When Keyaru acquired his powers as a Hero who specialized in healing all injuries regardless of severity, it seemed that he would walk the path to a great future. But what awaited him instead was great agony; he was subjected to years of seemingly endless hellish torture and abuse. Keyaru's healing skills allowed him to secretly collect the memories and abilities of those he treated, gradually making him stronger than anyone else. But by the time he reached his full potential, it was far too late—he had already lost everything. Determined to put his life back on track, Keyaru decided to unleash a powerful healing spell that rewound the entire world back to the time before he began to suffer his horrible fate. Equipped with the anguish of his past, he vows to redo everything in order to fulfill a new purpose—to exact revenge upon those who have wronged him. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Finally, after all these years, the definitive magnum opus of the Japanese anime industry is here. Eva who? Shingeki no what? Redo of healer is unironically one of the best shows in recent memory. It’s not for everyone, in fact it’s probably not for most people. That’s fine. It was for me. “You only like Redo because of how edgy it is” Well, you’re not wrong. What makes Kayari so enjoyable is not its story, which is actually pretty good in its own right, but its unique take on the dark fantasy general and how it takes traditional preconceptions of what a MC has to be,and turns them on their head. We have all the same traditional set ups that we’re accustomed to with this genre. JRPG inspired world, OP MC surrounded by a harem of girls, setting out on a quest, etc, ect. Where the series sets itself apart from others is the MCs approach to revenge and life. In traditional series like this, you have a MC who is afraid of hurting people, afraid of women and just a beta male in general. What I love about Keyaru is the fact that he just doesn’t give a fuck. He’s not afraid to tear people apart, literally and figuratively, and he reacts how a normal person in his situation would. I love that. What people often forget about when they write negative reviews and talk about the MCs use of rape as a weapon, is the emotional, physical and psychological abuse that he endured at the hands of the people he gets revenge on. Yes, rape is horrible, but in the context of Kayari it is totally understandable from a literary and logical standpoint why its used in the story. One negative thing about the anime, is the fact that Keyaru’s desire to not hurt anyone who hasn’t hurt him isn’t emphasised. I think that caused a lot of people to hate him as an MC because of the cut monologues that provide context about his emotional state. While Keyaru is not a good guy in the traditional sense, he is not out to hurt people who have not abused him or hurt his companions. He’s not just out raping and killing people for the sake of it. On the animation quality side of things, I think TNK did a better job than I was expecting. The fight scenes are surprisingly well done and the sex scenes are as fluid as you’d hope. I do think the OST was pretty weak, but that’s a rather minor complaint. A story that makes you uncomfortable is not necessarily a bad story. Sometimes we need to have our views and ideas challenged, and I think Kayari can provide that for fans of dark fantasy anime/LNs. Again, you know damn well if this show is for you or not. If you’re just gonna have a meltdown about how edgy it is, just stay away. Kayari gets 10 heals out of 10.
I haven’t written many seasonal reviews this year. I slept on Mushoku. I slept on Promised Neverland Season 2. I slept on the glorious Ex-Arm! I will NOT sleep on Redo of Healer! This is one I absolutely had to review as soon as it finished! I gave this a 4 because Redo of Healer is dogshit, but it’s also hands down the most entertaining anime of Winter 2021! I’m dead serious. So, exactly what kind of idiocy are we in for? In case you aren’t aware, there is a certain sub-genre within the wide world of isekai. These are the isekai like Shield Hero thatwere spawned from the massive success of Mushoku Tensei in 2012. Is Sword Art Online too feminist for you? Are you sick of progressive concepts like “consent” ending up in your anime? These are the anime for you! These are pure power fantasies for a market of angry, young, single men. These series absolutely revel in their level of political incorrectness even by Japanese standards. Mushoku is proud to be pro-pedophilia. Shield Hero is proud to be pro-slavery. To be honest, I don’t actually mind this at all. If these series serve as a healthy outlet for frustration and anger, then they are doing a good thing. I may not be the target audience, but not every piece of media is made for everyone. It is perfectly fine for media to sometimes be exclusive. I worked at a Walmart in Tennessee and sold easily about 500 Pureflix movies every month. I am not offended if a movie is made specifically for straight, white, Evangelical Christians and everyone else is going to have a bad time. Sure, it would of course be an issue if that were every movie, but that doesn’t mean we should take the opposite extreme and try erase 100 percent of those movies! Everyone deserves a movie or show that’s made for them. Sometimes we all want to feel comfort, acceptance, and recognition that we don’t have to work for. So where does Redo of Healer fit into all this? Honestly…I’m not even sure. Redo of Healer takes this reactionary power fantasy SO far that it becomes an absolute joke. At certain points, I was entirely convinced I was watching a Juvenalian satire. In other words, a show that wanted to make fun of these types of isekai by exaggerating their faults. People genuinely like Naofumi from Shield Hero and Rudeus from Mushoku. Keyaru is completely unlikeable by design. There is no twisted worldview where he’s the good guy. He is a force of chaotic evil who happens to be torturing and killing lawful evil because they harmed him. We can laugh our asses off when he casts a spell on his dick to make himself iron hard and slaps a princess in the face. However, it is impossible to see Keyaru a decent person. Just in case the audience ever gets close to sympathizing with him, it gives him a maniacal laugh and clear-cut villain speech where he proves that he doesn’t care about saving anyone and solely cares about himself. He was fully willing to poison and massacre an entire city simply to gain a sex slave that he can manipulate and commit statutory rape against. When a villain tried to massacre a city to draw him out, he just sat there and watched the massacre happen. Only when a merchant he happened to sort of like was killed did he decide on a whim to save a few survivors. When his favorite restaurant was massacred, he didn’t care about the people. He decided to summon a giant bull and have it rape the killers to death in order to “avenge the food”. Keyaru is best described as 10 percent Lelouche, 20 percent Shield Hero, and 70 percent Kefka from Final Fantasy. He is a broken man that has been driven insane by years of torture, drugs, and rape. Now he exists solely to dole out hilariously over the top punishment on all those who wronged him. I’ve argued with several friends on MAL over whether or not Redo was a satire. There are plenty that believe it is actually genuine and the original light novel author is simply that depraved. However, I would argue that Redo of Healer is so ridiculous that it doesn’t even matter if the original author intended it to be serious. The director of the 2006 Wicker Man remake intended it to be a serious and disturbing film that he made as a critique of modern feminism. Nicholas Cage said it best. “When you make a film in which a man dresses up in a bear suit and runs around punching women, you’ve made a comedy.” Redo of Healer can only be classified as a comedy. It’s not really a revenge porn because it isn’t erotic. The sadist who would be satisfied when Keyaru summons 3 ogres to rape and eat an evil lesbian to death will instantly lose his chub when Keyaru busts out a half rack of baby back ribs to munch on and tells her to spread her butthole more. I don’t think it’s clinically possible to get an erection watching this show. The tonal whiplash is simply too intense. Redo of Healer is a comedy just like Top Gun is a gay community cult classic and Dolemite is a comedy and not a serious kung fu film. At a certain point it doesn’t matter if it was entirely intentional or not. Interestingly, this makes Redo of Healer far more inclusive and broadly appealing than Shield Hero or Mushoku. You don’t need to be male to enjoy this show. You don’t have to be straight. You don’t need to be a virgin with rage. All you need to have a ball with Redo of Healer is a dark sense of humor. I’m not going to spend much time covering the plot of this show, because the plot honestly doesn’t matter. Redo is about a sad little twerp who gets tortured for years by a team of evil knights who are bent on global conquest. However, this sad sack is actually an evil genius who is formulating a ridiculous revenge scheme. In the first episode, he uses a magic MacGuffin and goes back in time to take advantage of his absurdly OP powers and inflict suffering on all of his enemies. So how is he so powerful? Allow me to introduce you to the moronic magic system in this anime. Healing powers are considered a cursed gift because you must relive all the memories of whoever you heal. That means experiencing all their pain and suffering. This also means that Keyaru can duplicate the spells and abilities of anyone he has healed because he has their memories and knows how to do it. Here’s why that’s so stupid. Keyaru never exercises and isn’t in good shape. He hasn’t conditioned his body at all. Yet he’s able to run at superhuman speed and has superhuman strength simply by having the memories of great athletes. Just because you theoretically know how to run doesn’t mean you’ll be as fast as Usain Bolt! A doctor with poor hand eye coordination can know exactly how to perform a surgery and still won’t be able to do it! He also doesn’t have an abnormally high level of mana, but can cast S tier spells because he knows the basics of how to do it. Keyaru’s power is either intended to be a joke or the author of the LN is a complete moron. Honestly, it could be either from what I’ve seen of the man’s interviews. However, Keyaru’s bullshit power has one amazing upside for the viewer. Every single spell in existence is activated by the incantation “HEAL!” This means that every single battle in the show is Keyaru just screaming “HEAL! HEAL! HEAL! HEAL!” ad infinitum. I can’t describe how funny this becomes after a few episodes. All credit goes to Keyaru’s amazing voice actor. If that man ever comes here to my town, he will never have to buy a drink! I will pay his bar tab for life! Should you watch Redo of Healer? If you can appreciate dark comedy and want to laugh at something stupid, I absolutely recommend this one! I’m a little sad I can’t bring myself to rate it higher, but it’s also a pretty lousy show on an art and technical level. Definitely bring this title to your next bad movie night. You will be laughing until tears stream down your faces! Shame on Funimation for adapting the virgin Mushoku and not dubbing the Chad Redo of Healer. This should be seen and enjoyed by as many people as possible!
I stayed up watching this anime a whole night and did not sleep, this is one of the greatest anime ever made. The mc of this anime is LITERALLY me. Please watch this anime it's SO good, everyone who said they couldn't sleep after watching it is a troll. It's really funny and there's a cute demon girl so it's definitely worth a watch. The story is so unbelievably unique, I wish there was more anime like this. All the characters are wonderful, the writing is perfect. The reactions of each characters are unbelievably realistic, I can confirm that the way they reacted in those situations are 100%accurate to how people react to those situations in real life. I think anyone would LOVE this anime, I highly recommend it for you and your uncle. Reviewer’s Rating: 10
Shield Hero is having an inferiority complex rn. Ok hear me out, I really want to give this an ironic high rating, but it is literally beyond my capability to even do so. Like I want to be super quirky like other reviewers who rate ironically too :( you know like those 10/10 Ex-Arm reviews that pose a threat to comedy, or perchance the voguish undaunted NTR-immune de-Twitter’d armor-plated exemplars who fervently admire this sort of stuffs. Anyhow, it’s bad, because it kinda gets boring especially towards the end. But still not that bad. After 12 episodes, I barely even know what happens. Comment on my intelligencehowever you want, but whenever I watch this show, my attention span halves and my brain ceases to intellectually function (though confessedly I just don’t really care about whatever was going on). But that didn’t matter. In the end, what matters is that I was slightly amused by the show, sardonic or not, yet also got bored of it pretty quickly. And if there’s anything I ought to be mindful of, it is that unlike Shield Hero, our protagonist healer hero isn’t some midway morally ambiguous caitiff that we’re supposed to like. Ironically, that makes it all the better. Let’s get one thing straight first. The discourse on morality, sexual violence and (hate to even type this) ‘thematic depth’ regarding this show is all worthless to me, because for a torture porn to receive such a treatment is unthinkable. It’s like saying “I watch Ruggero Deodato’s movies for the plot”. Now after finishing the show you might be wondering, why are the characters over-the-top unhinged subhuman garbage with no redeeming quality? The answer is rather simple: they aren't supposed to deserve the audience’s remorse. Essentially the classic “look at how satisfying the rape revenge brought upon these scums of the earth is”, which is integral to how torture porn works. None of this is meant to help you understand more about rape and revenge, and since this is no meaningful writing in my book, I wouldn’t take it seriously either. We, the audience, are conditioned to feel absolute contempt and hatred for the abusers, for it's only natural, and rational, to despise humans who have shown zero human traits and committed countless evil deeds. So conveniently, the show justifies these comically malicious characters’ suffering, superficially appealing to the instinctual human response. Of course whether you’re content with the revenge or not is within your power, yet it's practically undeniable that such is the intent. So, nuancing something this openly farcical and exploitative, be it under positive or negative light, is just mindboggling. “But no one deserves to be tortured.” Ok save that for a serious talk. Because even more conveniently, a once sane, upright jack of a protagonist has become a psychopath beyond recognition, understandably after years of torment. Convenient, isn’t it? For whatever a psychopath does isn’t within the realm of morality. It matters not if you disagree with the dude's perspective on punishments, because the man is already as far from sanity as humanly possible. Better yet, the show is completely aware of this, and acknowledges how evil the MC is. I wouldn’t consider laughing manically after bathing under the blood of the soldiers who just killed the people from your own village is very batman-like; at least from how I see it, the show doesn’t make it seem cool? Sure it works in favor of evil, but it isn’t deceptive nor does it shun its evilness. And even better, this man also happens to be a literal god with the kind of power that can technically do anything in the name alchemy (time travel(??), altering people’s appearance, forceful erection, hentai mind-breaking, etc.). Yes it makes no sense, though this is all but an excuse. It excuses his actions, his revenge, his methods, his fucking, his every misdeed simply because it needs to get to the point, the torture porn. There’s nothing deeper about it. In a way, this makes it hysterically enjoyable to watch at times. Watching a comically-treated gloating, egomaniacal psychopath not giving a damn about anything even if he might appear otherwise at first, and how his hedonic schemes are equally as horrible as his victims, is all so hilarious for whatever reasons. I also couldn't care less about whatever happens to the mc because he’s a purely wicked guy himself. So to sum up the experience, it's like witnessing an inhuman villain slaughtering other inhuman villains while the whole thing is so absurdly comical, and it’s quite honestly not that bad (at first). Sadly, the formula gets worn out pretty quickly and soon enough, the show loses much of its entertainment (after 4 or maybe 5 episodes). Everything is repetitive, which is to be expected, ultimately becoming the greatest flaw. Sure there might be 1 or 2 funny things happen once in a while to tingle my mingle like the ferocious shadow schlong. But generally, there isn’t much to look forward to, because the formula is kept completely static. Our protagonist's path of vengeance won't see any alternatives for as long as this goes on, and the outcome is predictably a 2-sides-of-the-coin. Whatever triumph lies ahead or catastrophe befalls the protagonist simply doesn't compel me, because I have no care for him in the first place. I take none of this seriously so it shouldn't come as a surprise that for a repetitive formula, nothing can be of interest for a 12-episode length. I guess avoiding the pitfall of Shield Hero (not making a meant-to-be-adored MC and revenge a complete pain in the ass to sit through) can only benefit it so much. In exploitation, enjoyment is everything. While it's rather amusing to take in the self-aware irony and hilarity, it isn't nearly enough to compensate the dreary repetitiveness and a direction that doesn’t pique my interest. Btw I didn’t watch most of the Shield-Hero-esque trading/investigating/wandering shenanigans but I get the gist of it. Still let’s just say Redo of Healer does it better and thus is a wholly better show because we all know that’s true. For the overall production quality, it’s aight like a mid-tier hentai I didn’t really care. The voice acting makes it pretty funny though, so I approve that. That said, it's whatever. Now, onto the real questions. Does it make you a psychopath for enjoying how absurdly psychopathic the protagonist is? No. Does it make you a subhuman garbage who deserves no remorse for rooting for the dude? Probably not (except if you actually take it seriously in some twisted way, but morality is shit-fest of a discussion anyway). And does it make you a man of virtue for feeling sick watching a torture porn? Fuck no. Also you have the carte blanche to jerk off to this, yeah I know you’re welcome. Enough said, Shield Hero can go suck Healer Hero’s long shadow schlong. This is objectively the superior revenge tale.
Well, this series is disturbing AF An extreamly dark story which leaves nothing to the imagination, i would not recommend this to the faint hearted, but if you can stomach the gore and want to see a pretty damn realistic rendition of how abuse can mentally f**k someone up, then follow Keyaru's journey of revenge against a lot of horrible people who do horrible, despicable things Maybe this is because it's coming from the point of view of a straight woman, but i could've done without the near hentai scenes (aka 50% of the series), i understand storywise why there is a sort of obsession around thissubject, but i had no need for seeing these play out in graphic detail on screen, i would've rather the story focus more on the psychological aspect of things, which is the part of the show that kept me watching till the end, along with the revenge... Yup, i'm one vendictive little b**ch
86, Akame Ga Kill, and Redo of Healer are the only anime I've watched more than once. I've watched each 3 times now. If that tells you anything. If you get offended easily, this is certainly not for you, but you should still watch it. And if you're not easily offended, especially if you are a child of the 90s when revenge movies were at their peak and we enjoyed edge to our entertainment, you will likely love this anime. Braveheart, Gladiator, The Crow, Redo of Healer *It's unlike Any other anime. Do you ever get sick of anime where the girls are hyper romantically aggressive and the guys runaway with nosebleeds because they must not have functioning $!+%s? Well, Redo of Healer may just be for you. How about when the protagonist is treated like absolute dogs%$#, but then forgives the bad-guys (and girls) no matter what. Then instantly the most awful characters become good through the power of friendship. Ever get sick of that? Well, Redo of Healer may just be for you. Do you think Frieren was boring af, and that the titular character was snooty and unlikeable? And that it has no right to be listed higher than Fullmetal Alchemist? *Wait, does watching each version of FMA count as another anime I watched twice? Anyway, Redo of Healer may just be for you. Sadly, because we live in a perpetually offended society in the West, this did not and won't get a dub. The one negative thing about it. Though I am excited that another season seems more likely than not. The score of this anime just shows you can't trust the scoring system and should read reviews for any anime you find interesting. Or better yet, what I like to do is give it two episodes and see for myself.
I refuse to except a show is bad merely because it offends the social sensibilities of polite society. I understand this is a nuanced debate, but if you think about it, there is quite a lot of hentai and live action adult videos that technically feature rape. However, the tone of these films aren’t as soul-crushing as it should be, because ultimately, the purpose of pornography is to arouse the audience, not depress them. Yes, if you peel back the layers of what you’re watching on a literal level, the moral atrocity being depicted is just as atrocious, but it isn’t conveyed in a manneryou could call particularly realistic, so this way, you can still walk away from the experience—which you assumably jerked off to—still feeling like yourself and the rest of humanity deserves to continue existing on this planet. But, let’s say you weren’t just getting off to obviously fictitious, staged, and playfully produced pornography, and were instead watching content which aimed to look and feel as close to reality as actual first-degree rape does. Presuming you’re not at least a little bit of a sociopath, this uncomfortable, ugly experience would probably feel a lot like watching Redo of Healer, because while it itself surely stands as a piece of social commentary in a metatextual sense, its actual content is in no way thoughtful. Given the infamy behind this show, you almost certainly know everything about it already, but there’s a reason as to why it’s more controversial than it is simply sensational. The main character Keyaru is a cleric in a generic fantasy world who is forced to be a healer in the party of a sadistic and psychopathic princess who physically and sexually abuses him as much as livingly possible until, through a series of convoluted light novel nonsense, he flips the script on her and gains the power to exact torturous revenge for his own personal pleasure, and the show takes great joy in portraying the single most debasing treatment of human beings that is able to be shown on Japanese television, because to satisfy the urges and angsts of the author about whom I dare not speculate, this world he created is just that bizarrely cruel. While the show quickly becomes a fairly standard harem anime, only one shameless enough to have the main character constantly fucking his waifus on screen, the show never fully escapes the unpleasant feeling it began with, not because of the silly gore or edgy plot threads it occasionally pursues, but because the original fetish became a permanent fixture of the plot when Keyaru lobotomizes the princess and keeps her amongst his ever-growing harem of manipulated, sometimes helpless, groomed young women. The moral discourse fans of this series insist on entertaining is inherently reactionary because the only reason people started talking about this series to being with was how immaturely offended they were by its premise, and while I must stress I am not defending this show as a good anime, I do disagree with those claiming this anime is somehow a glorification or justification of rape, depicting it as if it can be used as a tool of justice, because if you ask me, this isn’t justice and isn’t trying to be at all. This is a barbarous show which I don’t see acting like a moral compass of any kind to anyone. You can try to have a discussion about whether Keyaru’s actions are right or wrong, but at the end of the day, it’s just softcore porn. Like, I’m sorry to undercut your image of this show as a socially provocative work of art—which is totally not just incel shit, guys, I promise—but that’s all it is. It’s for people who get off on the idea rape not as an action, but as a fetishized sexual encounter one can imagine for masturbation or (hopefully consensual) foreplay. It’s something titillating which you can’t have in real life with real women, because real women aren’t actually evil enough to deserve this kind of treatment, but you just have to indulge your frustrations somewhere, because I guess that’s how men blow off steam. That is what’s so great about fiction, though. I’m not the kind of out-of-touch moron who thinks video games make kids violent or anything like that, but I still can’t help but feel somewhat relieved any average MGTOW can conjure up an over-the-top scenario such as this one to relieve some of the hatred they have for women without actually having to victimize anyone in real life. Don’t get me wrong. The people Keyaru takes revenge upon did equally heinous things to him first, and without sound justification, so if you expect me to shed even a single tear on behalf of their suffering, even the princess who he viciously raped, you’ve got another thing coming, but since not a single character is ultimately a good person, I still can’t agree with the alleged “fans” of this series who proclaim to actually enjoy watching it, because it’s just an uninviting chore to sit though. It has no goodness to offer, and the stark hatred it has for the world around it has nothing to say about anyone or anything. Keyaru isn’t against evil, he’s against these specific people. He doesn’t care about the countless injustices going on in the world around him, he just cares about bringing hell back to these people and making them alone pay not for their crimes against humanity, but for their crimes against him personally. They were unquestionably evil to him, but now he too is a bad person who should not be celebrated by anyone, and while his story becomes a somewhat generic fantasy harem anime which is simply edgier than its contemporaries, the themes ultimately offer no moral contrast, hope, nor any meaning which could realistically be interpreted to imply anything more than the gross softcore hentai which it clearly is. There are other anime, grim masterpieces like Texhnolyze, Jin-roh, or Now & Then, Here & There, which are also about suffering and are purposefully miserable to watch, but those have a truly heavy subject matter and depict far darker aspects of humanity than this, and not only do they handle themselves with a deep, meditative, adult sense of maturity, but they’re also well-written and beautifully crafted. For some reason, Redo of Healer has one episode storyboarded by Koichi Ohata, director of Genocyber and MD Geist, and in this episode, he referenced Goya’s “The Third of May 1808” and Ilya Repin’s “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on 16 November 1581” to frame certain shots, so the show isn’t entirely artless, but putting small auteur exceptions aside, the production quality is overwhelmingly ugly and uninspired, and its awful writing is without exception, so whether it has substantive ideas or not, don’t worry. You won’t have to find it morally reprehensible to see it as the awful anime it is. Thank you for reading.
Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi or Redo of Healer changed my life. Redo of Healer is has amazing animation. Redo of Healer has an amazing story. Redo of of Healer has an amazing sound track along with a great opening and ending. The characters are amazing as well especially Keyaru/Keyaruga/chad/legend/god. My enjoyment? MAN THAT WAS AWESOME. When I'm about to watch Redo of Healer, I make sure the door is locked, close the blinds, turn off my phone, make sure there is no interruptions btw I watch the uncensored version like anyone should. I get really really pumped with the opening starts playing then episode startsand man that I cry sometimes of how amazing this show is. I love when Keyaru gets revenge as I'm a big fan of revenge driven plots. However calling this revenge might be an understatement because this MAN GETS MORE THAN REVENGE, this man re shaping the fucked up world that fuck him up to begin with. What does Keyaru do? THIS MAN CUMS, HE CUMS AND KILLS. Uses an OP fucking power simply called Heal to heal the corrupted world he lives in. *Justification on why Keyaruga-sama's action are right and not wrong.* I think his methods are justified. After all hes been treated liked shit, he himself has been raped by multiple men and women, drugged and seduced by his party members. He could do nothing as he was weak. His corrupted mind could have been the main factor to constructing his revenge. He saw an opportunity to make a change and took it, if he had not then he mostly liked would have continued be treated horribly and raped till death. His revenge could actually help the corrupted world/kingdom, Keyaru his not the only one doing horrible things to others, example being the knights invading Setsunas home with intentions to in slave her kind. No dislikes with Keyaru as character. Revenge stories are my favorite so this is why I like Keyaru as a character. Also at the end of the day my man fucks his harem of cute waifu girls absolute CHAD. I will now end this review with saying that this anime is amazing however I of course understand why someone would absolutely think this anime is lower than shit. I will look forward to reading it's light novel or manga. Overall this is an easy 10/10 and this review is pretty shit I know becauses it written by me, danksonic a person who has either GOD taste in anime or TRASH taste in anime. Thank you for reading and also Setsuna is best girl.
Revenge... For many, something good, necessary, a measure that has to be taken, with the objective of improving their reputation and dignity after being betrayed, scolded, hurt. For others, something that should not consume a person's essence, nonsense, since when he takes revenge on someone, the victim becomes as repulsive as the aggressor. Well, 12 episodes were more than enough to decide what Keyaru has become: a boy who, at the beginning, wants to take revenge for maintaining a minimum of dignity, but who has absorbed a possession and an excessive addiction to rotten, horrible and sick. Honestly, talking about Kaifuku will be difficult, since thereis not much to discuss. We'll start with the protagonist, Keyaru. He is a young man, who has been blessed with an incalculable power throughout the universe of history: the ability to heal immense and even fatal damage from other heroes and warriors in the Kingdom of Jioral. However, Keyaru is constantly abused by the inhabitants who struggle to defend the place. The main group, Bullet, Blade and Flare, is the one that most abuses the protagonist, from cursing to sexual acts. "Keyaru is a young man who must not suffer, he has done nothing... He does not deserve this." Well, if Kaifuku was a show that, due to its proposal, was suited to the minimum qualities of positively developing the protagonist, I could accept this argument. However, everything, absolutely EVERYTHING is degraded as the episodes pass. Well, Keyaru finally gets a power that makes him go back to the past (parallel world? Possibly, but Kaifuku doesn't care about that) and can rebuild his life, taking revenge on his molesters. And how to take revenge on horrendous people, with no humanity at heart? The answer is simple for Keyaru, ladies and gentlemen, treating him the same way he was abused. Here we already have a problem, perhaps the biggest problem for the entire show. The anime does not hide that the protagonist is sick and further intensifies it in order to treat what he does as something normal. Okay, it would be understandable if these acts were only used against those who molested him a second time, in this "second world", before Keyaru gained resistance to one of the drugs offered by our sweet and beloved Princesses Flare. But no, as much as Keyaru has this objective of only punishing those who deserve it, he is completely lost. After doing what he did to Flare, in addition to faking her death, Keyaru isolates himself in a suburban city, erasing Flare's memories, in addition to changing her name. In addition to being completely edgy, Keyaru has a multitude of peculiarities that defy his own disturbing mentality. The protagonist ironically conflicts with the reasons why he is doing the evil actions. At the same time that he repudiates the violence of the Jioral warriors, who arrest the people of the village of Keyaru, he is saddened, as an appealing way of possessing some boast and decency. That's right! One action of a kingdom is enough, according to the anime, to soften, justify and trivialize the actions of our eternal protagonist. It is not as if this is not something socially "accepted". In fact, ancient peoples already used some legislation to punish and nullify crimes. The Hammurabi Code and the "Eye for an eye" law are two of the many instruments that founded the infinite rules of morals and ethics in our world. However, it is poorly used in Kaifuku. In these instruments of inspection of the order of society, the intervener is the leader of the kingdom or the city itself. However, Keyaru takes responsibility for himself, as a legitimate defense and being solely responsible for this "adequacy of society". Keyaru himself assumes himself as a good character, a reference, someone to follow, as if he were a God. This kind of mentality degrades not only him, but his actions. It is understandable to see him attempting his redemption in some way, but does it need to be the same as the warriors did? He reset the world, was chosen again to be a hero in Jioral, defied his own sanity and promoted his "victory". The show also tries to alternate the protagonist's thoughts and ideals, when the people of his native village are taken to the kingdom as a way of attracting Keyaru. Furthermore, the woman who took care of Keyaru, being like a mother to him, is (OF COURSE) raped. If Kaifuku was decent, even a change of face would be easily accepted, but no... not in Kaifuku. What Keyaru does doesn’t change Flare’s look practically, and it already puts the entire anime in a state of meaningless garbage. How can Keyaru just change his name to "Keyaruga", Flare become "Freia" and say "It's okay, no one will notice."? Any idiot would easily realize that he had changed nothing, literally nothing, of the two. TNK Studio is not to blame, it comes from the manga, when he gave more accurate illustrations about the characters. It is not possible that nobody warned Souken Haga, the manga's illustrator, to change the look more radically. And that is one of the minimum problems. Kaifuku doesn't stop there... What to talk about the development of the group that Keyaru builds over time? Well, Setsuna, Crylet and Eve Reese are the other girls in this disgusting harem. Each with its goals, of course, has no way for Keyaru to achieve its ambitions without them. Setsuna is an ice wolf, who wants to annihilate those who almost wiped out her race people; Crylet is a warrior from the Kingdom of Jioral who surrenders to Keyaru having recovered his arm after an incident, even at the beginning of the anime: Eve Reese is a demon who aims to become her People's Leader. All of them, in some way, have their reasons for relating to Keyaru, but the show leaves that aside. The anime wants to show sex... And more sex... And more sex... Yes, Kaifuku only knows how to identify this as a reason to continue his productions. In addition to having completely horrible flashbacks of Keyaru being raped and taking revenge on some characters, the group he finds himself in does not stop surrendering to the "best anime protagonist". The reason? Well, in most cases it is a daily routine to increase the maximum level ability in the fantasy world. Yes, they completely missed even that. And the power of Keyaru? Healer? Really? He has an ex-machina power, which does literally everything he wants??? Anything that could be a problem for Keyaru's goals is rendered useless from the moment he has the capacity to do literally EVERYTHING. The fanciful elements are already appealing when Keyaru speaks "Heal" constantly, even more so when the hero's "liquid" is something sacred in this world, a holy chalice. Urgh !! This is really despicable to think about. "What if Kaifuku was a Hentai? Would it be a good anime for that genre?" ~ Being honest, I would already consider Kaifuku a Hentai, because in addition to designing content with explicit and excessive sex scenes, the show has a very common proposal in anime for adults. In many cases, hentais address topics such as rape, mind break, blackmail, threats, ahegao and other techniques of intensity, with the aim of promoting libidinous action to those who assist. Kaifuku has all these techniques mentioned, but it is very difficult to imagine that the theme of the show helps to even be a support for excitement, since it is mainly an anime that assumed to be a story of redemption for a character who suffered a lot. The show sells that idea, we buy it. Some do not like it and give up to continue... Others continue and want to see the level that the show can reach. Unfortunately, the same show that was wrong to be an anime with a good story, was wrong to have ecchi, in addition to making mistakes even if it was, by definition, a hentai. It is really sad, after just over a year, to see another show decaying the minimum quality that some ecchis have already brought. Anyone who remembers Ishuzoku Reviewers knows that his idea is something that makes it easier for the show to have a fun and innovative story. Kaifuku tried to be innovative and, at the same time, wanted to be more than he could. The manga is no different. I remember when I started reading Kaifuku and I remember that I already thought everything the chapters proposed was okay. But today, two years after reading this manga, I seriously rethink the reasons that made me accept such a chaotic evolution of history. The only thing I can positively extract from the entire franchise is just the fact that it was the first manga I read. Of course, I was unaware of how bad it was. I was just a 15/16 year old boy who looked at this and thought it was "cool". Today I just think it's rubbish. A quality that exists only in the synopsis. And what about your huge production? Well, she is objectively bad. Kaifuku presents an acceptable animation, but absolutely generic (remember, the biggest culprit of this is the manga's illustrator), in addition to a very bad scene composition. The show's director should now rethink having chosen Kaifuku to do his job now. Of course, I think the show must have been turned down countless times and ended up in one of the worst studios today. TNK was never a great promoter of good and decent works (DxD and School Days are enough to exemplify this), now it's Kaifuku. The magnum opus of destruction, chaos misunderstood. A masterpiece from 2021? Maybe... Maybe even Ex-Arm doesn't get over this character deconstruction. Maybe we're crazy... No more... This anime does not know how to take advantage of the revenge concepts and is not limited to just narrating... Kaifuku wants to be a hentai in disguise. Well, he did it, now the show has two versions, censored and adult. And what do we have? A horrible adaptation of a manga that was already horrible, of a light novel that is possibly not good either... This is the disaster of 2021 ladies and gentlemen. And I really hope that they have some neurons to understand that, no matter how it gets transmitted. Even though Keyaru has his reasons (which is already stupid, as he might as well do other acts instead of rape rape rape), the show does not hide the hell it is to sit in a chair and watch another video of the week, with a new and disposable episode, as Kaifuku has always been. It is not just because it is an anime that has different revenge that it is being judged wrongly. It's about reusing a story that seems to be a good one, but constantly misses the initial goals, the World building and the characters, in addition to bringing a disgusting staff. Today, Kaifuku is nothing more than an object of consumption to never be seen again. It is possibly the worst show I have ever seen and this is not an exaggeration on my part, it is a personal manifestation of how it shouldn't exist.Tolerance is something that the author should know, but it seems that he will not be silent in the face of controversies, since this profits his financial balance... A definite offense... Just that... Kaifuku must be overlooked.
The idea which Redo of a Healer most attempts to explore is not revenge or whether people are redeemable or not, but rather the idea that one's environment makes a person. The core premise of the series is that a kind/selfless kid was absolutely destroyed by his environment and turned into more or less a psychopathic monster. The story isn't questioning whether Keyaru can be "redeemed" or not, nor whether Flare/Blade/Norn/etc could possibly be "redeemed", but rather examining how their environments changed them and how different environments could make a difference. Flare ended up the way she did because her father is a sociopath who nevershowed her any love, and throughout her childhood she was aggressively scorned by all those around her until eventually she became a Hero and thus got the upper hand on them. She had been hurt by people in positions of power for her whole life, and now it was her turn. Is she "redeemable"? Does the tragedy behind the way she grew up "justify" what she does? Healer as a story doesn't care about these questions. All it cares about is that Flare wasn't born this way - her environment shaped her, and when given a new environment by Keyaru, she changes in turn. It's important to note that although he does lock away her memories, her "nature" still shines through as Freiya, so it's not like he creates an entirely new identity for her. He observes that without her father's racist influence, she never ends up squashing her secret hope for all races (demons/humans/demihumans/etc) to join together and live in peace. Now, all this doesn't translate directly into Keyaru trying to "redeem" everyone, nor does the series imply he should. That people are molded by their environment is just a fact of reality which sometimes has negative consequences; it's not something that frees people of responsibility for their actions, nor is it something that obligates Keyaru to try to create a perfect environment for everyone (no more so than you or I are obligated to). In the first place, to posit that a character needs to be "redeemed" or not relies on deeming them as inherently evil or inherently flawed, and this is not a judgment Healer attempts to make. Reason being, it's pretty shallow to try to delineate people between between the archetypes of "good" and "evil", since this is ultimately just playing with language and arbitrarily marking some behaviors as "good" and others as "evil". It's the classic example of how stealing is bad when you do it frivolously but justifiable when you do it to help your family or survive; if you try to think about ethics in this black and white way then you end up spending millennia playing with language without solving any real problems, just like moral philosophers have been doing for quite some time. There's never any end to it and all conclusions are just labyrinth amalgams of senseless words rather than any meaningful analysis as to the nature of human beings. Naturally, Redo of a Healer is far too mature of a story to be bogged down by such amateurish pitfalls. It's interested in looking at people, how they grow, how their environments shape them (as mentioned), and what they can do to change themselves (e.g. change their environment). These are practical discussions that actually are meaningful, as opposed to being arbitrary ethical constructs. Keyaru is not some shallow moral philosopher wanna-be defining whether people are evil or redeemable or not. He just looks at what they do, how it impacts him, and makes real-life decisions based on those factors. The whole point of the early story, even, is that Keyaruga only kills people who hurt him personally, hence all that stuff about philosophy of revenge (which admittedly is pretty dumb, but the point of all that is that he's deranged anyway). Point being, it would be pretty infantile to approach Healer as a work of good/evil, redemption/corruption, etc. The characters are nuanced and grow like real humans do. They make their decisions based on their goals and interests. There are no battles of "good vs evil" here (fuck, even the Demon King is explicitly not a bad person). The only morally obsessed character in the series in Kureha and she gets exploited for it, rather than hailed a paragon of virtue. One we have this established we can finally attempt to judge the show Redo of a Healer on more than a surface level. Discard from your mind all preconceptions of what you think the show is about based on surface-level evaluations: Is it about glorifying the satisfaction of revenge? Is it a simple power fantasy meant to titillate and nothing more? Is it about the author creating evil characters and reveling in creating a Hero that can give them what they deserve? No. At the end of the day, attempting to tie stories down to overarching themes and morals like this is a plague of post-modernisms that infects modern criticism. Redo of a Healer is a quintessential example of a story written with a pure heart, with the author hoping nothing more than to create a world and realistic characters behaving in understandable ways, without imposing any judgment on his own characters or attempting to exploit their struggles to push some theme. J. R. R. Tolkein once said that readers often mistook applicability of allegory, and to understand Healer we must understand the author is attempting to create a world with secondary belief here, not a thinly veiled allegory for real life. Thus it would be most efficient to analyze Healer by starting with the protagonist, Keyaru. This character is far more profound than the average anime viewer seems to understand, as I hinted at earlier. I think that shallow media out there has given us the implicit understanding that insane characters are actually profoundly intelligent and rational on the inside - the Jokers of the world with their calculated plans and metaphor-laden speeches. Keyaru, however, is deranged. The four years of torture legitimately damaged his mind and deeply hurt his psyche to the point he felt forced to escape into an alternate identity, Keyaruga, for fear of continuing to be his "weak" self, since being himself led to his aforementioned torture. The psychosis and insanity he experiences is all too real, and everyone mocking his actions as stupid, irrational, self-centered, etc are missing the point - that's exactly what a mentally deranged person would do! They wouldn't have perfect rationale for all their actions. They wouldn't have iron-tight philosophies. They would be deranged, and Keyaru is very deranged indeed. Imagine, if you will, how you might imagine an innocent young 14 would react after four years of non-stop abuse and torture. I think it's not hard to imagine them having their mind shatter and being forced to clinging to shallow ideas of "revenge" just to keep themselves going. Because indeed, he was morphed by his environment, and it was a bad environment indeed. I think people want the author to lambast Keyaru for being so fucked up. Other people want the story to double down and embrace his actions. However, both options involve judgments that aren't fair to make, and the author understands this. The work offers no judgment on Keyaru - it does not call him evil, much like it doesn't call the other characters evil, and it doesn't double-down on justifying his deranged behavior, either. For better or worse he is the product of his environment, and the author is not about to lambast a man for being shaped by his environment. With this in mind we can piece together how the other characters in the story parallel this - Flare, in the way I mentioned earlier; Norn, who did everything she could to earn attention after being ignored for so long, including adopting sadistic and cruel philosophers to prosper in the corrupted kingdom; Bullet, who experienced an unexplained tragedy 3 years prior to the start of the story so terrible that it is shocking that he even can speak or act human at all; Blade, who was raised in luxury and never experienced being chastised for her actions, etc. Are any of these characters determined to be evil? Irredeemable? Redeemable? No. They are simply human beings shaped by their environment, and the author does not choose to make any claims as to whether people hurt or misled by their environment are good nor evil, redeemable nor redeemable, etc. They are simply people, and their behavior in the story reflects this. Thus begins Keyaruga's rampage. On a technical level, the story itself is a bit unremarkable. Standard fantasy tropes with stats, level caps, and basic adventure with a regular helping of sex to spice things up. However, I think it's far more competent than it's given credit for. Keyaruga's Heal is overpowered for sure, but in general it's most useful for practical applications like making tools/potions/disguises/etc, with the actual battling being best left to the superior fighters such as Kureha. This leads to numerous intriguing scenarios where Keyaruga wins through wits rather than brawn, although the flashy action scenes are definitely more memorable than the alternatives. It's also hard to deny that the revenge scenes aren't highly memorable and entertaining, despite being morally detestable, and being so memorable is truly an accomplishment. But revenge aside, Keyaruga adventuring with his harem is heartwarming and a positive environment for everyone, and despite the brainwashing and whatnot making things a bit more morally complex, the environment truly is positive. Which ties this into the whole concept of "environments shaping the people". All things considered, Keyaruga's adventuring party is a positive environment for all those involved. It brings out the best in Freiya, Setsuna, Kureha, and Eve. It's a messy and complex situation for sure, but they all end up better people at the end of the adventure, including Keyaruga himself, who slowly find his heart healed as he spends his nights with those who love him. Are the characters good or evil? Are their actions good or evil? Are they redeemable or irredeemable? As I have said countless times, Healer cares not for these immature questions. It espouses a philosophy far more advanced and meaningful - that people are simply people, and attempting to apply grand ethical judgments to the things they do is spinning circles in a game of language. All talk about Healer being morally detestable, or Keyaru being evil, or anything like that is simply missing the point. Healer is about environments and growth. It's about finding a reason to live and learning to trust other people. It's about life. Read the LNs if you can. The story slows down a bit in Volumes 4-5 (with the anime ending on Volume 3), but it really goes places by the end, and the depth of the author's ideas become far more apparent when you can peer closer into Keyaru's deranged mind and see the torment tearing him apart.
Your probably looking at the 10/10 i gave this series and have aptly ascertained that i am must be mentally ill. Especially if you have actually watched this piece of garbage. No its, not a mistake, nor do i need to be committed to any kind of padded room. This story and every character in it is the personification of what terrifying things can be done with moral justification under the right set of circumstances. In a way its meant to be a lesson of the cost of enlightenment. How high exactly can that price be; how far can a good person fall under theright circumstances; what could those circumstances look like? Well, you have found an answer to that question, its "kaifuku jutsushi no yarinaoshi" The hero, or anti hero of this story chooses the path of most suffering, that can in no way be attributed, in his eyes at least as his fault or unjustified in anyway; which is unfortunately a position that is both difficult to agree or disagree with. Which seems to be the very purpose of this piece of work. For the record i don't think the person that wrote this is depraved or sadistic, its more like he has written a reflection of the world around him and he doesn't leave out one iota of the depravity we have in the world around us. Its a story of what god would see if he was looking down on us right now, at the world he created and just like the original, this is utter shit. ^^ Most viewers will not like this anime; myself included, but i still recommend watching it.
Im gonna be so fr. This anime is 100% not for everyone. Some people even made this into a meme. Although I still believe this is a really good anime despite its sexual content and other interesting plot twists. Following the main character he is betrayed by the heroes of the story and turns back time to exact revenge upon them. This story is similar to Failure Frame's concept and The Rising of the Shield Hero concept. It is pretty unique in its form because instead of exacting revenge he pretty much just indulges in sexual activities with the people he wants revenge on. OverallI did enjoy this story although I do wish there was less sexual content. Should watch it but don't watch if ur under 16.
Masterpeace for once a MC that is not a bitch! and fights back! gigeddy giggedy crabedi giggedy. The Story is unique. the characters are good! In the vast universe of anime, every so often, a true masterpiece emerges that defies conventions and sets a new standard. Redo of a healer is one such gem that has graced our screens. At its core, what sets it apart is its protagonist. For once, we have a main character who isn't a pushover or constantly second-guessing themselves. Instead, they stand their ground, fight back with vigor, and exhibit a refreshing assertiveness that many anime fans have been yearning for. Thephrase "gigeddy giggedy crabedi giggedy" might sound whimsical, but it perfectly encapsulates the exhilarating and unpredictable nature of this anime. The story itself is a breath of fresh air. It's not just another rehashed plot we've seen a hundred times before. It's unique, innovative, and keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The narrative is woven with intricate details, unexpected twists, and a depth that beckons viewers to dive deeper and deeper into its world. As for the characters, they are nothing short of brilliant. Each one is fleshed out with their own backstories, motivations, and quirks. They're not just mere placeholders or tropes; they feel real, relatable, and contribute significantly to the overarching narrative. Their interactions are genuine, their growth is palpable, and their journeys are both heartwarming and heart-wrenching. In conclusion, Redo of a healer is a tour de force in the world of anime. It's a shining example of what the medium can achieve when it's at its best. If you're looking for an anime that breaks the mold, offers a compelling story, and boasts unforgettable characters, then look no further. This is a must-watch for any anime enthusiast.
HOO BOY, I've been on the fence and don't really wanna talk about this one, but since it has already garnered quite the reputation for being the latest show in a series of "Hell of a Dumpster Fire" shitstorm of "dark, voluptuous and edgy power fantasy" series to come out of the unhinged "I can't believe it's not 𝐻Ǝ𝒩𝒯𝒜𝐼" degenerate culture of a "genre", might as well give it a go. Anything and whatever goes for the most gut-wrenching guilty pleasure of the season, and I already know that I'm gonna get flamed for this...BUT I DON'T CARE TWO FLYING F*CKS, because as a straightmale (too bad I ain't one with an abalone), I may choose to say that I absolutely hated this show to oblivion, but deep within the depths of the rabbit hole...lies PEAK FICTIONAL SATISFACTION. I've already warned you AT THE VERY BEGINNING that if advices from The Anime Man or Gigguk (and eventually Mother's Basement) aren't enough WORD for you to drop this show, be my guest, because you're about to enter this deep hellhole of what Joey describes it best: 𝓡𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓮 𝓟ở𝓻𝓷: The Anime. WTF Japan!? To understand what Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi a.k.a Redo of Healer all about, let's go through the checklist of tips of what defines a killer revenge story plot: 1) Motivation for revenge is key! It can’t be something petty, or make the hero look weak (e.g. enacting revenge on a girl for breaking his heart aged 16 just makes him look like he’s never grown up!) It needs to be bigger than this, so… 2) Make the reason something juicy and multi-layered to add motivation and keep the reader (and even the heroine) guessing why it has affected him so deeply. 3) Beware the revenge plot based on a misunderstanding: This can get very frustrating for the audience! 4) Spare a thought for the person in the wrong: Their behavior needs to be just as, if not more, well motivated as the person seeking revenge years later! Perhaps they did something bad, but for a very good reason...? 5) There needs to be more to your character than just a thirst for revenge that has consumed and driven them for decades. Otherwise they may seem like a crazed psychopath, or even worse, a pantomime, 2D villain! 6) Remember, revenge is not an emotional conflict! What else will keep your characters apart (or together) once they’ve resolved the issues that trigger the revenge plot? 7) Heroes/Heroines out for revenge...use with caution! They can work brilliantly, but he/she must be very well-motivated as it is essential your hero/heroine has the readers’ empathy. 8) A revenge plot is, by definition, driven by characters pushed to their emotional limits. If you’re drawn towards very dark-hearted heroes seeking vengeance for past sins, you might need to work that bit harder to persuade us why why should fall in love with him...especially if his behaviour is particularly outrageous! 9) The power balance in a revenge plot is inevitably skewed towards the avenger...so make sure the other character has personal traits that allow them to balance this out! 10) And the best way to seek revenge...well, in the bedroom of course 😉 (for some series!) They do say it’s best served hot...! And does the main no-nonsense wreck of a "homewrecker" MC that is Keyaru fit all, or most of these descriptions? Yes and no. Maybe that's why author Rui Tsukiyo's research that more women than men are drawn towards this, it's tip-top "Redo Wednesday Culture" levels of degeneracy that's unprecedented ever since SAO's "rape" scenes, Berserk's "rape" levels of brutality, Shield Hero's misogynistic "revenge" plot (that gave the justice that it did), and Goblin Slayer's premiere episode of pure goblin-on-human "rape" thrashing. ALL OF THAT, combined with the emotions of watching Interspecies Reviewers' levels of 𝐻Ǝ𝒩𝒯𝒜𝐼 plot that's like Rance IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. Hey guys, we're witnessing modern classics in the Winter season, from Attack on Titan, to Ex-Arm, and now this one. Pure "goodness" that's simply unrivalled upon the depths of the trashiest "masterpiece" anime ever made and seen on the deepest depths of the earth. Want to know how the MC Keyaru is like? I'll do the honours in the form of a meme: This is Keyaru. Keyaru is a healing magician who can use healing magic to save every human being, because it's the strongest class. Keyaru is subdued and subjected to pretty much EVERY SINGLE kind of torture you can think of. Keyaru is being drugged, being forced to submit from both genders' misogynistic ways of torture, from NTR to pure rape. Keyaru has lost everything related to him: the village, his family and his purity/virginity. Keyaru longs for revenge upon this corrupt kingdom who's been hampering the liberty of its citizens and subjecting them to death without trial. Keyaru is smart to find out that he can "Heal" the corrupt world by Redo-ing everything, thus so... Be like Keyaru. "Heal" all the pent-up revenge, and f*ck away with his toys. I wouldn't be complaining if Keyaru was already a broken human being both physically and mentally, he is WIRED to be like that by the very kingdom that houses him, along with the other "Heroes" who are also broken in their mentality and thought processes a lot to subjugate whatever the hell they're up against, let alone someone who they can use as a tool. And yes, everyone in this revenge story are TOOLS: SEX TOYS if I can infer best. All the sexual fanservice favourable girls here are also like Keyaru, mentally broken by whatever circumstances that deem them as usable tools with all of the bestiality that's going on, whether human or beast. Keyaru treasures his tools and friends well, and that's about as "morally" good or bad this shitshow has grown to be, with the popularity that even trumps established series in sales...BECAUSE SEX SELLS. If there's a studio that is infamous enough to do shitshows like these, you know that you know there's ONLY ONE who can do the job one-up better: TNK. School Days, High School DxD, Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai, even Senran Kagura. There's no shortage of raunchy Ecchi shows that only this. You definitely get what you're "paying" your eyes and ears for when you're watching a show made by TNK: it's purely for the "plot", and nothing else. Don't watch the censored version, watch the Complete (Uncensored) Recovery version. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You know the music, it's pretty much straight-up 𝐻Ǝ𝒩𝒯𝒜𝐼-ish, it's as if you're watching a gory and violent version of Rance! But if there's someone to thank for the nightmare-ish feelings, it's Keyaru's VA Yuya Hazumi. He's a relatively new Seiyuu, but to think that Keyaru would be his very first work (if you discount the very mediocre Actors: Songs Connection) at being the main character, as someone would say: "He probably slays all the thots IRL with that mighty chad voice." or "I bet he gets plenty of PUSSIES spawning behind him every time he speaks...CHAD." Even to Flare/Freya's VA Ayano Shibuya, this is her 3rd Seiyuu work (and the first main character work), you can tell just by the "rape" scene that she's incredibly talented. Always have known Minami Kuribayashi for some great songs, and the OP is no different, as is ARCANA PROJECT for the ED. Such parallels between tainted dark terror and pure white innocence that I can't get enough of. Are you ready for the no-nonsense Porno adventure that reeks full of some of the most fanatical and fantastic garbage shit, because Redo of Healer is inviting you into a trance of an "adventure of a lifetime", one that is not boring, and there's some degeneracy to be had to grow on you. This is NOT for the faint-hearted dweebs who love to complain or shit about it, and if you do, prepared to be slayed by the revenge edge lord that is our Master and Lord Keyarga, Saviour of the World. MUHAHAHAHAHA...may the guilty pleasures never end...
Not an anime to watch if you have past issues with forced non consensual intercourse. this anime has some good plot pullers, but its very difficult to watch at times, i watched it once because a buddy suggested watching it. but i'll never watch it again in the future, and i love rewatching short animes all the time. but this is not one i'll rewatch. art style and music were good for an anime of this time, definitely on par with other animes of todays day and age. character flaws were definitely discussed in great detail as the show focuses on past trauma and revenge. story was definitely unique, andhad some good parts to it, but i still strongly advise against watching it.
It's just rage-bait. In retrospect, it shouldn't be surprising that every edgy fourteen year old pounced on it the second it came out. There's not much to say about the story, since anything that happens in the story only exists to explain whatever sex scene is happening. It's literally just revenge porn marketed as anime so they can get sales from aforementioned edgy teens. Nothing to write home about, and definitely nothing to go into detail about. As I mentioned, the story and characters only exist to justify the porn. No characters are particularly likeable or unlikeable, since there's not much to say about them.Of course, you have your comically evil villains, and your comically evil main character, which some incels will claim is commentary about how women suck (actual take I read during its prime). Some people will talk about how it's problematic, but well, no shit. It's not as mind or industry breaking as some hornballs claimed, which is why it was forgotten after a good three months. The fanbase being full of misogynystic immature people who idolize people like Andrew Tate says enough. 1/10, since it was boring unless you have a chronic raging boner and you get quoted on r/Im14andthisisdeep a lot.
Not everyone will appreciate this anime. Its content is intended for mature audiences due to the presence of themes like abuse and gore. If you're someone who is sensitive to these topics, it's advisable to steer clear of watching it. While each episode contains a sex scene, the show is known for its well-developed characters, coherent plot, and believable world. The story is about a hero named Keyaru, who has the power to heal. However, the other heroes treat him very poorly, even enslaving and torturing him. Keyaru seeks revenge and goes back in time to a point before he meets the other heroes. This iswhere the story takes a dark turn, and Keyaru becomes an evil protagonist. The story is compelling because there is no clear "good" side. The animation and the soundtrack are good. Overall, the story is quite impressive. If you can handle sex, abuse, and gore in a fictional story, then I would recommend trying this anime.
Dear Viewer, this is a combined Review of 8 very critical Anime-watchers and EVERYONE AGREED: This is a piece of Art. Even centuaries later, people will talk about this masterpiece. My favorite part was, when he said "heal". It has amazing character design and development and an over the top story arc. Don't forget about the plotholes. Many... many... plotHOLES.I would also highly recommend, to watch this series as a group like we did. Maybe even with your family who may have never watched an anime before. In conclusion, the characters came together to form a great story. It's about trust, friendship and an heoric revenge. Big rewatchability.
Well, this is an awkward one to review, mostly for the misconceptions about it I had going in. Really wish I hadn't gotten into any MAL forum debates about it until the series finished airing... and it took me a while after that to get back to it, admittedly. Right off the bat, saying it here: the plot is a rape victim getting revenge by raping his rapists. This series is "ecchi" in the sense that there are sex scenes that would make this hentai except for the fact that no one's privates are shown, but believe me there is nothing comedic about this series.And both "regular" sex scenes and rape scenes are explicit (especially if you watch it uncensored), so know what you can handle going in. So, right off the bat, here are the couple of things I was mostly arguing with other people about in terms of this anime, mostly having episodes 1-3 to work with at the time: 1) "This anime isn't misogynistic." And I still stand by that, to be honest. Horrible things happen to people of any gender or sexuality if they also happened to have abused this man, and I don't think it can get much more egalitarian than that. Gender-neutral revenge. The most "misogynistic" thing in this series, in my eyes, is that this happens to be an anime with a growing harem, but that's not exactly what made this series so infamous to so many people. 2) "That the rape scenes depicted weren't sexualized, in that this wouldn't work as power/rape-fantasy porn." And I ... GUESS this still applies? This is the point that grew the weakest as I moved forward because I had only watched the first 3 episodes at the time, in which the brutality of Keyaru's torture methods was at his peak. And that's the thing... I watch quite a bit of different "fantasy" hentai myself, and I can certainly say that your standard "groper on a train" porn doesn't hold a candle to watching fingers get individually crushed, healed, and then crushed again and again. Like, I cannot see someone looking to this series for the purpose of jacking off. The majority of this plot, especially in the earlier episodes, felt like just watching someone being torn down, broken, walking down the path of revenge, and seeing how dark things would get for everybody. Seeing it all through the villain's perspective, like how Death Note had us follow Light Yagami, except we are dealing with crimes of rape specifically... and rectifying it with more rape. Which is another aspect people will fight over that I honestly just can't see being so pressed about. The main character is a rapist, yes... but mostly a rapist of other rapists, HIS rapists. No, I don't feel sympathy for this main character's victims... because they are abusers and rapists. It comes down to your individual morality, I guess. But I can't say I looked down on his goal for revenge by the end. In fact, when the anime was over, I was slightly disappointed that his revenge on one of the dudes that raped him, one of the creepiest men you'd ever see, was later on in the series, not to be animated at this point. I was hoping this show would have it all tied up neatly at the end, but I guess it was simply written to be a longer series. So I can say I was fully onboard with the plot of the revenge train. And to contrast that, the plot of the growing harem was... an odd one, and personally a choice I wouldn't have made, had I been in the writers' shoes. It really plays into a lot of people's perceptions of just being a male power fantasy and wanting to control women... to elaborate, a couple of people in the harem I get because they are brainwashed rapists that he is toying with as a personal form of revenge... the other few members of the harem, though, are women that he said JUST the right words to get them to agree to join him, putting his silver tongue to work. So outside of the "toy" members of the harem, it just seems greedy and extra to have that many women at his disposal. And if any episodes of this series play into the idea of the sexualization of rape, it wouldn't be in the rape scenes themselves, but in the "consensual" regular sex that the group has on the daily. So yeah, I didn't get a hint of that early on, but the bigger the group grew, the more I realized what kind of show this was. If this were to be purely a dark fantasy explore the psyche of the trauma of a rape victim seeking revenge and how he would just kind of emotionally deteriorate because of that as I had thought was happening, this would be a 10/10 psychological thriller show, no question, and I would probably be unashamed to be its biggest fan. Unfortunately, though, that's not the beast that this series is. But that doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable. So, I accept the fact that this is a harem show. Sex for both pleasure and for torture - that's what this is at the end of the day. The beginning of the series explains what it can in terms of Keyaru's power and the timeline of what's happening, and that was an interesting hook at the start. But at the end of the day, this series wants to give you sex, blood, murder, trauma, all delivered in a way you haven't seen before. The fact that I made the mistake of thinking that there was a legit story buried here in Keyaru's character that I kept wanting to follow him for was in itself the show working its magic, showing a spectacle, a trainwreck, that you can't look away from. If you're the kind of person that can stomach it, it's a great time. Love it for the hot trash that it is. *Also: Anime America Hot Trash Award, 2021 Hells yeah