anime and not worth it! so if you have a strong heart and +18 years old and don't mind some rape scene's with man go read the Visual Novel and don't watch this crap! it just sad! I will not recommends this OVA for a young teens or for anyone.
I don't know what entity propelled me to watch this, maybe it was my curiosity of what will be the ending or my masochism but I can't deny the fact that I watched it. It touches the boarders of shotacon and shitty character development. It could have been better if there were more episodes and so, so much LESS rape. What I'm trying to say is that if it focused more on the plot while telling the characters' stories then maybe, just maybe it would have been better. Actually it would, anything that doesn't involve so many fast pace "tragedies" and not focus only on themain character's problems. I know this anime was based upon a game so that made me want to know more about the characters that revolve around the protagonist because I just know that there's more to this story than just stealing, prison, rape, and corruption. Would I recommend this? No, not really. The story has potential The art is bearable but seeing as it was made on 2004 it can't be helped. The sound is fine nothing really commendable about it while the characters in the anime are dreadful I just know in my bones they were better in the game. Enjoyment? Are you kidding me. No. Overall... 3 Poor